Evil Insect God

Chapter 1337: Leave

After the blood lotus was cracked, Huo Hai remained as it was, without any change. The spiritual power in his body actually consumed nearly half of it under the first blow, which was already a lot for ordinary spiritual masters.

You should know that Huo Hai’s spiritual power is more than ten times that of other normal spirits. This half achievement is equivalent to half of the spiritual power in the blood rose body. It can allow Huo Hai to consume so much spiritual power to resist at once. The power of this trick One can imagine.

However, the blood rose was not so good at this time. His face was pale and panting. All the spiritual power in the body was exhausted in just one blow. Soon after the battle began, the blood rose exhausted the whole body. Zhixue Rose has tried her best at this time, looking at Huo Hai, the blood rose's eyes showed an extremely complicated look.

"You won." The Blood Rose looked at Huo Hai, and finally said after a long time. She could see that Huo Hai did not consume much at all, and the Blood Rose did not know that Huo Hai not only consumes less, but also recovers faster. .

Huo Hai shook his head and said, "It's a tie, aren't you doing well." The outcome is very obvious, but this one is not the enemy. Huo Hai still doesn't want to embarrass the blood rose too much, but at this time, the blood rose Don't care about these at all.

"If you lose, you lose. Needless to say, no matter what this battle is, from now on, I have nothing to do with the Blood God Sect. However, can you wait a few days? I don't want to see the blood God Sect's demise. , Can you wait until I leave before you do it." The blood rose's tone was full of pleading, which made people unable to refuse.

Xiao Kui snorted softly, turned his head, said nothing, but his eyes kept gazing over here.

Huo Hai thought for a while, and finally nodded and said, "Well, it's only a few days, I promise you." I have been waiting for five years. Is it still a few days away? It is a good thing to make the blood rose a little bit happy. Things.

"Thank you." The blood rose bowed deeply to Huo Hai. For Huo Hai, the blood rose didn't know what he was feeling. Every time he saw Huo Hai, his heart would be extremely excited and complicated, knowing that Huo Hai would destroy blood. Shenzong, but Blood Rose only had sadness in her heart, but she didn't complain at all. She didn't know how she was going.

Finally, I took a deep look at Huo Hai, and the blood rose turned his head: "I'm leaving, hope, I hope I can meet again in the future, and hope that next time, our next meeting will not be the same as today." He was melancholy.

Suddenly, Huo Hai remembered something, "Wait, I have something to give you." Huo Hai called the blood rose. The blood rose did not turn his head, but stopped. For Huo Hai, the blood rose is almost instinctive. obey.

Huo Hai shook his head: "I have something to give you. I forgot to give it to you after I destroyed the Blood Curse Sect last time. I found a lot of Blood Flame puppets in their secret rooms. I want to use these things for you. "The blood flame puppet is a treasure of the Blood God Sect, but in the hands of Huo Hai, it is of no use at all, it is not that Huo Hai can't use it.

However, even if Huo Hai used it, he couldn’t exert any power. Instead of wasting a lot of time to lift it up and then wasting it, it would be better to give a blood rose. With that, Huo Hai threw more than twenty boxes. Came out.

Within more than twenty boxes, each box contained a blood flame puppet sealed by Huo Hai. With Huo Hai's ability, it was easy to seal something that only had the realm of Spirit Emperor, so the seal was not very strong.

Huo Hai did not untie the seal. Blood Rose could dissolve this kind of seal at any time. After looking at these blood flame puppets, the blood rose waved his hand to collect it, and then he arched his hand at Huo Hai from a distance. "Thank you, I, I will never forget you." After saying that, Blood Rose's face was a little red, and she quickly turned her head around and left.

When he turned his head, a gleam of crystals fell, making Huo Hai feel a little low in his heart. In a blink of an eye, the blood rose had turned into a **** light, disappeared in the sky, and could no longer be seen. Huo Hai knew that the blood rose was gone. Up.

As long as she doesn't want to come out by herself, no one can make the blood rose appear, at least in the Sky Soul Region, and sighed, Huo Hai didn't know what he was thinking, just stayed in the air blankly.

I don’t know how long it has passed, Huo Hai felt his arm sink. I don’t know when Xiao Kui had already come to him, and he was holding his arm coquettishly, "Brother Huo, why don’t you ignore Xiao Kui, that, that person Already gone, let's go back too." Xiaokui originally wanted to curse a few words, but when she saw Huo Hai's eyes, she closed her mouth.

Huo Hai nodded: "Okay, let's go back." The ground has turned into a **** flame, which is also mixed with his own star power, but Huo Hai has not even thought about erasing it at this time.

