Evil Insect God

Chapter 1372: trouble

The Ghost Medicine Gate is located in a huge canyon. Of course, it was originally just a canyon. As the strength of the Ghost Medicine Gate continues to increase, the canyon has been continuously expanded. Now it is very terrifying.

The width of the canyon reaches thousands of miles in length. If it is not too deep to make it difficult for the sun to fall down, it is not like a canyon at all, but rather like a huge basin.

With the continuous development of the Ghost Medicine Gate, the Ghost Medicine Gate did not continue to open up this gorge, but reopened more canyons nearby. Today, the Ghost Medicine Gate is a huge group of canyons. Every gorge, It seems to be a huge country, with people coming and going, very prosperous, and all life is so normal.

There are only a few canyons that are used to grow special elixir, or to domesticate some weird poisonous insects and spirit beasts. There is also a canyon that is even more special. It is full of corpses and emits a strong stench.

There are countless undead creatures born in the canyon, but these are not controlled by the people of the ghost medicine gate. They just use this mass graveyard to continuously gather the power of death, and then use the spiritual formation to transform it into ghost energy.

The real gatekeepers of the Ghost Medicine Gate, in fact, most of them live in the original canyon. Inside the canyon, there are a group of magnificent buildings. Each building group represents a powerful family or group in the Ghost Medicine Gate. , The tallest building in the middle is the resident of Guiyaomen, and it is also the place for usual meetings.

On this day, among the bustling buildings, a group of lights suddenly flashed, and then several figures appeared here, but at this time, these people looked very miserable, especially the young man in the middle.

"Ah, no, it's Master Wu Sheyun. Why is he injured? Hurry up and notify Wu Tian's manager." When they found out who came, the people around were immediately shocked. You know, Wu Sheyun is Wu Tian. The son is also the direct line of the ancestor of the Wu family. He is still one of the most talented in the direct line. Although his personality is not very good, he is also highly valued.

Before long, a man who looked even younger than Wu Sheyun rushed over and said, "Fortunately, there is nothing serious. The wound is not very strong. Quickly, take him to repair. Injured body."

After stopping the bleeding and dispelling the spiritual power of the wound, Uda waved his hand and asked the people to take Wusheyun away. Then, Uda looked at the other people who came back with Uda, "Let’s talk about it, how did you respond? thing."

Several people bowed their heads and their faces were full of restraint. You must know that their young master came back and was injured so badly, but among them, only one was injured. The others were not injured at all. This means that they did not try to protect their young master. If this were to be investigated, the trouble would be great at that time, and Wu Tian's momentum made them feel as if the sky was about to collapse.

At this time, the only injured Peak Spirit Emperor in the team weakly said, "My lord, let me do it." At this time, he was very weak. "It's actually like this. We were playing at the time, but we were attacked by someone. That's it."

Wutian frowned, and then waved his hand to disperse the spiritual power remaining in this person’s wound. If he doesn’t use his hands, I am afraid that these spiritual powers will not be dispelled in a few years. This action makes everyone. He breathed a sigh of relief, because it meant that they basically didn't have to die and had energy, so he started talking more excitedly.

The whole process added fuel and vinegar, and they became victims. Wu Sheyun seemed to have only met Yan Xiran by accident, so he followed up to make an offer, and just like that, they were attacked by a hand-operated master of Lingzun.

The aura on their bodies did not reach the level of the Spiritual Venerable, but this is indeed the result of the Spiritual Venerable’s power to control the heavens and the earth. Otherwise, it would not be far beyond the limit that the Spirit Emperor peak master can control. Listen and listen, Wutian probably knows What's the matter.

"Huh, this time I didn’t protect the young master. The death penalty is unavoidable, and the living sin is inevitable. Go down and get the punishment." Everyone saluted immediately and stepped back respectfully. No matter how heavy the punishment is, at least they can survive, if not. Because it was Lingzun who did it, and Wu Sheyun had no incurable injuries, none of them wanted to survive.

Wu Tian snorted coldly, and a trace of murderous aura flashed in his eyes: "This bastard, this is a big trouble." How could Wu Tian not know what his son was like? He sent someone to close the mess before.

I also met Yan Xiran by accident. How could it be possible? What was he doing in such a remote place? For Yan Xiran, Wu Tian liked him very much, but he didn’t like his son. On the contrary, he hated him very much. Yun's style of work must be unruly, and only after being seen will it become like this.

