Evil Insect God

Chapter 1361: Assassinate

Now that he has come here, Huo Hai does not intend to let these guys go, and move forward secretly. Even if Huo Hai hides his own aura, his speed is still very fast, the spirit formation in front is only used to block undead creatures.

The spirit formations in the entire Dead Soul faction are basically used to create and control undead creatures. There is not even a spirit formation for warning. Huo Hai quietly entered, it is not the death spirit faction that people can find. of.

While flying, Fluttershy had already flown out, and her mental power was slowly released, and she began to influence and control all the people in the entire Dead Soul Sect. The Dead Soul Sect’s spiritual formation was firmly controlled by the two dead souls. In the hands of the master, if there is something wrong with the two spirits, I am afraid that within a short period of time, other people will not be able to control the guardian formation to deal with themselves.

So the most important thing at the moment is to catch the two spirits first. Fluttershy's mind control is silent. Although Fluttershy is only a first-class spirit, but now it is not just an ordinary spirit worm.

At the heavenly level, Xiaodie is no worse than the first-level spiritual dignity in all aspects, and he is even more powerful in spirit. With the help of a powerful soul-extinguishing fire, it is really too easy to freeze the soul.

Before she knew it, Xiaodie’s mental power had penetrated into the minds of the two spiritual masters, and the other disciples of the Dead Soul Sect were also controlled one after another, becoming like walking dead. The atmosphere inside the Dead Soul Sect began to change. It became weird, but no one felt that something was wrong at this time, it seemed that it was normal.

"Hehe, Xiaodie, your control ability is getting stronger and stronger. It seems that I will not be your opponent in the future." After Huo Hai's compliment, Xiaodie suddenly became excited, and his mental power was shocked and he worked harder. Performance.

Huo Hai chuckled and didn't care. Although his own spiritual worms have strong cultivation bases and have high-level IQs, they are still no different from children. In this regard, they are just like sea anemones that are incompetent. The family is very similar.

Of course, these spirit worms are more obedient than the sea anemone family, and they are more fierce and fearless of death. This is also the characteristic of spirit worms. In fact, I have never heard of spirit worms that are afraid of death, just like no undead creatures are afraid of death. .

After a few minutes, Huo Hai felt almost done, and then he started to do it. The first thing he did was the relatively weaker Spirit Venerable. In this way, even if something went wrong later, Huo Hai believed he would not encounter it. Too much trouble, the figure entered quietly, and there was no strong internal spiritual formation protection here, Huo Hai came to the target easily.

The whole body's murderous aura was not leaked at all. After all, Huo Hai's murderous aura was absorbed by the Blood Flame Flood Dragon. Without murderous aura, the spirits who were caught in the illusion would not react at all. These spirits were of a higher level than Xiaodie after all.

Moreover, these two dead soul sect masters are also the kind who are proficient in mental power enhancement. Therefore, Huo Hai worried that the movement would be too large, which would easily arouse their alertness. He did not use the long sword. Huo Hai's hand was lightly When it came out, Huo Hai seemed to touch his lover, without the slightest smell of fireworks with his fingers, and lightly stroked the person's chest in front of him.

The sharp star sword aura, at this moment, has rapidly cut the opponent's inner world. Although the opponent has reacted, it is still too late because of the freezing of mental power.

Before the soul could react, the inner world had been completely shattered. After the death of the master of the spirit, there would be no movement at all. Huo Hai didn't know what this was because of before, but after coming to the Sky Star Sect, Huo Hai understood.

For a world, its own development is the most important thing. Therefore, how can a world allow creatures that surpass itself? These heavenly masters are also naturally produced under the control of the Heavenly Spirit Continent. The core original consciousness, in Huo Hai's view, is like the way of heaven in this world, everything is for self-development.

Only heaven-level masters are the nourishment needed for the development of the world. Although these heaven-level masters, after reaching their limits, it is possible to transcend the world, but the advantages are much greater than the disadvantages.

Once a heaven-level master dies, the inner world is not caused no movement, but is instantly corroded by the original power of heaven and earth, and then absorbed. This world power can increase the original power of the entire heaven and earth, and it can also make the world continue to expand. The reason why the Heavenly Spirit Continent is endless and expanding is precisely because of the constant deaths of Heavenly Masters.

These heaven-level masters use their own deaths to support the development of the entire world, even those masters who integrate the laws of the world itself, after their inner world dies, can greatly strengthen the laws of the world itself.

The so-called Heavenly Masters are just some animals raised by Heaven and Earth. Once they die, they will become the nourishment for the growth of Heaven and Earth. When Huo Hai saw these materials, he felt normal in his heart, but for the same, he also felt very sad.

