Evil Insect God

Chapter 1343: shock

The three-day battle was finally over, but the Heavenly Soul Region did not calm down because of this. The chaotic battles everywhere had almost stopped at this time, and countless people spread the three-day battle everywhere.

Lingzun has always been a yearning and helpless realm. As long as he reaches the Lingzun, he will enter the heavenly level. Once he reaches the heavenly level, he will have an unlimited life span. In their eyes, they are like gods, but who can think of it? , This is almost the existence in the legend, and it actually appeared in their eyes. The vast majority of ordinary people didn't even know that the Spiritual Venerable existed in the Heavenly Soul Domain.

This time, the grandson was truly exposed to everyone, and these people didn't know until now that the legends about the masters of the spirits in ancient times were actually true, not indiscriminately fabricated.

In three days, in just three days, the two Spiritual Venerables moved to most of the Heavenly Soul Region. There were countless traces on the Heavenly Soul Region. If Huo Hai didn't want to face the blood demons, he would not leave such a large area Traces of the spirits.

Of course, most of them are the blood left by the blood demon attack, but this is enough to make people feel extremely shocked. Facing the spirits, it is really like facing a god. No one can resist, especially those who are in natural disasters. Generally, people near the traces, looking at their opponents, and even those whom they can only look up to, were killed by a single blow.

During the whole process, they were like ants, and even the other party didn't even notice that such a person died in their own hands. This kind of power was even more desirable. After discovering that the two disappeared, countless people began to discuss intensely.

"Have you seen the battle between the two spirits that day? I was just beside me. A red light fell from the sky, and a canyon opened in front of me. Don't you know, I was standing in the canyon. The location less than one meter next to him almost scared me to death." A young man holding a long sword exaggerated.

The other brother next to him coldly snorted: "Come on, it's only one meter. How do I remember that there is at least a hundred meters away. At that time, you seemed to be scared to pee on your pants." This person said, the previous person's face immediately changed. A change.

"What did you say, you were no better than me at the time, and you were scared to get down."

The son-in-law shook his folding fan and said, "At least he was not scared to pee his pants. Looking at you like this, would the Lingzun put you in his eyes? Not even the Lingzun. I am worried that the Lingzun will kill you. That's a ridiculous person." Brother Gongzi looked disdainful.

The young man's face turned red: "You bastard, if you didn't go to the latrine earlier that day, would you be better than me? You are a coward. If you dare to say that, believe it or not, I will turn your face with you." Seeing this The young man was about to pull out the long sword in his hand, and his friends next to him immediately grabbed it and prevented him from using it.

"Okay, if you turn your face, turn your face away. With your ability, would this young man be afraid that you won't make it?" These two guys have changed from a fox friend and a dog friend to their current rival form since the coercion of the spirits.

No one knows what happened that day, and this is not the first time that this situation has occurred. These days, it has been staged every day, and the friends next to each other habitually hold the two of them and prevent them from doing anything here.

At this moment, a middle-aged man laughed and said, "Hahahaha, do you know who were the two who did it that day." The words of the middle-aged man completely broke the tense atmosphere here.

Brother Young Master looked disdainful: "Huh, of course I know that the Phoenix Catchers have already said that one is the Insect Sovereign Huohai from the Molian Domain, and the other is the monster Gorefiend created by the Blood God Sect using the blood demon array. , Now that the Blood God Sect has been annihilated, the blood demon has also turned into a huge blood pool." This blood pool is the big pit left in the last battle.

There is always a big difference between rumors and truth. Since I heard that Huo Hai is from the Molian Domain, countless people have passed through the Great Wasteland and entered the Molian Domain. The middle of the Great Wasteland has been opened up abruptly. A avenue.

So many masters entered the Molian Territory, but they shocked the people of the Molian Territory. But then everyone suddenly discovered that these people were not here to attack the Molian Territory. They breathed a sigh of relief. Huo Hai had already become the Spirit Venerable, and everyone was frightened on the spot. Who could have imagined that Huo Hai, a monster, had risen so quickly.

It was only a few years away. I originally thought that Huo Hai could not even reach the Spirit Emperor. After all, I had never heard of anyone who could cultivate so fast. Even if he performed well in the early stage, his cultivation was so easy.

The Spirit Sovereign realm needs to continuously condense the crystal nuclei to improve its cultivation and potential. With fewer crystal nuclei, it is impossible to break through the Spirit Venerable. This requires a lot of time and resources. In this regard, it is almost difficult to get up quickly.

