Evil Insect God

Chapter 1360: sneak into

Although meticulous discussion is a waste of time, it is not completely useless. At least all the details have been sorted out for Huo Hai. What Huo Hai will do afterwards is much simpler than before.

Even if it’s the Death Soul Sect’s guardian array and some internal structures, the senior level of the Sky Star Sect was bought by Huo Hai. It doesn’t seem to be that complete, but as far as Huo Hai is concerned, it has been able to A lot of things have been analyzed. After tens of thousands of years of development, the Death Soul School has also made considerable progress in the spiritual formation, but it is not that exaggerated.

Regardless of whether it is a spiritual formation or something else, after reaching the level of the spiritual master, it takes years of accumulation to improve. Even Huo Hai, without the reference of other spiritual formations, it is difficult to improve a little by himself. .

This is because Huo Hai's savvy is strong. If he doesn't have these savvy, he won't be able to do it for a while, even if he gets other powerful spiritual formations and wants to integrate it into his own system.

After everything was discussed carefully, Huo Hai was about to leave, "Elder Huo, this time I’m going to trouble you. If it doesn’t work, we’ll return first and we can continue the discussion." Before Huo Hai’s departure, Facing Huo Hai, he arched his hands and said, this time it was really too important, it was impossible to make any mistakes.

Huo Hai also saluted and said: "Don't worry, this time you will succeed." Huo Hai is slandering in his heart, and he has to continue the discussion. How can there be so much time, if the discussion continues, God knows if it will be discussed for decades. time.

When the discussion is over, there is no need to deal with them. As soon as the barrier is opened, it is time to discuss how to deal with the joint siege of the seven major sects. Now is the last time, Huo Hai does not want to waste time.

Before the Sect Master and others could continue to speak, the starlight under Huo Hai's feet flashed and disappeared without a trace.

Seeing Huo Hai's departure, the elder touched his beard, his eyes were filled with gratification: "This hand-shifting of the stars has reached the peak. I am afraid that no one in this sect can compare with him. Unfortunately, we don't have Research out more clever Shenfa.” Others also nodded to express their understanding that it is not easy to develop this Shenfa.

These people don't know that Huo Hai has already figured out a way to strengthen the Star Soul Attraction through the Star Rock Wall, which can be strengthened layer by layer, which can continuously improve the power of the Star Soul Attraction and condense a stronger spiritual formation.

But even if they knew it, they might not be able to compare with Huo Hai. For the study of spirit formations, there was no one in the room that could compare with Huo Hai. The Heaven Star Sect's spirit formations were indeed very strong, but they were pure spirit formations. Not many.

The Dead Soul faction is not very far away from the Sky Star Sect. Huo Hai has only arrived in a day's time. Along the way, Huo Hai carefully concealed himself. He didn't want others to discover what was wrong with him. When he arrived at the location of the Dead Soul faction, Huo Hai had already stopped. From a distance, Huo Hai stared at a deep valley.

"This is the Dead Soul Sect, there is no such thing as death to the sky, are they not ready to transform?" Huo Hai looked at this deep valley, a strange flash in his eyes, this deep valley is not small, but the overall scope is no better than that of the Sky Star Sect. That mountain range is bad.

Speaking of it, this place is also called the Dead City, which is the city built by the Dead Soul faction, but this Dead Soul faction is too weird. It actually built the city in a deep valley. This makes people want to go in and out, I am afraid it will be quite trouble.

Following Huo Hai's careful observation and comparing the information he had obtained earlier, he slowly began to organize the Death Soul Sect’s guardian formation. The Death Soul Sect was not a sect that was good at spirit formations. To be precise, the Death Soul faction was not Apart from his undead creatures, he is not good at anything at all. There are reasons for choosing the Death Soul Sect. Huo Hai wants to get acquainted with the more advanced spirit formations.

After all, it is a spiritual formation that has evolved over tens of thousands of years, and there are still masters of the spirits presiding over it. Huo Hai did not dare to move easily. It took three days before Huo Hai slowly sorted out the context of the spiritual formation.

Huo Hai is not in a hurry, and the people of the Sky Star Sect are also not in a hurry. In their opinion, it is never a short time to destroy a sect. Therefore, after finishing the arrangement, Huo Hai began to study and research slowly, and at the same time constantly The calculation of, the long-stayed spirit formation level, in Huo Hai's continuous research, once again began to slowly improve.

After all, it was the first time to come into contact with such a clever spirit formation, and there were spirits in it, no matter how careful Huo Hai was, it was impossible for Huo Hai to be too careful. After half a month, Huo Hai roughly figured out the spirit formation.

A month later, Huo Hai basically mastered this spiritual formation. At this time, Huo Hai knew that it was time for him to do it. With a change of figure, he came into the deep valley. In a corner, Huo Hai began to write Draw.

