Evil Insect God

Chapter 1373: Chase

A few days later, Yan Bahu came out of the Wu family, as if nothing had happened before, but the next day, the Wu family secretly delivered a lot of goods to the Yan family, and outsiders didn't even know what it was.

"Father, you must take revenge for me. That **** dared to ignore the majesty of our ghost medicine door. He wanted to kill me." On this day, the black shot cloud that had recovered his arm was in front of Wu Tian Crying.

It’s just that although this arm has recovered, it will really become the same as before. I’m afraid it will take a few months to slowly recuperate. This is because his cultivation level is relatively low. If the cultivation level is too high, the time to recuperate It will be longer. Seeing Wu Sheyun's tears streaming down his face, Wu Tian felt out of breath.

"You bastard, do you know how much the family paid to keep you this time? Do you know how much the family paid to keep your face this time? Dare to make such a request."

Wu Tian couldn't wait to kick this guy to death. If it was just a matter of a small family child, there would be no need for such a big fanfare and giving so many things, even the ancestors would go out in person.

There are more talented children in the family, one more is not much, and one less is not too much. Among these people, very few can reach the realm of spirits, you know, only the masters of the realm of spirits are in the eyes of these top forces. It can be regarded as being able to be alone, even the Lingzun can't reach it, what is the use of such a person, it can only make a small noise.

If it hadn’t been this time for the Wu family to save face, how could the ancestor personally say, “Why are you like this? This is your son. If your son was injured, you will not take revenge. Instead, you will be angry with your son, come and tell your mother. Who hurt you like this."

Next to him, a beautiful woman with dark eyes came up with a sad face, hugged Wu Sheyun, and looked at Wu Tian with complaints and anger in her eyes. Seeing this man, Wu Tian's heart was angry. It broke out instantly.

"It's all you. If it weren't for you always used to him, this kid has become like this? Look at the incident this time. Even the ancestors have come forward. Do you know that the family is already considering giving up I have cultivated this bastard, and even I have been under a lot of pressure during this period. Do you think my position as a deacon is easy to come by."

The woman was taken aback, and then cursed: "Oh, you Wutian, you still dare to get angry at me. If it weren't for me to marry your house, you would have the resources to break through the spiritual master, would you be qualified to be this deacon? you."

This person is not an ordinary person, and belongs to a big branch of the ghost medicine sect, and his own cultivation is also the sixth heaven of spiritual sovereignty. These two people really start their hands, and it is still possible to decide who loses and who wins.

The two stared for a long time, and finally Wutian softened first: "Then what do you want to do? Anyway, if you continue like this, I don’t know if the deacon can go on. This kid will definitely be abandoned by the family. With the support of the family, he will never reach the realm of the Spiritual Venerable in his entire life. You know, what will happen to his future status if he fails to reach the Spiritual Venerable."

At this time, even the woman was stunned. Everyone knows that the spiritual master is the real master. Although the spiritual emperor has good strength, it is incomparable to the spiritual master, and there is a limit to his life span.

Within a certain age, if you can’t reach the realm of Spiritual Venerable, the sect will completely give up training. The time of the ghost medicine gate is calculated in 10,000 years. Once it cannot be reached within 10,000 years, it will be released outside. .

From then on, no one knows what will happen, or if you keep it directly inside the sect, you will also lose all the supply of resources. At that time, it will be more difficult to break through. Of course, once you really break through When you arrive at the spirits, you can still get the status of the spirits in the sect, but these people are usually looked down upon.

Even Wu Sheyun was stunned at this time. He didn't expect that he would cause such a big disaster this time. Both parents are spirits, so no matter what mistakes they make, there is room for relaxation. He is different.

Wu Sheyun looked at his mother with a pitiful face. Without family support, he couldn't do it even if he wanted to be a dude.

After a long time, the woman whispered: "Well, you don't have to worry. You have such a good talent. As long as you don't waste your mother, you will definitely be able to break through to the Spirit Venerable. Even if the Wu family abandons you, your mother will give you your resources. use."

After speaking, the woman gave Wu Tian a fierce look, and Wu Tian shook her head and said, "You don't practice anymore, and can you use your things as a kid?" Others can't use the things that the Spirit Venerable uses. , Besides, some resources that are not at the dignity level, although the level is not enough, but they are not casually obtained, many are special products of the sect.