The cultivation of the spirit emperor realm requires the condensing of one’s own will rune. The comprehension and deduction of this will rune can’t be accomplished in a day or two. It’s not something foreign objects can help. Who would have thought, someone To be able to complete it so quickly, Huo Hai's crystal nucleus is definitely more than one thousand. According to the legend, without a thousand crystal nucleus, it is impossible to break through to the realm of the spirits.

After learning this news, the Huo family and Huomen immediately became the guests of all the sects, becoming the most noble forces in the entire Molian domain. The Piaohua Pavilion and Xuanbing Sect, which had been fighting before, also immediately gave up. Contention.

The entire Molian domain seemed to calm down overnight, and all the wars disappeared, but because Huo Hai’s wives almost had the background of practicing in the Piaohua Pavilion, Piaohua Pavilion also used Huo Hai’s The reputation of Lingzun has become the second largest power in the entire Molian Region. This second is completely different from before.

After a large number of Heavenly Soul Domain masters entered the Molian Domain, the position of Xuanbing Sect had already plummeted at this time. If Piaohua Pavilion wanted to destroy Xuanbing Sect now, with just one word, some people would deal with them.

In order to keep the sect, Xuan Bingzong directly sold the brother of Pavilion Master Piaohua Pavilion, and now he doesn't know how.

This kind of thing, now everyone in the major forces in the Heavenly Soul Region knows, and even many people have participated in it. The middle-aged man laughed: "Then do you know, where is Lord Chongzun now?"

Because of Huo Hai's victory, just as Huo Hai thought, all the mistakes belonged to the Blood God Sect, and the Blood God Sect became the object of reviled by thousands of people. Instead, Huo Hai became a hero who broke the Blood God Sect conspiracy and saved the Heavenly Soul Domain.

"Where, who knows, Master Chongzun always sees the dragon without seeing the end, you won't tell us, now Master Chongzun is in the Molian domain, stop talking nonsense, the Huo family said it a long time ago. Master Chongzun has never been back." The younger brother still looked arrogant. At this time, the two had been let go by friends.

The middle-aged man took it for granted and said: "My sister is in the Phoenix Catch Faction. I know some news. Come here and I will tell you, don't tell others." The middle-aged man said cautiously.

Everyone moved their heads over, and the middle-aged man lowered his voice: "Know about Floating Cloud Island, my sister told me that the Huo family in Cross Canyon has moved to Floating Cloud Island, and there are powerful sea anemones in the vast sea. Alliance with them, if you want to get in touch with the Huo family, then go to Floating Cloud Island, Huomen is collecting people."

At this moment, another voice rang out at the door: "Haha, Niu, you are showing off your outdated news again." A strong man carrying a huge axe came in with a joke in his eyes. .

"What are you talking about? What is outdated news? Is there any new news you can't make." Old Niu roared.

The brawny man took it for granted: "Of course, the Huomen is now expanding. The Huo family and the Phoenix Catcher faction are already in an alliance. It has been spread in the vast sea. It will not be long before the Huomen force will be fully deployed. It is no secret. ."

Lao Niu coldly snorted: "Hmph, I just said all this. Didn't you say that all I said were outdated news? Do you have any new news." Lao Niu didn't seem to care about his so-called top secret news. Many people have already known, and the complexion is not even red. One can imagine the thickness of this guy's face.

The middle-aged leaned the axe against the table. The weight of the axe made the table tremble constantly, and it seemed that it might be overwhelmed at any time.

At this time, the brawny man slowly said: "There has been news from the Phoenix Catcher faction. I don't think many people know about it. In fact, there are not only one spiritual deity, but two in the Cangmong Sea."

Seeing the shocked expressions of all the people, the strong man was very happy. He moved up to a chair, and the people next to him immediately came up to greet him with good wine and food, just to let the strong man say more news.

The strong man picked up the wine glass, poured a glass of wine into it, wiped his mouth and then said: "I tell you, there is a master in the sea anemone family, who has also broken through to the spirits. It is said that this is still recognized by the insects. Sister, think about it, if two spirits are sitting here, which power can be compared, if they can get a little relationship, it can be much stronger than the top sect."

These people don’t know that the previous Yuehua Sect and the Lie Sun Sect also had heavenly masters. The sect was shattered, just like the yellow flower of yesterday, it has become a cloud of smoke, no one will care, everyone’s eyes are now on Huo Hai .

"Oh my god, if there are really two spirits, who else is their opponent? No, I have to go quickly. With my talent, how can I not be a direct disciple of Lord Insect." Just said The young man holding the sword immediately said with a good sense of himself, and while talking, he immediately left here, as if he really wanted to go to Floating Cloud Island.

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