Evil Insect God

Chapter 1344: Full of guests

Huo Hai returned to his home, and within a few days of rest, many guests came to his home. If the Huo family and Huomen want to develop, it is naturally impossible to be isolated from the rest of the world. It is only natural to contact these forces.

"Why, grandpa went out to entertain the guests again." Huo Hai looked at Huo Feng hurriedly walking towards the teleportation formation on Floating Cloud Island, feeling even more helpless. Fortunately, he didn't need to do this, otherwise he would be exhausted. With Huo Hai's cultivation base, there is really no one in the entire Heavenly Soul Realm who needs Huo Hai to meet him personally. Huo Hai's cultivation base is too high and his status is too high.

"Hmph, it wasn't you who caused it. We will also accompany the elder sisters of Feng faction later. You have to make up for us tonight." Feng Jiaojiao hugged Huo Hai’s neck from behind, on Huo Hai’s neck. It gave a light bite on it.

Afterwards, Feng Jiaojiao turned and left here. Huo Hai could only smile bitterly. It has been a month, and the family still hasn't stopped. Instead, with the impact of the last World War, the family's side has become more and more lively.

Huo Hai is a Spiritual Venerable, and the Sea Anemone family also has a Spiritual Venerable. The power formed by the two Spiritual Venerables together is extremely influential, but I don’t know where the Blood Rose is now. The Blood Rose is also a Spiritual Venerable what.

At the beginning, not many people believed it, so not many people came here, but after receiving Huo Hai’s message, the only Chi family and Jin family in the Heavenly Soul Realm who had a good relationship with Huo Hai visited at that time. Huo Hai personally went to receive and led the team, it was Jin Sheng and Chi Lian'er who hadn't seen them for a long time, the two of them were still the same as before.

However, faintly, I could notice that these two people's eyebrows seemed to be happy with friends. It seems that the day when these two people come together is not far away. For these two families, Huo Hai will not throw them aside.

At this time, the two families have formed an alliance with the Huo family, and even the headquarters have moved to a place not far from the boundless sea. With the help of Huomen, the speed of development is very fast. After the Boundless Sea, and after the Huo Family was the family behind Huo Hai, countless forces moved upon hearing the wind and came to this place one after another.

Regardless of whether these people are here to test, form alliances, or have other ideas, the Huo Family cannot shut them out now, but as the number of people continues to increase, the Huo Family cannot be all. Reception.

Therefore, only first-class and above sects are eligible to enter Floating Island and meet the people of Huo’s family. Other people can only be received by Huomen’s people outside the boundless sea, but as people get more and more Many, the Huo Family's teleportation array in the vast overseas area has also been increased to five by Huo Hai. If it continues to increase, it will easily cause some hidden dangers.

After all, the strength of the Huo family is still far from enough. Therefore, every time the old patriarch Huo Feng is personally present to receive these first-class or higher sects, Huo Kai and Huo Ran preside over things in the Cross Canyon, so they cannot help share.

Every time when facing a Lingdi master, Huo Feng would feel a burst of pressure in his heart. This is not something that can be avoided when he is used to it. The coercion of strength makes Huo Feng more depressed, but his aptitude is too great. Poor, even if there are enough resources to help, to reach the realm of the spirit emperor, I am afraid that it will not be possible within a few decades.

Not all people are the same as Huo Hai, whose qualifications and foundations have reached a level that almost no one can compare.

Fortunately, some time ago, Fang Biya and others broke through to the Lingdi. With a few masters of Lingdi, the Huo family can be considered a first-class force without Huo Hai, and it is still among the first-class. The good one.

Otherwise, the Huo family really does not have the ability to receive so many masters. Of course, these people come here mainly for the face of Huo Hai, and the strength of the Huo family, they don’t take it seriously. Later, they caught the phoenix. The pie simply sent a lot of people to help, so Fang Biya and others often needed to receive masters from the Feng Catch pie.

As for the sea anemone family, forget them. The sea anemone family has been isolated from the world for too long, and for its own reasons, it is the character of some children. Although the strength is strong, it is okay to let them play around. Just do business. Forget it.

If you really let the sea anemones come to help, I don't know how much trouble it will cause, but Huo Hai did not let the sea anemones hide, but showed it openly, who let the sea anemones and himself The relationship is so good.

The strength of the sea anemone family is terrifying. Even without Xiaokui, the sea anemone family's strength on the sea is much stronger than the only top sect to catch the phoenix faction, but after leaving the sea, the sea anemone family's strength It's going to be a big discount. Above the boundless sea, there is an anemone family as a deterrent, and no one dares to make trouble.

Of course, even if there is no sea anemone clan, no one will dare to mess around because of the masters of the spirits. A spirit is a top power, not to mention that this spirit is very special.

