Evil Insect God

Chapter 1383: Ruins open

Looking around, Huo Hai's brows frowned: "Could it be that Silver Thunder Venerable hasn't come, but he still used a special method to hide himself." Huo Hai can't believe that Silver Thunder Venerable will give up on him in such a short time. Hunt down.

Just as Yinlei Venerable thought that Huo Hai would come, Huo Hai also thought that Yinlei Venerable might have received news that he had come here, so Huo Hai had been guarding Yinlei Venerable from the beginning, but now he has no breath at all. , If it hadn't really left, then he would hide it just like himself. This Silver Thunder Venerable seemed to hide it very cleverly.

If it's just an ordinary person, Huo Hai believes that using ordinary methods to hide himself, Huo Hai's perception can definitely be felt. Only like Huo Hai, using special methods to hide is not so easy to be noticed.

At this time, Huo Hai once again used the Qi Locking Technique that he hadn't used for a long time. This Qi Locking Technique can lock his whole body through his spiritual veins. Now he uses his whole body to block his inner world. By doing this, he will naturally not be noticed by anyone. It's wrong.

"Hurry up, people who want something to gain, come and team up with us, so many masters, if we don't unite, there will be no gain at all." In front, a middle man shouted to the surroundings. Now, looking around this guy, many people have gathered at this time, and the team is getting stronger and stronger.

"Don't listen to his nonsense, he just wants you to be cannon fodder. It is the best to join our team. We are all brothers in our team." Not far away, a big man waved his big knife and said loudly.

When the previous people heard this, their expressions suddenly changed: "Huh, I think you like to mutilate your brothers. Don't take yourself so righteously. Do you think I don't know who you are." The man was very angry.

But the big man who heard this was even more angry. He pointed his sword and yelled: "What are you **** talking about, do you want to fight? I'll tell you, I have tolerated you for a long time these days." Seeing that the ruins are opening soon Although these people do not want to have a conflict, their anger is getting bigger and bigger. The people around are competitors.

In the air, looking at the mess of a large area of ​​masters below, they were indifferent to this. You must know that at this time, if you have not reached the realm of the spirit emperor, you are not qualified to fly in the air, even if it is the spirit emperor.

If there is a spirit emperor who dares to fly in the air, they will be killed by others. Many of the people on the ground are the spirit king and the spirit emperor. Even the spirit emperor can only fly at low altitude, but no one knows how many. The spirits are hidden in it.

In the end, there were less than twenty figures in the sky. Each of these people exudes a powerful aura, and each one is the Spirit Venerable. "Venerable Liebing, I didn’t expect even you to join in the fun. If you come out If something happens, I'm afraid the power you built will die out from now on." Not far away, an old man said with disdain.

The old man's beard and hair are all white, but there are two red hairs on the temples, which seem to be burning.

The young man known as Venerable Lie Bing glanced squintly, and said disdainfully: "Put away your hypocritical set, you Zilan are not afraid, I am afraid of nothing." Both Lie Bingzun and Zilan are in this area. Master, each other has long been displeased.

These two people are simply incompatible with fire and water. One cultivates the ice attribute power, and the other cultivates the flame attribute. Both have established their own forces in the same place and have started fighting with each other since then.

However, the difference between the two people’s cultivation levels has always been the same. Now they are both in the Four Heavens, and no one can completely suppress the other. So every time the two meet, they will mock each other. If they don’t suppress the two , I'm afraid that these two people may play a game first, this is not a good place for them to do it.

Once the Lingzun master does it, the destructive power is quite terrifying. If this is done, the people around don't know how much it will die. "Calm down for me, this is not the place for you two to do it."

At this moment, a middle-aged man headed by the top spoke up. Seeing this man speak, even if the two people wanted to say something, he could only shut up. Among all the people present, at least among all the people on the surface. , This middle-aged man has the strongest strength, distinguished from his aura, this person has reached the height of the sixth heaven of spiritual sovereign.

"Since Venerable Xuanguang has spoken, then of course we have to obey." Zilan heard this person's words and immediately spoke. Although Venerable Lie Bing took a step slower, he immediately indicated that he would obey Venerable Xuanguang.

It’s too easy for a master of the Sixth Heaven to deal with two people from the Fourth Heaven. These two people are not monsters like Huo Hai. They can use their own cultivation bases to be hard-born and the Sixth Heaven. Tianlingzun confronted head-on.

