Evil Insect God

Chapter 1366: Use spirit

Not dare to stay here for the time being, Huo Hai didn't know what other major sects had to find himself, so Huo Hai stayed away all the way, and soon left the territory of the Eight Sect Alliance, and went deep into the edge zone.

Soon, Huo Hai came to the biggest spiritual vein that he had visited when he was searching for the dragon vein. "That's it. If this guy is here, he can block it for a while." Huo Hai felt it. Fan, the fierce beast in the realm of Spiritual Venerable in the mountains still lives on this fierce beast, but it belongs to the second heaven of Spiritual Venerable.

Even if someone really came after him, Huo Hai could use this fierce beast to resist for a period of time. A few days later, Huo Hai received a message from the Sky Star Sect. The other major sects did not have any means to find him.

At this time, Huo Hai was a little relieved, but he stayed for a few days and found that there was no problem. Then he found a cave around the mountains and sneaked into it. Inside the cave, some powerful spiritual formations were laid.

This spirit formation was specially researched by Huo Hai to hide his own aura, "The current cultivation base is almost the same, it should be possible to break through." Huo Hai felt it, and now his cultivation base is very close to the late stage of the first heaven. With Huo Hai's ability, it was really not easy to be able to reach this level in such a short time.

Huo Hai will not save the spirit, as long as there is use, then he will improve as soon as possible. There is not much time, and he must seize every minute and every second to improve. As for the spirit, Huo Hai believes that he will find it in the future. .

Even a Dead Soul faction can get hundreds of pieces of spiritual essence, so would it be very difficult for those spiritual saints and spiritual **** masters to obtain the spirit essence? Besides, when sorting out the Dead Soul faction items, Huo Hai also discovered Several mineral vein maps, according to the records of the Dead Soul faction, these mineral veins are likely to contain a lot of spiritual essence, but they dare not move.

I believe that other sects have found similar places. Around the spirit stone ore veins with a large amount of spiritual marrow, there must be many very powerful spirit beasts or fierce beasts. It is normal for them not to dare to move, Huo Hai's own. The strength is not enough.

Take out a piece of spiritual marrow, this spiritual marrow is crystal clear, there seems to be water flowing inside, I don’t know, maybe I thought it was a transparent ice block, filled with water, only a heavenly master can detect the difference .

Huo Hai could clearly feel that a powerful force was conceived in it, and there was a faint illusion about to burst out. This force was extremely pure, as long as it was absorbed, it would be of great benefit to him. , Huo Hai immediately began to act, unlike absorbing ordinary spirit stones, this thing cannot be guided by spirit power alone.

The spiritual marrow looks very fragile, but in fact it is extremely hard. It is difficult to destroy the spiritual marrow without reaching the strength of the sky. Many people even inlay the spiritual marrow on the weapon as a gem of spiritual power. To use.

Even many high-level refiners directly use the spiritual marrow as a material for refining. To use the spiritual marrow, you must use the power of the world and at the same time cooperate with the spiritual power that has reached the level of the light of the soul.

Huo Hai mobilizes his own spiritual power, and the light of the soul blesses it. Under the fusion of the two, it is injected into the spiritual marrow. When encountering this power, the spiritual marrow seems to have encountered the nemesis. The original hard shell is in this power. Next, it was melted bit by bit, and finally, a small hole invisible to the naked eye was melted out.

The next moment, Huo Hai felt a huge power, instantly integrated into his body, followed his spiritual power, and quickly entered the inner world, the inner world did not reject this power.

The moment the power merged into the inner world, the stars above the inner world suddenly burst into bright light. Under the action of this power, Huo Hai could feel that his spiritual power was continuously being strengthened.

Although he has not improved much, he is very firm and firm. At the same time, Huo Hai feels that the special power accumulated by the fragmented crystal nucleus is also constantly improving. This power seems to be able to directly integrate into the star core without spending so much. When Huo Hai discovered this, he immediately changed the method of cultivation, and the spiritual marrow directly absorbed and improved too slowly.

Huo Hai integrated the power of the spiritual marrow into his star nucleus in order. After reaching the limit, when Huo Hai's heart moved, a star nucleus appeared to be cracked, and it quickly shattered completely.

The pure power brought a complete rune, under the protection of Huo Hai, merged into the inner world. The rune rose and quickly entered the sky above the inner world. With the help of the inner world’s original power, a new The stars are formed.

Huo Hai feels that his strength has increased very quickly. This level of advancement speed is far from what he could compare to before. Sure enough, he can only improve quickly if he has the right resources to help. Huo Hai is certain that if he has enough spiritual essence , Then oneself can make one's own cultivation reach the height of the peak of the spiritual sovereign within a few short years.

