Evil Insect God

Chapter 1333: Magic knife

Within two months after that, Feng Jiaojiao also broke through to the realm of Lingdi, came out of her retreat, and gathered again. Of course, everyone should relax and not be immersed in cultivation all the time.

They are not Huo Hai. When they are fine, they can spend all their time on cultivation. Besides, the cultivation after the spirit emperor realm also takes a lot of time to deduce their runes. Huo Hai can't help with this kind of thing. , It can only be seen how their own savvy is. Perhaps, the large collection of books in the Huo family is also useful.

At this moment, Xiao Kui also suddenly ran out of her retreat, "Brother Huo, I am out." Seeing Huo Hai, Xiao Kui narrowed her eyes into a seam with a smile, and moved towards Huo Hai. Flew over.

"You girl, it's really not worrying." Huo Hai saw through Xiaokui's current state at a glance. The crystal nucleus only shattered. Naturally, it is impossible to be as perfect as Huo Hai. Xiaokui did not retain her previous Runes.

Huo Hai remembered that he had said to Xiaokui before, but according to Xiaokui herself, she did not have the powerful control ability of Huo Hai, so after breaking the crystal core, she could not retain the rune at all, and could only let it go. It was wasted. In this case, Huo Hai couldn't blame anything. Not everyone was the same as himself and had the light of the soul before breaking through.

Looking at Xiao Kui's soul again, there was only a little light of the soul condensed in it. Xiao Kui didn't even think that she would come out after all the transformation. With her personality, it was not easy for her to retreat for such a long time.

It will gradually transform in the future, anyway, it will be completely transformed sooner or later anyway. Just after Xiaokui came out, she dragged Huohai and others, as well as some friends of the sea anemone family, to the sky lake to have a good fun.

Having been crazy with these girls for a few days, Huo Hai finally stopped again, but at this time, Huo Hai once again had nothing to do. On this day, Huo Hai suddenly noticed the broken knife in his hand. The bloodblade breaks the knife, it is not easy to be tempered to this extent by the murderous tempering, um, just to study it."

Huo Hai took two cutting knives and began to study. This murderous aura does not belong to the original force between heaven and earth. It is a kind of humane force, which can only be produced by killing, so it is not his own unique law.

It is precisely because of this that a person who fully cultivates murderous aura can only reach the peak of the spiritual emperor, and it is impossible to break through. If you want to break through, you must understand your own laws and use your own path and fusion of murderous auras to break through.

A killing machine like the bloodblade obviously lacks a little understanding, and it is naturally impossible to break through. In other words, what really restricts the bloodblade's inability to break through is the understanding of the bloodblade's own laws, not the power of murderous intent.

There are actually two ways to break through and reach the spiritual deity. Most spiritual masters condense the inner world and comprehend their own laws, but some people are not like this. They condense the inner world, but do not. Will comprehend one's own laws, but integrate the laws possessed by heaven and earth into one's own inner world and steal the power of heaven and earth.

In this way, you can avoid spending your energy to comprehend new laws. Just learn the heaven and the earth. As their inner world merges into a certain law of heaven and earth, their inner world will continue to deepen, and their power will become stronger and stronger.

This kind of cultivation method is very fast, but it is a little weaker than normal spiritual masters. It is basically impossible to beat normal spiritual masters at the same level. Therefore, such spiritual masters have reached the realm of spiritual masters. It is also called a pseudo-spiritual deity.

Regardless of whether it is a pseudo-spiritual deity or not, a spiritual deity is ultimately a spiritual deity. After surpassing a realm, it is still not easily challenged by others. If you integrate into the laws of heaven and earth, you can practice at a very fast speed, which is very attractive. Although such a person will always It is impossible to detach from the heaven and the earth, and finally can only merge into the heaven and the earth and become a subordinate of the heaven and earth origin like a puppet.

However, since ancient times, I have never heard of that spiritual master who can transcend the world. As a subordinate of the origin of the world, it is also very good. At least it is difficult to be killed. It is said that if the law of the world can be fully integrated, he will be immortal. .

In other words, as long as the heaven and the earth are immortal, these people will not really die. Even if the body and soul die, they can be resurrected with the help of the origin of the heaven and earth. This suddenly makes Huo Hai feel a little familiar. Isn't this similar to the saints in the legends of previous lives? .

Huo Hai didn’t know how to practice this kind of cultivation method that directly integrated the laws of heaven and earth, but Huo Hai knew that demonic energy is different from murderous aura. Murderous aura is the power generated by the creatures themselves, but demonic aura is a power of heaven and earth. People with devil qi can directly reach the origin of heaven and earth, and it can be regarded as a way to improve with the power of heaven and earth.