Especially in the special sect of Ghost Medicine Sect, the various special resources for cultivating ghost energy cannot be found by the outside world. "Then what you say, you can't just leave it alone." Resource management is too strict. , They can't deduct it casually.

After a long time, Wu Tian whispered: "Don't worry, I will plead with my father and his elders. This kid's talent, the family shouldn't just give up like this, but the person who hurt my son can't be let go. "

"Yes, yes, he must be killed, I want him to die." Wu Sheyun shouted with a look of resentment. He would fall into this field because that person did it. Otherwise, not only It won't be like this. Instead, she will marry Yan Xiran, a long-coveted beauty. With the help of the two families, her future road will be smoother.

"Shut up to me, it's all your trouble." Wu Sheyun closed his mouth when Wu Tian said.

At this time, the woman lowered her voice: "What do you plan to do? We have to go out in this tone, but we have reached an agreement with the Yan family earlier, and our Wu family cannot take action against that person."

For the person who saved his daughter, Yan Bahu has a very good feeling in his heart. How can he forget this person? The Ghost Medicine Sect is a big sect. If they want to deal with a casual cultivator, it would be too easy.

So Yan Bahu has already proposed from the very beginning that the Wu family cannot do anything to that person, at least not because of this. I believe that as long as that kid is not an idiot, he cannot stay here and wait for death. Wu family promised It's very refreshing, no matter what you think, in any case, you must save face for the Yan family.

Wu Tian said with a look of disdain: "Huh, the agreement is that our Wu family can't make a move, and it's not that other people can't make a move. Damn, if it wasn't for the death of the Death Soul faction in the Eight Sect Alliance a few days ago, just let them move. Row."

No one knows that the Dead Soul Sect has completely taken refuge in the ghost medicine sect in secret, but even if everyone knows it, I am afraid that they will not say anything. The secret methods of the two sects are too similar, and the strength of each other is so different. The eastern area of ​​the Heavenly Spiritual Region is still the world of the Ghost Medicine Gate, and it is not a shame to be attached to the Ghost Medicine Gate in the eastern part of the Heavenly Spiritual Region.

"You mean, let those people do it." The woman knew it at one point, and she soon figured it out.

Wutian didn’t sell the gates either: “Yes, we can’t do anything about this, and we can’t even transfer other masters of the sect. We can only hand it over to those who are attached to the sect. These people are not our sect anyway. What kind of grievances they have between each other has nothing to do with us." Murderous aura flashed in Wu Tian's eyes.

"So, who is more appropriate? That person can block the scrolls you make." Speaking of scrolls, Uda felt a little distressed. He is not good at making scrolls. To make a scroll, he spent a lot of effort.

"Don't worry, that person must still have the ghostly spirit left by me. As long as he is serious, he will definitely be found. As for the candidate, let Yin Lei Zun go." Wu Tian has already thought about the candidate. .

The Silver Thunder Venerable is close to the Wu Family. The most important thing is that this person can keep secrets, and he usually has few friends. It is not easy to reveal anything. The Silver Thunder Venerable’s cultivation has reached the sixth heaven of the Spirit Venerable. Strength, even stronger than Wutian, joining the ghost medicine gate is just to be able to obtain more resources to improve himself.

These people are all peripheral members of the ghost medicine gate. No matter how strong they are, they cannot enter the inner layer. Therefore, every time you ask these people to do something, you need to pay a great price, especially for this kind of obscure thing. .

If the strength of the person going is too weak, it is not appropriate. The one who can resist his own scroll is at least a Spiritual Venerable Quadruple Heaven master, or even a fifth heaven. As for whether it will be higher, then they don't know.

Let Yin Lei Zun go, but also to test, it is just right to be able to kill, if not, you can know how strong this person is, so that you can determine whether you want to continue chasing or giving up. This matter It can only be planned secretly, this is the grievance of their family, even Wu Tian, ​​can not just make things big.

"Okay, let him go, I'd like to see how capable this person who dared to be disrespectful to my Wu family is." The few people who Huo Hai let go had already returned to the ghost medicine gate two days ago. among.

In order to survive, these people also began to make up lies, saying that Huo Hai said a lot of insults to their Wu family, whether it was true or not, after hearing these words, Wu Tian's wife felt waves of anger surge.

Huo Hai, who was far near the border, didn't know that he had been spotted so quickly. Huo Hai was still looking for his goal at this time, striving to improve his cultivation base and improve his combat effectiveness as soon as possible.

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