Evil Insect God

Chapter 1380: All the way south

In a large area of ​​mountain forest, there is a huge city. This city is very large with a population of tens of millions. A city with a population of tens of millions is just a small city in the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

In many harsh environments, human beings can only protect themselves and be qualified to survive in a group. After all, even in such a city, there are only a few masters in the realm of Spirit Emperor at most, and the strength is not strong enough.

On this day, a stream of light suddenly fell from the air and directly penetrated the defensive barrier. Not even a single ripple appeared. It didn’t take long for a group of masters to arrive here. The first one had reached the seventh-level spiritual emperor cultivation base. , "This Venerable, I don't know what I can do for you." The aura on Huo Hai's body has already explained Huo Hai's cultivation.

Besides, being able to penetrate their great defense formation silently and silently is definitely not something ordinary people can make. Venerable is just a name for Spiritual Venerable. Huo Hai has already understood this clearly.

"Take me to the teleportation array, hurry up, I'm in a hurry." Everyone looked at each other and quickly bowed to lead the way.

The person here is the Spirit Venerable, but it is not something they can offend in a small city. As for the teleportation array, there are many things in the heavenly spirit realm. Almost every town has it. The town has a small-scale teleportation array inside the city. Between cities, there are teleportation arrays that can communicate with each other, but it's not so easy to go to far places.

The large teleportation arrays that can teleport over a long distance within an area are all in the hands of the region controller, while in the eastern region, these teleportation arrays are in the hands of the ghost medicine gate, and others cannot use it.

To use this teleportation array, you have to register first, and then wait. Huo Hai now has an antagonism with the Wu Family of Ghost Medicine Men. God knows what will happen to them. What annoys Huo Hai is that he just stopped Wu Sheyun from traveling. The incident, and it was just cutting off his arm, and he would be able to recover easily when he went back. This Wujia was still biting himself.

Really when he was so bullied, Huo Hai had already faintly decided at this time that if he had the opportunity, he would definitely not make the Wu family feel better. Now he can only run away without the strength, but sooner or later, his own cultivation level can make the ghost medicine door feel Shock.

Soon, Huo Hai and his party arrived at the teleportation formation. After Huo Hai adjusted the teleportation formation, he did not ask other people to help, and directly activated the teleportation formation to teleport. As soon as the teleportation left, Huo Hai's hand floated out. Silver-white brilliance.

When Huo Hai left, the silver-white brilliance slowly formed, condensed into star lines, and then arranged into a new spiritual formation, which fell around the teleportation formation, delaying the deployment of the teleportation formation. This time, after the astral soul guide was upgraded, You can do it yourself.

Before long, a light of thunder and lightning flashed away, directly smashing the barriers of the city’s defense formation. Before returning home, several high-ranking city officials hurriedly came to see him, "Sir, what can we do for you? Is it?"

The blood was dripping in everyone's heart, and their guardian formation was directly shattered. How much material was needed to repair it, and during this time, it was easy to encounter danger. If the other party was a spiritual master, they would have long been When he did it, Yin Lei Zun snorted coldly: "Take it to the teleportation array, the speed should be fast." Yin Lei Zun didn't mean to apologize at all.

In desperation, everyone brought Silver Thunder Venerable to the Teleportation Array, but when the Silver Thunder Venerable had just activated the Teleportation Array, a beam of light suddenly appeared around the Teleportation Array. There was a "boom". The Teleportation Array was because of Huo Hai’s Spirit Array. The relationship has received a certain impact.

"Damn bastard, come quickly and find me the location of that person's teleportation last time." Yin Lei Zun is not very familiar with space and spirit formations. Just after being hit, the teleportation formation record has disappeared. trace.

Everyone looked at each other. Although their hearts were full of depression, they could only find the spiritual master inside the city. The last one looked at peace, but it turned out not to be a good thing. In the left hand, the spirit is still teleporting. Make hands and feet above the array.

In this way, if Yin Lei Zun wants to continue tracking Huo Hai, I am afraid it will be delayed for more than half a day. During this time, Huo Hai has not known how far he has escaped, if it weren’t because Huo Hai is now using spiritual power. , There will be a little ghostly aura, Yin Lei Zun has long been thrown off by Huo Hai, Huo Hai ignored that much, and kept going south.

The Heavenly Spirit Realm is very huge. It took Huo Hai more than a month to escape all the way. During this period, he used a lot of teleportation arrays to shorten the distance, but after such a long time, he just reached the edge of the east and southeast. .

Continue to the south, it is the southeast area, "Damn it, if you can use the super large teleportation array, you don't have to be so troublesome." Huo Hai is a little annoyed. The so-called super large teleportation array can directly teleport in different areas. Transmission array.

