Evil Insect God

Chapter 1347: First arrival

The barrier of the power of heaven and earth was pierced by Huo Hai, and then Huo Hai finally appeared in a new piece of heaven and earth. There seemed to be nothing special around him, similar to the previous appearance.

But afterwards, Huo Hai discovered some differences: "What a rich aura, cultivating in this kind of place is at least ten times more effective than in the Heavenly Soul Region." This is only the marginal area, if it is some famous mountains and rivers. , The concentration of spiritual energy should be stronger, under this environment, cultivation is too easy.

As long as some people with good talents have certain necessary resources, the cultivation speed before the Spirit King will definitely not be much slower than before. This is the natural force between heaven and earth, and it will not cause any damage to the human body at all.

Even if you cultivate it a little bit, the speed of cultivation here will be faster, and there is no problem surpassing what you used to be. It really is the center of the Heavenly Spirit Continent, and it is really different from ordinary places.

Looking around, Huo Hai was even more surprised, because among the plants everywhere that grow like weeds, there are many elixir that are not easy to find outside. The level of elixir may not be high, but the quality is very good. .

"Unexpectedly, there is still such a place. The weeds of the Heavenly Spirit Realm have a certain medicinal value when taken outside." Huo Hai flew down and found some plants to feel it. With Huo Hai's strength, he felt these. Plants are very easy. Under this kind of aura concentration, it is difficult to find ordinary plants without a little aura.

Look at the side again. Spirit insects and spirit beasts can be seen everywhere. Huo Hai’s perception is everywhere. Under this kind of aura environment, even a stupid pig can slowly reach the spirit beast by naturally absorbing aura. degree.

Huo Hai looked around and couldn't see an ordinary bug or beast. As long as it was a bug, it was definitely a spirit bug. As long as it was a beast, it was definitely a spirit beast or a fierce beast. There was absolutely no ordinary species.

That’s right, the concentration of aura here is not inferior to the best place in the Heavenly Soul Domain outside, and it’s more pure and natural. It also contains some special powers. Under this environment, if you can find ordinary The insects and beasts are really strange. The Heavenly Spirit Realm is really different from the outside world, and the resources are too rich.

"It seems that many of the ground veins here have grown into dragon veins. If this is the case, it seems that you can plan it out." Huo Hai doesn't know what the status of the ground veins here is, so naturally he can't just mess around. .

Even Huo Hai didn’t know how many spirits were cultivated in such an environment, and what was the status of spirits. If there are too many spirits, it’s nothing in this kind of place, then Huo Hai only I can behave with my head down.

However, judging from past rumors, in the heavenly spirit realm, the spirits do not seem to have a bad position, but rather aloof. After all, are they a heavenly master? There is such a heavenly word, that is, transcendence, which is completely different from normal people , Shook his head, Huo Hai was about to leave here, but at this moment, Huo Hai suddenly felt an incredible moment.

"How is it possible that the power of heaven and earth here is so strong, and how the quality of the power of heaven and earth is so high." Originally in the outside world, Huo Hai was able to mobilize the power of heaven and earth as he wanted, but now he can't do it.

Because the power of the world outside is only the furthest, any spiritual deity can fully use it. The origin of the world is hidden in the depths, but here, the power of the origin of the world fills the entire world, everywhere.

Huo Hai can only mobilize some of the most superficial powers of heaven and earth. As long as the quality of any power of heaven and earth is higher than his own spiritual power, he is absolutely impossible to mobilize. In other words, in such a place, if you want to directly It is easier to follow the pseudo-spiritual route than the outside world. Under the effect of this exposed origin, you can easily integrate yourself with the origin of heaven and earth.

Huo Hai's eyes widened. In this way, in the entire world, how many spiritual masters should there be? Huo Hai suddenly felt that he did not have the previous confidence. Those masters who came here for tens of thousands of years have reached it now. What extent.

Feeling the surroundings, the power of the space seems to be a lot stronger. Outside, Huo Hai can easily smash an empire-wide area with his hands, but here, Huo Hai feels that even if he does his best, he can only affect one. The size of the city, and its own world power, is not as stable as outside.

Perhaps in a small area, if you need it, you can leave your own strength permanently, but it will not work in a large area. The erosion and assimilation ability of the origin of heaven and earth is simply not something Huo Hai can resist.

In this kind of place, if you use the star line to arrange the spiritual formation, I am afraid that it will be completely corroded by the power of the sky and the earth and eventually disappear completely for several thousand or tens of thousands of years. Use materials.

