Evil Insect God

Chapter 1376: Inner world projection

The inner world of the heavenly master is not useless at all. In addition to condensing its own laws, it is actually a world in itself. This is not an ordinary space, but a prototype of the world.

After the legendary world reaches its limit, it can be transformed into a real world, but no one has heard of success. But since the inner world is called the world, it is naturally different from the general space. The inner world projection is also an application method of the inner world. Experts in the realm of Spiritual Sovereign, generally do not reach above the sixth heaven, it is difficult to master this method.

The inner world projection is not a kind of war spirit art, but a kind of inner world use skill. Generally speaking, all spirits have the opportunity to learn. Unexpectedly, there is such a real master in front of him.

The projection of the inner world is not so practical when the masters of the spirits are fighting. Because the inner world of the Lingzun is too weak, it takes too long to prepare for the projection. And once hurt, it is easy to feed back into one's inner world.

But once this inner world unfolds, it also means that the opponent cannot escape. The inner world is a means to prevent the opponent from escaping. Death in the inner world, let alone escape, even the light of the soul cannot escape after death. Not all people, like Huo Hai, have special means to control the soul, and most people don't have much research on the soul.

Moreover, fighting under the projection of the inner world will greatly enhance his own strength. If the opponent's attributes are different from that of the opponent, they will be suppressed by the inner world projection. The inner world projection is an independent space, and there will be no breath leakage.

In other words, no matter how far the battle progresses, no one outside will find anything wrong. Unless, Huo Hai can completely smash this projection. Although this method has many disadvantages, it is equally powerful.

Hundreds of miles around, completely shrouded in blood. There is no sun or moon in the sky, only patches of blood-colored clouds, which look similar to the Holy Land of the Blood God Sect in the Heavenly Soul Region. The bottom is also a blood-red, blood-red liquid rivers flowing freely everywhere. A strong smell of blood permeated.

Above these blood-like liquids, there was also a faint red light exuding. The red light was divided into four layers, which represented that the cultivation base of the person in front of him was the Fourth Heaven of Spirit Venerable. However, the control of the spiritual power of the person in front of him seemed far beyond his own.

If it was Huo Hai himself, he could completely hide his spiritual light, even in the spiritual source. If it wasn't when he just came out and didn't deliberately hide it, how could this guy feel his cultivation.

"Boy, since you are so cooperative, I will give you a happy one." The red figure said, and then the whole person suddenly turned into a cloud of blood and dispersed. A large swath of blood-colored fog, this is the body of this blood **** sect master. This was the first time that Huo Hai saw this special method. It seemed that this should be the Heavenly Battle Spirit Art that the Blood God Sect later studied.

Unable to find the other party's subject, or that the other party's subject is too big and does not have any weaknesses, even Huo Hai felt very difficult at this time. The Luoxia Sword appeared in Huo Hai's hands, and Huo Hai swiped forward.

Following Huo Hai's movements, a silver-white sword qi was released instantly, the sword qi pierced into the blood mist and immediately exploded. "It's useless, your attack is useless to me." A weird voice came out.

Huo Hai had already felt that his attack was not useless, but had already wiped out the opponent's blood mist. However, in this environment, the blood fog recovers very quickly. It seems that it won't take long to recover completely. If it is consumed like this, even if one's own spiritual power is strong, it may not be able to consume the other party.

The exploded sword energy attacked the projection shield, and it just made some ripples on the shield, and nothing happened. The barrier of this inner world projection is really strong, far from being comparable to ordinary spatial barriers.

At this time, the master of the Blood God Sect also started, and a blood mist suddenly condensed and pierced towards Huo Hai. Before he got close, Huo Hai smelled a nauseating blood.

With a flash of figure, Huo Hai avoided this attack. But what Huo Hai did not expect was that after this attack was dodged by Huo Hai, he turned a bend in the air and attacked Huo Hai again. If it weren't for Huo Hai's sensitive perception and always paying attention to his surroundings, he would really be attacked. In desperation, Huo Hai sprinted and dodged once again.

Before the red aura turned again, Huo Hai sent out a sword aura, and the power of the star sword aura was much stronger than this thing. Even if Huo Hai's cultivation is not enough, this red blood energy is not something that can be resisted. After a sword, the red mist is dispersed.

"Okay, Lingzun 2nd Heaven is actually able to display such combat effectiveness. It seems that I really underestimate you." The red cloud mist has almost recovered at this time. Huo Hai narrowed his eyes, feeling a little helpless in his heart.

