Evil Insect God

Chapter 1332: Five years

As more and more techniques fell into the bottleneck, Huo Hai could only find other things to do. On the one hand, he was still comprehending the spirit formation, and on the other hand, he began to study some things that were not valued before.

With such a research, Huo Hai really found that he had a lot of good things that he hadn’t had time to deal with, such as the solar eclipse secret method, which is not suitable for Huo Hai’s cultivation, but this law of extreme yang to extreme yin is very important to Huo Hai It is of great significance, once it is understood to a certain extent, it even has a certain promoting effect on Huo Hai's cultivation and promotion.

Lingzun masters understand that it is their own laws to improve. Once they are condensed, they cannot be changed, but before condensing, there are countless possibilities. Even the cultivator himself does not know how his own laws will go on.

Therefore, at this time, the more you can comprehend some smart rules that are useful to you, the easier it will be to promote your inner world. This solar eclipse secret method is not suitable for Huo Hai, but the truth in itself is extremely profound.

Then, Huo Hai found a huge spar from his inner space, "Haha, I forgot you." Huo Hai looked at this spar, which was obtained from the Heavenly Soul Sect. , The powerful soul in it also helped Huo Hai to improve a lot, and it was almost forgotten after being placed in the inner space for such a long time.

Now that I found it, it can’t be wasted. Huo Hai thought for a while, and then began to study the spirit formation of the soul. Huo Hai’s understanding of the spirit formation has indeed reached a bottleneck, but Huo Hai can still create some different spirit formations. .

And while manufacturing, maybe you can use this method to further your understanding of the spiritual formation.

Within Huo Hai’s family, no matter what they do, no one will take care of them. After a month or two, Huo Hai redesigned a spirit formation that merged with the original spirit formation into one without the slightest conflict. .

The core of this spirit formation is the huge spar in Huo Hai's hands. When the spirit formation is formed, a torrent of soul power is attracted by the spirit formation, then slowly purified, and finally injected into the spar. , Under the fetters of the spar, the entire floating cloud island was filled with soul power, which was made by drawing on the floating island of Tianyang Gate.

"Hehe, in the future, some people want to quickly improve their mental power and practice the secret method of spiritual power. This is the best." The Huo family is not without the mysterious method, but the increase in spiritual power is too unrecognizable, so few people are willing Practice.

The main cultivation on the Heavenly Spirit Continent is still spiritual power, and spiritual power is mostly improved with spiritual power cultivation. With this, I believe that this state can be changed somewhat in the future, so that some people with spiritual power can go further.

After making this spiritual formation, Huo Hai really felt that his understanding of the spiritual formation had gone a step further. Although, in this way, the level of Huo Hai's spiritual formation was once again stuck in the new bottleneck, but after all, it was not improved. Few, and since Huo Hai created this place, many members of the family often visit here to enhance their spiritual power.

After Huo Hai created the spirit formation, he left here. It was of no use to him. Huo Hai, a master who was worshipped by the entire Huo family, had seen the dragon without seeing the end all day, and few people could see it. .

Even the special spirit worms that were created, Huo Hai was directly handed over to Huo Feng and let Huo Feng handle it. On the entire Floating Cloud Island, Huo Feng was the person in charge, Huo Hai, it was just because of his own temperament.

As for the Phoenix Catchers, they basically won’t go to the area around Fuyun Island. Most of the time, the Phoenix Catchers are just outside to help Huomen open up space. Now, the vast sea and surrounding areas basically All have become the control area of ​​Huomen, but for this, the Anemone family doesn't care at all, they have no concept of territory at all.

Huo Hai, who was free again, began to refine his alchemy skills, and even when he was fine, he actually took out the refining skills to study. At this time, Huo Hai finally understood why the heavenly masters are so versatile.

Usually there is too much time. It’s impossible not to find something to pass the time. The best way to pass the time is to study some things, but with the savvy of the heavenly masters, everything can be easily understood. Deep realm.

Therefore, those sky-level masters who have lived for a long time will give people a feeling that everything can do everything. Huo Hai is now in such a situation, because of Huo Hai’s cultivation base, he has been researching refining equipment very quickly. , In the family, there are already a lot of weapons refined by Huo Hai, and the quality is quite high-end.

In a blink of an eye, a year has passed. Through his own efforts, Huo Hai has slowly and thoroughly analyzed the core of the Nine-fold Moon Flower, and then with the help of the Xingchen Stone Wall, this core has been more perfected.

