Evil Insect God

Chapter 1334: Transformation complete

When the magic knife was formed, a devilish energy rushed into the sky. If it hadn't been suppressed by Huo Hai, it would have been noticed long ago. This thing is not a good thing, and it cannot be obtained by the Huo family.

Thinking of this, Huo Hai's heart moved, a force spread, and the magic light on the magic knife was gradually suppressed and faded away. Then, Huo Hai sent out a line of stars all over his body, sketching one after another on the magic knife. Wen, using the spirit formation, a complete seal was created, and Huo Hai's current spirit formation has become superb.

When the spirit formation was formed, the magic knife flickered a few times and turned into an ordinary black long knife. The star line on it looked like a pattern. When the knife fell into the hands of others, it was just a little stronger and longer. It's just a knife.

After doing all this, Huo Hai threw the sealed magic knife into his inner space without paying attention. If there were no special circumstances, this magic knife might have to stay in his inner space for a lifetime.

After making the magic knife, Huo Hai became idle again. In desperation, Huo Hai began to look through the large collection of books in his home. Huo Hai had already read it roughly before, but did not fully apply it. Now he reads books just for Find something to do for yourself, by the way, you can also learn everything you are interested in.

"The scroll manufacturing method, the one-time spar construction method, is not bad." Huo Hai suddenly thought that other big sects may have some things left by their own ancestors. The scroll was originally a special method evolved from the spirit formation. .

I know so much about the spirit array, why not leave some to my family? The power I left behind is not worse than the attack of a third-level spirit master. Huo Hai began to study it.

Huo Hai, who was sinking his heart, improved his comprehension of scrolls very fast. After all, Huo Hai's original comprehension of spirit formations had reached a very high stage, but he was not so good at refining spars. Most of the spar and the refining device are in the same line, and Huo Hai does not have enough understanding of the refining device, so he can't make it.

The best way to make the exalted scrolls is to use the fur on the beasts of the spirit-sovereign realm. There is no such material in the heavenly soul realm, although the skins on the corpses of the two ancestors of Yuehua and the sun can also be used.

However, Huo Hai could not do this kind of thing, so Huo Hai used the same methods as other large-scale sect masters, that is, using some special techniques to fuse the fur of the imperial beast with some special materials. Manufactured, such a refining scroll has limited strength, but it can also avoid the trouble of heavenly materials.

Huo Hai studied for a long time before finally comprehending one point. Time slowly passed. Five years' time was almost over in a blink of an eye. Huo Hai's research on scrolls has now reached a very high stage.

As long as there is enough material, Huo Hai can easily refine a scroll containing his own power. During this time, Huo Hai has made a dozen or so, and Fang Biya and others have one.

The rest is in the hands of Huo Feng. Once these scrolls are activated, the power that erupts is amazing, containing Huo Hai’s strongest star sword aura attack. I am afraid that even the opponent is the Spiritual Sovereign of the Three Heavens. For a while, facing a master of Lingzun 2nd Heaven, once it is displayed, it is even possible to slice the opponent directly.

With these, Huo Hai naturally felt more relieved. At the end of the time, Huo Hai once again felt the abnormal movement of the spirit worms in his inner space. Looking inside, his small bones and small water have been transformed successfully.

The first thing that transformed was Xiao Shui. Xiao Shui had truly reached the Spirit Venerable at this time. An inner world appeared in all the crystal nuclei of Xiao Shui, but the inner world composed of pure water was very special, and Huo Hai didn’t know how to return. thing.

As long as any crystal nucleus is shattered, part of the inner world will be damaged and disappeared, but after the birth of a new crystal nucleus, this inner world will recover again. This is Xiaoshui’s weird talent. The entire inner world seems to be in all crystals. The crystal nucleus of Xiaoshui, formed under the combined action of nuclei, is like a combination of complete crystal nuclei.

However, as Xiaoshui broke through, Xiaoshui’s crystal nucleus became harder. Huo Hai tried it and found that he was completely unable to shake the slightest. I don’t know if the master of the twelfth heaven of the spirits has the ability to make Xiaoshui’s The crystal nucleus is broken.

Xiaoshui, like the sea anemone family, is also a very extreme creature. When there is water, Xiaoshui can exert a stronger power than the sea anemone family, but when there is no water, it is a common bug, with only one point. Defense ability.

After the breakthrough, various defects have gradually disappeared. Xiaoshui, like the sea anemone family, can create water flow out of thin air, and can use water attribute aura instead of water to fight directly. Even the inner space of the small water body has the effect of compressing water. When it is released during battle, it will form a huge ocean, drowning everything, and enough water to control it.

