Evil Insect God

Chapter 1379: Silver Thunder

I wish you all a happy gesture. The old girl got married today and just came back. I'm sorry for the late update.

When Huo Hai broke through, a white-haired young man who was not too far away from Huo Hai suddenly stopped. The compass pointer in his hand pointed in one direction, and the pointer was very clear.

"Is it true, or deliberately falsified." A trace of doubt flashed in Yin Lei Zun's eyes. During this period, the compass only reacted when the distance was very close, otherwise, it would send some inductions when the target was used. , This means that there is absolutely something in the other party's body that will isolate the ghost, otherwise it will not be so difficult to find.

But in any case, let’s go and take a look. After looking for so long, if you can’t get rid of the target, didn’t you come here for nothing? The reward this time is very rich, it just needs to be kept secret. .

Thinking of this, Venerable Yin Lei turned into a ball of silver-white lightning light and rushed towards the distance quickly. I don’t know how long it had passed. When Venerable Yin Lei stopped, he saw a large area in the distance. Ghost spirit drifts.

"Yes, it is the ghost energy left by Deacon Wutian. It seems that the goal should be to dispel the ghost energy here." Yin Lei Zun didn't know where the target was, so he didn't do it, but continued to observe the surroundings. At this moment, amidst the ghostly spirit, a figure suddenly appeared, and Lord Yin Lei narrowed his eyes, and it was indeed the target.

Feeling the aura around him, Yin Lei Zun said faintly: "Spiritual Venerable Triple Heaven, one level lower than intelligence, it seems that it is very easy to complete the task this time." On intelligence, the goal is at least fourfold. day.

It seems that this goal must have some special means, so that it can block the scroll attack left by Wutian, but it seems normal compared to the opponent's cultivation base. So much ghost energy has penetrated into the body, which proves that this guy also It is absolutely uncomfortable. If it is really the Spiritual Venerable of the Fourth Heaven, under this trick, I am afraid that so many ghost energy may not be able to penetrate the body.

Since the target's strength is not strong enough, then he doesn't need to be cautious. The Silver Thunder Venerable showed his figure and sent a silver-white lightning to Huo Hai. The speed of the lightning flashed, and it was impossible to avoid it.

Huo Hai, who was feeling the cultivation base after his own breakthrough, suddenly felt a palpitating heart. The aura of his body naturally appeared, and the triple starlight wrapped Huo Hai firmly in it, and the next moment the lightning had hit.

As soon as the "boom" lightning hit, a huge explosion occurred directly. One layer of the triple starlight was directly shattered, and the second layer was already very weak, and it was about to shatter. Huo Hai narrowed his eyes and looked into the distance. , Just saw a white-haired boy in the sky, but Huo Hai knew that this boy was definitely over ten thousand years old.

"Who are you and why are you attacking me." Huo Hai's murderous aura was filled, but he was still carefully feeling the other's breath.

The attack just now was obviously a casual act. When was he so careless that he hadn't reacted when he let others get close to this distance. Although the opponent was powerful, this was one aspect.

But Huo Hai also knew that because he had just broken through, he was a little excited, which was also the reason.

The white-haired man was not surprised at all. If he didn’t stop him, he would feel strange, "The Lord Silver Thunder, now on duty at the Ghost Medicine Gate, look at your ghost auras, the one who attacked Wu Sheyun some time ago should be Come on, anyway, you attacked the people of Wu Family, don't want to leave today alive." There was no fluctuation in Yin Lei Zun's eyes.

Huo Hai's heart suddenly felt, no wonder this guy would attack him for no reason. Unexpectedly, besides the master of the Blood God Sect, they also found such a master. This is really worthy of him.

How did Huo Hai know that the Wu family was only looking for Yin Lei Zun. As for the master of the Blood God Sect, Wu Sheyun’s mother wanted to kill Huo Hai soon, so he secretly contacted him, but Wu Tian didn’t know.

Before Huo Hai could speak, the Silver Thunder Venerable once again struck out a silver lightning. This lightning was even more terrifying than before. What Huo Hai had originally planned to say, could only swallow, and with a single finger, a sword aura came out instantly. A silver-white lightning was hit in the air. The lightning speed was fast, but Huo Hai's sword aura was also not very slow.

"Boom" a huge explosion sounded, and the shock wave made Huo Hai take two steps back. Fortunately, the power of the heaven and the earth in the heavenly spirit domain is stronger, so the aftermath of the battle will not be affected. If the two of them do this in the heavenly soul domain, Just the aftermath of this blow is likely to completely destroy a territory as large as a kingdom, rather than just spreading below it like it is now.

Huo Hai frowned tightly, because he had discovered that the silver thunder and lightning used by this silver thunder and lightning were completely different from ordinary thunder and lightning. No wonder this guy would be called the silver thunder and lightning because of these silver-white thunder and lightning. Got it.

