Evil Insect God

Chapter 1352: tell

Everyone is seated, although Huo Hai is only a first-level spiritual veteran, but because Huo Hai comes from the heavenly soul domain, his talent must be very high. Therefore, Huo Hai's position is still higher than other first-level spiritual veterans.

All the spirits were present, so they quickly became familiar with them. "Elder Huo Hai, I don't know what's going on in the Heavenly Soul Realm now." After a long time, the elder who was already a little impatient, finally asked.

Huo Hai frowned, and then said: "Don't call me the elder, in fact, I am not from the Sky Star Sect."

Hearing this, all the faces suddenly changed: "How could it be possible that your cultivation is obviously the Heavenly Star Transformation, and it is still the purest kind. I don't believe that there are other spiritual arts in the Heavenly Soul Realm that can cultivate such a pure one. Star Spiritual Power." The foreign affairs elder became annoyed on the spot. When they left, the Sky Star Sect was in its heyday.

Huo Hai didn't care either, but looked around carefully: "Is there any problem with people here." Huo Hai asked this because he felt that someone was hiding in the dark, and he didn't know what it was. who.

Huo Hai could feel that other people here shouldn't be unable to feel it. Sect Master's expression changed: "No problem, all people are loyal to the sect. I don't know what happened to the Heavenly Soul Region." The atmosphere began to become serious.

Huo Hai lowered his voice: "You guys should have come here 70,000 years ago. In fact, the Sky Star Sect had already perished more than 70,000 years ago." Hearing these words, everyone stood up and saw It was incredible. Even these local spirits were shocked in their eyes at this time, what is going on, and what circumstances can cause this result.

"Could it be that any new forces have developed, but this is not right." When they left, the Sky Star Sect was already in a stage of rapid development, and even the overall strength was not comparable to other sects.

Huo Hai did not hesitate: "Do you know the Star Cliff." Seeing everyone nodding, Huo Hai went on to say: "In fact, the problem lies with the Star Cliff. With the help of the Star Cliff, the ancient Celestial Star Sect developed The speed is very fast and has become the strongest sect. The other seven top sects are worried that the Sky Star Sect will become the next Sky Soul Sect, so..."

There is no need for Huo Hai to talk about the next thing. None of the people present are fools. Naturally, they know how the Heavenly Star Sect in the Heavenly Soul Realm perished. The reason is very simple, it is basically the other sects united to deal with it.

With the Xingchen Stone Wall, the sect's development speed is indeed very fast. If this development continues, if it is not hidden well, then it is very normal for the Tianxingzong to be destroyed. At this time, everyone's expressions are not looking good.

The elder suddenly said: "You have any evidence, we can't go back now, how can you make us believe that what you are saying is true." The others also stared at Huo Hai closely, as long as there is a little to say No, these people will turn their faces on the spot.

Huo Hai didn't care, waved his hand and took out the secret record of the star. "This is what was left before the demise of the Sky Star Sect. I first obtained this secret record of the Sky Star in order to cultivate the Star Transition. And this, it should be the essence of the formation method left behind." , For the current Huo Hai, it is of no use.

Even if it is the essence of the formation, Huo Hai basically understands it thoroughly, and Huo Hai can make another one according to the situation. Huo Hai had already fully comprehended all kinds of special formation methods when he studied the guardian formation.

"This is what the last great elder left in the bones of his limbs. The bones of the great elder were still buried by me." As he said, Huo Hai took out the scroll he had received from the elder, and the things on it were Huo Hai. Remember it long ago.

Looking at these things, the faces of everyone changed constantly, and the things recorded on it were very clear. Especially the last great elder, when they left, had already emerged, and there was no way to imitate the aura of the stars left by the great elder. Feeling this, they knew that what Huo Hai said was true.

"Yes, it's his aura. These Heavenly Level Battle Spirit Techniques were created by them later. We don't even have it in our hands. It seems correct." Sect Master's eyes were a little red, and there was a murderous in his heart. surge.

"Asshole, really assholes, if I can go back, I must destroy them." The elder was also full of anger.

After a long time, Huo Hai went on to say: "After the demise of the ancient Sky Star Sect, the Seven Great Sects re-established a new Sky Star Sect to deal with those who have inherited the ancient Sky Star Sect. The inheritance is left in some hidden places, and some have not been found out until now."

The Sect Master nodded: "Yes, the Sky Star Sect was a consortium at the beginning, following the layout of the stars in the sky, and the station is dotted everywhere. It is really not easy to fight my Sky Star Sect at once." The Sect Master still understands it well.

"So later, what happened to the other sects." Sect Master looked at Huo Hai, and the murderous aura in his eyes gradually subsided.

