Evil Insect God

Chapter 1365: Catch it all

After all, they are all Lingzun. If you don't take this opportunity to start, there will be no chance. The next moment, waves of fluctuations are suddenly released from the sky, this is Xiaodie who has been hiding here long ago.

Fluttershy's current abilities, as long as he doesn't deliberately use his hands, ordinary spirits really can't find where Xiaodie is.

The soul-extinguishing fire was fully released, and the spirits of these people were easily frozen completely, and their own souls were frozen. These people suddenly became slow to react. If in normal times, Fluttershy wanted to control so many people at once, it would be impossible. of.

But now, when Fluttershy controls these people, it is not so troublesome. Being frozen by Fluttershy's spirit and soul, the poisonous fire on his body is even more unable to suppress, and the poisonous fire continues to burn. The body of these people is more severely damaged, and the soul is controlled. If the inner world wanted to run, there was no way, but at this moment, something worse happened.

I don’t know where it came from, a golden bug suddenly flew over, the golden centipede opened its mouth, and a dark green poisonous fire spewed out. Everyone knew what they were hurt by. .

The poisonous fire quickly penetrated into these people's bodies, constantly strengthening the poisonous fire in these people's bodies. Under the continuous burning of the poisonous fire, everyone suddenly became more miserable, and the power of the world in the inner world was also rapidly consumed.

Seeing this scene, the masters of the Sky Star Sect stopped pretending, and stood up one after another. At this time, everyone finally knew what was wrong just now. If other people were not strong enough, a layer of poisonous fire would appear on their bodies. The people of the Single Heavenly Star Sect are all one-fold Heavenly Spiritual Venerables, but there is no such phenomenon, obviously there is no poisoning.

"Why, why." A Ling Zun who usually has a good relationship with the Sky Star Sect asked difficultly.

The master of the Star Sect saw this person, his eyes were somewhat complicated, but then he became firmer: "You still ask us why, you summoned all the masters of my sect in the Heavenly Soul Realm early and entered the Heavenly Spirit Realm together. , But you have left behind and wiped out the inheritance of the Heavenly Star Sect in the Heavenly Soul Domain, and asked us why."

The hatred of the extinction sect is not comparable to personal grievances. Besides, no matter how good the relationship between these people is, it is not so good. After all, these people have not done anything, which is considered innocent.

Because there are only a few of these people here, who came here from the Heavenly Soul Realm, and most of the others are native spirits, but who made them stand on the opposite side of themselves now? .

A trace of Lie Sun Sect leader’s eyes flashed: “So, I didn’t expect you to know it. I originally thought that our strength would not be worse than yours.” Lie Sun Sect leader’s eyes were full of bitterness, and he was also involved in this matter. By.

They didn’t know that the barrier formed by the power of the world was so dangerous. They thought that after the foundation of the Sky Star Sect was destroyed, there would be a steady stream of masters entering the Sky Spirit Realm behind them, so that their strength would be greatly improved, and At the beginning, the Lie Sun Sect was the strongest sect, but the Sky Star Sect was only ranked third.

Even if their potential is strong, what can they do if they ruin the foundation, but who would have thought that the barriers here are so weird, and the spiritual foundation of the Star Sect is better than theirs, and in the end, it is actually the best of the Star Sect. Strong.

So they didn't dare to do anything. Up to now, they have finally received retribution, and the leader of Yue Huazong is the same. In the end, they still need to bear the things they have done, but it is a pity for others.

"Hehe, it seems that you already know it. In this case, you shouldn't have any grievances." At this time, Huo Hai slowly flew out of the chaotic area. Seeing this person, he could still remain sober. My eyes lit up suddenly, "So, I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it." It seems that the truth of the matter has become clear.

The spiritual power in this person has a strong stellar aura. The foundation of the Sky Star Sect is unclear, but the appearance of this person proves that their foundation in the Sky Soul Realm is probably too bad.

It was precisely because someone came from the Heavenly Soul Domain to the Heavenly Spirit Domain and was a master of the Heavenly Star Sect, the talents of the Heavenly Star Sect had the opportunity to know these things. Unexpectedly, this kind of thing happened on the eve of the opening of the barrier.

Originally, these people were still hesitating whether the seven major sects would secretly unite to fight the Sky Star Sect. However, they did not expect that they had not yet started, but they were snatched by the Sky Star Sect. As long as these people die, then the sect behind them Adding up, the strength can only be a little stronger than the Sky Star Sect at best, and it is only a little bit stronger.