Although it has not been completed yet, at this time the nine-layered moon flower has become a defensive battle spirit of saint-level quality. After a year of practice, Huo Hai's own starlight slowly condenses, which is renamed the special defense spirit of the nine-layer starlight. After being successfully cultivated by Huo Hai, it's just that Huo Hai has only a layer of starlight all over his body, and it will naturally appear when he is attacked.

Huo Hai tried it on his own, and his current level of starlight was completely unable to block his star sword aura. With the current intensity of the starlight, if he wanted to block his sword aura, at least triple starlight would do.

However, Huo Hai has just cultivated the nine-fold starlight, so the starlight is not condensed enough, and the power is not strong enough. I believe that after he fully exerts the power of the nine-fold starlight, only relying on a starlight barrier can basically offset most of his sword aura. It is not impossible to even block directly, once again possessing the defensive war spirit art, Huo Hai is finally relieved a lot.

In the past, there was no defensive war spirit art. In the face of an attack from the realm of spirits, Huo Hai could only evade or crack it by head-to-head with the opponent. Once he was hit, there would be absolutely no good results because he had no defensive ability.

It is different now. If once again faced with the encirclement and suppression of the Phoenix Catch and Hui Haozong that day, Huo Hai believes that an attack of that level can be easily resisted by himself without any injuries. This is the effect of the defensive war spirit art.

Next, Huo Hai spent more time to perfect and upgrade his Nine Starlight. At the same time, he was constantly improving his cultivation base. Although his cultivation base was improved slowly, he still made firm progress step by step. Walking in the direction of Lingzun Double Heaven, according to this situation, Huo Hai believed that he would definitely be able to break through within a hundred years.

It is really impossible to practice in the Heavenly Soul Realm too fast. Huo Hai smiled bitterly and shook his head and sighed. Time continued to pass. It has been three years since Huo Hai returned home this time. Huo Hai’s current nine-fold starlight has already lost its power. Fully played out.

However, Huo Hai’s star sword was also condensed to the extreme by Huo Hai. The starlight on the sword body flickered. Now Huo Hai’s full strength of the sword energy can only be offset by his nine-fold starlight. I have to say that for the sword technique Huo Hai's comprehension is far beyond the comprehension of the method of defense. Attack is always simpler than defense. This is normal.

However, Huo Hai has already begun to condense the second starlight. Once the condensing is successful, even his own star sword aura cannot break through. At that time, Huo Hai is absolutely sure that he can fight against the masters of the four heavens. .

Of course, the premise is that the other party will not have any special means. Huo Hai really doesn't know what the Heavenly Spirit Realm is like. On this day, Huo Hai suddenly felt a breath of breath released. After a short while, a figure appeared. In front of Huo Hai.

"Ocean, I finally made a breakthrough." Fang Biya came out first. After three years of hard training and more than two months of retreat in the previous period, Fang Biya was the first to break through to the spirit emperor realm. At this time, the breath of the whole body became stronger and stronger, even if it was a little closer, you could feel the cold breath of Fang Biya's whole body.

Huo Hai smiled slightly: "Yes, not bad. At this age, there are not many in the history of the Heavenly Soul Region who can reach the realm of the Spirit Emperor." Huo Hai's smile completely infected Fang Biya.

But Fang Biya was still a little depressed: "But compared to you, it's still far behind." One is the first-level spiritual emperor, and the other is the first-level spiritual emperor. There is a big difference between them, which is simply the world. do not.

Huo Hai didn't care: "Okay, well, just take your time. With your talent, one day you will reach the heavenly level. At that time, we will be the eternal couple, and you can always be by my side. "Fang Biya showed a sweet smile on her face when she heard the words, no strength was placed in Fang Biya's heart at all.

In Fang Biya's heart, being able to accompany Huo Hai forever and be able to help Huo Hai is the most important thing. Breaking through to the realm of Spiritual Venerable is not just to be able to slowly enjoy eternal life with Huo Hai.

On the second day, Yun'er, who had reached the limit of accumulation, had already broken through to the realm of Lingdi, but Yun'er and Fang Biya were different. They just came out and made the entire Floating Cloud Island jump, except for Huo Hai. Waiting for people, but no one can control this little girl, and now the entire Huo family will feel a headache when they see this girl.

In the next few days, Ji Mu and Qu Siyu reached the realm of Lingdi one after another, but Feng Jiaojiao was a little slower, so it would take a month or two to reach the realm of Lingdi.

Feng Jiaojiao is in retreat. Everyone knows that this is an important moment, so no one will bother. Huo Feng and other senior leaders of the Huo family, because the family has successively appeared masters of the spirit emperor, every day is full of smiles, the first level spirit emperor It's nothing for the top sect, but this is the first time that the Huo family has a large number of spirit emperors. This is an important milestone.

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