Evil Insect God

Chapter 1375: Encounter

With the absorption of the spiritual marrow, Huo Hai once again gathered the power to break his star core. At this stage, Huo Hai is relying on breaking his own crystal nucleus to improve himself, which is much better than directly absorbing spiritual marrow.

Huo Hai’s spirit worms do not have a crystal nucleus themselves, but they can be guided by their spiritual power, blessed by the power of Huo Hai’s inner space, and with the help of Huo Hai’s law power, to forcibly condense the laws of their own inner world. These spirit worms are also taking tricks, otherwise this little spirit is enough. The power of the spiritual marrow is pure, but the power content is not high.

At least, this is true for Huo Hai. Others can only use it to break through their limits, and Huo Hai is completely different from others. In Huo Hai's eyes, time is always the most precious, even if his life span is unlimited.

As the spirits were absorbed, Huo Hai's spirit worms first began to ascend. With the help of Huo Hai's law, the inner world of the spirit worms is slowly polished under the influence of the spiritual marrow, and a new halo slowly appears outside the inner world barrier.

I don't know how long it has passed before Xiaodie and Xiaojin broke through first, reaching the level of a double heaven. With a powerful aura, various spirit insects and beasts in Huohai's inner world were lying on the ground due to coercion. Many items, if it weren't for the protection of the spirit array that had been set up in the inner world, would probably be damaged by this pressure.

After the upgrade, the spirit worms did not increase any special abilities, but their own abilities were once again enhanced a lot, and their own combat effectiveness was also greatly improved. This is exactly what Huo Hai needs.

A group of spirit worms that can be compared to the second heaven of spirits, and together with Huo Hai, the combat effectiveness is not known to what extent.

The power of the spiritual marrow is too scarce, and only after the spiritual worms swallowed more than two hundred spiritual marrows, they broke through to the second heaven of the spiritual master. Especially Huo Hai's Star Gu, because there are too many, although the combat effectiveness is strong, but the consumption is also strong.

Huo Hai really loves and hates Star Gu, these things usually consume the most resources. But fortunately, after at least the breakthrough, his spirit worm's control and use of space has once again improved a lot. Although these ordinary Star Gus were still inferior in combat power to Spiritual Venerables of the First Heaven, they were not far from each other.

Five Thousand Star Gus unite, even Huo Hai is definitely not an opponent, this is the deterrent power of Star Gu. What made Huo Hai depressed was that he had never worked out the means to greatly bless the spirit worms in the realm of the spirits.

Your own spirit worms can only cooperate with them to fight like ordinary spirit worms from beginning to end, rather than becoming a main ability for their own battles. Forget it, your starting point is already very high, don't worry about these.

What caused Huo Hai the most headache was the special spirit insect Xiaoshui. Little water absorbs a lot of spiritual marrow, two or three times that of other normal spiritual worms. However, Huo Hai didn't care about this absorption. What made Huo Hai a headache was that his own little water was too slow to transform. Those Star Gus that were underdeveloped had all metamorphosed, but Xiao Shui still showed no signs of ascending.

Forget it, Xiaoshui's ability is so strong that no one can control water flow. Nowadays, in terms of real combat power, Xiaoshui is definitely not worse than Xiaodie and Xiaojin, maybe even stronger. Survival ability is much stronger than Huo Hai.

Xiao Shui's crystal core is very hard, and Huo Hai is certain that now as long as it is not for the hands of Ling Sheng masters, no Ling Shui will be able to kill Xiao Shui. This is the true function of a special life, it is really terrifying.

With the passage of time, Huo Hai himself did not improve slowly. Huo Hai completely absorbed more than a hundred spiritual marrow, and his crystal nucleus was once again shattered to the limit. At this time, Huo Hai was about to break through to the Third Heaven of Lingzun.

But at this time, Huo Hai stopped directly, because breaking through here, the movement made was definitely not small. Huo Hai is not a spirit worm. There is an inner space to block it when breaking through, and it will not cause any movement in the outside world. Huo Hai's inner space is very powerful now, and idle masters cannot see through it, let alone the wild boars above.

Even if he reached the Lingzun, he couldn't feel the movement in Huo Hai's inner space. But if Huo Hai wants to break through himself, then the trouble will be big. It will definitely attract the attention of these wild boars and even attack them.

Looking at the spiritual essence in his inner space, only less than a hundred remained. "Hey, trickery consumes so much, and I will cultivate in the future, and I will definitely consume it." Huo Hai was a little depressed, and every step of the cultivation of the sky-level master was too difficult. If it weren't for the very strong foundation of his own, he wouldn't be able to improve so fast.

After reaching the Lingzun, Huo Hai still didn't make his foundation worse because of anxious breakthrough. Before each breakthrough, Huo Hai polished his light layer to perfection, which represented the potential of his future law to improve.