If this is the case, the devil energy can also be made into a seed, allowing people to quickly break through to the heavenly level. Even if they lose their minds and become a killing machine, they will not be stuck in the realm of the spirits.

It seems to be a very feasible thing to use demon energy and use the tempering method of the blood blade to improve. Just do it when you think about it. Huo Hai quickly found some heavenly materials. According to the record of the secret method of condensing, Huo Hai started Forged weapons forcibly.

With Huo Hai’s ability, it’s impossible to create a heavenly weapon embryo. At least Huo Hai can’t do it right now. In terms of pill, Huo Hai has been able to refine the emperor’s pinnacle goods, but the refining weapon can only make the emperor. Class weapons.

Huo Hai didn’t care. He just piled up materials to create a long knife of imperial quality. However, this long knife is a tool embryo, not a real long knife. This is Huo Hai's use of condensed guns. The secret method combined with the blood blade manufacturing method was created with great difficulty, and Huo Hai did not condense the qi of this long knife.

Instead, it uses the method of condensing the gang to slowly infiltrate the magic energy blessing that was originally collected from the magic shadow, and then uses a special method of melting and forging to completely integrate the magic energy and the long knife.

Drawing lessons from the bloodblade manufacturing method, the long knife that Huo Hai finally produced can be continuously improved. From Huo Hai’s point of view, it is not a problem to at least be upgraded to the holy rank. As long as the negative force is continuously absorbed to transform the devilish energy, Can continue to improve, and can also deny the owner of the magic knife, so that the owner of the magic knife can use it to practice magic power.

But similarly, this long knife also has a shortcoming, that is, the devil energy is absorbed and transformed too quickly, and it is easy for people to be completely enchanted and become a lunatic. This effect is also caused by Huo Hai deliberately, otherwise how to use it for layout.

Huo Hai, who has tasted the sweetness of the bloodblade, naturally wants to prepare such a magic knife. Once he encounters any problems, he will use the magic knife to mess up, "No, such a magic knife can’t produce wisdom, it cannot Become a heavenly quality."

Huo Hai frowned. He had polished his Luoxia Sword intact. Because of his own polishing, the Luoxia Sword also produced a certain amount of spirituality. At least he could understand his own words, and he could also actively cooperate with him. Other people, if they get it. With the Long Sword's recognition, it can exert a certain power, but if it is not recognized, it can't play its role at all.

On the surface, it seems that there is only such a small effect, but only a weapon that truly produces spirituality can fully exert all the power of a heavenly master's body. Huo Hai has already realized this.

The Magic Sword was made by himself, but it was impossible to produce spiritual wisdom, so it would have an impact on his future layout. Huo Hai frowned. There was really no way to do this. Suddenly, Huo Hai's eyes lit up and he thought of something.

"By the way, how did I forget this." Huo Hai took out a group of white light. This is the light of the soul left by Huo Hai's killing of the ancestor of the Lie Sun that day. It has already been captured by Huo Hai. The will is thoroughly cleaned up.

Now this group of light of the soul is the real light of the soul. "Try it, it should be able to fuse." The light of the soul fits best with the light attribute power, but the light of the soul is the light of the soul. In terms of attributes, Huo Hai slowly closed the light of the soul towards the magic knife, and a powerful force exploded, suppressing both.

Gradually, as the two approached, the light of the soul without power support slowly began to vibrate. With the vibration, the color of the light of the soul flickered and dimmed, and finally gradually began to change to black, "Light and Dark Sure enough, they can transform each other." Huo Hai looked at the scene in front of him, while feeling as if he had realized something.

The right hand holding the light of the soul began to vibrate strangely. If you look closely, you will find that there is a very special law in it. Some things Huo Hai learned from the solar eclipse secret law have already been instinctively applied. come out.

With Huo Hai's movements, this group of white light changed faster. After a few minutes, the white light was completely eroded and turned into a black light. At this time, there was no repulsive force between the light of the soul and the magic knife. , A burst of power easily absorbed the black light, and the next moment, the magic knife buzzed, emitting endless black light.

"Yes, yes, this is the real magic knife. The magic energy has been transformed into magic light, and it is more powerful. Before reaching the sky level, you already have your own spirituality." Huo Hai was very satisfied.

At the moment when this knife possessed spirituality, it reached the level 9 of the earth level strangely. As long as it absorbed some devil energy, it could easily reach the peak. The difference after that was that the master of the devil knife used the devil energy to continuously polish itself.

After all, devil energy belongs to a kind of power between heaven and earth. This is the law of heaven and earth. No matter how polished it is, not only the master can use it. Any master who cultivates devil energy can use it with his hands. , But something like devil qi can't be cultivated by anyone, and if one is not careful, it will be forever.

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