I believe that when other sky-level masters know these things, it is the same. With the continuous death of sky-level masters and the continuous strengthening of the power of heaven and earth, it will be more difficult to surpass the world. Forget it, anyway, these things, It was not that he was qualified to consider it now, Huo Hai took his hand back, and a ball of light appeared in front of Huo Hai.

This ball of light is the soul left by the dead heavenly master of the Dead Soul Sect, that is, the light of the soul. From the very beginning, Huo Hai has used the spirit circle to control the surroundings. After quickly sealing it, Huo Hai Put it away easily.

After feeling the surroundings, and there was still no movement, Huo Hai continued to sneak in and came to another room. Inside this room, is the last spiritual master of the Dead Soul Sect today, that is, the only four-fold heaven spiritual master. Master, at this time, Fluttershy was also unwilling to show weakness, the fire of Extinguishing Soul had already erupted within the Death Soul faction.

Those spirit emperor masters, the main force of the Dead Soul School, froze their souls one by one under the extinguishing fire of Xiaodie, and finally died silently. Only those souls who reached the peak of the spirit emperor, Xiaodie gave Huo Hai Keep it.

The other people, including the undead creatures in their hands, were completely destroyed at this time. Huo Hai did not care. At this time, Huo Hai’s attention had been placed on this thin, thin, old man like a skeleton. Body.

This person faintly exudes an aura that makes Huo Hai feel threatened. This is exactly what the Four Heavenly Spirit Venerables erupted. No matter how strong Huo Hai’s combat effectiveness, but his spiritual nature, the strength of his own laws , But still inferior to the person in front of him, it is very normal to feel threatened, he took a deep breath, and Huo Hai adjusted his mood.

At this time, Fluttershy had already exploded with all his strength, and the Soul Extinguishing Fire was all mobilized, freezing the soul of the person in front of him, Huo Hai stretched out his hand, and lightly touched the old man's chest in front of him just like the last time.

The terrifying star sword aura was aroused in an instant, and directly attacked the opponent's inner world, "Damn it, why the inner world of the four-layer master is so hard." Just as he started, Huo Hai discovered that he had made a mistake.

The stronger the cultivation base, the higher the intensity of the inner world is usually. Huo Hai can’t kill the old man instantly. He feels that he is under attack. How could the old man not react at all, his soul is constantly shaking, and the surrounding souls are destroyed. The fire continued to dissipate, Xiaodie's cultivation base was a bit short after all, and the souls of the masters of the Dead Soul faction were usually very strong.

Xiaodie controlled the opponent for less than ten seconds, and the opponent had completely dispelled the soul-extinguishing fire, opened his eyes, and his whole body's spiritual power became extremely cold, but at this time, Huo Hai suddenly laughed.

Just now, his own sword aura had completely pierced the opponent's inner world, and the inner world was destroyed. The person in front of him was naturally completely dead. Even if Huo Hai didn't do anything, this person could only be reincarnated.

The inner world is not like one's own body, it can recover slowly after a minor injury, but once the inner world is completely penetrated, then the power of heaven and earth will naturally not give up this good opportunity to swallow the power of the inner world, no matter who it is, the inner world When the inner barrier is destroyed, the self-cultivation will turn into flowing water and disappear without a trace.

The dead soul master gave Huo Hai a spiteful look, and when he was able to use his power at the end, a circle of gray light was emitted at the surroundings. At first glance, he knew that this thing was definitely not a good thing.

Huo Hai did not hesitate. He stepped and retreated in an instant. This layer of light did not know how powerful it was, but the speed was not too fast, at least not as fast as Huo Hai, and the fluctuation range was not very large. When Huo Hai exited this After the room, the aperture had disappeared, and the light in the eyes of the old man in front of him dimmed.

"Huh, I want to run, and I asked if I didn't." Huo Hai's own spiritual circle has been set from the beginning, how could it be possible to allow the other's light to escape? Without the help of the inner world, the soul is just a special group It's just strength.

Quickly sealed it, Huo Hai took it away, and the other's corpse bones, Huo Hai would not let it go. Even if he didn't want to use it, it could be improved a lot by being swallowed and absorbed by the small bones.

After reaching the heaven level, the spirit worms continue to improve, and primitive accumulation is no longer needed. However, the materials used to accumulate can still help strengthen the spirit worms and help them quickly upgrade. Huo Hai breathed a sigh of relief. It was finally completed, the two spirits were dead, and the Dead Soul Sect was now completely destroyed.

Even the disciples of the Dead Soul faction, they all died in Xiaodie's hands just now. When Huo Hai had collected the souls of the Peak Spirit Emperor, the ground suddenly shook, "What's the matter? Something I don't know."

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