Huo Hai didn't want to cause any problems with his own rules because of his rapid improvement. How many masters are unable to continue to improve because of problems with their own laws. This is very common among heavenly masters. Because of the flaws of the law, it was impossible to break through to the spiritual holy realm, and it was everywhere among the top sects.

Otherwise, the fragmentation of so many star nuclei in Huo Hai would have long been able to make Huo Hai continuous breakthroughs. Now, Huo Hai's second layer of light screen is complete, and Huo Hai can break through at any time. But Huo Hai didn't want to break through in this kind of place at this time, it seemed that he had to change a place. Besides, Huo Hai also needs to continue to look for resources and continue to improve himself.

After feeling for a while, Huo Hai was a little depressed: "It seems that before the breakthrough, it is impossible for these ghost auras to dissipate by a large margin." At this time, the ghost aura still suppressed half of his own power, preventing him from fully exerting.

Fortunately, from the early stage of the double heaven, to the peak of the double heaven, Huo Hai's current strength is much stronger than before. Huo Hai cautiously moved outside, avoiding the powerful flame wild boars above, and came to the ground again.

These wild boars, don't know that their belongings were taken away, they are really a bunch of stupid pigs. Huo Hai laughed in his heart, then got up and flew towards the distance. But not long after flying, Huo Hai suddenly found a red shadow chasing him quickly. The red shadow slowly turned into a human form in front of Huo Hai, staring at Huo Hai, with a compass in his hand.

"Yes, it seems that it is you. Judging from the ghostly aura on your body, you are the one who did the work on Young Master Wu." The scarlet figure put away the compass in his hand and looked at Huo Hai with eyes full of murderous look.

"Who are you? Look at the breath on your body. Could it be that of the God of Blood Sect?" This place is far away from the Eight Sect Alliance. Could it be that the God of Blood Sect can really chase here. You know, the people of the Blood God Sect don't know themselves, and after suffering a big loss last time, the blood God Sect's strength has dropped to its limit. Besides, the purpose of this person is also very strange.

"Unexpectedly, you still know the name of our Blood God Sect. It seems that you have also known our Eight Sect Alliance. Unfortunately, at your age, you can cultivate to this level. The talent is really good, but it offends the Ghost Medicine Sect. "

Huo Hai was puzzled: "Why are you bothering me because of the Ghost Medicine Sect? I remember, the Eight Sect Alliance seems to have no direct contact with the Ghost Medicine Sect." Huo Hai asked his doubts.

The scarlet figure snorted coldly: "Huh, how could it not be possible, but they look down on our border land. After all, our Eight Sect Alliance is a powerful alliance. How could the ghost medicine gate have no idea at all. The Medicine Sect belongs to the Death Soul Sect, but unfortunately the Death Soul Sect has died. We finally found the opportunity. As long as we can bring your body back, our Blood God Sect can get help from the Ghost Medicine Sect. problem."

Huo Hai was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect the Death Soul faction to have joined the Ghost Medicine Sect. Now that I don't know what's going on, this Blood God Sect is also involved in the Ghost Medicine Sect. In order to curry favor with them, he actually came to deal with himself.

"As far as I know, your Blood God Sect seems to have suffered a great loss some time ago. If you come out like this, you are not afraid of not going back."

The scarlet figure sneered: "Hmph, it's enough to deal with a person who is a second-tier spirit. My identity has never been exposed, so no matter how I move, other sects will not find me."

That's why, it seems that like the Dead Soul Sect, this guy is also a hidden master of the Blood God Sect. And unexpectedly, he was actually a master of the four-fold heavens. Under normal circumstances, a master of the Spiritual Venerable Quadruple Heaven is indeed much better than a Spiritual Venerable Master of the Double Heaven. Even the second heaven is in the hands of the fourth heaven master, and there is no resistance at all.

"The last question, how many masters do you have in the Blood God Sect?" Huo Hai frowned and asked.

The scarlet figure did not hesitate, and said directly: "Haha, do you want revenge? Let me tell you. Besides me, there is a master with a cultivation base similar to me. If you can survive, welcome to seek revenge. "

This person was not worried at all, because he never felt that Huo Hai was able to escape. "Boy, do you know why I said so much nonsense to you? If you just ran away and you could run away, it is absolutely impossible now." The surrounding sky suddenly turned into a **** color, and Huo Hai felt as if he had entered another Same as a space.

"I didn't expect you to even display the inner world projection." Huo Hai was taken aback at the beginning, and then he knew what it was. Projecting the power of the inner world itself is not something that ordinary people can learn.

Even if you learn, this method is rarely used. On the one hand, it takes a long time. Besides, once the projection is injured, it is likely to be backlashed into the inner world, which can easily cause permanent trauma.

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