Evil Insect God

Chapter 1355: Supplement the source

At the current speed of Star Gu, it is very simple to dig a vein. However, Huo Hai's current knowledge does not need to be the same as before. Starting from the head of the vein, he can directly select the center of the vein.

Even though he dared not use too strong mental power, the spiritual power sensitivity of the spiritual master is still not comparable to ordinary people. What's more, Huo Hai's mental strength is far beyond the normal spirits. After finding the location, let Star Gu dig quickly.

You can't bring things into the land of the source spirit, the master of the spirits can hide their aura, but the noble items don't have this ability. If you dare to take out any quality items that exceed the yellow level, you will be suppressed. Once the items obtained reach the ground level, they will be directly rejected, no matter what they are, they will be sent outside.

Therefore, the best tools used here are only Xuan-level inferior products. The items above the mid-level mysterious rank are too much suppressed, and they are not as good as the yellow-rank items. Using these tools, it is not easy to dig through hard ground.

When the Lingzun master uses his hands, he will use his spiritual power from time to time, which will shorten his time here. Huo Hai is here, but he has a natural advantage, because Star Gu can also hide his breath perfectly.

It didn't take long for Huo Hai to fully excavate this vein. "Yes, yes, there are so many heaven-level source spirit stones, let's go, let's continue." Huo Hai greeted his Star Gu, and then continued to run towards the distance. Within an area, there is only such a vein. When this mineral vein can recover, Huo Hai doesn't know.

This time, the sky-level source spirit stone excavated was a thousand pieces. It is a pity that the real quality has reached the top grade, but only less than twenty yuan. It seems that it is not easy to find a high-grade heavenly source spirit stone in such a place.

I really don’t know why the outside world bred all top grades. And what made Huo Hai depressed was that he was here, and he didn't find the kind of special source spirit stone he had used before, which made people confused.

No matter what, Huo Hai still has to continue. With his own ability, in this way, Huo Hai could easily stay in the Land of Origin for a whole year. As long as Huo Hai doesn't want to go out, this year's time will not be locked by the power of Origin Spirit Land. Therefore, Huo Hai did not worry, and continued to search for the veins, and then dig them.

Huo Hai often met some people on the way. In such a special place as Origin Spirit Land, Huo Hai's vision is still limited, but Huo Hai with the Star Gu can always spot them in advance. The danger of Origin Spirit Land is nothing to Huo Hai.

The vast majority of people, Huo Hai avoided directly. If you meet someone interested in Huo Hai, don't mind helping out. But if he encounters those who make Huo Hai upset, Huo Hai will directly use Star Gu to kill him.

It is not a problem to kill a few ordinary people without using one's spiritual power, Star Gu's physical power. This time, Huo Hai stayed in Origin Spirit Land for more than two months. Perhaps, no one here has ever been able to use such a large project in the land of the source. Even Huo Hai has seen some potholes dug.

Some of these places are on the mine veins, but others can't dig it down, so they give up. Huo Hai will not let go of such a good place. Star Gu directly eats it and can dig it out after a while.

For more than two months, Huo Hai looked at the Origin Spirit Stone in his hand, which really shocked Huo Hai. "Oh, I didn't pay attention, there are so many heavenly source spirit stones." Huo Hai's smile was a little strange.

It was just an ordinary Heaven-level low-grade source spirit stone, and there were millions of them in his inner space. These source spirit stones, even in the heavenly spirit realm, are a huge wealth. If this is known, I don't know what it will look like. It seems that even among those big sects, there is not such a huge number of heaven-level source spirit stones.

There are so many heavenly ranks, and there are countless earth-level source spirit stones, even though what Huo Hai wants is only top grade goods. Huo Hai calculated the middle grade source spirit stones, and there are more than 100,000. It seems that the quality of these spirit stones is one out of ten.

Because Huo Hai had calculated, the Heavenly High-Rank Origin Spirit Stone in his hand was only about 10,000. As for the special source spirit stone, Huo Hai still didn't find one. It seems that he was lucky at the beginning.

I just don't know what that kind of thing is, the Sky Star Sect has no record of that kind of special source spirit stone. After digging up so many mineral veins, the high-grade source spirit stone in his hand is enough, it seems it is time to leave. Huo Hai checked and found that there was nothing missing, and only then did he release his breath. In the next moment, Huo Hai was already eyed by the power of heaven and earth.

It didn't take long for Huo Hai to feel a force squeezing him, and then the space force moved, and a flower in front of Huo Hai appeared to the outside world. I haven't been out for more than two months, so I'm really not used to it.

