Evil Insect God

Chapter 1339: Gorefiend

In the previous words, on the one hand, I wanted to test it. On the other hand, the people of the Blood God Sect wanted to delay for a while. The blood demon array was excited very fast, but it still took some time.

Seeing that Huo Hai didn’t even think about letting them go, he didn’t even have any intention of peace talks. What made them helpless was that they didn’t even know how to offend Huo Hai, so there was no way to stop Huo Hai. , Unless the person in front of him was very young and came from the Molian Domain, they would think that Huo Hai was the enemy left over from the previous sect.

As for the Huo Hai family members in the Molian Domain, they did not do anything. It was not that they were kind, but for the spiritual masters, most of them didn't care about their family members at all, because their own life span was eternal.

If the people in the family have very good talents, they will be valued, and few others will care. These high-ranking people guessed Huo Hai from their own ideas, and naturally came to this conclusion.

In their view, those in the Huo family who have no talents can only develop with the help of Huo Hai’s Fuze. The arrest of these people will not threaten Huo Hai at all. As for Fuyun Island, they are not able to know. After that, the sect has been completely closed during this period, and a lot of information is not clear, let alone such a secret thing.

The Sect Master and several elders looked at each other, and at the same time they emitted blood light, and the blood light penetrated the blood pool. Above the empty blood pool, a powerful blood-colored spiritual formation suddenly appeared, which exudes a very dangerous spirit. breath.

If you look closely, you will find that this spirit formation is exactly the same as the spirit formation formed by the many ditches of the Blood God Sect. It is a reduced spirit formation and a seal. A few blood beams penetrate into it, and the seal will soon be completely sealed. Melt away.

At the next moment, a group of red light filled the blood pond. The red light space was not large, but it shrouded all the high-level Blood God Sect in the middle. The red light seemed very weak, but it had strong defensive capabilities. , As long as it is safe inside." Sect Master said in a low voice, at this time, Huo Hai's attention was placed in the blood pool.

Just now Huo Hai only felt the evil power exuding from this blood pool, but now Huo Hai felt a threat, a very evil resentment soaring into the sky, with a strong blood and murderous aura, it was extremely smelly.

This kind of smell is completely different from the previous fragrance, as if this blood pool has become the source of all evil, "Blood Demon descends, heaven and earth Buddha." The Sect Master of Blood God looked at the blood pool with unusually complicated and helpless eyes.

At this moment, the blood water in the blood pool suddenly exploded. These powerfully corrosive blood water splashed on the surrounding red light, but weirdly blended into it, reinforces the red light, and inside the blood pool, a red The figure rose slowly, and with the appearance of this figure, a horrible breath spread like a natural disaster.

"Oh my God, what the **** is going on with the Blood God Sect, hurry, run." As this breath spread, people in the surrounding cities immediately felt cold all over, it seemed that if they stayed here for a long time, they would die directly.

Countless people don't care about anything, they just want to stay away from this place blindly. Those spiritual emperor masters have already left from a high altitude. Those who are not strong enough can only crowd around the city gate, but they can't get out.

"Damn it, get out of here, or you'll die." Finally, someone couldn't bear it, and with red eyes, waved his weapon at a person in front of him who was blocking the way. The scene became even more serious when this person moved his hand. Out of control, no matter what the reason, more and more people joined this life and death melee, and the scene became more and more chaotic.

The dead did not notice that a large amount of blood and murderous aura continued to drift away, and eventually gathered in the Blood God Sect.

At this time, the monsters in the blood pool had already appeared, resembling a humanoid, blood-red, like a demon-like skin, completely made of blood, and a wicked aura continued to emanate from his body.

The limbs are thick, no matter it is the soles of the feet or the palms, they are sharp claws, and the tips are shining with a sharp cold light. Huo Hai has no doubt that being hit by this thing will definitely not end well, a pair of red and black eyes, emitting With this chaotic atmosphere, even if the average person took a look, they would be insane, and even some timid would be directly scared to death.

There are also a pair of huge blood-red bat wings behind them. The wings are flapping gently, and even the space is shaken. The blood demon continues to absorb the breath that is constantly gathering around it, and its breath becomes stronger and stronger.

"Lingzun realm, Lingzun Quadruple Heaven, this is trouble." Huo Hai narrowed his eyes slightly, this thing actually has such a terrifying cultivation base, but fortunately, this thing is only made by the spirit formation. There is nothing to repair.

Regardless of its own spirit or law, it can’t be compared with Huo Hai. In other words, this monster has only the cultivation base of the Spiritual Venerable Fourth Layer, and the realm is still only the Spirit Emperor, not even the Spirit Emperor, otherwise, face Huo Hai had already left for such a terrifying creature, and the blood demon formation of the God of Blood Sect was indeed no small thing.