But after Huo Hai’s experiment, Xiaoshui can now control a large amount of water floating in the air, and the flying speed is still very fast. With these abilities, Xiaoshui’s comprehensive combat ability is not known how much it has improved.

The spirit worms in the realm of Lingzun were truly extraordinary, "It's a pity, this Meltingwater Worm has reached the sage level, and it still doesn't have any IQ." Huo Hai didn't know what was going on with Xiaoshui, and couldn't figure it out anyway.

Soon after Xiaoshui’s metamorphosis, the ossicles were also transformed successfully. The appearance of the ossicles did not change much from before the metamorphosis, except that they had the ability to grow bigger and smaller. Huo Hai also asked the ossicles to create some ordinary ghost bone insects to hatch , The speed at which Xiao Bone produces ghost bone worms in the realm of Spirit Emperor is far beyond the original.

To create a skeleton, it will take dozens of hundreds of years to truly condense the bones. The completed bones really have the combat effectiveness of the Lingdi realm, but they don't have a high intelligence quotient, and they don't have a spiritual source.

Explosive attacks can be equal to the average spirit emperor, and the endurance is not enough, but these skeletons were originally won by numbers. With these things, the family is safer.

After Huo Hai’s experiment was completed, Xiao Bone directly started to incubate a large number of ordinary ghost bone insects. Although the speed was slow, the skeletons in the spirit emperor realm also had the value to make Huo Hai wait. I believe that with these things, even after ten thousand years, he Without being in the family, the family would not be easily destroyed by others, and Huo Feng was extremely happy to see these things.

After the ordinary ghost bone worms reached the realm of the spirit emperor, they slowly gained a little IQ. The IQ is not very high, but they can slowly think. Now these ghost bone worms, as long as they give a good order, they will know that they should. How to do it.

Now only his own Star Gu is left, and the transformation has not been completed for a long time. "Hey, after all, the sky-level source spirit stone absorbed at the beginning is too small, and the strength is not enough." Huo Hai observed his Star Gu, his eyes flashed After a little helplessness.

At the beginning, because there were too many Star Gus, I didn’t have so many heaven-level source spirit stones. It was just that the five thousand star Gu swallowed a few source spirit stones collectively, although the effect was better than those without heaven-level source spirit stones. Many, but still not enough. I don’t know if there are too many Heaven-level Origin Spirit Stones in the Sky Spirit Realm. If there are too many, try to let these out-of-print Star Gus eat some.

In a blink of an eye, five years have passed. Except for Huo Hai's improvement, everyone else is the same. After five years of natural transformation, Xiaokui's soul has finally completed its transformation, and his crystal nucleus has also shattered a few.

Fang Biya and others, with the help of a large amount of resources, broke through and reached the realm of the second-level spirit emperor. Even Huo Feng, with the help of Huo Hai, reached the level of the peak spirit emperor. Breakthrough, how long it takes to break through, I don't know this. Huo Feng's foundation was too poor before, and he only restarted cultivation after he was old, which was much worse.

On the contrary, Huo Hai's two apprentices, as well as Fang Biya and their apprentices, are now gradually approaching the spirit king realm. The reason why they are so slow is that Huo Hai wants them to lay a good foundation for themselves, so they can't be too fast.

They are not like when Huo Hai had enough resources to waste at will. Fortunately, these people have something to do with Huo Hai. No matter how Huo Hai uses resources, no one will say anything. If they were replaced by others, they would waste it to the disciples. As far as resources are concerned, I am afraid that many people in the family have long been jealous. Even so, many people are whispering in secret.

For these people, Huo Hai completely ignored them. Huo Hai never valued the family or anything. The resources in the family were all obtained by himself. How he wanted to use them, he had to make irresponsible remarks.

Time passed day by day. On this day, it has been five years since the Blood Rose issued the challenge book. Huo Hai looked at the sky, "There should be news coming," Huo Hai said slightly.

Suddenly, a guard flew in and said, "Master, your letter." Huo Hai took the letter, then waved his hand to retreat, and then opened the letter. As expected, there has been no news for five years. Blood rose.

At this moment, several figures walked in, "Hai, today is five years away, is this from Senior Sister Blood Rose? Are you leaving now?" Huo Hai just got the letter, Fang Bi Ya and the others had already arrived. Looking at Huo Hai, there was a look of worry and resentment in his eyes. I didn't expect five years to pass so quickly.

Huo Hai looked at the letter and said, "Yes, it's a battle with Blood Rose. Don't worry, Blood Rose is not my opponent. After this battle, the Blood God Sect will disappear." Huo Hai's face was full. It is self-confidence.

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