Evil Insect God

Chapter 1338: The guardian formation disappeared

After spending a whole day, Huo Hai finally arranged all his methods. With the star line, it was too easy to do tricks on the spiritual formation. Of course, Huo Hai also encountered some accidents in the process.

It turns out that the spirit formation of this Blood Curse Sect was actually double-encrypted. After the first layer was unlocked and interpreted by Huo Hai, I did not expect that there would be another layer behind. This layer should have been added by the Blood God Sect before, because Huo Hai Hai didn't understand, so it was because of this incident that Huo Hai reacted quickly and didn't touch the spiritual formation.

Huo Hai’s comprehension of the spirit formation has reached a very high stage. He slowly analyzes the formation diagram in his hand and finds out some subtle irrationalities. Then, after research, Huo Hai can carefully complete his layout. carry out.

Even so, Huo Hai was still in one day, and he got his own methods right. When he came to the outside world, Huo Hai could finally relax. The timing is not right now. Huo Hai calculated that it would be just midnight three days later.

Coming to the surrounding towns, Huo Hai simply lived here for three days. Huo Hai also lived here before. The town is close to the Blood God Sect, so it is very prosperous. The towns near these top sects are prosperous. It can be compared to cities in other places, but because of the events of the past few years, it has caused some depression.

One year has been a long time for ordinary people. After so many years, ordinary people have once again returned to their original level, but Huo Hai still feels the breath of many masters around him, and there are even many spiritual emperors.

Many of these people are not disciples of the Blood God Sect, but some small sects, casual cultivators, and even larger sects. "Huh, do you want to take advantage, how easy it is." Huo Hai sneered, no Pay attention to these people.

The killing of these large sects, Huo Hai has always been silent, and now that the blood **** sect is killed, the movement is not too big at all. Then, let Xiaodie block the surroundings. When these people come, the blood **** sect Had already been evacuated by himself, Huo Hai did not pay attention to these people at all, just quietly waiting for the arrival of the last day.

At the same time, what Huo Hai didn't know was that the interior of the Blood God Sect was completely different from before. The middle of the Blood God Sect became a huge blood pool, in which the blood continued to flow, forming a complete system with the surrounding rivers.

It's not just blood. The Blood God Sect itself has collected a large amount of blood from high-level fierce beasts and put it into it. The worst is in the Spirit Sovereign realm. At the same time, many special medicines and materials have been added to the blood.

After refining, the blood smell of these blood is very weak, and it also exudes a very peculiar fragrance. If ordinary people smell it, they will gradually be attracted by this fragrance, and even eventually this special blood After drinking it, these people will turn into killing machines, just like the blood blades that went crazy at the beginning.

But for the people of the Blood God Sect, this is a kind of treasure. Taking a breath of here and then practicing, can accelerate the improvement of the cultivation level. Of course, this blood is not used to increase the cultivation speed of the sect disciples.

The consumption of so many materials, even the Blood God Sect, is very distressed. If these materials are used to improve the cultivation base, how much will the sect improve? This spiritual formation has been prepared since a few years ago, and now, It has been two years since the completion of the spiritual formation, and the blood has been flowing continuously through different grooves, flowing throughout the entire Blood God Sect.

Although these things are good things, the disciples of the Blood God Sect didn't dare to approach them. In the past, some disciples accidentally fell into the blood, and after a while, they were transformed into a mass of blood and then merged into the blood.

After a few disciples were melted away, no one dared to go further. The places where these disciples usually practice and where they rest are all these blood flowing in special channels. In the past few years, the disciples of the Blood God Sect have become more and more common. He was cautious and didn't dare to walk around casually, and the arrogance of the disciples of the Blood God Sect was also eliminated a lot.

"Hey, the consumption of materials has to be increased again. When did that person come?" Looking at the precious materials continuously injected into the blood pool, an elder of the Blood God Sect sighed, feeling very distressed for such consumption.

"You still want that person to come. I hope that person will never come. The strength of the spiritual master, even our blood demons might not be able to kill him. If he is still alive, we won't have a chance next time. Up."

The old man just rolled his eyes and said, "Isn't I distressed about the materials? I have to add so many materials every month. It has been two years. If we continue, how long can our sect's materials last." Material, let alone him, other people are the same, many people feel their hearts twitch when they hear the old man's words.

The sect master said, "What can we do? We can only wait here now. The materials of the sect can save a little and can maintain the blood demons for a hundred years. Besides, this kind of consumption, It's not useless at all."

