Evil Insect God

Chapter 1384: In the ruins

It looks like a secret place here, at least Huo Hai has never seen it. With Huo Hai's eyesight, he actually only saw some strange buildings in a very remote place.

But other people seem to be accustomed to this. This kind of secret realm seems to be very normal. Such a big secret realm is impossible in the outside world. The next moment, people around took out jade charm scrolls and other items, and smoothly It tore apart, the next moment, all the people turned into streamers, and disappeared in front of Huo Hai in a blink of an eye.

"It seems that this kind of secret realm is really normal, otherwise these people will not be prepared." Huo Hai said in his heart, but Huo Hai didn't want to be a maverick, so he took out a spiritual crystal and took care of it. Its crushed.

This spirit crystal was nothing special in the eyes of others, anyway, many disposable spars were also made by using spirit crystals. Huo Hai's movements were not too abrupt.

At the moment when he smashed the spirit crystal, Huo Hai mobilized a force of heaven and earth, and then transformed it into a wind attribute. After that, he blessed this force on himself, and let the violent wind support him to fly forward. Everything is so natural, even the Lingzun master didn't feel anything strange, Huo Hai moved forward, while carefully exploring the surroundings.

"Could it be that Silver Thunder Venerable really didn't come, this is strange, he doesn't seem to be a person who gives up so easily." Huo Hai couldn't help but mutter in his heart while feeling the surroundings. Now, Huo Hai still doesn't feel any Silver Thunder Venerable. breath.

It didn't take long for a group of people to come to the front. On the ground, a large block of strange buildings, like castles, were connected to each other, and they were all made of huge black stones.

The light flowing above clearly has a powerful spiritual formation, "It seems that this is the test of this ruin. These buildings are entrances. What we can get depends on our luck." After a long period of observation, Lingdi finally came to the conclusion that these buildings are not the main body of the ruins at all.

The main body seems to be underground at all, and there are just some entrances above, and the spirit array here is very strong, it was manually made by the spiritual masters in the ancient times, and even the spirits could not crush it.

"Haha, it's flame crystals, so pure flame power. I've been looking for this thing for a long time." Suddenly, a young man fell by an entrance, dug out a flame crystal from the ground, and looked excited.

The flame crystal has not yet approached, and he can feel the strong flame aura, but Huo Hai glanced at it, but his eyes were full of disdain, because he could feel that this flame crystal had already passed his hands and feet, and the flame power on the surface was fine. Purely powerful, in fact it is not that great at all. This power is derived from a special spiritual formation on the surface of the flame crystal.

At this moment, another person drew a long knife next to him: "Hahahaha, the peak of the emperor level, it is the weapon of the peak of the emperor level." As these two people started to work, more and more people were Treasures were found around.

However, after just a glance, Huo Hai could see that these weren't treasures at all, at least they were different from what they looked like on the surface. Everything was processed by special techniques.

Because what is attached to the surface is the power specially left by the senior masters, even if it is the power of the heavens and the earth, it cannot be destroyed, so these people who have not reached the realm of the spirits seem to feel that these things are treasures.

"Ah." Suddenly, a scream sounded, and the first person on the scene died, and was cut in half by a person behind him, "Hmph, I think you are not pleasing to your eyes a long time ago, things can only be better for me. The role of this.” The temptation of the treasure, the grudges and grudges of the past, finally could no longer be suppressed at this moment, and it broke out directly, and the murderous aura of many people could no longer be concealed.

"Hahahaha, you're right, these things are only qualified to enjoy them when they are strong, so let me die." A spirit emperor burned with a raging aura flames in his hands and launched an attack on other people around him.

"I've long wanted revenge. If you don't think of such a chance, you can just let me down." A scarred young man opened his mouth hoarsely, and the long sword in his hand had already pierced the leader of his team, Lingyuan. .

With the actions of these people, the scene became more and more chaotic. All the people kept attacking other people around. It seemed that the people around had become their own enemies. For these people, Huo Hai had no good way. You can only dodge quickly and don't meet these people. Killing these people will not benefit you at all, and it will easily attract the attention of others.

At the same time, Huo Hai kept observing the surroundings, but still did not find any trace of Silver Thunder Venerable. At this time, Huo Hai could not help but doubt his previous judgment, whether this guy really didn't come here.