"Elder Huo, the next thing is left to you. Today’s things are really troublesome for Elder Huo." The others saluted Huo Hai respectfully. The strength that Huo Hai has shown now is enough to make them admire. .

Huo Hai waved his hand indifferently: "It's okay. It's you who are really working hard. In the next period of time, you can only hide, and don't be discovered by others. We will discuss the future things slowly at that time."

After everyone saluted Huo Hai, they turned around and left here. As for where they were going, it had nothing to do with Huo Hai. I wanted to use these people's ways of thinking and had already thought about what I would hide next. Place.

Huo Hai turned his head, looked at the person who was completely controlled by the poisonous fire, shook his head, and Huo Hai slowly said: "Everyone, I'm really sorry, who told you to destroy the Sky Star Sect in the first place? It is also because of the contract, so I can only destroy you." These people are all spirits, but they are not so easy to deal with.

If it weren't for completely controlling it, and even letting them not even have the opportunity to mobilize the power of heaven and earth, Huo Hai would not dare to do this, but if it is too late, Huo Hai would not want to waste time, otherwise it would be very troublesome.

Fluttershy freezes the souls of these people with all his strength, and Huo Hai directly stretches out his hand and quickly clicks out a series of sword auras. Under the control of Huo Hai, the sword aura has reached its maximum power, and the strongest here is only Ling Zun. It's just the triple sky. With the strength of this inner world, Huo Hai's sword aura can penetrate it and destroy it at most, and the master of Lingzun died without much movement.

In just a moment, Huo Hai killed all the people present, and none of them remained. After annihilating these people, Huo Hai finally breathed a sigh of relief and quickly sealed away the souls of these people.

With a wave of his hand, Huo Hai cleaned up all the corpses of these people. At this time, those who were watching here had already been cleaned up by the masters of the Sky Star Sect. For these details, the Spirit Venerable of the Sky Star Sect was better than Huo Hai Be good at it.

No clues were left, Huo Hai didn't mean to stay at all, turned and left this place.

The things on these corpses will be dealt with slowly after they leave. I don’t know if these people have some tracking items on them. After reaching the realm of the spirits, even the inner space is not so safe, far beyond. Your own master can easily see through your own inner space and even sense something through the space barrier.

Not long after Huo Hai left, a figure came to the place of the previous Great Rift Valley. Seeing the empty ground, all the faces were unsightly, "Damn, this kind of indiscriminate method is also used."

They didn't know what the method was, but just inside the sect, they suddenly found that the supreme elders who had left their sect were dying. These people finally couldn't sit still. Without these spirits, they could be regarded as what they were.

In the Heavenly Spirit Realm, without the power of the Spiritual Venerable, it cannot be regarded as a powerful force at all, nor is it qualified to control a side of the earth. At most, it can only be regarded as a small force attached to a powerful force, and there is only one Spiritual Venerable sect. Among these large forces, it is actually the most dangerous, because once a problem occurs, it is easy to fall.

There seems to be no change on the scene, which is the biggest problem. If it is not for special means, even if it is a sneak attack, it would be difficult not to leave a trace. The aftermath of the counterattack will definitely not be small.

"It seems that the soul power breath remains. It seems that those people have not been away for too long. Only the direct control of the soul power can cause this kind of performance without leaving a trace. It seems that the people of the Sky Soul Sect have really come back, and their strength exceeds It's our imagination." After losing so many masters at once, no matter who it is, it won't look good.

Although the master of the Star Sect was very happy in his heart, he was still sullen, and his murderous aura radiated. The soul aura in the place was actually left after Huo Hai deliberately dealt with it, just to divert his attention.

Through the Heavenly Star Sect, Huo Hai had already known that these people suspected that the Heavenly Soul Sect was headed. This Heavenly Soul Sect was really a good person. He would help himself as a thug in the Heavenly Soul Realm, and there would still be transfers here. The role of sight.

"It seems that we should have a good discussion about how to deal with the Heavenly Soul Sect. If we let them do it again, we don't have to wait for the Heavenly Soul Sect to be destroyed, and we will perish ourselves." The Heavenly Star Sect Master snorted, and then everyone quickly discussed it. For the details, this discussion can't stay in this unprotected place.

After Huo Hai left, he never thought about coming back. At least for a short time, he won't have a chance. The people of the Sky Star Sect will help him deal with the next thing. It is convenient to have a sect to rely on. .

Then, in the shortest possible time, I should improve my cultivation base. Without cultivation base, it would be impossible to cause a serious blow to these sects. Everyone is not a vegetarian.

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