Evil Insect God

Chapter 1359: set a strategy

When Huo Hai took the seat, everyone immediately turned their eyes on Huo Hai, "Elder Huo Hai has already understood the common sense of the Heavenly Spiritual Realm. In that case, you can join this discussion."

Huo Hai was stunned. Forget it, no matter how much, Huo Hai originally came for this thing this time. At this moment, the eyes of the Sect Master suddenly changed, and then he and the Great Elder Exchanged his eyes.

"Elder Huo Hai is indeed a wizard. In such a short period of time, his cultivation level has actually improved." They could see that Huo Hai's breath had changed a bit. Huo Hai did not hide too much. The breath of the sea faintly puts more pressure on them than before. This can't be achieved by a single spirit.

That piece of spiritual essence was originally used for Huo Hai to break through the bottleneck. If Huo Hai were to use it like this, they would only feel a pity. Of course, any master who can cultivate to the realm of Spiritual Venerable is not so reckless.

Huo Hai’s age is very young. In their eyes, it can even be said to be young. Almost all the spiritual masters present have a life of tens of thousands of years, and even those who do not have a life history of more than a few thousand years. .

Compared with them, Huo Hai, a little guy who is only a few dozen years old, is nothing, but such a young guy can smoothly pass through the barrier and enter the Heavenly Spirit Realm. Huo Hai's talent is enough to shock them. In a short period of time, there was an improvement, which surprised them even more. They didn't think Huo Hai had any adventure.

Huo Hai didn't care either, and nodded and said, "I have improved a bit, and I don't want to worry about it. This time, my purpose of coming here is mainly to ask, have you thought of anything to deal with the other seven sects?"

When everyone heard the words, they closed their mouths. It has been a few months, except for the discussion here, it is of no use at all. You know, they will have the opportunity to return to the Heavenly Soul Realm in less than a hundred years. There is no way. At the end, do you want the entire sect to leave here? The Sky Star Sect has taken root here, and it is not easy to leave.

"I don't know what Elder Huo Hai thinks." At this moment, the Sect Master frowned and asked Huo Hai.

Huo Hai didn't hesitate, and said directly: "I have a little idea. If we operate well, we may be able to weaken the power of the other seven sects by more than half." Huo Hai's words immediately aroused everyone's interest.

You should know that although the strength of the eight major sects is different, it is not easy to destroy one of the sects. The guards of the major sects are very strong, and they are also very effective against each other. know it well.

If it weren’t for this, the weakest Death Soul faction would have been destroyed by their opponent's Rebirth Gate. Even though the eight major sects are now an alliance, the grievances between them cannot be eliminated. Fortunately, Tianxing Regardless of whether it is a philosophy or something else, Zong has no conflict with other sects, and is the strongest, without any obvious hostile forces.

Huo Hai said: "Everyone, what if one of the sects of the Eight Sect Alliances suddenly perishes."

The great elder said immediately: "Impossible, unless there is an expert hand that far surpasses us, otherwise it is impossible for any sect to suddenly die." Others think so, if it is so easy to deal with them, they would not discuss it for so long. Time is up.

Huo Hai smiled: "This time my cultivation level has improved, so I am sure to kill a master of the same level. You may not know that I will not be worse than the others in the understanding of the spiritual formation. "

It's not just a matter of not being inferior to them, even the best at spiritual formations among the sects are not as good as Huo Hai. Huo Hai sent out star lines and outlined a few spiritual formations in his hand. These people are eye-opening, everyone is People with eyesight, with their abilities, can naturally see Huo Hai's accomplishments in the spirit formation, and basically few people can compare it.

Huo Hai didn't hesitate, and then summoned the psychedelic butterfly. Seeing this, everyone's eyes became different, "Spirit worms in the realm of the spirits, Elder Huo Hai is really lucky." At this time everyone really started. Face Huo Hai.

Even if Huo Hai’s talent is high and his own strength is stronger, others will not be convinced, because Huo Hai is an worm spiritist, and worm spiritists have always been the weakest, but there are spirit worms of the same level. The value of is different.

The worm spiritualist who has the coordination of the spiritual worms is the strongest of all spiritualists. Using Huo Hai’s cultivation base to match this butterfly, I am afraid that there are not many who can outperform Huo Hai. "This is my pet fan Phantom Butterfly, possesses the ability of mind control, I think, with this, to cooperate with my spiritual formation comprehension, other sects dare not say, but this dead soul school should have no problem."

