Evil Insect God

Chapter 1346: Go to Heavenly Spirit Realm

A new volume is opened, and I beg for support.

In just a few short years, although the Huo family has not truly become a top-level family, the family's own strength has surpassed the strength of the Lie Sun Sect at the time. All of this is related to the particularity of Huo Hai.

Refining the Gu beasts and then using the spirit array to assimilate, combining various methods, gave the Huo Family a powerful protective power. At this time, among the Huo Family, there are already ten Gu beasts that have reached the peak of the Spirit Emperor. A few of them. In their heyday, the Yuehua Sect and the Lie Sun Sect combined, I am afraid that there are not so many top-level spiritual emperor realm masters.

It's just a pity that Huo Hai can only cultivate so many. The fierce beasts in the spirit emperor realm are not so easy to cultivate, but the selection of materials is not so easy. At this time, the power in Huo Hai's body is almost uncontrollable.

"Hey, it seems that I still have to leave." Huo Hai got up and said to the people around him. During this time, Huo Hai's days were very relaxing and pleasant, but the relaxing days are often very short.

"Husband, you, are you leaving now? We will definitely wait for you." Qu Siyu said in a melancholy voice. Other people's eyes were also full of loss. For more than a year, he kept creating people every day. But now there is no movement.

Fang Biya was a little bit depressed: "Hai, we are so useless, even a child can't help you stay." As he said, Fang Biya's tears were about to flow, and the other people were not in the mood. Well, under normal circumstances, how could it be possible that this hard work for a year would have no effect at all. They are four sisters.

Huo Hai was also somewhat helpless: "It's none of your business, this reason should be on me." Huo Hai hasn't studied this time, but the more you study, the more depressed Huo Hai, he didn't pay attention before. .

"How is it possible that you have reached the realm of Lingzun? Why, how could there be a problem." Fang Biya said a little excitedly, "Did we be too eager for success at the beginning, so what happened to the body?"

Fang Biya always thought that it was because she and others took a lot of pills to quickly improve her cultivation level, which caused problems. If that were the case, Fang Biya would feel sorry for Huo Hai and even the Huo family.

Huo Hai smiled and shook his head: "How is it possible that a large amount of pill will only affect the cultivation base, how can it affect this? Besides, are there few people who use a lot of pill to eat themselves and cause problems? When will you watch I've been to these people and have problems." Not all of them value the foundation as much as Huo Hai, and too many people destroy the foundation themselves.

Huo Hai didn't hesitate, and said directly: "The problem really happened to me, because I improved too quickly. If I didn't break through the Spirit Venerable, it wouldn't be like this." Huo Hai was a little helpless, but still explained. .

Breaking through to Lingzun means that you have entered the heavenly level from the earth level. If the yellow level is an ordinary person, then the profound level is a master who surpasses ordinary people, and the earth-level master is standing at the peak of manpower and can be reached by manpower. limit.

However, these people are still mortals. After reaching the heaven level, they are no longer mortals, but celestial beings. Under the transformation of their own laws and powers, they are incompatible with the power of heaven and earth, and the relationship between nature and heaven and earth There was also a certain difference between creatures. Huo Hai could not be regarded as a normal creature, although he was still alone.

The life level is too high, which makes it very difficult to keep offspring. Especially Fang Biya and others have not even reached the heaven level. The life level and Huo Hai are not at the same level, so it is even more difficult. It's difficult.

"Because my cultivation base is too high and I have reached the heavenly level, that's why it becomes like this. Don't worry, when you also break through in the future, it will be easier, and our offspring will be stronger."

Huo Hai smiled and said, Fang Biya and others sipped, their faces flushed, but they were still a little disappointed. Although the descendants of the Heavenly Masters are far superior to normal people in terms of talents, and they have more opportunities to break through. Heavenly level, but it takes time. Huo Hai was about to leave, but they didn't react at all. This was really disappointing.

Suddenly, Huo Hai felt a wave of contract power in his body. Huo Hai frowned. Recently, the contract power fluctuates stronger and stronger. This is to remind Huo Hai to complete the contract as soon as possible. If Huo Hai does not leave, there will be no way to complete the final contract.

In this way, the contract will think that Huo Hai does not want to complete it, and it will happen slowly. Once it really breaks out, then Huo Hai will be in trouble. Without the ability to complete, the contract will not happen, but Huo Hai now has Enough strength.

After thinking about it, Huo Hai shook his head and said, "There is no time. I will leave today. By the way, you will let Grandpa inform me of my departure." Huo Hai doesn't like parting. He almost leaves quietly every time he goes out. .

