Evil Insect God

Chapter 1356: Dragon and Dragon Vein

The spirit worms entered the metamorphosis one after another, and Huo Hai temporarily relaxed again. However, Huo Hai knew that his cultivation level was not enough and he needed to improve quickly. It is almost difficult to deal with the other seven sects without reaching the third heaven of Lingzun.

With the development of these years, coupled with the materials of the Heavenly Spirit Realm, the guardian formations of the major sects are much stronger than before. Huo Hai is now facing these guardian formations, and Huo Hai is sure that he is absolutely dead.

Time waits for no one, and the barrier will be opened in less than a hundred years. Such a long time seems to be longer than Huo Hai's total time from birth to now. But for a spiritual master, this time is nothing at all. If Huo Hai did not use special methods, relying on his own practice, it would be a question of whether he could break through to the double heaven in the past few decades.

This is because Huo Hai has a strong foundation, no bottlenecks, and a fast upgrade speed. Switching to other Spiritual Venerable One-Heaven Experts, even thousands of years may not be able to make a little diligence, let alone break through.

While flipping through the information quickly, gradually, Huo Hai finally found some useful records for him. "The formation of dragon veins is actually related to dragons. In this case, if you find a dragon, you can also find dragon veins."

Huo Hai's eyes narrowed slightly, and his Nine Dragon Spirit Shadow had to find the dragon veins to ascend to the next level, which is the state of Dzogchen. Huo Hai didn't know how effective this Nine Dragon Spirit Shadow was, but it was so difficult to cultivate, and it should be of great benefit to him. Besides, if one's own blood flame flood dragon wants to improve, it also needs to find the dragon.

In the heavenly spirit realm, there are dragons, and the dragon is also one of the five races, at the top level of the entire heavenly spirit realm. Of the ordinary dragons, Huo Hai did not dare to move casually. Because of the small number of dragons, they are very united.

Once a dragon clan is hunted and killed by others, the dragon clan will even dispatch the whole clan to wipe out the forces that hunted their companions. Dragon Clan is one of the most difficult forces to provoke in the Heavenly Spirit Realm. How dare Huo Hai move around casually.

But then Huo Hai discovered a problem. The dragon race is not a spirit beast race, but a single race. Huo Hai originally thought that this was because the dragon was too strong, which led to the division of the dragon from the spirit beasts. But when Huo Hai saw these materials, he found that things seemed a little different from what he thought.

"The dragons in this world are actually spiritual creatures that are naturally raised." Huo Hai's eyes widened, incredible.

The so-called spiritual creatures that are naturally raised are the special creatures that are the most difficult to transform. This kind of creature was originally a dead thing with no life or soul. Later, life was born due to special circumstances.

This kind of creatures usually have very strange special abilities, and they have extraordinary potential and powerful strength. Similarly, the bottleneck of these creatures is also very strong. Once the bottleneck is reached, it is almost impossible to continue to rise.

It seems that many powerful weapons, under some special circumstances, may transform into a new kind of creature. People don't know how to classify this kind of creatures, because the number is small, so there is no classification.

Usually the number of these transformed creatures is small, and for various reasons, they cannot form a race. Only the dragon clan is an exception. The dragon clan actually existed when the world was just born. It's just that the dragon clan at that time was not the real dragon clan, but the earth veins. The most primitive earth vein air is the dragon itself.

After a long time evolution, part of the earth veins transformed into dragon veins. Later, part of the dragon veins had their own lives due to special reasons, and they eventually emerged from the earth veins and transformed into dragons.

In other words, the transformation of dragon veins is the most orthodox dragon. As long as such a dragon is born, it is in the realm of spirits. Even some powerful dragon veins, as long as they transform their form, can reach the holy level. Dragons are slow to upgrade, but in the same level, almost no creatures can fight against these dragons, and their combat effectiveness is really terrifying.

Because there were many dragon veins in ancient times, some of the earliest dragons at that time slowly gathered together to form the dragon race. Dragon race is one of the oldest races in the world, very powerful.

It is a pity that the fertility of the dragon clan is very poor, especially the pure-bred dragon clan, it is very difficult to give birth. Even if it is born, it takes a long time to grow up. Dragons are born with a long life span, which is completely different from humans.

So every dragon is very precious. Only those dragons who have committed a big mistake and are wanted by the dragons are allowed to be killed by others. In addition, no matter who killed the dragon clan, the end will not be any better.