At this moment, there was a sudden wave of spatial fluctuations in the distance, and Xuan Guangzun ignored the two of them, but looked ahead solemnly: "The ruins are about to open. Based on this fluctuation, it seems that this ancient ruins once appeared. Passing Lingsheng master." Hearing this, everyone's complexion suddenly changed. This Lingsheng is no ordinary person.

Not to mention the ancient times, even now, the spiritual saints are the top-notch characters. For them, the spiritual saints can only look up, and the sects that have been born in Christmas will naturally have saint-level items left.

No matter what it is, as long as you get it, the value is very high. If it is something that matches your own attributes and has a great effect on cultivation, it is even better, especially those who have not yet reached the realm of the spirit emperor. They are capable of transforming their spiritual tactics, anyway, they have not yet begun to integrate into their own will.

In this way, as long as they obtain treasures suitable for cultivation, they can re-adjust according to their attributes and improve themselves step by step. Maybe in the future, they will also become a spiritual saint, a spiritual saint, that is in the heavenly spirit realm. Walking character.

Unconsciously, the spatial fluctuations that erupted from the ruins became more and more intense, and Huo Hai's eyes stared at the front, a phantom like a transparent outline became clearer, and the space continued to emit ripples.

Needless to say, this relic must have been built in a secret realm. In Huo Hai’s eyes, the secret realm was sealed up by a powerful spiritual formation. At this time, the seal of the spiritual formation has reached its limit. Next, gradually began to unravel, as long as it is fully opened, then this secret realm will become a place that everyone can enter.

Time passed unknowingly. During this period, two more spiritual masters who had received the news arrived. However, the cultivation base of these two people was relatively low. Seeing there are so many people here, they did not make trouble. It was just that they followed behind. many people.

The reason why these two people came late seemed to be not only because of the distance, but also because they brought a lot of disciples with them, which dragged down the journey. A larger number of people would naturally have a better chance of obtaining treasures.

Seeing this scene, Xuan Guangzun coldly snorted and said nothing. At this moment, no matter what everyone wants to do, it is too late. No one knows how long this secret realm can be opened. Many secret realms will be opened soon after the seal is released. Complete destruction, these secret realms are not eternal, the long-term seal has consumed the power of the secret realms.

If you can't recover in the shortest time and re-absorb the power of heaven and earth to maintain yourself, then these secret realms will be eroded by the power of heaven and earth, and eventually shattered completely. The destruction of this secret realm is also good for heaven and earth.

Just as Huo Hai was thinking about it, the secret realm suddenly burst out with a bright light, and the light burst into the sky, as if to tear a hole in the sky. Suddenly, huge power spread out toward the surroundings, those who were not strong enough, Under this force, he didn't even have the ability to resist, and he was directly forced back for a long distance.

"The ruins are about to open." Following Xuan Guangzun's words, several cave openings suddenly appeared around the ruins, each of which looked like a city gate. I don't know how big the ruins are. From the outside, it is impossible to see clearly.

Xuan Guangzun waved his hand, and the few spirit emperors below immediately flew up. Then, everyone took out an awl full of rune formations and pierced the gate. This was to stabilize the gate and let them have a way out.

As for Xuan Guangzun and other spirits, they started to explore and study the barriers around this ruin. After a long time, Xuan Guangzun said, "There is no way to recover this secret realm. It can only last for two months at most. If you don't come out for two months, , There is no need to come out." Xuan Guangzun's voice was not loud, but everyone around him could hear it clearly.

Huo Hai also felt very clearly at this time. Two months later, the entire secret realm would be completely destroyed. At that time, even if he was in it, he would be torn to pieces by the violent space power.

"Two months, everyone remembered, we only have two months, rush." ​​After Xuan Guangzun's words were finished, the people below immediately burst into cheers, and then countless people rushed towards the gate. No one stopped.

Zilan sneered: "Hmph, these idiots, the relics are so easy to search." These people will eventually be able to survive. I am afraid there are not a few people, but these are not their business. These people can use their lives. Help them to find out many traps, and never heard of any ruins without organ traps.

It wasn't until these people entered nearly half of the time that the spirits took their own people into the ruins through the gate. At this time, Huo Hai also followed the flow of people into the ruins slowly. After passing the gate, the scenery in front of them completely happened. Variety.

At a glance, it is no longer a secret realm where you can see the edge, but a plain where you can't see the head.

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