Huo Hai did not hide it either. "When I got this secret record of the stars, there was a contract. If I wanted to learn the above things, I would destroy the other seven sects. After so many years of development, these sects have been in constant wars with each other. Compared with that year. So after I broke through, I have destroyed them one by one."

Hearing what Huo Hai said, a hint of surprise flashed in everyone's hearts. "Little friend Huo Hai, you said you destroyed them all, but your cultivation level doesn't seem to be very high." The names of everyone changed.

At the beginning, they knew that the spirit arrays of the major sects were basically made by spirit veterans above the third heaven, so how could they be breached so easily. Even all kinds of emergency methods are not available.

Huo Hai nodded and said, "Yes, that's it, otherwise I wouldn't dare to come to the Heavenly Spirit Realm. Actually, I am a worm spiritist and there are many very special spirit worms." Huo Hai did not say, they did not ask. , Insect Spiritist's methods are indeed very many. Although when it comes to the realm of spirits, the combat effectiveness of the worm spirits is usually the weakest, but many methods are still very convenient.

Huo Hai quickly explained something about these years to these people. For the other major sects, the anger in the hearts of the people is getting stronger and stronger. Huo Hai nodded in satisfaction, and finally achieved his goal.

Huo Hai came here for the main purpose, one is to understand other sects, and the other is to drag these people into the water. If you are the only one, wanting to deal with the other seven sects is not an easy task.

"The current Sky Star Sect, after I destroyed the Lie Sun Sect, was designed and destroyed by the Yuehua Sect." There was no response from the crowd. The new Sky Star Sect was just a puppet, not their inheritance at all, and they looked down on it. Seeing that these people didn't change their expressions, Huo Hai heaved a sigh of relief, fearing that these people might complain about him.

"After I got the secret method of the Star Sect, I passed it on to the family. Now our Huo family is majoring in the Star Transfiguration. I also put away the classics of other major sects, and the family members will also refer to it. "

"Very well, you did a good job. With this, you can also be the elder of my Sky Star Sect." Huo Hai is the true heir of their ancient Sky Star Sect, so what Huo Hai passed down is the orthodox inheritance of the Sky Star Sect. .

The other sects that had ruined the Heavenly Star Sect had broken their inheritance in the Heavenly Soul Domain. However, Huo Hai was able to pass on the inheritance of their Sky Star Sect. At this time, everyone had a high degree of recognition for Huo Hai.

"It just so happens that we can go back in less than a hundred years. At that time, we will help Huo's family well." Hearing this, a trace of doubt flashed in Huo Hai's eyes, why he could go back in less than a hundred years. Up.

As if knowing Huo Hai’s doubts, the Great Elder immediately said, “Did you find that you couldn’t go back when you came?” Seeing Huo Hai nodding, the Great Elder continued: “The Heavenly Spirit Realm is the place where the power of heaven and earth appears. It is different from the surroundings, so it forms a protective barrier. This barrier requires the cultivation of the Spiritual Sovereign realm to enter, but to go out, you must go to the Spiritual Sage."

For so many years, no one in the eight major sects has reached the spiritual sage, let alone the spiritual sage, the strongest can reach the spiritual sage fourth heaven is already very good. So for so many years, no one can leave.

"Are you puzzled about the legends of those heavenly spirit realms outside?" Huo Hai nodded again.

The great elder smiled: "In fact, it’s nothing. The barrier of the Heavenly Spirit Realm actually weakens every 100,000 years. At that time, if you want to travel inside and outside the barrier, as long as you have the strength of the earth enough."

In other words, when the barrier is weakened, even the Spirit King can travel between the two sides. In this way, things can be interesting. But Huo Hai felt even more anxious, because he wanted to destroy other sects within this short period of time.

Otherwise, when the other sects learned about the Heavenly Soul Region, Huo Hai had nothing to do, and his family would be in danger.

"Haha, how do you think we defeated the Heavenly Soul Sect back then. There are many masters of the Heavenly Soul Sect, and they are dangerous, but they don’t have many spirits. It was because the two sides communicated that we could get from the Heavenly Spirit Realm. We have obtained some heaven-level source spirit stones. With these heaven-level source spirit stones, we have developed for tens of thousands of years, and the major sects have finally cultivated some spirits."

Huo Hai nodded, it's no wonder that in the original battle, according to records, there were many spirits participating, and Huo Hai still felt a little strange.

It turned out that those people were all helped by the Heaven-Level Origin Spirit Stone. The cultivation secret method of the Heavenly Soul Sect makes it very difficult to give birth to a Heaven-level master. Therefore, with the lack of spiritual masters, this was annihilated by the eight major sects.

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