Evil Insect God

Chapter 1340: Fierce battle

"Oh..." The Gorefiend was born, looked around, chaotic eyes swept around, no matter who was seen, they would feel chills in his heart, as if death and terror were about to come.

Many of the high-level Blood Gods sects who were seen stepped back involuntarily. If they weren't blocked by others, they might actually exit the protective barrier. When they reacted, these people involuntarily patted their chests, just The look in his eyes is already so terrifying, if you really do it, how strong is this strength?

However, the blood demon only took a look, and then turned his gaze away. Not to mention that these people are under protection, the blood demon will not attack them, even if it is not here, the blood demon's first target is also not them.

When the blood demon saw Huo Hai, the murderous aura in his eyes suddenly doubled. This was his goal. He was born into this world to kill the person in front of him. The blood demon suddenly had Such a feeling.

"Aw..." With a roar again, the Gorefiend suddenly turned into a **** light, and rushed straight towards Huo Hai. The huge claws, with a strong **** light, had already hit Huo Hai's face in an instant. Below, Huo Hai did not show weakness, and quickly pointed out his right hand, a silver-white sword energy had already condensed on his fingers, and the two sides fought in the air the next moment.

The sound of "knock" metal croaking was sharp and ear-piercing, causing many surrounding buildings to collapse due to sound waves. The two of them said they hit it, and there was no buffer time at all. People in the surrounding cities, this time it can Unlucky.

Some people who were not strong enough were directly stunned to death by the sound waves. Those who were stronger were also dizzy. Many people even became fools. When everyone reacted, the panic in their eyes was even better. .

The scene paused for a while. In order to be able to escape, everyone fought more and more fiercely, but the more so, the more people died with the idea of ​​escape. Near the gate of the city, blood was already flowing and many people were there Regret, it's okay to run to the vicinity of the Blood God Sect to do something, if you don't come here, you won't encounter this kind of thing.

In the air, after a burst of explosion, Huo Hai was directly repelled for thousands of meters, raising his hand, Huo Hai felt his numb fingers, and his arm was trembling slowly, "It's such a strong force, I can't fight this thing. ."

After an attack, Huo Hai had already sensed it. This thing was not high in realm, absolutely not comparable to himself, and had no unique legal power. It was just using resentment and blood to communicate the power of heaven and earth temporarily for blessing.

In terms of the nature of power, it is far from being compared to myself, but in terms of power, it is much stronger than myself. This monster has the power of the Spirit Emperor's fourth heaven level. If it is recklessly, it will be like this, not at all. Wanting to please him, if it weren't for Huo Hai's quick reaction, he used the shifting star to move quickly to weaken his attack power, and now he was injured.

The blood demon is not much better. Huo Hai’s spiritual power quality far exceeds that of the blood demon. The sword energy just penetrated the blood demon’s palm directly, but the next moment, under the action of the blood energy, the wound has recovered. .

At this time, Huo Hai became more determined not to fight hard. This gorefiend is a blood monster formed by using blood and resentment. As long as his power is not exhausted, he will not die at all. The vitality of this thing is stronger than his own. too much.

Head-on head-to-head, ten of them are not opponents of this blood demon. It seems that they still have to give play to their own advantages. This blood demon only has some fighting instincts. This is at best only the fighting instinct of the spirit emperor realm, and this one himself. Compared to the spirits, they were far worse. Perhaps it would be no problem to deal with the ordinary one and two heaven spirits, but Huo Hai was different after all.

Seeing the blood demon once again turned into a **** light and rushed straight forward, Huo Hai snorted coldly: "Good come, look at the move." Huo Hai also rushed over, but when the two approached, there was a starlight at Huo Hai's feet. Flashed.

At this time, Huo Hai's figure suddenly turned sideways, avoiding the frontal impact of the blood demon. The blood demon had not yet reacted, and Huo Hai's fingers had lightly moved across the side wings of the blood demon, his sword aura flashed. Passed away, leaving some scars on it.

The two figures flashed past, and they were already staggered in a blink of an eye. "Oh..." The blood demon finally found that he was injured. He was furious and roared. He rushed towards Huo Hai again. The speed of the demon is getting faster and faster, and Huo Hai gradually feels that he can't keep up. The power of this blood demon is too strong.

Huo Hai had no choice but to constantly dodge. The evasive ability of Shifting Stars and Fighting Fights is very strong. This blood demon is fast, and flexibility is not very good. With every attack, a strong blood will form a sharp blade. Huo Hai didn't care either, as long as he broke it with his own star sword aura, he would definitely not confront this monster head-on.

"Fortunately, fortunately, this thing won't use the Heaven-level War Spirit Art, otherwise it's really not his opponent." Although Huo Hai dodges fast enough, sometimes he still inevitably has to face one or two moves.

