Evil Insect God

Chapter 1387: Underground center

Not to mention other things this time, it was the harvest of these spirits that made Huo Hai very satisfied. This trip was not in vain, at least thousands of spirits were added. Huo Hai moved on with excitement.

This passage has not found its end until now, and I don’t know what else I can encounter, and continue to go down all the way. Huo Hai soon found more stone chambers, but there was not much inside. , There are even a lot of low-level spirit tactics and war spirit tactics, the more these things go down.

This thing is of no use to Huo Hai, and now there is no reference value at all. What is valuable to Huo Hai now is at least a high-ranking war spirit art. Inherited.

This sect really took great pains to pass on. At this time, Huo Hai also knew roughly that this place was basically transformed and established by the forces of the ancient times. Later, for no reason, he sealed this place. Not the real residence of the ancient sect, and I don’t know who did it.

Huo Hai walked all the way down, not knowing how long it had passed. Suddenly, Huo Hai's eyes became serious, "Is it the end." Huo Hai's eyes narrowed slightly, and he carefully explored the distance.

I don't know when, a huge square appeared here. In the middle of the square was a powerful enchantment. Huo Hai couldn't shake it at all with this force, and these nine objects floated inside.

Even if you look from the outside, you can see that every piece of this thing is of holy quality. There are three scrolls. The material is made from the fur of holy beasts. It is enough to understand the value of this thing, and there are three more A piece of spiritual essence, but at this time it has been transformed into a special spar, with some rune spiritual formations floating inside, I don't know what it is for.

What was left was a silver-white wheel with thunder and lightning constantly flashing on it, which seemed to be a high-level item with lightning attributes, and an alchemy furnace, which was completely dark and looked very inconspicuous.

But being able to be placed in it is enough to explain the extraordinaryness of this alchemy furnace. The last item is rather strange. This is a sword-like weapon, but if you look closely, this thing is definitely not a sword.

Although there is a handle that looks like a sword, it is indeed a stick on it. It is a stick made up section by section. The whole body is silver-white with many strange patterns on it. It exudes a strong breath. I can feel it faintly, it seems that there is a heavy atmosphere of the earth, I really don't understand what it is.

At this time, many people in the main hall have already arrived here, Xuan Guangzun, Lie Bingzun, Zilan and others have already arrived. At least ten spirits are waiting here, but the others don’t know if they are coming. It is still hidden.

It's also possible that, like the person killed by Huo Hai, Huo Hai took a look around and didn't find the weird man in white. I don't know if this guy has escaped or is hiding in the dark. Anyway, he must be careful. .

At this time, Lie Bing Zun and Zi Lan didn’t say a word, but looking at their appearance, they seemed to be a little embarrassed. There were traces of flames burning on Lie Bing Zun’s body, and Zi Lan’s body had some water stains. These two people absolutely I have done it, but it seems that the difference in combat effectiveness between the two people is not very large, so neither of them can do anything about each other.

Around, there are some faster spirit emperors and spirit emperors who have also arrived one after another, but these people are staying around very quietly at this time, not daring to move randomly, but there is no one who is willing to leave. The treasures are touching.

Many people seem to be even more miserable, either lacking arms or legs, or having a disturbed breath. Obviously, the injuries are not light, and it is not easy to get here. Various traps and obstacles along the way are not so easy to escape. .

As for those who have nothing to do, I don't know if they are following the spirits, or are they really strong, or because of their luck, as for the spirit kings, none of them have arrived here.

If it’s not already dead on the road, or blocked somewhere, this ruin is not qualified for the Spirit King to break in. After Huo Hai came here, he didn’t say a word, secretly hiding in the crowd. When Huo Hai was covered in a black robe, his whole body aura converged, and no one could see anything at all.

"How is it, can you open it?" Xuan Guangzun asked a busy old man. Although this old man is only a three-dimensional spirit, he is a powerful array spirit master and the only one here. Realm Array Spiritist.

Now that I have encountered such a powerful and strange spirit formation, of course he needs him to play. While observing, the old man said: "It should be possible, but it will take two days. And once the spirit formation is opened, I don't know what will happen."