If it weren’t for those who watched Huo Hai’s hands, I’m afraid they would not be able to discover anything. Huo Hai has completely integrated the line of stars into nature, which is not something that ordinary people can discover. A complete star array, Huo Hai constantly arranges perfection around it, occupy The range is not small, you have to break the spiritual formation in front of you, if you are not careful, you will easily be found.

The Dead Soul faction has two spirits in total, so these two people usually do not move randomly. This also facilitates Huo Hai's movements, otherwise he really dare not mess around here, people who have not reached the realm of spirits. , Huo Hai didn't care at all.

"It's tonight, at midnight, it's time to start." Huo Hai looked at the sky, and a glimmer of expectation flashed in his eyes. Today is the night of the new moon, and there is no moon at night. It seems more dark, but in fact, death is It has weakened a lot, so tonight, it was the weakest time of the Dead Souls spirit formation, and at the same time, the sky was clear that night.

The sky is full of stars. It is the best moment for Huo Hai’s star spirit formation to work. As the midnight slowly arrives, Huo Hai suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the sky, “The time is up, the Dead Soul faction can finally take you It's completely resolved."

A gleam of light flashed in Huo Hai's eyes, and then he started to do it. With a movement in his heart, the spiritual array was activated, the light of the stars shone down, and the stars arranged by Huo Hai were fully activated, but the movement was too small, and it also had the effect of a phantom array. .

The people inside the Dead Soul Sect did not notice this movement at all. At this moment, the Death Soul Sect guardian formation suddenly showed a weak point. Huo Hai immediately seized this opportunity and injected the power of the spirit formation into it. , The next moment, a crack suddenly appeared in the spirit array of the Dead Soul faction, the cracks flashed away, and the power of the stars had been exhausted.

It is necessary to be able to break through the spirit formation and prevent the movement of the spirit formation from being discovered. The consumption of the power of the stars is not a small amount. Being able to persist for such a moment has already shown that Huo Hai's star formation is very smart.

However, this time is enough. With this time, Huo Hai has quickly passed through the cracks and entered the interior of the Dead Soul faction. The cracks in the spiritual formation behind him quickly disappeared, and the death was filled with no movement.

"Huh, it really is the style of the Dead Soul faction, I know that these guys are really dogs that can't change eating shit." Huo Hai looked at the surrounding environment, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes, the Death Soul faction refined death power, even if it was When they got here, they still liked to study the power of death, and would never give up. They couldn't see it outside. It was not that they gave up the spiritual power of death.

Instead, the Dead Soul faction used the spirit array to condense the death spirit, completely compressed and hidden inside the spirit array.

As soon as he entered, Huo Hai felt the richness of death aura, letting go of perception, Huo Hai quickly felt the situation inside the Dead Soul faction, as expected, the number of this Dead Soul faction was still very small.

The disciples here all choose the more suitable ones from the outside world, and then lead them into it. Even so, many people don't adapt after coming here, and they are directly corroded to death by the spiritual power of death.

Surrounded by a large area of ​​tombs, of course, it is more appropriate to call mass graves rather than tombs. The corpses of humans, beasts, and even the corpses of some special creatures can be found here. Under the action of spiritual power, these corpses will not decay, but some will naturally transform into skeletons.

Continue to look inside, some naturally generated undead creatures are everywhere. Skeleton zombies are walking around everywhere. There are many ghosts flying in the air above them. Those who don’t know will never think that this is a sect residence, I am afraid it will. Thought this was the underworld.

Of course, the closer to the center, the stronger the strength of the undead creatures, and the higher the concentration of the death spiritual power. There is an area in the center that is completely separated by the spiritual formation, and no undead creatures that naturally form dare to enter casually.

Inside, is the real residence of the Dead Soul Sect. Almost all of the Dead Soul Sect disciples live in it. All the people cultivate and study undead creatures. Only a few times, some people will leave the station and run outside. They The purpose is also very simple, it is just to capture and control the surrounding undead creatures, this is their combat effectiveness.

Outside, there are some people controlled by the Dead Soul faction, who often transport their bodies through some special channels, and then throw them into the Dead Soul faction. That's how the dead soul faction has so many corpses.

I don’t know how long after this goes on, I’m afraid this deep valley will be completely filled, no matter what, this Dead Soul faction will not exist for long anyway, Huo Hai cautiously feels ahead, slowly, finally feels Huo Hai felt a little surprised when he arrived at the two breaths of Lingzun realm.

One of them has actually reached the level of the Spiritual Venerable Quadruple Heaven, even if it is the other one, it is also the realm of the Second Heaven Spiritual Venerable. It seems that this Dead Soul Sect can always stand tall, and it is not just waiting.

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