Evil Insect God

Chapter 1382: Relic news

After the registration was completed, Huo Hai stayed directly in the mercenary union. In the southeast region, the mercenary union was not something to be seen. On the contrary, the headquarters was built magnificently and very luxuriously.

Of course, the places that really do some special things are hidden in secret spaces, and they cannot be entered without reaching a certain level of authority. With the help of the giant wooden door behind them, this mercenary union is not so easy to detect.

Fortunately, Huo Hai doesn’t need to look for those special tasks. He only needs to find some ambiguous mineral vein locations. After that, he goes to explore by himself. When it comes to exploration ability, Huo Hai believes that there are not many people in this world that are better than him. And Lingshen, I am afraid that few will do things like exploring mineral veins by themselves.

Huo Hai looked through the information in his hand while listening to some news from the surroundings. At this moment, a man in black suddenly ran in and said, "Hey, what's the matter, it can make you so anxious. It's really rare."

The man in black had just entered and immediately attracted the attention of other people. This person is a celebrity here, who specializes in inquiring and reselling all kinds of information. In terms of inquiring about intelligence, few people in this area can compare with him.

The black-clothed man took a sip of water and took a violent breath for a while before he said, "The ruins, there are large ruins that have emerged. If you want to go, hurry up, but this time it is very dangerous. I watched it." This time the man in black did not conceal it at all, nor did he intend to let people buy information, but directly and generously took it out.

Others took over the information from the man in black in doubt. The record was very clear. It was a large ancient relic, and the damage was not very serious. It seemed that there were many precious items inside.

This ruin has just appeared, and it is at the junction of the Eastern Realm and the Southeastern Region, very close to here. If it weren't for this, it would be impossible for this man in black to obtain information so quickly and send it over quickly.

"Hey, this is not right, this is not your character. If you encounter such a relic, who will tell it, besides, even if you don't go, you should still sell it for a good price. How can you give it away like this. "A person who knows the man in black very well, asked with a look of confusion. Today this guy behaved really strange.

The man in black rolled his eyes: "You think I want to send it out. Even if you don't say it, I'm afraid you will know it in a few days. When I got the news, many people saw it."

The man in black said what he knew. It turned out that the man in black was collecting intelligence at the border, but suddenly a pressure rose into the air. Then, a secret realm appeared in the border out of thin air.

Although Huo Hai also came from the border, he did not walk there. Seeing this outline and some hazy scenery inside, the people in black knew that this was definitely a large-scale relic from the ancient times, but it was a pity The thing is, when this ruin appeared, the aura that erupted was too strong, and there were still many people watching around.

Even among them, there are many masters who have reached the peak of the Spirit Emperor. Although the man in black is also a Spirit Emperor, they are not their opponents at all. These people even want to unite and wipe out other people they see.

But after all, because of the large number of people, the man in black and many others fled directly, and now they don't know where they went.

"According to my many years of experience in studying the ruins, this ancient ruins will be fully opened, I am afraid it will take another month, such a long time, if the news can't get out, I will follow your last name."

"No, why do you want to tell us that if you don't say it, there will be fewer people then you will have more opportunities."

Faced with this kind of doubt, the man in black showed a look of disdain, "Hmph, I am not an idiot. If I don’t say it, all the experts who go there will be prepared masters. What I can get, maybe I will die. If there are more people, with my abilities, I will definitely get more if I fish with my hands." The man in black did not hide his plan at all.

Even if other people know it, it won't help, because many people who want to make a profit will naturally go to the ruins. This is not a conspiracy, this is a conspiracy. It is really not easy for this man in black to be able to mix here.

"Ancient relics, maybe there are still a lot of spiritual essence hidden in them." Huo Hai narrowed his eyes slightly and decided to go too.

There is no such thing as the secret realm in the heavenly soul domain. There is no top-level power to establish the headquarters, because as long as the spirit emperor can easily penetrate the space defense of the secret realm, the space here is different. Steady, even if it is the Spirit Saint, it is powerless for some larger secret realms, and it is impossible to force entry.

