Evil Insect God

Chapter 1385: Pseudo-spirit

It is basically impossible to pass on something like the world spirit stone, and it will be gone if you use it. Although everyone can only use it once, this world spirit stone is really too few and can only be born under very special circumstances.

In most cases, it is transformed into a world spirit tree through plant mutation, and then a world spirit fruit is formed, and finally a world spirit stone is formed inside the fruit. Of course, this is only a common situation, and there are some other situations, such as in the mutant veins. The few world spirit stones that were born, or were born in various other situations, in short, these are some situations that cannot be imitated and copied.

World spirit stones are very rare. Even if they are on the Celestial Spirit Continent, they are still very rare and valuable. At least, they are much higher than the spirit essence. No one would think that there are few world spirit stones. If you don’t use them, you can give them to others. Human use.

For example, Huo Hai still has many family members and disciples. I don’t know if there will be other people in the future. Anyway, if you see this world spirit stone, you must get it. Thinking of this, Huo Haishen The shape flashed to the edge of the spiritual formation.

Looking at the spirit formation, Huo Hai knew how the spirit formation should be cracked within a very short time. Thinking of this, Huo Hai reached out and grabbed it towards the spirit formation, but at this moment, Huo Hai suddenly felt When a fierce breath came, Huo Hai had already seen a white light and shadow flashing by his side.

The light and shadow hit the stone wall, bursting out a turbulent flow of energy, "Who is it." Huo Hai quickly backed away and looked at the place where he had just launched the attack. The person who did it was a weird man in white sackcloth.

Wearing a tall hat, when he first saw it, Huo Hai almost thought it was impermanence. This suit was really alike. Then Huo Hai found out that it was wrong. This should be the guy's own special outfit.

"Where is the stuff that pretends to be gods and ghosts?" Huo Hai narrowed his eyes and cursed unceremoniously, but for this person, Huo Hai didn't dare to do it casually, because the breath of this person is the five heavens and five layers of spirit. Heavenly master, although Huo Hai is not incapable of winning, it is also difficult to kill the opponent. The most important thing is that the battle cannot be resolved in a short time.

"Quack, quack...boy, it's really lifeless to dare to grab something with the deity." The strange man in white pointed his finger at Huo Hai, and another white light was emitted. This time, Huo Hai was prepared and naturally wouldn't be attacked. .

With a single finger, a sword aura was emitted. The sword aura intercepted the white light in the air, and knocked it into the air by the way, "Bone, no, it is a stone." Huo Hai saw this white thing, it was not pure spiritual power.

After thinking about it carefully, every time this white-clothed man does his hands, he will gather some white things. Now thinking about it, this should be an application of soil attribute spiritual power, but Huo Hai discovered that this guy’s The strength seems to be very weak, this should be regarded as a kind of temptation, Huo Hai thought slightly in his heart.

"It turns out that you are a real Spiritual Venerable, **** it, you guys who don't look upright will die for me." I don't know why, the strange man in white suddenly became mentally abnormal.

The eyes were full of red bloodshot eyes, and the power of the whole body burst out without hesitation, one after another white light was constantly hitting Huo Hai, and there were even some white stone spikes on the ground, which were constantly piercing.

Suddenly, Huo Hai was actually pushed back a few steps by these attacks. The long sword in his hand swung back and forth, and the sword energy shot the stones one after another. These stones were very hard, but it seemed that they were not very powerful. .

"Why is this guy's power so weak? Is this still a master of the Spiritual Fifth Heaven." The more he fights, the more strange Huo Hai is. If it weren't for the possibility of fraud in the opponent's body, Huo Hai would definitely not Thinking that this was a master of the Five Heavens, Huo Hai slowly adapted to it after fighting for a while.

Regardless of the white-clothed monster's attack speed is very fast, but the attack intensity is actually very weak. Besides, this speed is completely incomparable with Huo Hai. This kind of combat ability is similar to a normal Spiritual Venerable Triple Heaven master.

Suddenly, Huo Hai seemed to think of something: "By the way, this guy just said that the real Spirit Venerable, can it be said that this guy is a pseudo Spirit Venerable." Huo Hai finally thought of what he had been ignoring.

That is the pseudo-spiritual deity. There are a very large number of spiritual deities in the entire continent. It can even be said that there are more pseudo-spiritual deities than real ones. It is not in the ancient times anymore. Ascend oneself as soon as possible, the true spiritual deity is to isolate the heaven and the earth, oppose the heaven and the earth, and condense their own unique special laws.

On the other hand, the pseudo-spiritual deity accepts the power of heaven and earth, integrates himself with the heaven and earth, and finally uses the power of the law of heaven and earth to help him condense the inner space and the power of his own world, and gain power through this method.

