Evil Insect God

Chapter 1371: Explore all the way

There is no way to deal with the other sects for the time being, and Huo Hai doesn't want to lead the danger to the Sky Star Sect, otherwise God knows what will happen, just leave here temporarily.

Because of the Dead Soul faction, Huo Hai also obtained some rather vague and rough maps outside the Eight Sect Alliance. According to the map, Huo Hai moved forward cautiously all the way, feeling the breath of a heavenly master, and would avoid it in advance. Damn it, how come there are so many heavenly fierce beasts in the spirit realm this day." Huo Hai frowned slightly, there was really no way.

Two days later, Huo Hai finally found the location marked on the map for the first time. This place is a mineral vein, and the aura of the vein is very strong. The most important thing is that there are many spirit beasts here.

Huo Hai sneaked closer to the past, looked carefully, and couldn't help taking a breath. A large group of monkey-like spirit beasts seemed to be nothing, but the breath of these monkeys was not simple.

As long as they are adults, every one is a spirit beast in the realm of the spirit emperor. Of course, there are many monkeys that have transformed into human forms, but they still look like monkeys. They are just roughly surrounded by leaves of animal skins. It's kind, and you know it is definitely not a human being. The elites in the monkey group are all in the realm of the spirit emperor, and these are more like humans.

But even for monkeys in the realm of Spiritual Venerable, Huo Hai found five, "This is a gathering place for spirit beasts, really **** it, is this Dead Soul Sect intending to yin people." Huo Hai said to the dead Soul Sect. Gnash your teeth.

If I rushed in without careful observation, I don't know what will happen. These golden monkey-like monkeys are not so easy to deal with. Adding up the five spirits, Huo Hai is not so easy to deal with them.

The whole mountain has been completely transformed by this group of monkeys, and you can see many things that are modeled after human beings everywhere. Even Huo Hai has seen some rugged but still powerful spirit formations. These monkeys The learning ability is really good, this should be learned by monkeys who have penetrated into the human world.

After the spirit beasts can be transformed, many are very interested in the things of the human world. Some spirit beasts with powerful comprehension ability of spirit formations even surpass most of the human forces in spirit formations, which is very terrifying.

These spiritual formations are densely packed and messy, and there is no constitution at all, but such a layout makes Huo Hai completely unable to sneak in, and no one knows when he will be discovered, "Forget it, change a place."

Huo Hai shook his head helplessly. This is not something he can do for the time being. If he has not sinned against the ghost medicine gate, Huo Hai can directly launch a sneak attack. If it does not cause any movement, he can also investigate carefully, but at this time his own strength is not bad. There is no way to fully play out, and Huo Hai is also worried that ghostly fluctuations will be discovered.

His figure flashed, Huo Hai once again aimed at the next position and flew away. It is already very far away from the location of the Eight Sect Alliance. There are still many spiritual masters in the Heavenly Spirit Realm, so the battle will not cause others every time. s concern.

After spending another two days, Huo Hai came to the next place. This place was a large area of ​​weird stone forest. The stone pillars left after weathering were placed here, forming a special natural spirit. Array.

As soon as he approached here, Huo Hai already felt: "It's so rich in aura, it's really a good place." The concentration of aura here is more than three times stronger than the inside of the Sky Star Zongmen, and the effect of practicing here is better.

However, Huo Hai knew why no one established power here. The reason is very simple. It is precisely because of the creatures in the stone forest. Huo Hai has carefully explored it. Half of the stone forest is occupied by a group of poisonous snakes. These poisonous snakes are extraordinary. Strong, even Huo Hai could feel a strong threat, if he was bitten, it would definitely not be so easy.

On the other side, there is a group of poisonous insects. These poisonous insects have no strength, and their talents cannot reach the realm of the spirits, but these poisonous insects are more poisonous than these snakes, and their teeth also have a law-breaking ability.

In the depths of the stone forest, although there are no powerful creatures in the realm of the Spiritual Venerable, there is a strong threat to the Spiritual Venerable. More importantly, most of these things are hidden in deep underground caves, and they have strong reproduction ability. Under this special environment, the ability to hide oneself is even more terrifying, and it is difficult to completely clean it up without destroying it.

Besides, although it is good, it is not a treasure that must be obtained. Therefore, it was abandoned, but the spiritual power here is somewhat special, so the Dead Souls suspect that there may be a spiritual vein here.

"It doesn't matter, try it out first." Huo Hai narrowed his eyes, and then released his own spirit worm. After probing for a long time, Huo Hai slowly relieved himself. It seems that he can still do it here, spirit worm. The powerful power of here makes the poisonous insects here completely dare not harm Huo Hai casually, even Huo Hai himself, can simply control the poisonous insects here.

