Evil Insect God

Chapter 1342: Not over yet

The blood demon's own power can't be controlled by himself, not to mention that it can't be controlled to spread outside, and this power is too large, it has far exceeded the limit that Huo Hai can suppress, and Huo Hai's own spiritual power naturally cannot be completely. control.

The aftermath of the explosion continued to spread, with a space storm sweeping the surrounding area, and soon, centered on the two people, within a kingdom-sized area, it was completely destroyed. Some of the spirit emperors who originally wanted to watch the battle were only able to follow The above, within this area, all were torn to pieces, and like other ordinary people, there was no resistance.

The people in the distance were shocked when they saw this scene. No matter how bold they were, no one dared to follow it. This kind of destructive power was just the aftermath, and it was so vast that it was impossible to resist.

"No wonder it is said that the two great wars in the ancient times caused chaos in the Heavenly Soul Region and completely changed the terrain. It took 10,000 years for the Heavenly Soul Region to slowly recover. I didn't believe it, but now I finally understand."

The words of a spirit emperor immediately resonated with others and reached the realm of the spirit emperor. As long as there is a bit of inheritance, the two wars in ancient times have naturally been heard. One was to besiege the Heavenly Soul Sect and the other was to besiege the Heavenly Star Zong, the last time I dealt with the Heavenly Soul Sect, some secrets from the ancient times were directly publicized.

There were still people who didn't believe it at the beginning, because in their opinion, even if all the Spirit Emperor masters worked together, it would be impossible to cause a great change in the Heavenly Soul Region. Now everyone believes that it is not the Spirit Emperor, but the Spirit Venerable who caused the great change in the Heavenly Soul Region.

With these two spirits, the Heavenly Soul Realm has suffered heavy losses at this time, countless sects have been destroyed, and countless terrains have been changed as a result. The last eruption was even more terrifying. The original mountain was turned into After a large pit, I am afraid that it will not take long. When the currents converge, this place will become a huge ocean.

During the battle, Huo Hai retreated quickly, but the shaking power was still not light. The starlight defense on Huo Hai's body had many cracks due to the shaking, and a surge of blood surged, and Huo Hai's face became flushed and a little uncomfortable.

"The injury is not serious, it's okay, this guy's attack is really powerful." If it weren't for the quality of his spiritual power far surpassed the opponent, the last blow would definitely not make Huo Hai feel better, even so, Huo Hai still suffered Suffered minor injuries.

Quickly repair his own spiritual defense and block the surrounding terrifying forces. The power of this blood demon is very strong, but its quality is too poor. For Huo Hai, it is not as good as the previous encirclement and suppression by the two sects. The time strength has also improved a lot, and he has practiced the defensive war spirit art, so facing such an attack, he was not injured too much.

The blood demon was uncomfortable. Huo Hai’s sword aura directly penetrated the blood demon, leaving a big hole in the blood demon. To fight the sword aura, the blood demon needs to consume a large part of the blood. , It made the blood demon spirit chaotic.

At this time, the blood demon's soul was almost destroyed. Later, it was involved in the explosion, and the injuries were even more serious. When the explosion dissipated, the blood demon's miserable appearance appeared in front of Huo Hai, even the wings were broken, half The wings even disappeared.

There are wounds all over his body, and the blood is constantly filling out. The blood demon's eyes have completely turned red, no black can be seen, the body is constantly swelling, and he is about to explode, Huo Hai knows this. It was caused by the blood demon's soul being unable to control its own power, and the blood demon would die without attacking it.

"Roar..." At this moment, the blood demon suddenly uttered an abnormal scream, and a group of blood-red flames burned, enveloping the blood demon, and the blood energy of the whole body was quickly swallowed and merged by the blood flame.

Huo Hai smiled slightly, his own means worked, he just hit the blood demon with a palm, but not just to retreat with strength, at the same time, Huo Hai had already punched the blood flame flood dragon into the blood demon's body.

Now that the blood demon's soul is depleted, and the power of the whole body is uncontrollable, the blood flame flood dragon finally begins to play its role. You must know that this blood flame flood dragon is actually similar to this blood demon. It has accumulated a huge amount of itself, but its realm is not compatible Compared with the masters of Lingzun, the difference is that the blood flame flood dragon is not a lunatic, but the accumulation is not as strong as the blood demons.

When the blood demon is in good condition, it is naturally impossible for the blood demon to threaten the blood demon, but now, the blood demon cannot control its own power. These messy powers, the blood flame flood dragon will not be let go. It burns and swallows.

If the entire Blood Demon can be swallowed up completely, this Blood Flame Flood Dragon can be compared with the Spirit Venerable Master only by relying on its huge accumulation. The Blood Flame Flood Dragon's accumulation is not as good as the Blood Demon, but the quality of the blood flame power is worse than the Blood Flame. The blood qi in the demon's body is much more advanced, and once it is transformed into the realm of Spiritual Venerable, the power of this blood flame flood dragon will be greatly increased.