The cultivation method of the pseudo-spiritual deity does not need to fight against the heaven and the earth. The danger is very small. It can be said that as long as there are sufficient conditions, there is no danger at all. Therefore, many people who do not have the mentality and grasp of confronting the heaven and the earth will become the pseudo-spiritual deity.

Pseudo-spiritual deity has a pseudo-word, but they are not saying that they are not spiritual deity, but their law is the law of heaven and earth, not under their control, so the power they can exert is very limited. Usually, the combat power of these pseudo-spiritual deities, It is much worse than the orthodox spirits, which is why they are so large in number, but their status is still not comparable to the orthodox spirits.

"It's no wonder that this guy's world power is extremely disorganized, and his use of power is also very poor, and his attack power is even weaker. It turned out to be like this." Huo Hai must be in his heart, and finally know what is going on.

This pseudo-spiritual sovereign has five heavens, but the strength it exerts is only the third heaven. Huo Hai himself is the cultivation base of the third heaven, but his combat power is not inferior to the real spiritual master sixth heaven master.

If this is the case, then what is he afraid of? Thinking of this, Huohai suddenly burst out a terrifying breath. Facing this breath, the strange man in white suddenly felt a bad feeling, as if he had provoke someone who shouldn't be provoke.

In the next moment, Huo Hai did not give the white-clothed weird a chance to react. The starlight under his feet flashed, and the speed was fully developed. This speed is not something a five-layer pseudo-spirit can react to, let alone he is not good at it. Body law.

With eyes dizzy, the strange man in white just instinctively formed a white stone barrier in front of him. He didn't even display his life-saving abilities, and Huo Hai's long sword had already pierced with a strong sword aura. With a clear sound, Huo Hai's long sword quickly broke through the defense of the stone barrier, and Huo Hai, who burst out with all his strength, was completely beyond the reach of the white-clothed monster.

The long sword that penetrated the barrier was already submerged into the chest of the white-clothed monster in the next moment. With a huge "bang", the white-clothed monster was shot and flew out, "Damn it, it's hard enough." Huo Hai felt helpless.

Lingzun's five-layer heaven is, after all, the five-layer spirit, and this inner world barrier is no worse than the real five-layer heaven master. On the contrary, with the help of the power of heaven and earth, it is even stronger. Just one sword, it didn't even kill the opponent. Kill.

The strange man in white was full of regret and shock at this time. The attack just now made his inner world barrier full of cracks. He thought that this was also a pseudo-spirit. Who knew that this guy was not only not, but was surprisingly powerful. , The inner world was hit hard, the spiritual power in the body was shaken and scattered, and it was not smooth for a while.

Huo Hai had already taken advantage of this opportunity to catch up quickly, and the long sword in his hand pierced again, the sword aura was more condensed than the last time, if this sword hits, the white-clothed monster is sure that his inner world will definitely be shattered.

This is a secret realm, not the outside world. If one's own inner world is destroyed, even if one's own soul wants to reincarnate, they will not be able to do it.

When the rag was thrown at Huo Hai, it rose up against the wind, and soon this rag had wrapped Huo Hai's whole person in, "Boy, I will never let you go, Baishi." At the same time I heard this. , The long sword in Huo Hai's hand has been quickly twisted, and the white rag has been smashed by Huo Hai, but at this time it has been delayed for a while.

"This piece of rag is really hard, **** it, it ran so fast." After Huo Hai smashed the rag, he discovered that the man in white had disappeared without a trace, and there really wasn't a master in the realm of spirits. Easy to kill.

This pseudo-spiritual sovereign didn’t know where to get a piece of rag. Even Huo Hai took a while to smash it, but after it was broken, the rag turned into fly ash in a short time. .

"Huh, don't let me see you next time, otherwise it will be your death date." Huo Hai snorted coldly. Since Venerable White Stone can't be found, Huo Hai doesn't want to waste time. There is a anger in his heart, and he gets the world spirit. Shi's joy was also diminished a lot, Huo Hai walked to the front of the spirit formation, looked at the spirit formation, once again stretched out his hand and grabbed it towards the spirit formation.

Seeing through the spirit formation, Huo Hai didn't hesitate at all when facing this spirit formation. His arm easily entered the spirit formation, but when Huo Hai's arm was about to get the world spirit stone, the abnormal change suddenly occurred.

A powerful force rose in the spirit formation, and then, this force rushed towards Huo Hai. Under the flickering white light, Huo Hai could even feel the scorching heat of his body. This force was absolutely not simple.

Huo Hai couldn't leave in time, so he could only release his three-layer starlight defense with all his strength, and firmly protected himself in it. The next moment, the beam of energy light hit Huo Hai's defensive barrier.

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