As for the poisonous snakes, Xiaojin needs to go out. After Huo Hai asked Xiaojin to swallow some of the poisons of the poisonous snakes, Xiaojin directly released the poisonous fire. After these poisonous snakes felt the stronger toxicity, they actually retreated directly.

Since you can avoid these things, it doesn’t matter if you go down and see for yourself. Huo Hai let Xiaojin release the poisonous fire while cautiously lurking down all the way. The poisonous snakes in the cave felt Xiaojin’s poisonous fire, and they retreated. , Huo Hai didn't want these poisonous snakes to hurt him, otherwise it would be very troublesome.

If the toxins attacked with the ghost energy that was not exhausted in the body, it would be easy for Huo Hai himself to suffer some damage.

After sneaking carefully below, Huo Hai cautiously felt in the depths of the earth, this ghost place, there are still many poisonous snakes and poisonous insects, and the poisonous snakes and poisonous insects here seem to treat each other as a kind of food.

All this has nothing to do with Huo Hai. Huo Hai just continued to explore. When Huo Hai finally felt a spiritual vein, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, always watching the appearance of so many insects and poisonous snakes gathered together, even It was Huo Hai who also felt his scalp numb, especially these things, which had the ability to hurt himself, which was even more annoying.

"Hey, it is actually the earth vein, and it is also the dragon vein." When Huo Hai really found the earth vein, he shook his head helplessly. The environment here is indeed very special, and there are no people or spirit beasts coming back to move around.

However, there is no spiritual marrow vein formed underneath, even if it is an ordinary spiritual stone vein, there is no one. This is an earth vein. It may be because of the special environment above that it has gathered a large amount of spiritual power and power of heaven and earth.

As a result, this earth vein has gradually become a dragon vein under the bred of the power of these heavens and earth, and it seems to be stronger than the dragon vein that Huo Hai found before. It is very difficult to form a dragon vein in this peripheral area. , But these dragon veins are basically impossible to become a real dragon clan anyway.

Huo Hai shook his head and was about to leave, but at this moment, Huo Hai suddenly felt that his origin was shaking, and the origin strange dragon slowly vibrated, sending out waves of coveted weird waves.

If it weren’t for Huo Hai’s affirmation that his origin completely belonged to him, it would be impossible for him to produce spiritual intelligence. Huo Hai would doubt that his origin became a living thing. He closed his eyes and felt it carefully. Huo Hai slowly Found the problem.

"It turns out that this is the case. Because of the origin of the Nine Dragons Spirit Shadow, it is best to absorb nine dragon veins. I just don't know what kind of abilities will be produced." Huo Haiyin felt the characteristics of his origin, this Nine Dragons Spirit Ying himself did not cultivate to the extreme, but was still playing a role slowly.

It's just that the Nine Dragons Spirit Shadow has fully integrated with the source, so this characteristic is the characteristic of its own source, but I don't know what will happen, will there be nine dragons, is that source still considered the source.

Regardless, since I felt useful and there was nothing wrong, I absorbed it, and finally saw a dragon vein. I don't know when I can find one again in the future.

Huo Hai quietly left the area around the veins, and then began to let Xiaojin continue to disperse the surrounding spirit worms and poisonous snakes. Huo Hai now wants to set up some spirit formations in this place to catch the dragon veins, but these things can't be destroyed. , Xiao Jin's deterrence was still very good, and only a few minutes later, the surrounding creatures were gone.

"Xiaojin, continue patrolling, don't let these things run back." Huo Hai commanded and began to arrange the spiritual formation. It is very simple to arrange the spiritual formation. Just send out the star line, and the important thing is to block the path of the dragon vein.

If the dragon veins escape, it won’t be easy to find them in the future. Even the dragon veins here may not have been bred naturally, but came from other places before. Huo Hai doesn’t know how. Distinguish, in short, Huo Hai knows that this dragon vein is formed spontaneously, and the whole body is pure, without any messy color.

Soon, the arrangement of Huo Hai's spirit formation was completed. After that, Huo Hai quietly sneaked into the dragon veins, his strength could not be fully utilized, but the spirit formation had no problems at all. Once the spirit formation was activated, it turned into countless chains.

Just like last time, the dragon veins were completely grasped by the chain before they could react. "Let me see what use your dragon veins are for me." Huo Hai slowly walked forward, the slightest bit. I didn't care about the constantly struggling Dragon Vein, his hand was gently placed on the Dragon Vein's head, and suddenly a powerful suction force came out from Huo Hai's hand.

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