The same is true for other sects. At the beginning, they were all sneak attacks. If they were given enough preparation time, I am afraid that Huo Hai would not be able to destroy them so easily. Over the years, many spiritual masters were born and left. If these sects If the door is so easy to perish, how can they be qualified to pass on for such a long time.

"It's a pity, even if it's a victory this time, the foundation of our Blood God Sect is completely destroyed. I don't know how long it will take to recover." This time, apart from them, only a few people with luck did not die.

"Hey, if it were not for the voluntary sacrifice of the five elders, we would not have to rebuild the Blood God Sect at all." The Sect Master patted the surrounding barrier: "Within this barrier, the Blood Demon will not attack us, but once we leave, it is not necessarily Up."

This layer of barrier can only enter but cannot exit, so they are not afraid of Huo Hai entering. The barrier itself has a strong defensive ability. Huo Hai will not even want to break it for a while. Will the existence of the blood demon give Huo Hai this time? .

Everyone was silent, thinking of the five elders who had jumped into the blood pool voluntarily, and everyone sighed. The blood demon array needs to gather the blood and souls of all the disciples of the entire sect, but this will also cause the grievances of these disciples. At the last moment, because Under the guidance of the sect, all the disciples regarded Huo Hai as an enemy, so after death, the blood demon would kill Huo Hai as soon as possible.

But after killing Huo Hai, the resentment will affect the Gorefiend, so when killing one's own sect disciples, the faster the time the better, the less pain the better, so that there will be less resentment and less blood. The power of demon backlash.

And the self-sacrifice of a Spirit Emperor master can control this resentment, and will not attack the higher level of the Blood God Sect. The fifth elders sacrificed themselves to preserve the existence of the Blood God Sect. At this time, no one can say anything. .

At the same time, there is a dedication of a master of the spirit emperor, and the spirit and spiritual power of the spirit emperor can also improve the quality of the spirit power of the blood demon and its own realm. Otherwise, the blood demon has a powerful force. If it can’t be used, what Compete with a spiritual master, a powerful soul, can also lead the soul assembly, and gather all the power into one.

The little time that has just been delayed, it happened that the soul of the fifth elder and the soul of the entire sect disciple were completely fused, completely mobilizing this huge force, if Huo Hai acted early, it could be destroyed.

"Hey, the Blood Demon Great Array is the last means of our sect to die with the enemy. I didn't expect it to be used at the end. I don't know how long the Blood Demon can exist in the future. I hope the Heavenly Soul Realm will not die by then."

The existence of blood demons is limited. The longer they exist, the more chaotic their own power will be. But at this time, blood demons will desperately attack all living creatures. The destructive power of the spirit is huge. If no one else stops, God knows this. How much damage will the blood demons cause to the Heavenly Soul Realm in the end? If the Heavenly Soul Realm is gone, how can they rebuild the sect?

At this time, the elder said in a low voice: "No, the more powerful the blood demon, the shorter the existence time. With the soul power of the five elders, I think it will suppress the existence of the blood demon for five days at most, and even more less."

Five days are already very long. If a Spirit Venerable planned to destroy the Heavenly Soul Domain and no one stopped it, then within five days, most of the Heavenly Soul Domain would become a ruin, and it would not be impossible to even destroy the entire Heavenly Soul Domain.

Everyone looked at the sky with complex and helpless eyes. The blood demon array is the last means to kill the same. If it fails to hurt others, it hurts itself first. Before the birth of the blood demon, the foundation of the sect has been completely destroyed. If it cannot kill the opponent , It really means not leaving any of them. If you kill the other party, you have to worry about whether the blood demon will eat back.

Therefore, this method of dying together is generally not willing to be used by anyone. It is said that only in the ancient times, when fighting against the Sky Soul Sect, the Blood God Sect used a simplified version of the Blood Demon Array near the Sky Soul Sect. .

Even later, when dealing with the Sky Star Sect, the Blood God Sect never used this spirit formation. Unexpectedly, today, in their generation, they will use the Blood Demon array completely. Whether this battle is won or lost, they will It is the sinner of the entire Blood God Sect. Thinking of this, everyone's eyes are even bleak, how could things develop like this.

At this time, Huo Hai was a dignified blood demon who had integrated his own power, sending out a strong threat.

If possible, Huo Hai really doesn’t want to fight this thing. If Huo Hai knows that this thing has a time limit, he will definitely leave here and drag this thing to death. Unfortunately, Huo Hai doesn’t know, he thought this thing is permanent. .

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