At this moment, a huge explosion suddenly occurred in the distance. A terrifying flame burned a large hole directly from the ground, and the flame soared into the sky. Among them, several figures were quickly turned into ashes by the flame.

"No, someone has already entered, and the real treasures are in the ruins." Someone finally reacted, his figure flashed, and he immediately entered the passage. Just now someone sneaked into the passage and triggered the trap inside.

However, at this time, most people were attracted by the treasures and inheritance, and instinctively ignored the trap. It seems that as long as you enter it, you can get a lot of treasures and inheritance. As for these things in front of you, you suddenly lose most of them. Of course, there are still a few guys who take advantage of this opportunity to search for these so-called treasures.

At the same time, the spirits who had just entered began to enter the passage. Some people used them as cannon fodder. Why did they have to wait outside? What surprised Huo Hai was that Lie Bing Zun and Zilan actually entered. The same channel.

Aren't these two guys not dealing with each other? Or, these two guys are going to take advantage of this opportunity to attack each other and get rid of each other in one fell swoop, forget it, anyway, these things have nothing to do with him.

"Hey, what kind of person is this person? He has such a strong wood attribute aura. Is it someone from the giant wooden gate." It is very far from the giant wooden gate and the ghost medicine gate, and the level of relics is not that high, so although the two major gates are also After receiving the news, they may not send people here. Even if there are treasures here, many of them will fall into their hands.

They can't do it personally. Of course, if they knew that the Spirit Saint had appeared here before, they wouldn't think so. Unfortunately, the ruins have been opened, and those who know the inside story will not go out in a short time.

After thinking about it, Huo Hai also followed these people and slowly entered the passage. Looking around the passage, a sharp light flashed in Huo Hai’s eyes. Some patterns around this passage that others hadn’t noticed were not spiritual patterns. It's a kind of mural. "Using murals to record things seems to be something that talented people would do a long time ago."

While watching, Huo Hai recalled some of his understanding of the history of the Heavenly Spirit Realm. The ancient people used murals to record, and some like to use stone tablets and wood boards to record.

It was not until a long time later that special papers slowly emerged. These paper records made with spiritual blessings seemed more convenient and easier. Looking at these murals, it seems that the records on the above are the development history of this sect.

It's just that Huo Hai is not a professional archaeologist, and he can only understand a little bit about these things. This should be left to the inheritors later, so that the inheritors can understand the history of his own sect. It is a pity that such a long time, There is no suitable inheritor to this place, but the seal is exhausted and it is naturally opened.

Such a large secret realm is not so easy to seal. If it is to be perfectly sealed, the consequence is that it cannot be passed on forever. While walking inside, you will soon encounter a fork in the road. At this time, everyone will be on guard to separate.

This underground space seems not small, as long as everyone is not in a team, they will slowly disperse, and eventually they don't know where they are. Unknowingly, there is no one around Huo Hai.

"That's good, at least you don't have to continue to pretend." Huo Hai breathed a sigh of relief, his perception unfolded, and quickly found all the traps in front of him, and then rushed all the way, as for the spirit servants left here, most of them are only Spirit emperor or spirit emperor realm, here is a test left for the inheritors, naturally it cannot be too strong.

In the face of a spirit master like Huo Hai, it is not a single move. Soon, Huo Hai has a lot of gains in his hands, some low-level spirit tactics, some low-level pill weapons, etc. , Nothing good.

Of course, this low level is only for Huo Hai. It is really useful for the Spirit Emperor and the Spirit Emperors. When did he actually rise to this level, Huo Hai shook his head and continued. Going deep, I don't know if the path he chose is right, but Huo Hai feels that he can keep moving forward.

How did Huo Hai know that although this underground passage is intricate and complicated, in fact none of them are dead ends. All of them are connected to each other. I don't know how long it has passed before Huo Hai's eyes lit up and he came to a huge stone chamber.

"At last there is something good." Huo Hai's eyes lit up because he discovered that a world spirit stone was actually sealed in the middle of a spiritual formation in front of him. This was the first time Huo Hai saw this thing after he came to the heavenly spirit realm. Even if the world spirit stones are in the heavenly spirit realm, they can't be everywhere. Many spirits don't have their own inner space yet.

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