All the people are very busy during this time. Only Huo Hai has nothing to do. The Spiritual Warfare Art and Spirit Array have basically reached the extreme of the current stage. Huo Hai has nothing to do. He is idle and bored. Just leave a few things.

When Huo Hai was okay, he would either study the refining of spar, or make some scrolls to seal his own star fire and star sword aura, and sometimes even seal some of the power of star movement. This is for family protection. The means, Huo Hai is different from the masters of other big sects, because Huo Hai himself can be used as an array spiritist.

I like to study spiritual formations. I have done in-depth research on spiritual formations a long time ago. I am still very savvy, and I can obtain spiritual formation materials from many forces. This, even in the ancient Sky Star Sect, still no one can do it.

When he was idle, Huo Hai continued to feed Gu beasts. The ferocious beasts in the spirit emperor realm that Huo Hai caught at the top level were tempered into Gu beasts by Huo Hai, and then they were completely assimilated with the spirit array here. , Become the guardian beast of the family.

Under Huo Hai’s feeding, these Gu beasts slowly reached the peak of the Spirit Emperor, and the worst was as high as the seventh or eighth level. When it was discovered that the Huo Family had so many terrifying beasts, and there were such terrifying control The beast means, the forces that come to the Huo Family to test are even more afraid to act rashly. The mere existence of these things makes the Huo Family as stable as Mount Tai.

Without Huo Hai's orders, it would be impossible to leave Fuyun Island to fight, but within the scope of Fuyun Island, the overall strength of the Huo Family has slowly caught up to or even surpassed the Phoenix Catch Faction. This is all due to Huo Hai.

Huo Hai will leave sooner or later, so Huo Hai also wants to leave some protective power in the family, "Hey, if the golden puppet of the Lie Sun Sect stayed behind." Huo Hai thought of the golden puppet that blew up. .

Huo Hai had already obtained the manufacturing method of this thing in the Lie Sun Sect, but there is only one piece of the material for the golden puppet, and Huo Hai has no way to make it. "By the way, puppet, how can I forget this thing." Huo Hai suddenly His eyes lit up, and he remembered something that he had forgotten a long time ago. When he was still the Spirit King, he had obtained a puppet refining method.

As far as Huo Hai is concerned, although he can't keep up with the use of it for a long time, and Huo Hai has never made it, but this secret method is a foundation. Huo Hai quickly found it out and started at the same time. Refer to other materials.

The manufacturing method of golden puppets, the secret method of Moon Huazong's control, and the secret method of manufacturing blood flame puppets, etc. Huo Hai has something to do. While studying and summing up, in the end, Huo Hai even used the star stone wall. .

Anything related to the power of stars, Star Cliff can help Huo Hai comprehend in the shortest time. I don’t know how long it has passed. Huo Hai’s heart slowly formed a new set of puppet manufacturing secrets, this set of secrets, It is based on Huo Hai's star line, which replaces the puppet line, and can construct a spiritual array.

At this time, the corpse of the ancestor of the sun had been transformed by Huo Hai with a star line. As for the corpse of the ancestor of Yuehua, because the bones were extracted to supply the small bone breakthrough, it is now useless.

Of course, the most important thing to make a puppet is the source of the puppet’s own power. The core of this power source is the most important. The spiritual master uses the power of his own world manually, while the golden puppet uses special materials to transform The power is integrated in the whole body, as its own source of power, after the blood flame puppet breaks through, it is exactly the same as a normal person, and it also has an inner world.

The scorching sun ancestor has already destroyed the inner world by himself, even if the spiritual source is restored, it is impossible to produce a new inner world, so it is absolutely impossible for Huo Hai to use the method of blood flame puppets to make it.

"Fortunately, this guy used to be a Spiritual Venerable after all. His body has been transformed by the power of the world, and his spiritual veins are still very strong." Huo Hai is very satisfied with this corpse. A large amount of heavenly materials is now ready. .

These heavenly materials were all found by Huo Hai from the destroyed sects. After smelting them, based on the power of his own stars, Huo Hai directly began to portray the spirit formation in the spirit source of the ancestor of the sun. It is a complete spiritual formation, and Huo Hai will use the spiritual formation to construct something similar to the inner world as a source of power.

As for intelligence, this puppet doesn't need it. Huo Hai only intends to leave a ghost bone worm as a replacement for his soul. Anyway, it is only used to protect his family. Huo Hai has never thought of letting him leave.

After working hard for three months, Huo Hai finished the last stroke on this day, and finally heaved a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, no accident happened." Huo Hai stretched out, feeling a little excited. But for the first time he created a puppet in the realm of Spiritual Venerable, whether he can succeed or not depends on whether the spirit formation can withstand his own power.

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