Evil Insect God

Chapter 1336: Make an appointment

When Xiaokui left a certain distance, the two shot at the same time, and Huo Hai flashed out a star light, but this was not Huo Hai's sword energy, but the star finger power that had been abolished for a long time.

Without the seed of origin, the effect of the Star Finger can be imagined. It is not too strong at all. The blood rose also waved its hand and emitted a **** light. This **** light is not a secret method, it is just to condense its own world. The strength of the attack was just one attack, and the two attacks met in the air, and died together with a burst of explosion.

However, the discerning person can still see that the power of the stars has the upper hand, "Huh, brother, come on, defeat this woman." Xiaokui cheered on the side with her teeth and claws, but did not do it, obviously remembering what Huo Hai said.

Huo Hai glared at Xiao Kui irritably, then turned his head and said: "I haven't seen you in a few years, your strength has risen to this level, and then I will be serious." The two were just tentative. It's just an attack.

Blood Rose nodded, did not speak, beautiful eyes stared at Huo Hai tightly. Huo Hai did not do anything, but was waiting for Blood Rose to do it. After thinking about it for a little bit, Blood Rose already understood. Gentle, since Huo Hai didn't move his hands, the blood rose moved naturally, his hands swirled, and blood flames appeared.

This is the strongest power of the blood rose. The blood flame burns slowly. Under the control of the blood rose, a huge blood flame wheel is formed. The wheel slowly flies towards Huo Hai, and when it rotates, it will remove the surrounding space. Fragmented every inch.

Huo Hai glanced at this wheel, and understood that this should be a method of using spiritual power, not a heaven-level war spirit art. Huo Hai did not want to use a heaven-level war spirit art to bully people, and then he pointed out. , Still refers to the stars.

But this time, Huo Hai’s power was obviously much greater than the last time. The starlight flashed away. The blood flame runner that accurately hits the wheel will disappear in the next moment. At this moment, the wheel suddenly stagnates. It stopped, and then the blood flame inside the runner boiled uncontrollably, and with a "bang", the runner exploded.

A shock wave spreads towards the surroundings. This power is nothing to the two of them, but within ten miles of the surroundings, they were burned into a wasteland in an instant. The aftermath of the battle of the spiritual masters is simply comparable to natural disasters. .

"My strength is still far inferior to you, but anyway, I still have to go all out today, you are careful." Blood Rose glanced at Huo Hai apologetically, her eyes getting more complicated and a little sad.

Suddenly, the blood rose spinning in place, as if dancing, the blood flames all over the body quickly burned, and the blood flames formed in groups, and then bloomed in the air. These blood flames bloomed like a lotus flower. The blood rose among the flowers is even more beautiful, even Xiaokui can't say a word at this time.

Xiaokui stared at the blood rose with wide eyes, his eyes glowing, not knowing what he was thinking, faintly, I could still see a trace of envy in Xiaokui's eyes, but at this time, Huo Hai didn't have the mind to control Xiaokui. .

A large number of blood-colored lotus flowers formed in the air, and then flew one by one toward Huo Hai. This is the real method of the blood rose. At this time, Huo Hai can also feel the slightest threat, without looking at Huo Hai Everyone knows that this is the effect exerted by the Heaven-Level War Spirit Art. If there is no Heaven-Level War Spirit Art, how could the Blood Rose threaten oneself.

Huo Hai quickly made a few handprints with his hands, and the creatures around him were shaped like spirit worms. Huo Hai did not use the spirit worms or even the power of the spirit worms. This is what Huo Hai slowly realized after reaching the spirits. ability.

A spirit worm that is completely controlled by himself can use his spiritual power to imitate a spirit worm, and then exert a certain strength of the spirit worm itself. What Huo Hai condensed this time is exactly the appearance of a star worm, and this is also an worm spirit master. A means of combat.

After the worm spirit master reaches the realm of the spirits, the polarization is very serious. If the spirit worms of the realm of the spirits can be subdued, the power of the two will be far more powerful than that of the ordinary spiritualists, but there is no noble worm. With the cooperation, its own combat effectiveness is very poor, only relying on this method of imitating its own spirit insects to gather spiritual power to fight.

Most insect spiritualists have the weakest combat power among spiritualists, but this method is very easy to comprehend. Huo Hai quickly understood this secret method through his own original feelings. Used for the first time.

The formed spiritual power beetle, under the control of Huo Hai, quickly flew out. This beetle has strong penetrating power and a subtle atmosphere of space. At the same time, there is also a light power blessing it. The transformation of Gu has not been completed, and what Huo Hai can imitate is the original Star Gu's aura, so Huo Hai is also very helpless.