Now is not the time to consider these. Huo Hai needs to stabilize his rune and continuously improve his cultivation. Under the control of Huo Hai’s powerful spiritual power, there is no accident in the whole process. The faster the crystal core is broken, the faster the improvement will be. .

I don’t know how long it has passed. After the last star core of the sixth spiritual vein in Huo Hai’s body shattered, as the rune entered his inner world, Huo Hai suddenly felt a shock in his inner world, but there was no such vibration. Huo Hai was injured, but Huo Hai felt very comfortable, the outer shell of the inner world, the first light has been completed.

At this moment, the second ray of light slowly appeared. Although very weak, under the influence of this ray of light, the spiritual power in Huo Hai's body rapidly increased. This is an essential improvement, and there is basically nothing outside. Variety.

I don’t know how long it has passed, Huo Hai discovered that around his spiritual power, outside of the silver light, once again added a line, which means that he has truly entered the Second Heaven of the Spiritual Venerable. As for the golden light, that is his origin. The problem.

Huo Hai’s mood has never been so comfortable for a moment. This is because the feedback power of the inner world has enhanced his joy. After a long time, Huo Hai slowly suppressed this feeling. He opened his eyes and looked at the disappeared spirit in his hand. Huo Hai helplessly shook his head: "This breakthrough actually consumed more than 30 pieces of spiritual marrow. The consumption is really not small."

At this speed, what is left in his hands, I don't know if I can help him break through to the Spiritual Venerable Triple Heaven. Without sufficient resources, Huo Hai didn't want to use these spirits indiscriminately.

As far as the current self is concerned, after using these spirits, there is no more. He got up and moved a bit. Huo Hai released his various spirit war techniques, and found that his spirit spirit techniques had been used freely and there was no need to adapt to himself. power.

In the past, the spiritual energy that was cultivated came from between the heavens and the earth, not entirely of oneself, so after every breakthrough, you need to consolidate and adapt, otherwise you can't play it out, but the sky-level masters are different, and the power of the sky-level masters is your own. Yes, strength comes from one's own inner world, as long as it is not a special situation, there is no need to consolidate and adapt after promotion.

The two layers of light outside the inner world are the manifestation of Huo Hai's own law power. As for what these law powers are, Huo Hai himself doesn't know, the spiritual master just condenses the law in himself, but does not directly use it.

Regarding the law of oneself, the spirit deity can only be regarded as knowing it but not knowing why, and can use it, or even comprehend it, but it does not condense the law seed, at most, it is only a layer of light. It is necessary to condense the law seed to achieve the spiritual holy Realm only, Huo Hai doesn't want to comprehend these things now, as long as he can naturally improve.

Suddenly, Huo Hai's body flashed with silver light. One, two, and three layers of light appeared on Huo Hai's whole body, turning Huo Hai into a statue made of silver, with silver light shining.

"Finally condensed the third layer of barrier." This is Huo Hai's nine-layer starlight. Originally, Huo Hai could only condense one layer, and he was about to condense the second layer. I didn't expect that with the breakthrough of his cultivation, he would be directly ranked first. All three layers are condensed.

In this way, Huo Hai’s defense has been directly improved several times, but it is not as simple as three times. Huo Hai tried it on his own, and found that his powerful sword aura, under one attack, could not break through these three. Layer barrier.

After the sword qi broke through a barrier, the barrier was completely shattered, and then quickly re-incubated. The power generated by the fragmented barrier can greatly weaken the power of the sword qi. After one's own sword qi destroys the three barriers in succession , Its own power is already very weak, at this time, the barrier that was destroyed first has been regenerated.

In this way, it happened to block this sword aura, and even his own sword aura could not break through his nine-fold starlight, so in the future, under the protection of the nine-fold starlight, it would be difficult for the fourth-level spiritual master to hurt himself.

With the breakthrough, the improvement in all aspects of his own strength is really great. Unfortunately, Huo Hai’s mental power has not improved much, but the upper limit has increased a lot. To improve his mental power, he needs to slowly Cultivation works.

The light of the soul is different from the general spiritual power. This kind of power that belongs to oneself and is independent of the heavens and the earth, even the spiritual marrow cannot help to improve. It seems that I have to find a way to quickly improve my spiritual power. Now, for a magician, his own spiritual power is the most important, which is his fundamental.

"It's been a month, I don't know how these guys are progressing." Huo Hai looked at the hourglass next to him. One month has passed. Huo Hai had already prepared for it, so he didn't feel anything wrong.

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