The dragon Huo Hai has no way to move, so he can only start from the dragon vein. In fact, the dragon family also attaches great importance to dragon veins, because it is possible to give birth to a purebred dragon family. However, the earth veins are distributed throughout the world, and the dragons have no way to occupy the entire heavenly spirit domain. Therefore, as long as the dragon veins are not transformed, they are not considered to be dragons. This is a compromise between the dragons and other races.

But after the dragon veins were transformed, no matter who it was, they had to release the newly-born dragon clan back. The top powers had all signed contracts in this matter. Any force with a heavenly master will be notified by the Dragon Race.

If this were not the case, it would be impossible for the Sky Star Sect to know such things. There are more dragon veins nowadays than before. The dragon veins in the past could only slowly evolve and form by relying on time.

But now it's different. There are dragons, and the dragon aura emitted by the dragons affects the earth veins, which can increase the chance of dragon veins being born. It's just that the dragon veins born in this way are even more difficult to transform. Besides, ordinary people, even if they find a dragon vein, they can only use it as an earth vein. Even in the Sky Star Sect, there is no way to use the dragon veins.

In the data, Huo Hai found some traces of dragons who lived here before. Huo Hai found some ground veins among these traces. It seems that to find Longmai, you still have to start here.

After confirming his next move, Huo Hai looked at the masters of the Sky Star Sect. They were still discussing at this time, and Huo Hai simply confessed and left. He doesn't have so much time to waste.

Two days later, Huo Hai had already left the territory of the Eight Sect Alliance, only if he went deeper, there was a trace of the Dragon Clan living. "It's here." Huo Hai looked at a high mountain in the distance. There used to be dragons in this area and even lived there for a while. I don't know where the dragons have gone now, but Huo Hai is not here to find the dragons.

Under the influence of Dragon Qi, what should change here. The place where Huo Hai came first was the largest vein here. There are many ground veins in the heavenly spirit domain, so it is not as precious as the outside world.

This kind of ground veins, it is normal that no forces occupy it. Of course, such a large ground vein also gave birth to some very dangerous creatures. Huo Hai felt a breath of Spiritual Venerable Realm, it should be a fierce beast.

Huo Hai didn't intend to find the fierce beast, but quietly began to investigate the environment here. In the end, Huo Hai found a hole and slowly went deep into it. Soon, with the help of the ability to travel underground, Huo Hai came to the veins. "Hey, it's a pity, it hasn't been transformed yet." Huo Hai looked at the earth veins surging in the earth veins, and shook his head helplessly.

Looking at it this way, even if you want to become a dragon vein, it will probably take thousands of years. Since there is no alternative, Huo Hai can only leave. After that, Huo Hai continued to search for other ground veins.

It took a few days for Huo Hai to explore all the large ground veins nearby. Unfortunately, all the ground veins here showed no signs of transformation. Huo Hai looked annoyed, where on earth he was going to look for.

In this area close to the edge of the heavenly spirit realm, it is not easy to find the dragon vein itself. If it hadn't been for dragons, there would be no dragon veins. Huo Hai's eyes were a little disappointed, because the Sky Star Sect only had so much information. Huo Hai didn't know what he would encounter when he continued to go deeper. Even if you encounter some powerful creatures far beyond yourself, it is not impossible.

"Hey, this place is left." Huo Hai looked at a small valley not far away. This place is not big, it is one of the smallest veins here. From the beginning, Huo Hai never thought that he would encounter Dragon Veins here.

But when Huo Hai approached, his face suddenly changed. Because the aura here is more active than other places, and it has a very powerful and active force. Huo Hai moved in his heart and quickly approached.

"Could it be that this is the place where dragons lived before." Huo Hai only saw dragons in this area in the data. Now on a stone in the valley, Huo Hai found a huge paw print. You know, Huo Hai himself cultivates Nine Dragon Spirit Shadow, he is very sensitive and familiar with Dragon Qi, and he can naturally feel it.

Besides, at the beginning, Huo Hai also used the Blood Flame Flood Dragon made by the Flood Dragon, which was more sensitive to Dragon Qi. With the reminder of the Blood Flame Flood Dragon, Huo Hai was even more sure that this paw print was exactly what the Dragon Clan left.

If dragons have lived here before, the dragon spirit here is definitely the heaviest. Even small ground veins can be transformed. Besides, after so many years, dragon spirit still exists here, which is very problematic. It is very possible that this dragon energy is not left by the previous dragons, but the dragon veins here.

If this is the case, then your goal can be achieved. Huo Hai's eyes narrowed slightly. He didn't expect Liu Yinhua to find another village here, and he found a clue to the dragon vein. Huo Hai took a deep breath and calmed down.

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