These teleportation formations are not something that ordinary people can create. They can only be produced by high-level spirit sages who are familiar with spirit formations. Therefore, such teleportation formations are only a few in the eastern region and are completely controlled by the ghost medicine gate. , Even if the disciples of the ghost medicine door use it themselves, it is very troublesome, let alone outsiders.

Therefore, if Huo Hai wants to go to the southeast domain, he can only rely on his own speed to fly step by step. There is no teleportation spirit array at the edge, and Huo Hai can only rely on his own speed.

Fortunately, with the help of the previous series of spirit formations, Huo Hai has already opened a long distance from the Silver Thunder Venerable. The Silver Thunder Venerable is fast, and he knows that he is walking all the way to the south, but because he is worried that this is Huo Hai's death. The suspicion formation will change direction afterwards, so I still can only chase here all the way, constantly exploring the aura left by Huo Hai on the road.

However, because each time Huo Hai passed through the teleportation spirit formation, he would leave behind his own spirit formation to block, so Silver Thunder Venerable did not chase him all the way. A starlight flashed away in the sky, and it was Huo Hai who fled all the way to the south.

Even if there are some spirit beasts and spirit beasts in the jungle who notice Huo Hai, they can’t keep up, because Huo Hai’s speed is too fast, and he feels the aura that makes him feel threatened from a distance, Huo Hai Will also dodge directly.

In this fringe area, Huo Hai actually felt the breath of the Spiritual Saint on the road. Even if he felt this breath from a distance, Huo Hai felt as if a mountain was overwhelmed, making Huo Hai unable to rebel.

This Spirit Saint is indeed worthy of being a Spirit Saint. No matter how many Spirit Saints add up, I’m afraid it’s very difficult to be an opponent of a Spirit Saint. At the heavenly level, the gap between every major level is far from what it used to be. The gap between people, fortunately, Huo Hai did not intend to compete with the Spirit Saint Fierce Beast, as long as he flashed past, he continued to the south.

Recalling the escape this way, Huo Hai had lingering fears. Fortunately, he had completed the Star Soul Enlightenment first, and raised his body skills. If it weren't for the fact that his body skills had tripled, he really couldn't match the Yin Lei Venerable. ratio.

At that time, I could only fight with Silver Thunder Venerable, either he suffered a heavy loss and eventually forced him back, or he was killed directly, and there was no other choice. No matter which one, it was not what Huo Hai wanted. .

While escaping, Huo Hai continued to compress the ghostly energy on his body. Before he knew it, Huo Hai had already crossed the border area, from one area to another, and rushed directly by himself, which was also a feat for the Spiritual Venerable. Generally speaking, the poor spirits did not dare to do this. At this time, Huo Hai finally came to the southeast area.

The southeast area is not under the control of the ghost medicine gate. Once here, he is much safer. “You must disperse this ghost as soon as possible.” Huo Hai relaxes and finally has time to dispel the ghost. .

After finding a relatively secret place, Huo Hai sat down. After so long of polishing and impact, this group of ghost energy was completely compressed by Huo Hai, forming a small ball, but there was no time, so Can stay on.

This ghost energy is very difficult. Once it enters the human body, it is very troublesome to dispel it. Even if it is Huo Hai, it took such a long time to dispel the ghost energy that is no longer controlled by anyone. Ghost medicine Sure enough, the door is famous, and with this hand, ordinary people are not their opponents, and the ghost is much more difficult than the devil.

After spending a whole day, Huo Hai finally mobilized his sword qi to completely wrap up the ghost qi, and then slowly carried it, and carried it into the palm of his hand through the spirit veins, and the ghost qi did not leak at all.

The spirit channel is no longer useful to the spirits, but this thing is still an important channel in the body, as long as it is not abandoning one's body, then the spirit channel still has a certain effect on oneself.

Huo Hai waved his hand vigorously, and a ball of silver light was thrown away by Huo Hai. The silver-white light ball hit a hill in the distance. Under the explosion of sword energy, the hill was instantly cut and shattered into a piece of rubble. , When the sword aura erupted, a thick black aura diffused out, the corrosiveness of the black aura, even stones could not resist.

This is the essence of ghost energy in Huo Hai's body. The corrosiveness is extremely strong, and only the body of the master of the Spiritual Venerable realm can resist this corrosiveness. At this time, the black energy is constantly permeating, and it seems to be looking for something.

Huo Hai's figure flashed away from this group of ghost energy. This ghost energy is the essence. Naturally, he still wanted to invade himself. Once he really brought this group of ghost energy closer, then his previous efforts were in vain. .

Huo Hai felt a bit of himself, and a comfortable feeling came to his heart. At this time, he was finally able to fully exert all his strength. Even in a head-on fight, Huo Hai believed that Silver Thunder Venerable could only hurt himself at best. , It is impossible to kill himself. Since he couldn't win, Huo Hai didn't want to meet the opponent and turned around and left.

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