Evil Insect God

Chapter 1358: Variety

When Huo Hai stopped, the special spiritual power just generated in his body had been immersed and was slowly recovering. Huo Hai only noticed at this time that his spiritual power had begun to become a little different.

Feel it carefully, when the spiritual power flows through the inner world, it will be condensed again because of the origin. The origin is improved, and even changed, the dragon veins are increased, and Huo Hai’s world power also adds some special ones. Strength, no matter what, Huo Hai has to wait until these spiritual power transformations are completed.

"My origin was originally the highest grade of the heavenly rank, but now it has changed once. I don't know if it's still a heavenly rank or is it beyond the heavenly rank." Huo Hai didn't understand what his current origin was.

But if I can’t figure it out, I don’t think about it. Maybe others have made similar changes. Huo Hai’s origin, this is a huge transformation that has taken place without a new source spirit treasure. It is not easy.

While allowing his spiritual power to transform, Huo Hai continued to experiment after recovering these special spiritual powers. There was no special change in these spiritual powers. They were still silvery white, but a little golden light appeared on the edges. .

Huo Hai didn’t know if his spiritual power would also become golden in the future, but Huo Hai didn’t care about the color or something. What really made Huo Hai cared about is that now his spiritual power is transformed, its power is more powerful than before. A lot of it, the same launching of various war spirit tactics, the power has also been improved in different ways, and the combat effectiveness has increased by at least 20%.

Now, no matter how difficult the other spirits are, Huo Hai has the certainty to kill the opponent. At least the master of the spirits, Huo Hai feels that he has the ability to kill the opponent on the spot. Will not let the other party escape.

With the help of his spirit insects, Huo Hai believed that the combat power he could exert would be even more terrifying.

With the improvement of his origin, Huo Hai didn’t know why. He felt that there was something more in his body. As for what it was, Huo Hai didn’t understand it. In short, Huo Hai feels very good now. have benefits.

I don’t know what it is, and Huo Hai didn’t pay attention to it. Now that the origin has changed, Huo Hai discovered that he actually has an additional origin ability. You know, this origin ability, Huo Hai has always been very envious, the origin ability is very Powerful ability, this thing in itself is equivalent to a kind of war spirit art that can be continuously improved, and it will not restrain itself.

Just like Yun'er's original ability is to control Dryad warriors, and Xiao Yun's ability is to condense a large cloud and fog tree. These can maximize their own combat effectiveness. Huo Hai has long hoped for a source. Ability.

Nowadays, this kind of ability has also appeared in his own source of mutation. Perhaps the previous source of his own has not really hatched and transformed, so this phenomenon will appear. Huo Hai's original ability seems to be derived from the power of the dragon vein.

With a move in my heart, a mysterious pressure was released from Huo Hai. This pressure is similar to Longwei, but it is a little different. Like Longwei, people with insufficient strength face this pressure. From the heart, you will be afraid, and even surrender, even if the strength is similar to your own, facing this coercion, the strength will drop a lot out of thin air.

Although Long Wei looked unremarkable, it was one of the most powerful abilities of the dragon race, a kind of talent instinct. Now that Huo Hai has this ability, he has once again increased his combat effectiveness invisibly.

Using this kind of pressure in the battle, Huo Hai is now truly confident of fighting the masters of Lingzun's Quadruple Heaven. Even if he still can't beat him, Huo Hai can at least guarantee that he won't get hurt. This is a huge improvement.

A full month later, Huo Hai's whole body's world strength was finally transformed. After the perfect transformation, Huo Hai felt that his strength had improved a little in an instant. In the realm of Spiritual Venerable, he wanted to increase his spiritual power by one point. But it is very difficult. If Huo Hai's changes are known, God knows what will happen.

"This Nine Dragon Spirit Shadow won't be passed down from the Celestial Spirit Realm before." Some doubts flashed in Huo Hai's eyes. Although this thing is said to be a spell, it is actually a secret technique, which has a strong effect on himself. Increase float.

Huo Hai has felt that his origin has not yet been strengthened to the end, it seems that he is still slowly improving, this special ability that can directly improve his origin, Huo Hai does not believe that people in the Molian domain can create from.

I just don’t know what the source of this thing is. At least Huo Hai hasn’t heard of anything about the Nine Dragon Shadows at all. Forget it, I’m in charge of so many things, as long as my strength improves. Just when Huo Hai thought his changes were complete, the inner world changed again.

