Evil Insect God

Chapter 1348: Animal tide

The distant sky suddenly lifted up a piece of dust. In the dust, countless spirit beasts and fierce beasts were rushing towards the city. Looking at it from a distance, it was like a large ocean of fierce beasts, which was extremely spectacular.

The next moment, an alarm sounded in the city, and then countless signal fireworks flew into the air, without knowing what it meant, "Quickly, the tide of beasts has erupted, and all the people will go to the wall immediately." Like a general. The people yelled at the surroundings, and the soldiers rushed towards the wall above the city wall, very fast.

It seems that this kind of thing is not the first time. Among these soldiers, the weakest in strength also has the cultivation base of the spiritual realm. Under the spiritual environment of the heavenly spirit realm, as long as you practice a little more seriously, you can achieve it. Nice height.

Those civilians who have not even reached the realm of spiritual beings are all preparing their own tools in the city at this time. Once the city is broken, they will resist or flee, and the tools have already been placed nearby.

People in the city move very fast. In less than twenty minutes, the entire city has become an armed hedgehog. Above, there are many spiritual emperor masters floating in the air, and the spiritual king cannot easily fly. In the air, because it will consume their power, there are more than 30 spiritual emperors in the entire city.

There is one Peak Spirit Sovereign, but I don’t know why, it hasn’t made a breakthrough. On the opposite side, among the combined army of Fierce Beasts and Spirit Beasts, there are also many Spirit Sovereign masters, at least twenty. There is one.

Huo Hai watched from a distance, and a smile flashed in his eyes: "I didn't expect this spirit beast to learn to swindle too. I don't know how people in this city will respond." Huo Hai did not go to the city immediately, but wanted Look at the means of the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

When the tide of beasts rushed to the city, they all stopped suddenly, and their movements were neat and uniform, as if they were a well-trained army. Seeing this scene, the expressions of the spirit emperors above suddenly changed and their expressions became more solemn. This time the opponent is coming fiercely, it will definitely not be so easy to deal with, "Blood Eagle Emperor, what do you want to do."

In the air, a blood-red middle-aged man with an extremely sullen expression coldly snorted: "What are you doing? Of course, it's revenge. Ten years, ten years. Ten years ago, you killed my most important offspring. Of course I want revenge."

The city lord seemed to have expected what he was going to say a long time ago, and said dissatisfied: "Didn't you kill the murderer ten years ago? Why did you come to attack our city?" This battle has been fully fought. For ten years, these guys will attack once every year. In the past ten years, not only has the city not developed, but its strength has weakened a lot.

The Blood Eagle Emperor had a sullen smile on his face: "Hahahaha, you humans deserve to die. The mistakes you make must be borne by you together. If you don't destroy your city, it will be hard to dispel my hatred."

The blood eagle emperor roared, not giving the people in the city a chance to react at all, waved his hand, and yelled: "Crash me and destroy this human city." There has been a battle every year for ten years, and the blood eagle emperor simply No time for them.

A large number of fierce beasts and spirit beasts rushed up quickly, and the war broke out in an instant. The soldiers who had already guarded these fierce beasts were ready the first time they saw the beast rushing, and they pulled the bowstring. The arrow was placed on the longbow, and then, under the blessing of spiritual power, it turned into streamers and flashed away, forming a rain of arrows in mid-air.

Numerous fierce beasts were hit by arrows, some carrying arrows, enduring the pain and continuing to rush forward, some were hit and killed on the spot, the fierce beasts behind stepped on their companion’s corpse and continued to rush forward, completely ignored regardless of.

Perhaps, in the eyes of fierce beasts, there is no such word as companion. The fierce beasts are fierce, which humans can never compare. Huo Hai also saw a fierce beast similar to a rhinoceros in the team, being shot by an arrow. It inserted like a hedgehog, still rushing forward desperately, with the arrow rain, the beasts quickly rushed to the front of the city.

Even the cannon fodder is the battle of the Lingshuai master, Huo Hai is really the first time he has seen it. The quality of the soldiers is high. The battle is not only not beautiful, but more cruel, and it is easier to die on the battlefield.

"It really is the Heavenly Spirit Realm. There are many unrecognized fierce beasts and spirit beasts." Huo Hai said to himself as he watched. The environment of the Heavenly Spirit Realm and the Heavenly Soul Realm are different, and the two are isolated from each other. Spirit beasts are different.