These lightnings are not only faster and more destructive, but also have a terrifying explosive ability. As long as they hit the target, the lightning will explode. Even Huo Hai's destructive ability feels very headache when he thinks of it.

"Okay, very good, it's actually the stars' spiritual power, and the power is still so great, I am a little interested in you now." Yin Lei Zun looked at Huo Hai at this time, and the murderous in his eyes was even better. This guy is really unexpected.

Just this kind of sword aura, although not as good as his own attack power, it is definitely not bad. The more I think about it, the more excited Silver Thunder Venerable is. The silver white thunder and lightning all over his body are like countless electric snakes. Circling and winding, the next moment, it is very likely that Wan Lei will send together, this kind of person is really not easy to deal with.

Moreover, Huo Hai faintly discovered that this Silver Thunder Venerable seemed to be in the middle of thunder and lightning, and there were signs of incarnation becoming thunder and lightning. To deal with such a master, he must be stronger than him, otherwise it would be difficult to hurt him no matter how many.

Huo Hai's original plan to use Star Gu to deal with this guy was frustrated, "Your strength is very good, and you are qualified to report your name. Don't worry, this deity will give you a happy one." Thunder suddenly became more violent.

Huo Hai snorted coldly: "Under Huo Hai, as for your Excellency who wants to kill me, it depends on whether your Excellency has this ability." Huo Hai's eyes were disdainful, but he was fully on guard in his heart. This guy is really too much. It's horrible.

"Okay, very good, no one has dared to talk to me like this for a long time, just let me see if your strength is the same as what you said." The silver thunderzun's figure flashed, and it was completely transformed into a ball at this time. Lightning, extremely fast, carrying Wanjun Thunder, instantly fell to Huo Hai's side, and Huo Hai, who had been on guard for a long time, had already left the place under the stars.

A large forest below "Boom" suddenly turned into a deep pit. Seeing this attack, Huo Hai's heart suddenly felt cold. The Star Gu that he just broke through, although he could barely keep up with this speed, he couldn't Contain the other side.

Even if the space power is used, the opponent can escape before it hurts the opponent. Huo Hai already knows that this person is actually a terrifying Spirit Venerable Sixth Heavenly Master. If you make Star Gu and Silver Thunder Venerable die, he Even if he could win in the end, his Star Gu didn't know how much he would die, and he didn't know if he could keep the opponent.

This kind of guy who turns into special attribute energy is the type that Huo Hai hates most. "No, you can't fight it hard." Huo Hai hasn't been able to fully display his own strength yet, and he doesn't want to fight it hard.

And at this moment, Huo Hai realized that he seemed to be unable to stay in the Eastern Region any longer. If the Wu family bit him, he would still be in the Eastern Region. Sooner or later, he would face them. Then, he and the ghost The contradiction between the medicine gate is getting bigger and bigger, and the final result will be difficult to deal with. If the ghost medicine gate is really targeted, Huo Hai has nothing to do.

No, you have to go south as soon as possible. The southeast is not the territory of the ghost medicine gate. Thinking of this, Huo Hai turned and left, with the stars flickering under his feet. Although Huo Hai's cultivation base is not as good as Yin Lei Zun's, his speed is definitely faster.

"Boy, what are you doing so fast, stop quickly and let the deity kill." Yin Lei Zun's voice sounded behind him, accompanied by thunder and lightning, a silver-white thunder and lightning was chasing, but no matter how you chase it, always chase Not on.

Venerable Yin Lei was also a little annoyed in his heart, but he was just a little person of the Spiritual Venerable Triple Heaven, how could he not catch up with him? You must know that although you have not practiced the body type of war spirit art, but you will incarnate as a thunder and lightning. After Raiden, even the masters of the same level, few can keep up with their own speed.

Moreover, his Thunderbolt is more flexible, with strong offensive ability, but I didn't expect that today, the speed I am proud of can't keep up with the target's speed. This really annoys the Silver Thunder.

In this way, Yin Lei Zun even more believes that Huo Hai’s body skills are definitely not simple. No one knows what inheritance is behind him. Maybe it is possible to be a master of other top powers. These top powers are the war spirit art. It was very complicated, and it was impossible for anyone to remember all the types of Spiritual Warfare, so Yin Lei Zun didn't know or felt anything abnormal.

"Boy, stop quickly for the deity." Yin Lei Zun's voice kept ringing. It is a pity that Huo Hai completely ignored this, and the speed did not slow down. Huo Hai didn't even want to say anything. He had nothing to say against the enemy. of.

As soon as the two chased and fled, they soon did not know how far they flew. As the distance gradually increased, the lightning distance from Huo Hai became farther and farther. Although this distance, they could soon be chased by the lightning. .

However, Huo Hai breathed a sigh of relief at this time. In any case, his own speed is faster than the other party. This is enough, more than the consumption of spiritual power. Huo Hai has not been afraid of anyone, even if the other party is a master of the sixth heaven. also the same.

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