Evil Insect God

Chapter 1381: Southeast Region

Less than three days after Huo Hai left, Yin Lei Venerable found him again. Without the seal of the ring, the ghostly spirit exposed was quite conspicuous. Besides, Huo Hai did not clean it up.

This was not Huo Hai’s negligence, but Huo Hai clearly told Silver Thunder Venerable that he had already reached the southeast area and was chased by this person all the way. How could Huo Hai’s heart be out of breath, even if he could not hurt Silver Thunder Venerable, It was good to make him sick, because Huo Hai was too far away, so it took three days before Silver Thunder Venerable finally came into the sensing area.

Looking at this aura, a trace of irritation flashed in Yin Lei Zun's eyes: "Huo Hai, dare to underestimate me, this time you are dead." Huo Hai fled all the way, chasing him all the way, Yin Lei Zun simply Don't think Huo Hai can threaten him.

In fact, even if he stayed in the ghost medicine gate, Yin Lei Zun didn't understand this kind of corrosive ghost energy. This is a special ghost energy sealing method that only a few people can practice specifically to seal the opponent's power.

It is a pity that this method of sealing has a miraculous effect on people whose cultivation base is worse than their own, and it has no effect on people whose cultivation base is similar to their own. If it weren't for the difference in cultivation base between the two, it was really too big. It wouldn't be enough to suppress Huo Hai's power like this, so Silver Thunder Venerable didn't even know that Huo Hai could not exert all his power.

There is a third-level spirit sovereign, and there is no special ability. In the eyes of the silver thunder, Huo Hai has no ability at all except for his own speed. As long as he can find Huo Hai, he can easily Kill.

When really launching a full attack, Yin Lei Zun’s thunder and lightning can move faster than his own. He believes that Huo Hai will definitely not be able to stop him, but he is now in the southeast region, and the ghost energy on Huo Hai has been dispersed, he wants to find Huo Hai is not easy, the southeast area is not the territory of the ghost medicine gate, everything must be low-key here.

The Heavenly Spirit Realm is divided into nine regions. Except for the largest middle one, the other is the surrounding eight directions. It is said that long ago, these eight regions were not very large, so there were not many masters.

But with the passage of time, with the constant death of the heavenly masters, the heaven and the earth continued to grow, so the surrounding area was also continuously expanding, and finally the eight surrounding areas reached one-fifth the size of the middle area.

The combined area far exceeds the middle area. The middle area is occupied by some veteran masters and forces, and the surrounding area has never been given much importance. Therefore, the surrounding area gradually developed and was eventually reborn by the new spirit. The masters of the gods are integrated to form eight surrounding areas, faintly confronting the middle area.

And this integrates the forces in the surrounding eight regions, also known as the Eight Gates. Huo Hai has only recently learned a little bit from the discussions of some people. Therefore, in each region, there is a top power in the management. .

Even the ghost medicine sect does not have the power to interfere with the internal operations of other forces. "It seems that these eight sects are top-level strengths, but I am afraid it is not only the eight sects that have spiritual gods." Huo Hai lowered his head and thought silently. Up.

For countless years in the Tianling Continent, I don’t know how many heavenly masters have been born, and the lifespan of these heavenly masters is unlimited. As long as they don’t casually seek death and provoke powerful enemies, these people will not die at all, even if some People will stay in a certain realm forever because of their own reasons, and no one will think about dying.

More importantly, after the death of a heavenly master, it is usually difficult to really kill them, and these people can easily reincarnate.

After so many years of accumulation, Huo Hai does not believe that in the legends, only the top sects have spiritual gods. Some people even think that each of these top sects has only one spiritual god, which is even more absurd. .

Now that he heard these rumors, Huo Hai was even more certain, but in this way, Huo Hai couldn't figure out how many masters the top power had, because he was still not strong enough, so he couldn't reach such a high level.

After reaching the southeast area, after Huo Hai cleared the ghost qi from his body, he was no longer as anxious as he did before. After quietly entering the southeast area, Huo Hai released Fluttershy and spied the news with himself.

In the eastern region, it is not easy to get information about the southeast region. The controller of the eastern region is the ghost medicine gate, and the controller of the southeast region is the giant wooden gate. This giant wooden gate is very special because they are actually majoring in It is a wood attribute spiritual power, and the people in the sect are good at controlling huge trees to help them fight.

