Evil Insect God

Chapter 1353: Pull down

What happened later made them unexpected that after dealing with the Heavenly Soul Sect, these sects actually used the same paralyzing means, and in less than ten thousand years, they launched an attack on the Sky Star Sect.

The destruction of the Star Sect made them feel uncomfortable. If they had all left later, the Sky Star Sect would definitely not become what they were later. In a blink of an eye, tens of thousands of years have passed, and now that they know these things, everyone is sighing. But the next time the barrier weakens, the other sects will definitely know, and there is no way to hide this kind of thing.

Huo Hai suddenly asked strangely: "What's the matter with the other sects, since they have already started with the Sky Star Sect, why are you still so peaceful here?" Huo Hai felt strange in his heart.

Hearing this, the others did nothing wrong. "Didn't you say it at the beginning? It's not easy to come to the Heavenly Spirit Realm, without the help of the Heaven-Level Source Spirit Stone. The average person almost has to reach the second heaven of the Spiritual Sovereign before they can enter."

After a pause, the great elder continued: "So over the past tens of thousands of years, not only our Sky Star Sect, but no masters from the other sects have come. It seems that they are all dead in the barrier. Huh, it is really cheap for them." Although the elder said so, his face was full of gloat. Because of these tens of thousands of years, their Heavenly Star Sect did not give birth to a spirit deity.

Huo Hai understands that because of the barrier, no other sect has received any news, so everyone can be in peace for tens of thousands of years, and even maintain an alliance state against other forces outside.

And when they first came here, in order to deal with the spirit seniors of the Heavenly Soul Sect and other sects, the loss was not small, and it was only a little development after such a long time. It was nothing compared to the real power of the Heavenly Spiritual Realm.

"That said, they don't even know. To be honest with you, I signed the contract at the beginning to destroy the other seven sects. In other words, I can't let go of these sects in the Heavenly Spirit Realm now. "

Upon hearing the words, the suzerain nodded and agreed: "Yes, it is to deal with them. Although our Sky Star Sect is the strongest here, if they unite, we are not their opponents. If the barrier is weakened after a few decades. , I am afraid it will be another catastrophe. It seems that we have to think of a way in advance and plan well."

Other people frowned at this time, and it was really not a simple matter to deal with so many people at once. Fortunately, now the other party doesn't know what they want to deal with them. This is their greatest advantage.

"I don't know what the current strengths of other sects are, how many masters of the spirits are there." Huo Hai suddenly asked.

Sect Master did not hesitate: "Because of the relationship between the star stone wall, our spirit art is more perfect, so now our Sky Star Sect is the strongest, with twelve spirits. No, now with you, we already have 13 spirits. Up."

After a pause, the sect master continued: "The other sects, the strongest are the Yuehua Sect and the Lie Sun Sect. There are nine spirits respectively, and the relationship between these two sects has always been the best. As for the rest. There are only three or five sects. The Dead Soul Sect is the weakest, with only two Spirit Venerables, one of which came from the Heavenly Soul Domain before."

For the Dead Soul faction, everyone felt disdain from their hearts. Huo Hai also knew that the Dead Soul faction relied on the undead to fight. Without the undead, their strength can be said to be weak to the limit. It was not strong enough, so most of them died in the barrier.

There are only two spirits now, because they have never obtained the bones of masters of the spirits realm or the corpses of fierce beasts, and there are no powerful undead. This Dead Soul faction is the weakest among all sects, and it is also the easiest to deal with them.

But even so, the spirit deity is still the spirit deity, which is not so easy to deal with. Even if there is a sneak attack, it is not easy to destroy the Death Soul faction. Huo Hai frowned, and it was really not an easy task to destroy these sects in the next few decades. Other people are also very depressed at this time.

But fortunately, these people were finally pulled into the water. As long as these people were willing to deal with the other seven sects with themselves, Huo Hai's pressure would be much less. Otherwise, Huo Hai really has no choice.

"It seems that this matter needs a long-term discussion. Elder Huo Hai, I don't think you know many things in the Heavenly Spiritual Realm. So, let's go to the library to read the book first. Let's discuss what we will do next. , Let you know at that time."

Huo Hai nodded, and then left. When he left, Huo Hai already had a brand representing the elder of the Sky Star Sect. Huo Hai did not understand many things in the Heavenly Spiritual Realm, so it was impossible to participate in the discussion. Besides, if you say that you are a worm spirit master, I am afraid that these people think that their combat effectiveness will not be too strong. This is also human nature.