Otherwise, the name of the ghost medicine gate was reported, and who would do anything to their ghost medicine gate people for no reason, in the eastern part of the spiritual realm, their ghost medicine gate is the absolute king, and no one dares to disobey.

Just cutting off one of Wu Sheyun's hands, it was already a lot of face, but in the end, Wu Sheyun released the scroll he gave him, and was actually blocked by the other party intact, which proved that the other party at least He is also a master of the Four Heavens of Spiritual Venerable, and may even be stronger. Such a person cannot be dealt with by a few Spirit Emperors.

"Hmph, don't think that you can do whatever you want with the help of Yan's family, and dare to hurt my son, even if you are the Lingzun, I will not make you feel better." A strong murderous aura flashed in Wu Tian's eyes.

At this moment, a powerful breath suddenly fell from the sky: "Wu Sheyun, you little bastard, come out to me. If your Wu family does not give me an explanation today, I will go to the elder to sue you."

Wu Tian is very familiar with the aura of the visitor, and he is the master of the Yan family. If you say that this matter is successful, it will be fine. At least the Yan family will have a face, and they will definitely not make such a fuss, otherwise, they themselves It's also a shame, but it didn't succeed. It was the girl their Yan family loved very much that was provoked. This was really troublesome.

In any case, there was no accident at all, so they could still stay under control. If the noise was too big, no one would look good at that time. Wu Tian shook his head, tidyed it up, and then flew over.

Yan Bahu was very annoyed today. Originally, he was in a good mood, but suddenly his own daughter came back, which made him angry. Yan Bahu is Yan Xiran's father. Similarly, Yan Bahu has many children, only the youngest. These two are the two with the best talents. They are loved by the family, but who would have thought this would happen.

I just went out, this girl sneaked out and was almost insulted. If it weren't for the help of a passing spiritual master, I am afraid he would not see Yan Xiran now.

Originally, he didn't believe it very much. He didn't think Wu Sheyun had such a heavy burden, but the rune seal on Yan Xiran's body was a favorable evidence. The breath of this thing was definitely left by the Wu family old man, no one else.

"Brother Yan, what brought you here, do you see if there is any misunderstanding?" Wu Tian greeted him with a smile on his face.

"What's the misunderstanding, I will also give you the misunderstanding today. Uda, you are so careless, you dare to indulge your son with my daughter. If you don't give me a reasonable explanation today, I will come and see you. How much has been gained over a period of time.” Yan Bahu is the top master of their generation, not knowing how much better he is than Wu Tian.

Wu Tian's expression was bitter. At this time, because he felt Yan Bahu's breath, many people had already flown over. These spirits are usually not such a great drama to watch. They finally encountered it once, but they couldn't let it go. Over.

Seeing these people, Wu Tian’s face became even more embarrassed, "Do you see if there is any misunderstanding, or let's go in and say." This is a cause for trouble. If it succeeds, I’m afraid it’s the Yan family who doesn’t want to make a big deal. It just didn't succeed, so it was their Wu family who didn't want to make a big mess. Once the trouble happened, the Wu family would become the laughingstock of the ghost medicine door.

Yan Bahu looked angry: "What's the misunderstanding, there is no misunderstanding, don't I know the seal aura left by your Wu family, do you think I am an idiot?" Hearing this, Wu Tian even cursed in his heart. Endless.

Those **** bastards, why didn't they talk about the seal, and I don't know why, after that person rescued Yan Xiran, he didn't help him to unlock the seal. The seal made by the master of the spirits can't be easily dissipated.

If this was kept forever, it would be the best evidence. To this extent, this incident was really unfavorable to their Wu family. At this moment, a breath wafted out, instantly dispelling everything around. Coercion.

"Yan's kid, right? Come in and say something, don't worry, my old man will give you an explanation." Hearing this voice, the people around suddenly closed their mouths and saluted respectfully. Unexpectedly, the ancestor of the Yan family actually made a move. You must know that the ancestor of the Yan family is a master of the spiritual sage realm, and it is still close to the peak.

Yan Bahu gave Wu Tian a fierce look, but at this time he didn't dare to presume: "Since you have spoken to the ancestors, you will decide the matter of the younger generation." After Yan Bahu finished speaking, he entered Inside the Yan family, there was no hesitation.

When the surrounding people saw this scene, they suddenly dispersed. It seems that what exactly the Wu family did is impossible for them to know. The Wu family made it clear that they did not want to let this matter spread out, so as not to cause too much trouble. Without God, the words of Lingsheng are the highest among the sects, and no one can violate it.

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