"Whhhhh..." The sound of breaking through the sky continued, and the spiritual power star gu flew out one by one. Under Huo Hai's control, it instantly hit the blood-colored lotus released by the blood rose. With a series of explosions, the lotus and The spiritual power beetles are all gone.

But usually only two beetles can kill a lotus flower. There are many beetles in Huo Hai, and the scene quickly gains the upper hand. The beetles keep advancing, and gradually suppress the battlefield towards the blood rose.

The aftermath continued. The aftermath of a hundred miles around was completely unrecognizable. Within a thousand miles, the earthquake caused continuous earthquakes due to the vibration, as if a natural disaster had erupted. Fortunately, the two of them were here. No man's land, if it is in a place where normal people live, I am afraid that an empire will suffer heavy losses or even be destroyed directly.

The blood rose's eyes lit up, and the technique instantly changed. The blood-colored lotus continued to be produced, but two or three began to continue to merge. The larger blood-colored lotus spun, and the attack power instantly increased.

Originally only two beetles could destroy a lotus, now it takes more than a dozen, or even more than 20, to destroy a lotus. The blood rose gradually stabilized to the front, but it was still moving towards Huo Hai. Come.

Huo Hai smiled slightly: "Nice means, then I am like this." Huo Hai increased his spiritual power output. In all respects, Huo Hai far surpassed the Blood Rose, his spiritual power increased, and his surroundings became more and more. Many beetles appeared, constantly destroying the blood lotus, before the front was pushed over, it was stabilized by Huo Hai again, and Huo Hai liked this kind of attrition battle.

Blood Rose sighed helplessly: "Huo Hai, you really are not so easy to deal with. I can see that you haven't tried your best. The next move is my trick. Be careful." Blood Rose said.

At this time, Blood Rose knew that he didn't need a trick, and he didn't even have a chance. The large number of lotus flowers around him kept spinning, but they didn't attack Huo Hai's position. Upon seeing this, Huo Hai also stopped the spiritual power beetle.

The next moment, a blood lotus rose from the foot of the blood rose to bloom. The blood rose seemed to be standing among the blood lotus. The surrounding lotus seemed to be attracted by something, slowly floating over and being absorbed by the huge lotus. , The whole process was quite slow, and when it was fully integrated, one minute had passed.

Such a long time is not suitable for combat at all in normal times, but Huo Hai did not attack at this time, allowing the blood rose to prepare his own trick. When it was completely integrated, a huge blood lotus had completely bloomed.

With the wave of the blood rose, the huge blood lotus spins at high speed. Wherever it passes, the space is shattered, and the light flashes, which makes people feel a kind of shock. Huo Hai also feels his own blood in the face of this trick. It gradually boiled.

"Good come." I didn't expect Blood Rose to have such a trick. In any case, being able to have such a powerful attack makes Huo Hai feel excited. Sure enough, no master in the realm of Spiritual Venerable is simple, especially this one. This is even more true for the spirits with inheritance, the blood lotus attacks very fast, and in a blink of an eye, it has already approached.

Wherever they passed along the road, all the spiritual power beetles were torn to pieces in an instant, and there was no resistance at all. Huo Hai ignored these beetles, put down his handprints, and let these beetles slowly dissipate or be torn apart.

Huo Hai stretched out his right hand, his **** were in the state of sword fingers, and a ray of silver white sword energy slowly formed. Under the infusion of Huo Hai's spiritual power, the sword energy rapidly expanded, and the sword species in his body burst into bright light.

With the blessing of spiritual power, the sword aura grew stronger and stronger, almost instantly expanding to a level larger than that of the scarlet lotus. Huo Hai held a huge sword and pierced the sword towards the scarlet lotus, the next moment. , The silver white sword qi hit the lotus flower in the middle, and did not explode, instead there was a stalemate between the two.

It can be seen that the blood rose has reached an extremely high level of spiritual power control in this lotus flower. The place where the lotus flower and the long sword meet constantly vibrates, bursting out waves of waves, which are caused by spatial vibrations.

The huge sword is getting smaller and smaller, gradually shortening, and the huge lotus is constantly rotating, and it shrinks little by little. A few minutes later, Huo Hai’s huge sword has shrunk to three meters in length, and the huge lotus is only The diameter is less than two meters.

Huo Hai yelled, spiritual power exploded again, and the power of sword aura suddenly increased a lot. With a sword, a crack appeared in the middle of the lotus, the crack gradually expanded, and finally a lotus was enveloped in it, "boom" The core of the blood-colored lotus finally exploded, and a large amount of blood flame formed a shock wave, spreading towards the surroundings.

The ground, at this time, has become a sea of ​​blood and flames, constantly burning. The destructive power caused by the spirits, even if it is not intentional, can exist for at least tens of thousands of years. After tens of thousands of years, this place will change. What is it like?

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