Every time, Huo Hai would feel the whole body qi and blood boiling, and even his spiritual power was greatly shaken. The Spiritual Venerable Quadruple Heaven was really not easy. If it were a normal Quadruple Heaven Spiritual Venerable, Huo Hai might not be the opponent's opponent.

There was a layer of starlight gleaming all over his body, and the nine-fold starlight Huo Hai had already condensed the first layer. If it weren’t for this layer of starlight protection, Huo Hai would have been injured. This thing has a brute force and doesn’t care about the consumption of spiritual power. The vitality is indeed very abundant, I am afraid this thing has already been exhausted, how can it be as alive as it is now.

Fighting in the air, the two quickly disappeared without a trace, and could only feel a burst of horror, "Finally left, what are we going to do." Among the blood red barrier, the senior officials of the Blood God Sect looked at each other.

They did not expect that the Blood Demon would be so strong, and even more that Huo Hai’s strength was not weak at all. It seemed that Huo Hai was at a disadvantage, but no one knew who would win this battle. The passage will become stronger and stronger, but in the same way, it will become more and more chaotic. In five days, the blood demon will collapse and destroy itself.

After a long time, the Sect Master shook his head and said: "Let's stay here for the time being, only here is safe, but only for five days. We will come out after five days. At that time, life or death depends on God's will."

At this moment, another coercion came down, and between the heavens and the earth, a lot of blue aura suddenly appeared. The masters of the Blood God Sect, even though they were in the barrier, they still felt the aura of ice and cold. .

"Huh, I want to fight against Big Brother Huo, none of you want to run." In the air, an eleven or twelve-year-old girl appeared, but at this time, the people of the Blood God Sect opened their eyes wide, as if they were facing a big enemy. In the domain, there is a second Spiritual Venerable, isn't it the only one Huo Hai? Listening to this girl, she seems to be very familiar with Huo Hai.

"Who is the senior, and why should we be embarrassed with the junior? If it is because of the blood demon, senior can rest assured that the blood demon can only support it for five days, and we are also forced to be helpless, otherwise how would we use this method."

The Sect Master of the Blood God Sect thought that this person came because he released the bleeding demons. The people in front of him looked very young, but none of them really dared to see Xiaokui as a child. That’s right. Xiao Kui, this time Huo Hai left, Xiao Kui sneaked up again and learned the lesson from last time. Xiao Kui was farther away.

Huo Hai wanted to destroy the Blood God Sect earlier, so he didn't pay attention. This allowed Xiao Kui to follow. Now Huo Hai and the blood demon are fighting farther and farther, Xiao Kui doesn't want them to escape.

Xiao Kui waved his hand, and the surrounding blue light clusters quickly gathered, and one anemone formed one after another, "Huh, Brother Huo has already said that you are all big baddies, Xiao Kui wants to catch you all and hand it to Brother Huo to clean up. "

The people of the Blood God Sect were immediately dumbfounded. I didn’t expect that this girl looked young and her age was like a child. Unfortunately, there was no time for them to speak. At this time, the formed anemones had already started to beat their tentacles. Going out, with the help of these water attribute spiritual powers, the strength of the spiritual power sea anemones is not as good as Xiaokui but far surpassing the spiritual emperor.

The sea anemones started at the same time and broke the blood-red barrier with almost one move. If Xiao Kui knew that Huo Hai was looking for these people, I'm afraid they would have already killed them, but at this time, Xiao Kui also Not idle.

The paralyzing toxin possessed by the sea anemone itself has penetrated into these people's bodies in an instant. It is only the Lingdi, how can you resist the toxins of the sea anemone in the realm of Lingzun? The next moment, although the people of the Blood God Sect are unwilling, they slowly fall asleep. among.

"Huh, big bad guy, I want to fool Xiaokui. Xiaokui is very smart." Xiaokui held her head up in the air and made a great look. Suddenly, Xiaokui thought of something, "Yes, stay Order something, otherwise Big Brother Huo doesn't know." Thinking of this, Xiao Kui immediately began to paint on the ground, because Xiao Kui is not very literate, so he can only paint on the ground.

After the painting was finished, Xiao Kui rolled up these people and flew towards Fuyun Island, "Hmph, I must understand what this means when I see this brother Huo." Xiao Kui was in a very good mood and didn't even go. Watch Huo Hai fight.

As for this painting, I am afraid that not many people can understand it. There are a few circle combinations that do not know what it is, and there is an arrow in the middle, pointing to a large number of circles. I don't know who can understand.

Huo Hai didn’t know what Xiaokui had done. At this moment, he was fighting with the blood demon. Every time the blood demon attacked, Huo Hai did not dare to face it head-on. As time passed, the power of the blood demon seemed to be Getting stronger.

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