The Dead Soul faction is not proficient in spirit formations, and only studies death energy and undead. It has a very poor cultivation base and does not have a strong undead creature protection. If Huo Hai can't destroy the opponent in this way, then Huo Hai is not too bad. .

Everyone looked at each other, and the sect master finally understood what Huo Hai meant: "With your ability, it is indeed possible to destroy the Death Soul Sect, but next, because of the death of the Death Soul Sect, I am afraid that our sects should unite."

Huo Hai smiled confidently: "Before truly uniting against the enemy, I think everyone should have a meeting." Huo Hai already has a certain understanding of the style of these spirits, these guys don't take time seriously.

Seeing everyone nodding, Huo Hai waved his hand, Xiaodie took it back, and Xiaojin appeared in his hand: "This is also my spirit worm, the best at using poison. If he drops his poison on the person who comes to the meeting, he should You can catch them all. At that time, the major sects that suffered heavy losses, I think it should be easier to deal with.

Seeing Huo Hai once again brought out a spirit worm in the realm of the Spiritual Venerable, the others opened their eyes wide, not knowing what to say, this kind of talent, this kind of luck, this fellow Huo Hai will definitely not be low in the spirit of the future. .

"Yes, as long as it is highly toxic, it can indeed kill them all, but what are we going to do." If everyone eats, only they do not eat or drink themselves, it will definitely arouse other people's suspicion.

Huo Hai said indifferently: "My spirit worm can create a kind of detoxification crystal, which can eliminate all kinds of poisons, especially my own toxicity. As long as you take the antidote in advance, it will be fine, but, In this way, the elders participating in the meeting will not be able to show up next to avoid being suspected."

Everyone quickly talked about it, and finally the suzerain nodded and said: "It seems that this plan is indeed feasible, but there are two biggest problems now, how do you guarantee the destruction of the Death Soul faction, and your toxic power how is it."

The Breath Gate cultivates themselves, but their bodies and inner world are cultivating at the same time. Their own vitality breath is very powerful, and ordinary toxins are directly immune to them, and it is impossible to harm them. The strength of the Breath Gate today is extraordinary.

Huo Hai didn’t care: “It’s my business to destroy the Death Soul Sect. No one knows about my existence. You just have to wait here for the news of the death of the Death Soul Sect. Once you get the news, you will know what to do next. "This matter, Huo Hai completely stopped, even if there is a problem, others will not find them.

Seeing that everyone was more satisfied with this approach, Huo Hai cursed in his heart, he was really cowardly, maybe because they lived too long, these guys are safe in everything, instead of being a little aggressive.

"As for the toxicity, my spirit worm is here anyway, you just need to verify it."

Following Huo Hai’s words, the little blonde gave out his own poisonous fire, and then began to imitate various powerful toxins, showing all of this in front of others. Huo Hai has exposed two spirit worms and does not want to expose too much. .

God knows how these people will treat themselves after they know their strength and potential, will they wait until they take revenge on themselves, or they will do it on themselves before destroying the other seven sects. Human nature is really too complicated. When you surpass others too much, it is often easy to cause jealousy and even frame-up from behind.

The others were not idle either, and immediately began to investigate the toxins produced by Xiaojin. The more they probed, the more weird and dignified the faces of everyone, Xiaojin's own toxicity is too strong, making them all feel terrified.

This is because Xiaojin has not swallowed toxins above the senior level until now. After his poisonous fire reaches a certain level, it can already cause fatal damage to the spiritual master. "These poisons are really strong, but for Without attracting the attention of other sect masters, only a little bit can be put in, which seems to be impossible to kill."

Huo Hai didn't care when he heard the words: "It's okay. I will go to the scene until the day of the meeting. As long as these poisons can control them for a little time, I can make them more poisoned. Besides, aren't you still there?"

Xiaojin's toxicity has exceeded their expectations and fully met the requirements. The suzerain is very satisfied with this: "Now that we have a solution, then let's discuss the details."

Following the words of the Sovereign, everyone spoke up. At this time, perhaps because the most difficult problem was solved, everyone said more, and the progress of the meeting accelerated a lot. It seems that these people did not deliberately delay the meeting. When there is no alternative, everyone can only do this. Is this kind of meeting method normal?

However, because of the safety of these guys, this meeting still lasted a whole week, during which Xiaojin's toxins were thoroughly analyzed by these guys. Huo Hai felt helpless, which was a waste of time.

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