Soon, Huo Hai greeted a disciple of the Tianxing Sect and came to the library. The Library of Heavenly Star Sect is a tall tower with a star-gazing platform on top. If it weren't written on the sign, Huo Hai really didn't expect that this would be Cangshu Pavilion.

After entering the library, Huo Hai did not look at anything clever, but at the bottom floor. The surrounding disciples knew that a new elder had appeared in the sect, and they came to watch, but they only dared to look far away. The elders of the Sky Star Sect, each of them is a master of spirits. In their eyes, Lingzun is almost like a living god.

As he watched, Huo Hai gradually understood something. "It turns out that the heavenly spirit realm really doesn't lack the heaven-level source spirit stone." Huo Hai suddenly discovered that the heaven-level master is really extraordinary, and it is not what ordinary people can imagine.

Through the space cracks, the sky-level masters can break the cool and directly enter the land of the source spirit. As long as you don't release your own breath, you can use your own strength to fight against the repulsion of the Origin Spirit Land, so as to find it inside.

This is the Heavenly Spirit Realm. From here, you can easily find many source spirit stones when you enter the land of the source spirit. Even the heavenly source spirit stones can often be found on the road. He controls his own power well and can stay longer in the land of the source spirit. Heaven-level masters are the main force looking for high-level source spirit stones, and people below the yellow level are simply not allowed.

It seems that if you have time, you have to go to the land of the source spirit again. Inside the Heavenly Star Sect, there are many cracks leading to the Origin Spirit Land. If Huo Hai wants to enter, he can enter at any time without causing any inconvenience.

After so many years of development, the Sky Star Sect has made considerable progress in all aspects. At least many of the battle spirit tactics and spirit tactics are more subtle than those recorded in the secret record of the stars. These people did not have the help of Xingchenshibi.

But they have spirits, and after tens of thousands of years of development, how could they have improved a little. It can't be compared with the powerful forces in the Heavenly Spirit Realm, but the general forces are not what they can fight against.

From the collection of the Sky Star School, Huo Hai also learned the true scope of the Sky Spirit Realm. The heavenly spirit realm can be said to be boundless, because the heavenly spirit realm is constantly expanding from beginning to end. If the Heavenly Spirit Realm is a continent, then the surrounding realms are just small islands next to the continent, and the two are simply not comparable.

The place occupied by the Eight Sect Alliance was nothing more than a small place near the edge of the easternmost part of the Heavenly Spirit Realm. The strength is okay, the land has no value, so it has been so stable for so many years.

The most powerful forces on the Heavenly Spirit Continent are one tower, one alliance, two sects, five clans, and eight sects. Each of the so-called top forces here is actually a master of the spiritual **** realm, which is the limit that a spiritual master can reach.

Spiritual God, this is a true God, and the power he possesses is not what Huo Hai is qualified to imagine. As soon as Lingshen did it, it was just a thought, I am afraid it would be able to break his body into pieces. This is the most powerful force in the entire Celestial Spirit Continent, and Huo Hai has finally come into contact with the core power in the Celestial Spirit Realm.

This Tower One League is the most powerful organization in the Heavenly Spirit Realm. Even if the Sky Star Sect does not understand, they can still know their names. A pagoda actually refers to the people of the Tongtian Pagoda, which means Tongtian.

The Tongtian Tower is very strict in recruiting disciples, and it is also the most mysterious sect on the entire continent. It is said that there are all kinds of geniuses in this sect, and many even come from other sects. The Tongtian Pagoda brings together the essence of human forces in the entire Heavenly Spirit Realm, and is the most powerful organization of mankind. It is precisely because of the Tongtian Pagoda that human beings have today's status.

A League is a spirit beast organization, this organization is called the beast league, is an alliance of a large number of spirit beasts and orcs. The so-called orcs are said to be hybrids of spirit beasts and humans after their transformation.

There are two factions in the Beast League, one is the orc faction, because the blood comes from both the spirit beast and the human, so it upholds a neutral attitude and will not attack either side casually, and the other are some form of spirit beasts.

Many of these spirit beast masters have deep hostility towards humans. Had it not been for the lack of overall strength and the loose relationship between the alliance members within the alliance, I am afraid they would have already launched an attack on this human race. Of course, the existence of Tongtian Tower is also an important reason why the Beast League dare not act rashly.

Except for these two organizations, the Sky Star Sect doesn't know much about the others. After all, it is impossible for these sects to advertise their information everywhere. Forget it, anyway, his current strength, the distance from confronting these people is still very early.

Huo Hai continued to look, supplementing some of his common sense in the Heavenly Spirit Realm. Now to deal with the other seven sects, it is not something I can worry about. Let's take a look at the people of the Sky Star Sect, what methods they have.

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