After giving an explanation, Huo Hai immediately returned to his room. The guys who discussed the issue still didn't discuss a result. It seems that time is not a problem for these people.

"Quickly eat, your original source was insufficient before, and now it is just to make up. By the way, remember to use the method of continuation that you just learned." Huo Hai confessed, and then every Star Gu threw down a Heaven-level Source Above the spirit stone, it began to be devoured continuously.

As for Xiaoxing, there is no need at all. At the beginning, Xiaoxing, the Star Gu insect king, ate a whole piece by himself. Among all Star Gus, Xiaoxing is also the most perfect in transformation, one can be worthy of a normal spirit. Even if these Star Gu supplemented their origins, they would still not be Xiaoxing's opponent in the future, and Xiaoxing could firmly control these Star Gus.

After that, Huo Hai set his sights on a little spider. The spider is half-transparent, and the rest is silvery white. This is the silver bead that Huo Hai has forgotten for a long time. "Hehe, kid, you're getting impatient too."

Sure enough, Yinzhu made waves of grievances. Its connection with Huo Hai is very close, but since Huo Hai broke through to the ground level, this silver bead has been eliminated, because the silver bead has no ability that Huo Hai can see.

Watching the other spirit worms become stronger one by one, Yin Zhu said that it was impossible not to be wronged. If it wasn't for the cultivation base itself, it was also good, and it was controlled by Huo Hai. As long as Huo Hai did not die, the lifespan of these spirit insects would be unlimited. Perhaps in terms of the lifespan of a spirit worm, the lifespan of a spirit worm like Yinzhu that has not broken through to the earth level has already reached its limit.

Of course, it is also possible that the life span of the silver bead is stronger than it thinks. "Okay, okay, I know I left you out before, come on, hurry up and swallow the heavenly source spirit stone, and then begin to transform."

Huo Hai smiled slightly, and threw a high-grade heavenly source spirit stone over it. After all, this silver bead was refined by himself using the original Refining Insect Formation, and the relationship with him could not be erased. Huo Hai didn't want to leave a weakness for himself.

Besides, this silver bead made a great contribution at the beginning. If there were no silver beads, Huo Hai might still be able to grow to the current height. For heroes, Huo Hai will not be stingy. There were no conditions at the time, so we had to choose the best. Now there are conditions. Huo Hai also wants to improve the silver silk spider, Yinzhu, to see the effect.

Watching the silver beads swallowing the heaven-level source spirit stone bit by bit, and then creating cocoons into the metamorphosis, Huo Hai set his eyes on the death moth. This little moth is the last spirit worm that has not completed its transformation.

Relying on its own blood and the help of Huo Hai, the moth has reached the peak of the spirit emperor. But without Huo Hai's help, it would be impossible to break through. Huo Hai is also not stingy, anyway, he has a heaven-level source spirit stone.

Even if it runs out, as long as the Origin Spirit Land is still there, Huo Hai can enter it at any time and continue collecting. Since there is no shortage of heavenly source spirit stones, do you still need to think about it. One more powerful spirit insect is always good for you. The moth swallows the source spirit stone faster, almost instantly, it has swallowed it completely.

Licking its paws with unfulfilled meaning, the small moth glowed from the whole body, and slowly entered the transformation of the heavenly level. When he showed up next time, he should surprise himself, Huo Hai thought of it silently.

At this time, the Star Gus had basically used the method of continuation to absorb the Heaven-level Source Spirit Stone in front of them. Huo Hai's expression was bitter: "It's a waste, it's a waste. I knew that this way, I wouldn't be able to transform Star Gu."

Huo Hai was depressed for a while, these Star Gus were all out-of-print. At this time, although the origin has been fully replenished, he can continue to improve along with him, and the feeling of weakness is gone, but his strength has not improved.

It seems that in the future, Star Gus will still rely on numbers to win. This is a defect caused by itself when transforming into a heavenly level, and this will accompany his Star Gu for a lifetime. If it is not enough, it will be useless in the future. Knowing this a long time ago, it would be better to wait until the source of the supplement was completed before allowing these Star Gus to transform into a better place.

It was too late to say anything, Huo Hai had no choice but to secretly regret it. But anyway, after the supplement was completed, the spirit of Star Gu improved a lot, and it would be a great help for him in the future.

As for the extreme spirit worm, the blood worm, Huo Hai thought about it and didn't change its contract. This thing is too extreme and too useless. When dealing with the Blood God Sect, this thing was not useful at all.

Now that the spirit worms have been dealt with, it is time to consider the issue of improving oneself. Huo Hai continued to read through the classics, hoping to find something suitable to improve himself quickly.

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