This is also the only trace of the Blood Rose left near the Heavenly Soul Region. Just stay here. Huo Hai took Xiaokui and flew towards his home. Behind him is a raging flame, which will not burn forever. stop.

I don’t know how long it took, Huo Hai finally returned home, but Huo Hai’s mood was a little bad at this time. Fang Biya and others knew that, so they didn’t ask for anything, just silently accompany Huo Hai’s side. Even Yun'er became a lot quieter at this time, and only Xiao Kui was still playing around carelessly.

In the next few days, Huo Hai did not receive any news about the Blood Rose. The saint of the God of Blood Sect seemed to have disappeared. Perhaps they still thought that their saint was still in retreat, what a poor person.

Five days later, Huo Hai finally received a letter again. The person who came to the letter was Blood Rose. It was written in a secret language that only Huo Hai could understand, with only a few words: "I'm leaving, don't read it." There are no extra words at all.

Huo Hai sighed, the blood rose is really gone. Whether you can see it in the future is really a question. Huo Hai got up and looked around, his eyes firmed up, "Hehe, I already have so many wives, why bother to think about it." What about other people." Huo Hai temporarily suppressed this feeling in his heart, and could not leave his wife in the cold for an outsider.

This is both a responsibility and an obligation. After packing up his mood, Huo Hai's aura seems to have recovered, and he is stronger than before. Even the cultivation base has a faint feeling of further improvement at this time.

"You are waiting at home, wait for me to deal with the Blood God Sect, and then come back to accompany you." Huo Hai said to the family who hadn't reacted yet, and then the whole person disappeared in the room. .

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, and you don’t know what happened to Huo Hai. “The husband should have figured out something, don’t worry, now the husband is very normal.” Qu Siyu suddenly said, others People have the same feeling, no matter what, when Huo Hai's spirit recovered, they felt happy in their hearts.

At the same time, Huo Hai has come to the sky above the Blood God Sect. The Blood God Sect has been closed for several years. In these years, the destruction of several major sects has not been seen, and many people waiting outside have also left.

Even in some places, you can still hear these people scolding that mysterious force, why don't you continue to kill them? I didn't expect these people to scold themselves because of this kind of thing, and Huo Hai also had a dumbfounding feeling at this time.

In any case, this time I came here to deal with the blood **** sect, the guardian formation of the blood **** sect. Huo Hai has already studied these things. There are records in the blood curse branch. Huo Hai wants to destroy this. The spirit formation is also very easy. After coming to the Blood God Sect, Huo Hai immediately began to secretly arrange it, and he wanted to destroy the spirit formation at once.

This time, Huo Hai did not intend to hide, because he knew that he could not hide, and the Blood God Sect also had spies in the Phoenix Catch Sect. Among these large sects, such things were done frequently, and no one could avoid it.

At the beginning, Huo Hai did not hide his identity among the Feng Cultivating faction. The Blood God Sect quickly got the news. Although Huo Hai did not say that he wanted to deal with the Blood God Sect, the Blood God Sect could also analyze it. Destroyed by the sea.

Now that they have dealt with the blood curse branch, they are very likely to come to deal with them. In their eyes, the saint is just a powerful master. As long as they don’t break through the realm of the spirits, they will be of little use. In their hearts, It is very difficult for the Blood Rose to break through the Spirit Venerable. There have always been many saints and daughters, but there are not many real breakthroughs.

Even if the Blood Rose went to retreat, no one was looking for it. They didn't know that the Blood Rose had not only broken through, but had already fought against Huo Hai. The place where they fought was too far away, and no one could feel it in the Heavenly Soul Region.

Similarly, the preparations of the Blood God Sect, the Feng Catch people also got the news, the Blood God Sect had prepared some special things inside the spirit formation, as long as Huo Hai entered it, he would be entangled by these things.

Even if it is a master of the spirits, these top sects have a way to deal with it. If they are entangled and wait until the guardian formation is opened, Huo Hai will definitely not feel good. In that case, Huo Hai decided to protect the sect. The whole formation was ruined, Huo Hai didn't tell anyone about this matter, especially the Feng Catch faction, let alone.

Only the secrets that he knows are secrets. Once leaked out, the secrets are no longer secrets. God knows what the Blood God Sect will want to do after knowing his plan, Huo Hai doesn't want to take risks.

Just one day later, Huo Hai had already made arrangements for this guardian formation in secret. If it weren't because this was the guardian formation of the top sect, Huo Hai wouldn't have to be so troublesome and waste so much time.

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