Besides, the top powers also have their own secret methods to transform these secret realms, and finally depict a large number of spiritual formations inside. Through these spiritual formations, the space of the secret realm will be strengthened to the extreme, even if the spirit gods cannot break it. .

Therefore, in the Heavenly Spirit Realm, the secret realm has once again become an important resource. The headquarters of the major forces are either established in the secret realm, or their own sect station is established on the periphery of the secret realm, and the secret realm is completely wrapped.

Not all sects have no chance to resist at all when they are destroyed. Before the demise of many forces, they will transfer their own sect's resources, or simply completely seal their own sect's secret realm.

Many of these seals cannot be forcibly opened, and even ordinary people cannot find them. Only after a certain period of time will these seals be opened, and then the sect relics will reappear in the world. At this time, these relics will be attacked by others. Search, there is also a certain chance, those who get the inheritance of the secret realm will reappear the inheritance of this power.

This is a helpless choice, there is a very small chance that you can re-establish your power in a long time.

Of course, in most cases, the relics are divided up, so these relics have also taken various measures to protect them, and ancient relics like this have very special and weird methods.

But it is undeniable that in such ruins, there are indeed great opportunities. Many of the heavenly masters born in the casual cultivator are the opportunities obtained from the ruins. Those who have obtained the opportunity, even some can reach the spiritual sage. Yes, as for the spirits, I don't know this, at least there are no similar rumors outside.

Huo Hai decided to temporarily abandon the search for mineral veins and enter the ruins first. With his strong perception ability and the cultivation base of his Spiritual Venerable Triple Heaven, he believed that not many people could pose a threat to him.

In a city not far away, Yin Lei Zun also got the news, "Is the border location? I didn't expect that there is such a ruin here. I believe the target will definitely go when he knows it."

A strong murderous aura flashed in the eyes of Venerable Silver Thunder, and he was dragged and ran for so long by a person whose strength was far less than his own. Venerable Silver Thunder felt like being played around. This time, Huo Hai must be caught. To kill him can dispel the hatred in his heart, not to mention that after killing Huo Hai, he can get a lot of rewards.

Besides, this ruin doesn't know what's going on. God knows what good things are in it. Although it is difficult to have heavenly items in most ruins, the ancient ruins should be good. In the border area, I believe that not many people are better than themselves.

Yin Lei Zun believed that as long as he entered it, he would be able to get a lot of gains. No matter what, he would also enter the ruins. This news, as the man in black said, spread quickly.

In an instant, all the people and spirit beasts near the border area got ready, just waiting for the ruins to open. Many people had already rushed to the vicinity of the ruins in advance, and they entered the ruins as soon as they opened.

In a month’s time, talking fast and talking slowly, Huo Hai has not even practiced during this time, and his resources are not enough anyway. Even if it’s cultivation, it’s hard to have anything too short in such a short time. With a big improvement, Huo Hai spent most of his time on research materials. After this visit to the ruins, Huo Hai also wanted to continue to look for mineral veins.

Soon, a month has passed, and Huo Hai has nothing to prepare. The spirit worms who are in the process of transformation are also very early to complete the transformation. Huo Hai did not care about other things and came to the vicinity of the ruins alone.

When Huo Hai came here, there were already crowds of people around the ruins. At a glance, at least tens of thousands of people gathered here this time. Although there are not many compared to the ruins, there are not many for the search team. The noise made by the ancient ruins this time was a little too big, and it attracted so many people.

However, at first glance, most of them are people who only have the realm of the Spirit King and the Spirit King. In an environment like the Heavenly Spirit Realm, as long as they are willing to practice well, they have a chance to reach the realm of the Spirit King.

Moreover, Huo Hai has also found a lot of things on the market to resist the thunders. Therefore, in the Heavenly Spirit Realm, as long as you weaken your foundation a little and don't let your accumulation be too strong, you can easily survive the thunders. of.

Pay attention to the foundation and don’t want to make your own foundation too weak. Only those big forces with a lot of masters will pay attention to it. It’s not bad for casual cultivators to be able to improve their cultivation. Huo Hai is not threatened at all, but there are still many spiritual masters here.

At least what Huo Hai felt was that there were more than ten Spiritual Venerables in the air, and I didn't know how many there were secretly.

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