"It seems that we must fight quickly and make a quick decision. It is not good for me to delay it for a long time." Huo Hai doesn't know if there are other methods in the ghost medicine gate, but this is difficult enough. If his strength can be fully utilized, Huo Hai doesn't mind directly breaking this inner world projection. But the problem is that Huo Hai now has general power in his body being suppressed by ghost pressure.

Huo Hai, who couldn't use his full strength, had a fighting power worse than the blood **** sect master in front of him, let alone shattered the opponent's inner world projection. This thing, when the strength is similar, it is impossible to hurt.

At this moment, Huo Hai's aura changed, and a very majestic and noble aura permeated. Under this breath, the flow of the **** mist suddenly slowed down. Even the attack is a bit slower. "What is this? Forget it, when you let me swallow it up after you die, I will know it naturally." Xue Mist also felt that his strength was suppressed.

This is Huo Hai's original ability, Longwei, released alone, and the effect is really good. It's just a pity that Longwei can't control it locally, as long as it is released, the movement will not be small, and it will be easy to be discovered.

Fortunately, this is within the projection of the inner world, and Huo Hai doesn't have to worry about Longwei spreading out. Once Long Wei came out, even the ghost energy in his body seemed to be suppressed a lot. At the same time, the blood **** sect master has exploded with all his strength.

Blood-red breaths were released towards Huo Hai's whole body, as if to wipe out the entire world. Faintly, Huo Hai could still see that these blood fog actually formed a scene similar to a blood cursed snake. "It seems that this inner world is really constructed based on the appearance of the Blood God Sect Holy Land." Huo Hai somewhat understands the other party's legal basis.

But even if you understand it, there is no way. The confrontation between the laws can only be compared with strength. That kind of method of finding loopholes in the law and then taking tricks is impossible among the heavenly masters.

At most, that is, his own strength is stronger, so that the blessing of the power of the law is greater, and Huo Hai is now in this situation. When there is no real cohesion law, the quality of the law cannot be reflected.

Huo Hai's wrist quickly rotated to attack, and a series of sword auras smashed the surrounding blood cursed snakes. If he could dodge, Huo Hai tried his best to dodge. At the same time, more and more **** mists constantly entangled Huo Hai. Afterwards, Huo Hai even shifted the star and changed the fight with all his strength. Had it not been for the projection of the inner world, Huo Hai would have left.

Faced with more and more blood cursed snake attacks, Huo Hai also felt more and more pressure. This is the strength of the Lingzun Quadruple Heavenly Master, even if Huo Hai's own combat effectiveness is super strong, he can still only fall into the disadvantage.

Fortunately, because of the special combat spirit art that this guy cultivates, his whole person has turned into a cloud of blood. Although very strange, his survivability has also improved a lot. But in this state, it is basically impossible to have a powerful attack capability.

Otherwise, under the protection of the projection of the inner world, he might have been injured. Unconsciously, the blood mist has slowly surrounded Huo Hai. At this moment, the hoarse voice of the master of the Blood God Sect rang: "Haha, boy, you are in the middle." After finishing speaking, the surrounding blood mist desperately encircled the center to swallow Huo Hai.

From the very beginning, this group of blood fog has been preparing its own ultimate move. As long as he is surrounded by his own blood mist, it will be difficult for people with a higher cultivation base to escape, let alone now.

But at this time, Huo Hai's face was not panicked at all. Seeing that the blood mist was about to touch him, Huo Hai suddenly retracted the Luoxia Sword, and his hands quickly made a strange handprint.

"|Hahahaha, boy, are you going to surrender? It's a pity that it's too late." The **** mist kept hoarse and speeded up. But at this moment, Huo Hai's footsteps suddenly moved, and his whole person disappeared in the blood mist.

"Hmph, you are laying out, didn't I see it." Huo Hai has experienced a lot of battles, regardless of his age, but in terms of combat experience, he is not much less than these guys. Moreover, his thinking is even more imaginative, and he often fights people who are stronger than himself. Huo Hai understands the minds of these powerful people better, and has been preparing since just now.

The foundation of his own shifting star and fighting battle is a space spirit formation, only because the space of the heavenly spirit domain is too stable, it will make Huo Hai unable to use it. Huo Hai just waited for the moment when the other party encircled him.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Huo Hai forcibly blessed the space abilities of Star Gu. Although this did not allow Huo Hai to truly gain the ability to use space power, he could barely display the power of space power. Space movement. Huo Hai just passed through the space in an instant and appeared next to him. Just this time, Huo Hai consumed a lot of spiritual power.

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