At the beginning, Huo Hai thought it was the same as Yun'er, who directly summoned huge trees and turned them into dryad warriors to use, but after inquiring about it, Huo Hai found out that it was wrong. After all, Yun'er was a talent. ability.

Among the giant wooden doors, although there are also those with this ability, the number is very small. Most people cannot directly turn trees into dryad warriors. Therefore, it is said that there is a very special transformation secret method inside the giant wooden door.

They can transform some powerful trees with spiritual power or even other materials, and finally make them into things that resemble dryads like puppets to fight, but these things have no thinking on their own and must rely on the control of others. In the spiritual realm, there are many plants that contain powerful but do not have intelligence.

I heard that some core disciples of the giant wooden door have more sophisticated secret methods. They can directly transform some plant-type beasts and let them help them fight. Plant-type beasts are different from normal beasts.

If the transformed spirit beast is not much different from the general spirit beast, then the beast has no IQ. After the general animal type beast reaches the realm of the spirit, the IQ will not be worse than that of a normal person, but it is a plant. A fierce beast of this type, not to mention reaching the spirit deity, even if it reaches the realm of the spirit god, it will definitely not have the slightest high IQ.

Fortunately, as long as these plant beasts do not actively provoke them, they generally will not actively attack others. After the giant wooden gate transforms these things, they do not need to control to fight, but let them fight independently.

It seems that the giant wooden door has a more special secret method, which is to make huge trees into a fortress. The disciples of the giant wooden door can be controlled internally, and can even be regarded as a city that can be moved. I heard that the giant wooden door itself is a huge large area. It was the first time that Huo Hai had seen this kind of sect made of trees.

For the development of its own sect, the giant wooden door even directly transformed many ground veins, forcibly adding wood attributes to the ground veins, so that the spiritual power in the entire southeast region contained strong natural power.

Of course, no one said anything. Anyway, those plants have no backing. As for the spiritual energy that contains natural power, it will be good for the body after being absorbed, but it will be good for most people.

"I really want to see the giant wooden door. If Yun'er can obtain the secret method of the giant wooden door, I believe his strength will be improved a lot." Huo Hai's eyes flickered, and then he returned to normal. His current strength, the giant wooden door's idea is basically I can't fight, I don't dare to fight, forget it, let's wait until I have a higher cultivation level.

In any case, Huo Hai has seen Yun'er's means of controlling plants. The vast majority of people here are definitely not as strong as Yun'er in controlling plants. I guess in my heart that he knows how these people fight.

No matter what, I finally came to the southeast area, and I had to think of ways to continue to improve myself. The best way is naturally to find the spiritual marrow veins. It is just Huo Hai himself and does not know where the veins are.

As for exploring slowly by yourself, this is really a waste of time. Huo Hai doesn’t want to spend a lot of time searching slowly. In that case, he may not be able to find a vein for several years, and the one he finds may not be large. This vein exploration, It was not an easy task at first, but there are really many people who improve by looking for mineral veins.

Huo Hai came to a large city with spirits, and after a little inquiries, he found the location of the mercenary union. I have to say that adventurers and mercenaries, two viable creatures, can be anywhere. turn up.

Many people have all kinds of things to hire mercenaries. As for adventurers, anyone who dares to take risks can be called adventurers. Of course, the mercenary organization in the spiritual realm on this day is also the same as ordinary mercenaries. The organization is different.

The mercenary organization here is directly controlled by the giant wooden gate. It is usually a mercenary. Once a big event is encountered, the giant wooden gate has the right to command all mercenaries to resist foreign enemies. Although this kind of thing has not existed since the establishment of the giant wooden gate. It has happened, but this also shows the status of the giant wooden gate, they are the real masters of the mercenary union.

Huo Hai came here because he could find some news about mineral veins. Mercenaries and adventurers traveled north and south all day and knew a lot of news, some of which were true and some were false.

With so many news gathered together, it is not easy to tell the difference. There is a lot of news about mineral veins, and it won’t take much time anyway. Just take a look at it. It didn’t take long. , Huo Hai has already registered successfully. It is very easy to register here, as long as you leave a soul mark.

The soul imprints everyone is different, no matter who it is, no one can impersonate others.

However, after leaving the mark, Huo Hai's cultivation base was exposed. Huo Hai didn't care. Among these mercenaries, even many spiritual saints had come to register, and they had no binding force at all.

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