Hearing the old man’s words, Xuan Guangzun nodded and said, “Then I’ll trouble you, don’t worry, you will definitely have a share of the contents in it after it’s done.” Hearing this, the old man suddenly opened his eyes and smiled. If he doesn’t have his own share, he Why should I help others to open this spirit formation? The old man calculated and moved gently, not knowing what he was thinking. For those who don’t understand spirit formations, he really can’t see anything, but Huo Hai’s to the spirit formations The understanding is very deep.

Seeing the old man's movements, Huo Hai's eyes became solemn, "As expected, he is an array spirit master with inheritance, really powerful." From some clues, Huo Hai can analyze things far more than normal people.

This old man may be a bit worse than himself in the knowledge and understanding of the spiritual formation, but after all, this person is a real spiritual formation master, so in the use of the spiritual formation, far beyond himself, has become a kind of instinct of his own. , Even if it is the law of oneself, it is related to the spiritual formation, the law of self-cohesion is really ever-changing, and there are all kinds of things.

The most important thing is that the old man’s spiritual array calculations far exceed those used by Huo Hai. What Huo Hai uses is based on his own calculations based on the runes he has obtained, and what this person has must have been left by his predecessors. precious.

Even if Huo Hai didn’t need to learn this way, he felt that he had benefited a lot from just a few glances. If he could learn this way, Huo Hai believed that his spiritual formation level would definitely be better. One floor.

When Huo Hai arranges the spiritual formation, he needs to condense the star lines first, and then use the star lines to draw the outline, but this person is obviously different. Every time the spiritual formation is emitted, the spiritual power directly evolves and forms in the air, and Huo Hai can feel it, The duration and stability of this newly formed spiritual formation is definitely much better than that of his own star line.

After all, this star line is just a method developed by the Sky Star Sect before coming to the Sky Spirit Realm. Although there may be help from the Star Cliff, it is incomparable with the real Heavenly Array Spiritist after all.

It seems that I will also find a way to raise this star line in the future. With the star stone wall, what Huo Hai lacks now is all kinds of insights and various secret methods that he doesn't know. These things can only wait until later.

After walking a few steps, the old man will form a spiritual formation, constantly stimulating the enchantment in front of him according to different positions, everyone around is watching, no one is willing to leave, even if the strength is not enough, it is possible to get treasures. Sometimes the size of the harvest has nothing to do with the strength, luck is the most important factor in determining the harvest.

As the old man moved, the barrier slowly began to fluctuate and tremble. Without the help of the spirit formation, those people who don't understand the spirit formation really can't shake this powerful formation, this formation is too much. Strong.

This is at least something of the strength of the spiritual sage realm, and ordinary people cannot open it. As time goes by, more and more people come here. During the period, even a few late sages finally passed. aisle.

If it weren’t for the fact that the square here is really big, I’m afraid that so many people can’t fit in at this time. In two or three days, there are already thousands of people in the square, and more people are either blocked or unable to come down. He is dead. It is not safe to explore the ruins. Other colleagues are the most dangerous.

Time flickered, and in a blink of an eye, three days have passed. On this day, the old man knocked down the last partial spiritual formation and finally heaved a sigh of relief. At this time, the whole spiritual formation has spread a large area. .

"It's okay." The old man quickly activated his spiritual formation, and as the spiritual formation vibrated step by step, the light flowed, and the powerful barrier began to fluctuate little by little, and then slowly became dimmed. .

At this time, all the people around were gearing up and preparing for the final snatch. As the old man of the Array Spiritist, he was not to be outdone at this time. Don’t look at what they promised well. As for the result, I’m really not sure. Who is willing to give what he has got to other people, only if he grabs it, that is his own.

Seeing that the enchantment was about to open, at this moment, the enchantment spirit array suddenly burst out with a strong light. I don’t know how thick the stratum above is, and suddenly melted and dissipated under the action of this force, at least. The thousand-meter stratum was completely opened.

From here, you can see the light shining down from the sky. There is actually no passage above this, or that it was originally a straight passage. This change, no one thought of it.

At this moment, the enchantment ball of light suddenly flew out into the air along the passage. This change surprised everyone, "No, the treasure is about to fly away, chase it." Finally, someone reacted.

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