Suddenly, Huo Hai said to the side: "Xiaoku, come out, this time you can't follow me with anything you say." Following Huo Hai's words, a little girl jumped out from the side, seeing that Huo Hai was about to leave. , This girl often hides near the entrance of Huo Hai's house, and it is the same today. This girl is likely to follow it secretly.

This time, Huo Hai ignored Xiaokui’s pitiful eyes: "Xiaokui, you have to be sensible. Heavenly Spiritual Realm still doesn’t know what is there. Since ancient times, no one who has entered Heavenly Spiritual Realm has returned. Something dangerous."

After a pause, Huo Hai continued: "Furthermore, Xiaokui, you know, our strength here is indeed not enough. If we both leave, what if someone attacks here?"

Xiaokui’s eyes were full of unbelief, and Huo Hai immediately said, “Don’t think it’s impossible. The power here seems to be very strong, but the power of your sea anemone clan is too extreme, and what I left behind is not unsolvable. The way, if there is no master of the spirits, it is easy to have problems, so you have to stay here."

Huo Hai said nothing to let Xiaokui leave. Xiaokui opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but she couldn't say a word. After a long time, Xiaokui said with a dissatisfaction: "Okay, people stay. Come down."

Xiao Kui looked aggrieved, but it didn't take long for Xiao Kui's emotions to disappear without a trace. It was really a child's heart.

Rolling his eyelids, he finally convinced Xiao Kui. Seeing Xiao Kui had already played with Fang Biya and the others, Huo Hai stopped staying anymore. He said goodbye, his figure disappeared in a flash and disappeared into the horizon. .

Fang Biya and others looked at the place where Huo Hai had left, tears could not be stopped: "Husband, you must come back soon." Qu Siyu folded his hands together and prayed silently in his heart. Huo Hai left, everyone felt themselves All of his souls left. In the corner, a figure looked from a distance, his eyes full of melancholy, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Brother, next time you come back, Yun'er will definitely not let you leave again." This person is Huo Yun'er. Huo Yun'er clenched his fist at this time, and silently swore an oath in his heart. All this, Huo Haidu did not see.

Huo Hai, who had left, came to the westernmost part of the Heavenly Soul Region in just a few moments. After leaving the Heavenly Soul Region, after a few pieces of Jedi, Huo Hai could see the barrier to leave the Heavenly Soul Region from a distance.

A large piece of terrifying force of heaven and earth is compressed together. This is not ordinary force of heaven and earth, but a force derived from the origin of heaven and earth. This force is very vast. Huo Hai feels that he is in front of this force. So small, if you want to enter the Heavenly Spirit Realm, you have to pass through this layer of heaven and earth power barrier, there is no fancy.

"Since ancient times, I don’t know how many people have entered the Heavenly Spirit Realm, nor how many people will come here. But today, this is the day when Huo Hai entered. I want the entire Heavenly Spirit Realm to remember this. one day."

In Huo Hai’s eyes, the raging fighting spirit was burning, and the Heavenly Spiritual Realm was nothing more than a new place. Huo Hai believed that one day he would reach the peak of the Heavenly Spiritual Realm and raise his status to the Heavenly Spiritual Realm. The same height as the soul domain.

I believe that at that time, no one in this world can influence his own decision, no one can make himself do what he does not want to do, Huo Hai’s eyes lit up, and a ray of light flashed like sword energy. Elapsed, the next moment, Huo Hai already rushed straight towards the barrier like a meteor.

With his right hand pointed to the front, the sword finger was condensed with bright stars and sword aura. In the next moment, Huo Hai had already entered this layer of barrier. The sword aura easily broke the power of the world in front, protecting Huo Hai from moving forward.

The sky suddenly became completely dark, lightning and thunder, followed by heavy rain, giving people a feeling of depression. At a position above the barrier, the power of heaven and earth continued to roll, exuding a breath of terror.

At this time, Huo Hai no longer thought about other things, just thinking about going forward, and Huo Hai discovered that where he passed, there was a stronger force to heal the passage, and this force was still chasing him, that is to say, As long as he is weak, he will be crushed to death by this barrier instantly, and it is not that easy to pass this barrier.

Moreover, Huo Hai didn't know why at this time. Through the communication and perception with the power of heaven and earth, he found that he could no longer go back. It is simple to enter the heavenly spirit realm, and it seems that it is not easy to go back.

No matter, since you have come here, then go ahead, anyway, the contracted power on his body has slowly calmed down, Huo Hai drives his own sword energy, and moves forward bravely, as if he has really become a sharp sword, no Knowing how long it has passed, as if it was only a moment, and as if it were thousands of years, Huo Hai suddenly felt his hands empty, and a ray of sunlight in front of him fell.

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