The blood demon continued to struggle and scream, but the soul became weaker and weaker, eroded by blood and resentment, burned by the blood flame, the blood demon continued to attack the surroundings like crazy, but the attack power became weaker and weaker.

I don't know how long it has passed. As the blood demon finally uttered an unwilling scream, the whole body was swallowed by the blood flame. The "boom" explosion spread out from the center of the blood flame, and a large amount of blood gas continued to spread around.

The big pit, which was originally like a tiankeng, was instantly covered with blood red. It seems that this place will definitely not be a kind-hearted place in the future. Part of the blood has dissipated, and the remaining blood, blood and flame dragons are not welcome. After swallowing quickly, the Blood Flame Flood Dragon returned to Huo Hai's hands, and Huo Hai felt it. At this time, the Blood Flame Flood Dragon was able to barely fight against the ordinary spirits.

"It's not bad. You are the one who has gained the most from this battle." Huo Hai smiled slightly, and his injuries had been fully recovered within just this period of time. After this battle, Huo Hai felt that his heart was transparent and he could quickly move forward. Improved for a while.

Regardless of the surrounding environment, Huo Hai's figure flashed, and he soon returned to the broken blood **** sect. The blood **** sect had been reduced to a ruin in the aftermath of the battle three days ago, but the center of this ruin was actually People spread out a large open space with many strange symbols painted on it. Huo Hai glanced at it, and his head was full of black lines.

"What the **** is this? You just don't listen to you to learn to write. No, when did Xiaokui come over." Although Huo Hai didn't understand these things, Huo Hai was very familiar with the power on it.

Looking around, I am afraid that the people of the Blood God Sect were solved by Xiaokui. When Huo Hai thought of this, the power of the contract on his body immediately began to dissipate. The power of the contract is based on the subjective consciousness of people as the criterion, and the contract itself is so clear. limits.

Shaking his head, Huo Hai began to look for the remains of the Blood God Sect among the ruins. The Blood God Sect was completely turned into ruins. Innumerable things were destroyed, and some things were crushed underneath. Without the help of Star Gu, how could Huo Hai himself? It may be all packed. After packing up some valuable things, Huo Hai got up and left here.

The rest is either low value or damaged, or I don't know where, Huo Hai hasn't found it, this blood **** sect relic, this is a real relic, a place that can bring benefits to a large number of casual cultivators.

This is completely different from the few top sects that were raided by Huo Hai at the beginning. Forget it, anyway, the Blood God Sect doesn’t really need it, so just leave here and feel the one-eighth contract still left in the body. Strength, Huo Hai didn't know what to say. It seemed that the matter was far from over.

Huo Hai didn't pay attention to the impact he had caused, and quickly returned to Fuyun Island. As soon as he arrived at Fuyun Island, Xiao Kui hurried forward happily: "Brother Huo, look, I have arrested these big bad guys."

Following Xiao Kui’s words, Huo Hai looked far away and he saw the high-levels of the Blood God Sect. However, at this time, these high-levels were already paralyzed, and they were tied with ropes as if they were rice dumplings. Sun exposure.

"Xiaokui, didn't I say not to let you follow? Why are you not obedient?" Huo Hai scowled, Xiao Kui immediately made a pitiful look, and soon the anger in Huo Hai's heart dissipated completely. Lost.

After a long time, Huo Hai shook his head helplessly: "Okay, well, you did very well this time. Even if you have made up for it, if there is another time, I will not be so good at talking." Huo Hai let go. Xiao Kui's face immediately changed back to what it was, lying on Huo Hai's back, swaying as if riding a horse, Huo Hai quickly stabilized Xiao Kui's body.

With a glare, Huo Hai fell next to these paralyzed Blood God Sect high-levels. The part of the contract that belonged to the Blood God Sect has been settled. Whether these people are dead or alive has nothing to do with Huo Hai, but Huo Hai knows and stays. These people will definitely affect the Huo Family, and besides, it may also affect the remaining contract power on Huo Hai.

Walking to the front, Huo Hai asked Xiaodie to control a high-level of the Blood God Sect, and then used his spiritual power to unlock Xiaokui’s toxin. Huo Hai’s spiritual power was very strong in detoxification due to Xiaojin’s, Xiaokui’s toxin Huo Hai can not be troubled.

Besides, Xiaojin has already swallowed Xiaokui’s toxin, and naturally has a strong restraint on this toxin. Soon, a high-level Blood God Sect was awakened by Huo Hai. Under Xiaodie’s control, Huo Hai quickly took All the information inquiries that the elder knew were recorded, including some secret methods of the elder and the secret methods of the Blood God Sect he knew.

This time the Blood God Sect was destroyed. Although Huo Hai collected some secrets, many of them were also destroyed.

Fortunately, there are still these people, so there should be no shortage of things. After inquiring about one, Huo Hai will destroy one on the spot. They are only people in the spirit emperor realm. There is no special feature, and Huo Hai will not leave these people alive.

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