This is actually a disproportionate contribution and gain, and a large amount of special aura is emitted, which has allowed the sect disciples to improve rapidly in the past two years, but it is a pity that the increase in blood qi of the blood demons is only a side effect.

For the spirit emperor, the speed of promotion is not so fast. In two years, there are not many sect spirit emperors who can break through a level. As for them, the effect is even weaker.

"Hey, at this critical time, His Royal Highness went out to retreat. Really, forget it, even if the Royal Highness is here, what will happen." A supreme elder sighed. There is no top expert, that's it. At this time, everyone resented the blood curse branch even more. If the blood curse branch hadn't split up, how could it have become like this.

The Blood God Sect also has the tradition of guarding the spirits at home. Since 30,000 years ago, after the last spiritual master disappeared mysteriously due to an accident, the people of the Blood Curse Sect have split directly, and they have continued to suppress the orthodox branch.

As a result, for so long, the Blood God Sect has never seen a Spiritual Venerable again, and the sect does not have a Spiritual Venerable. When facing the Spiritual Venerable masters, he can only be so passive, and even take things like the Blood Demon Great Array that harms others and self. Came out.

Just as the elders continued to complain, suddenly there was a shock on the ground. You must know that the ground veins on the ground veins established by the Blood God Sect were completely suppressed, and it was impossible to produce vibrations. This kind of vibration was very strange. , Feeling the shock, all the faces immediately became ugly.

At this time, it was when Huo Hai launched his own means, the spirit array interfered, cut off some important lines of the protector's large array, and the corrosive acid of the corrosive insects, and directly destroyed many important spiritual array foundations after being released.

The people of the Blood God Sect looked up and saw that the sun had been shining, and the blood-colored defense barrier that had blocked the sect for several years had slowly become thin and dim, and eventually disappeared without a trace. "No, the guardian formation was destroyed. Lost."

The Sect Master roared: "All the people are in place, activate the spirit formation, and all listen to my orders, and are ready to open the blood demon array at any time." With the sovereign roar, all the blood gods sect disciples immediately entered their positions. , That is, the nearest blood-colored rings nearby. These rings are surrounded by special blood and are the terminal of the spiritual formation.

Since the completion of the Blood Demon Array two years ago, the disciples of the Blood God Sect have received similar training. Once such an invasion occurs, everyone can enter the disc in the first time.

Even how to infuse one's own spiritual power and how to maintain the spiritual formation has been tested many times. Under panic, most of the Blood God Sect disciples still found their place, but a few of them were shocked. , Somewhat at a loss.

One of the disciples of the Blood God Sect saw that the surrounding circles were all occupied, his eyes were full of anxious expressions, and he kept running around, but they were only nearby. There was no end position around for people to enter, and he finally shrank. From the corner, it can be seen that this guy is a disciple of the sect who has been in the sect for a few years.

Because the cultivation base was too low, the people around saw this scene and didn't care. At this moment, a powerful pressure fell from the sky, and the breath belonging to the realm of Spiritual Venerables was directly exploded by Huo Hai.

Feeling this breath, the blood **** sect sect master's face became ugly, "Attention everyone, open the spiritual formation."

At this time, no time should be wasted. All people injected their spiritual power into the spiritual formation according to the usual training method, "Ah, why, how can this be." The disciple who did not enter the spiritual formation was shocked.

Because in his eyes, after the spirit formation was opened, the river water in the river channel suddenly sprayed out, and the blood **** sect disciples who were maintaining the spirit formation were completely melted in an instant, carrying their own blood and spiritual energy. , Fully integrated into the spirit formation, no one thought that he would actually die in his own sect.

At this moment, the blood pool filled with a lot of spiritual power and soul began to boil. Near the blood pool, the Sect Master of the Blood God Sect shouted into the air: "Your Excellency Chongzun, is there any place in the Blood God Sect that has offended you? , Your Excellency wants to kill everything like this."

Hearing the name Insect Venerable, Huo Hai knew he was talking about himself. After he broke through the Spirit Venerable, he naturally became the Insect Venerable. Huo Hai sneered, "You don't need to know how to offend me. Anyway, today you It will definitely die."

Huo Haisi did not hide anything. With his own cultivation base, it was easy to destroy the Blood God Sect. Hearing this, everyone looked at each other, and their eyes were full of madness. "If this is the case, then let's see who has the better means. Right."

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