Heaven and Earth put a lot of pressure on itself, but under this pressure, it is not without any benefits. Huo Hai can clearly feel that every time his world power is operated, he will strengthen and purify it. The world is also motivated. Under the pressure of pressure, the growth rate of his inner world seems to have accelerated a lot.

Sure enough, misfortune and blessing depended on everything. Huo Hai mobilized the power of heaven and earth and the aura around him, slowly experimenting, and constantly exploring the differences between the heavenly spirit realm and the outside world. After all, the two sides were completely isolated.

After experimenting for a long time, Huo Hai finally gave up reluctantly: "It seems that it is still impossible to cultivate and recover through external force." Huo Hai found that regardless of spiritual power or power of heaven and earth, this kind of self-guided master is in the inner world. It is repulsive, cannot be absorbed, naturally cannot be assimilated, and cannot be used to enhance one's own strength or restore one's spiritual power.

Huo Hai sighed helplessly. It seemed that this was the only way he could do now. Looking around, it seemed that he was in a forest, his flying ability was still the same as before, there was no change, and there was no impact here.

With the concentration of aura here, even flying will be easier. Huo Hai feels that as long as he reaches the realm of the spirit king, he can stay in the air for a long time. If there is a special war spirit technique, it seems that the spirit king master can also complete the flight.

In this case, the spirit king master here is completely different from the outside world. The outside world may also encircle the spirit king by numbers, but here, it is impossible for the spirit king master to be surrounded by low-level people, forget it. , The world of the Spirit King had nothing to do with him, Huo Hai flew slowly while feeling the surrounding environment.

In his heart, he is constantly calculating how strong the Celestial Spirit Realm is. At this time, he doesn’t even know where he is. In a place like the Celestial Spirit Realm, Huo Hai feels that his perception range is shrinking due to the pressure of heaven and earth. A lot.

But Huo Hai is not worried. His perception is already very strong. Even if compressed, it is much stronger than other masters. Other people will not be the same as himself. Besides, although the perception range is compressed, the feeling within the perception range, But it is even clearer, even through his own perception, Huo Hai can roughly see some pictures.

Huo Hai slowly adjusted his spiritual power, constantly strengthening and hiding the inner space in his body. The inner space was invulnerable under the heavenly master and could not be destroyed, but it was different from the heavenly master.

Heaven-level masters can easily feel the existence of the inner space of others. If the strength difference is relatively large, they can even open it directly. If there are any treasures in the inner space, it is easy to cause others to peep.

It is said that after reaching a certain level, the inner world can also load things. Huo Hai is not clear how strong it needs to be. In Huo Hai’s inner space, there are still some good things. The most important thing is that Huo Hai’s inner space is very huge. , This is the real reason why Huo Hai wants to hide. Once someone finds out, he might grab him and study it.

There should be no difference between the heavenly spirit realm and the outside world. They are both weak and strong, but the people here have a higher level of strength. After a long time, the spiritual power consumed by Huo Hai slowly recovered.

"Passing through a barrier can consume close to 10% of my spiritual power. This barrier is really strong." Huo Hai shook his head. Huo Hai has just tested it. This layer seems to have no barriers and can only pass Come.

Wanting to go back, Huo Hai tried his best to not break it. In other words, the people who came here didn't want to go back, but couldn't go back at all. At least, with his current strength, he couldn't shake this layer at all. The barrier, this layer of barrier, was formed by the origin of the world, and it is not something Huo Hai can contend with now.

I don’t know how long it has been flying, but Huo Hai’s speed is not very fast. Huo Hai finally feels the place where a large number of people gather: "It’s a city, I know, how can there be no city where there are people."

After finally finding someone, Huo Hai felt a burst of joy in his heart. The population density of the Celestial Spirit Realm is higher than that of the outside world, and the population is far from what the outside world can compare. It is nothing to encounter a city. After a few glances, Huo Hai could feel the prosperity of this city, and the area of ​​the city was no worse than those of the largest cities in the Sky Spirit Realm.

Such a big city should be able to find out what place it is. Huo Hai carefully felt that there is no master of spirits in this city, and the strongest is only the spirit emperor, maybe because this is the border.

At this marginal place, it would be nice to have a spirit emperor, but there are really many spirit emperors, at least Huo Hai felt that there were hundreds of them, and these spirit emperors were also the managers of the city in front of them.

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