Huo Hai can recognize most of the creatures in the Heavenly Soul Realm, but he doesn't know so much about the creatures in the Heavenly Soul Realm. It seems that in the future, he will need to find some information specifically to study this aspect. Huo Hai looked at him. He knew that the war was far from reaching its most dangerous moment.

After experiencing countless killings, Huo Hai discovered that this tragic war seemed to have become very common in his own eyes, and he couldn't make his mood waver at all, and seeing more would be different.

No matter who it is, after experiencing countless killings, it will feel like this, that is, the casualties caused by the final battle between himself and the Gorefiend are probably far more than the total number of participants in the battle at this time.

Soon, the herd of beasts rushed to the vicinity of the city wall. The fierce beast had its own way. The large fierce beast hit the wall fiercely, and the spirit formation on the wall was defensive. Under this impact, it constantly vibrated. Even sometimes, the attack can pass through the barrier and cause certain damage to the city wall. These large beasts have always been the first to deal with.

Then, a large number of flexible beasts stepped on these large beasts, and some relatively tall beasts, together with some flying beasts, attacked the city wall. The beasts never needed a siege weapon.

Besides, in a world where the strong respects the strong, not many people care about the strength and height of the city walls. As long as they can resist ordinary creatures, the real victory or defeat depends on the comparison of high-level combat power.

"War Spiritist stepped forward and blocked it." Suddenly, with a loud roar, countless heavily armored warriors stepped forward, using their shields and weapons to block these people firmly, and the archers stepped back and began to be free. Shooting, under the efficient killing of humans, the death and injury of fierce beasts and spirit beasts will always exceed that of humans.

At this moment, countless fierce beasts of the Spirit King realm rose into the air, seeming to tear a few holes in the city. This attack mode is already familiar to everyone, so the guards of the city are not surprised at all.

Among the crowd, the human spirit king suddenly rushed out, rushed directly into the air, and fought with the beasts. After a few moves, the spirit kings returned to the city wall, waiting for the beasts to attack again.

Huo Hai looked at from a distance, his eyes lit up: "Sure enough, the people of the Heavenly Spirit Realm really have a way to make the Spirit King fight at high altitude." The battle lasted for a long time, not a short time to jump into the air. , These spirit kings, like the spirit king, stepped on the air and rich spiritual energy to move their bodies in the air for a short time.

With the addition of these spirit kings, the battle gradually stabilized and the battlefield stabilized, but the killing around the city wall was still very cruel, but this cruel battle was not without benefits.

Many people even like the feeling of fighting on the front line very much. Through this kind of battle, many people try to break through their own realm shortly after they return. Although each war will suffer heavy losses, many people also break through and improve.

After ten years of fighting, the remaining masters are all elites. This is the advantage of human beings. The speed of cultivation is fast and the mind is also very flexible. This is absolutely incomparable to the fierce beasts. At this moment, the city suddenly issued a few words. There was a loud sound, visible to the naked eye, countless black shadows rose into the sky and fell among the beasts, desperately harvesting the lives of the beasts.

Huo Hai could see clearly that it was the trebuchet in the city that he had just started. This is a tower-like trebuchet with runes flowing on it. With every attack, there is a large amount of spiritual power directly blessing the attacking stone. Above.

Otherwise, it's not easy for this kind of stone to destroy those powerful defensive beasts. Everything in the Heavenly Spirit Realm has spiritual formations or spiritual power blessings. This is a characteristic, otherwise these tools are of any use.

"Prepare, let go." At this moment, an order from inside the city caught Huo Hai's attention. A special device that Huo Hai could not see, the spirit circle above suddenly emitted a bright light, and then there were countless spears in the middle. Being beaten out, with a strong spiritual light, it directly formed a large spear rain.

This kind of attack really opened up Huo Hai's vision. Is it simply a series of cannonball attacks? After these spears fall on the ground, they will explode. The power of this thing makes even the Spirit King dare not resist.

"Curious and special tool, I don't know who made it." Huo Hai's eyes lit up. This thing is not very powerful, but the effect is good. If it can be used in the surrounding fields, it may have a decisive impact on the war. .

But the fierce beasts are not without a solution. I don’t know when the ground suddenly churned, countless fierce beasts rushed out of the ground, and there was a big hole in the ground. It's destroyed, go and block it." This kind of thing has happened before, and all the cities inside the city didn't panic, and immediately someone took action.

Some people rushed directly to block the fierce beasts, and some array spiritists were repairing the spiritual formation nearby. As long as the spiritual formation was repaired, the fierce beasts outside would not be able to enter, and the two sides quickly stalemate.

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