The origin monster opened his mouth and sucked hard. Huo Hai’s star fire was actually swallowed by this monster. Huo Hai was taken aback. This was his only fire. Without fire, how would he refine the pill? .

Is it impossible to condense a fire again? Let alone how much time and resources it will take, Huo Hai doesn't have so much time to waste. What is going on here, what is his origin?

This thing is his own origin, yes, but Huo Hai has no way to command. At this moment, Huo Hai suddenly felt a strange feeling, "What is going on, can it be possible that the fire still exists." Huo Haiyi He was stunned, and then looked inwardly at his origin, the body of the monster dragon was more radiant and his eyes brighter.

Look carefully, there seems to be a flame burning in the eyes, and the mouth spews out a few sparks from time to time, isn't it the fire of my own stars, and I feel that this fire of stars is more powerful, and the explosive power is even more terrifying.

After all, this origin is his origin, and Huo Hai wants to control it very easily, but sometimes he will make some actions that he can't imagine. Huo Hai discovered that this strange dragon seems to be really a dragon, and actually possesses a dragon's breath.

The fire that has just been swallowed is used to nurture the dragon's breath, and there seems to be something similar to the dragon ball in the body, which completely swallows the fire, but Huo Hai’s fire is not gone, you must know this No matter what the origin is, it is also the origin of oneself, the root of one's strength, and the foundation of the inner world.

After the fire of the stars is transformed into the original dragon's breath, not only can Huo Hai still use the fire of the stars, but the flames are more flexible and easier to control. Now as long as there is a prescription, Huo Hai is sure to refine the superior-grade pill.

And with Huo Hai’s feelings, he found that his biggest flaw of fire has disappeared, "It’s great, I didn’t expect it to be like this." Huo Hai felt that as the fire of stars was being swallowed and tempered, he increased the flame attribute. .

This is the basis of the attributes from one's origin, based on the attributes of the stars. Your origin is still pure and unpolluted. It is just the fire of the stars, which has also become part of your attributes. Before, because there was no flame attribute, it could not be The direct promotion of the fire of stars can only rely on external forces to raise it, and the effect is still very poor.

But now, Huo Hai doesn't have to deliberately raise his own star fire. The fire power will continue to increase with his own power. Even if he wants to fight directly with the star fire, Huo Hai believes that it is not a problem.

The most important thing is that the previous fire seed occupies a part of Huo Hai's inner world, which is equivalent to cultivating a kind of heaven-level war spirit art, but it can't exert the power of this kind of heavenly war spirit art, wasting a position.

Now it is different. Huo Hai has fully exerted the power of the fire of stars, whether it is a pill refiner or used for combat, it is not bad, but now, after going back, look for a heavenly battle with flame attributes. Ling Jue, Huo Hai has just joined it not long ago, but he has contributed some new Heaven-level Battle Spirit Jue, so the authority in the Sky Star Sect is still very large.

After devouring the fire, Huo Hai never noticed any changes. He calculated his current Heaven-level War Spirit Art, one is the star sword energy from the change of the stars, and the other is the movement of the stars, which he did not intend. The means formed by practice.

There is also the Nine Layers of Starlight, which evolved from the Nine Layers of Moonlight, and finally is the fire of the own star. Apart from these, Huo Hai does not have a Heaven-level War Spirit Art. , And there are a lot of Heaven-level Battle Spirit Secret Art for cultivation, Huo Hai didn't want to continue to practice new Heaven-level Battle Spirit Secret Art in a short time.

If the flame war spirit art can be perfectly integrated with his own star fire flame, it doesn't matter if Huo Hai has practiced. If he can't, just skip the discussion, "Hey, I don't know how they discussed it."

Huo Hai has done everything he has to do now, and it is basically impossible to improve quickly in a short time. If this is the case, then we must first see how to deal with other sects. I don’t know if other sects do anything to him. Useful stuff.

There is also a lot of time to come out. Huo Hai doesn’t want to stay here anymore. He has improved a lot, so he will go back and have a look. Huo Hai’s figure changed, and it took two days to return to the Star Sect once again. But now, there is still no change in the Sky Star Sect. When Huo Hai came to the main hall of the Sky Star Sect, twelve people were sitting in their seats without speaking.

This is a meeting, but different from a normal meeting, sometimes they may have to think for several days before saying a word. Huo Hai can't stand this slow-paced meeting method, otherwise he won't come back now.

Seeing Huo Hai's arrival, the Sect Master nodded, ignoring him, Huo Hai looked helpless, these guys were really depressing, Huo Hai walked around to his seat from behind, and then sat down.

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