Evil Insect God

Chapter 1388: Melee

None of the people present were the Spirit King, and the weakest were the fifth and sixth level Spirit King masters, so everyone would fly. Seeing the light ball flew into the air, all of them suddenly rose into the air.

In the narrow passage, a large group of people were chasing. From a distance, it looked like a group of sardines. Huo Hai was not too anxious, because Huo Hai’s eyes could naturally tell that this thing was before leaving the passage. It will definitely not fall apart, perhaps, this was originally a routine set when this enchantment was set up.

Huo Hai was hidden among a group of people, as the passage continued to rise, because the light sphere did not rise very quickly, so all people could easily catch up. Such a big movement was also noticed by many people outside.

"Look, there's a ball of light coming up. This is the biggest treasure in this ruin. Let's grab it soon." Some people who are still on the top are going crazy when they see these things. These people are not all Entered the underground passage.

Some people are still vying for the so-called treasures above, and some people plan to find some things on it, and even people with different ideas. The other part is because they are intercepted by the traps in the passage and retreat. After returning, many people received the news late, and they have only just arrived in the ruins.

Although the ruins can be opened for two months, it has only been less than two days since the ruins opened.

The sphere of light rose rapidly. At this time, everyone finally saw a large group of people following behind. The first thing that appeared was a group of spiritual emperors, and then there were a large number of spiritual emperors and spiritual emperors, each of whom was a master, better than them. Be strong.

It’s also right to think about it. How could those who can enter the lowest level be worse than those who were stopped and unable to go down. Now, these people who were planning to chase over suddenly stopped. If they rushed up, they would definitely Dead on the spot.

"Is this really the most valuable treasure in this ruin? It was found out so quickly." Many people below have complicated eyes and don't know what they are thinking. In short, this huge ball of light, now It has become the focus of much attention. Everyone has their eyes on this light ball and can clearly see what is inside.

Many people with a certain degree of knowledge can see that these things are extraordinary at first glance. All the things in them are heaven-level items, and they are not even qualified to occupy them, even those who have not reached the spirits.

Even the people here are very clear about this principle. Even if there is no strength, there are high-level treasures. Once leaked out, this is a fatal thing. Many people have begun to quietly retreat at this time. .

When the ball of light rose to the top, a crack suddenly appeared on the ball of light, and then the cracks expanded rapidly. When everyone did not react, the cracks had spread all over the surface of the ball of light, with a dull sound. When the sound, the barrier finally reached its limit, and the whole shattered. The next moment, nine items flew out one after another.

The speed was very fast. At the same time, a figure quickly rushed out of the crowd. It was just a master of the heavens. As soon as this person moved his hands, the others immediately reacted, and at this time they couldn't care about so much.

Some of the spirits hiding in the crowd suddenly tore their disguise at this moment, and rushed towards the air with all their strength. When Huo Hai saw this, he didn't want to give up. The starlight under his feet flashed, and his speed instantly increased to the extreme.

In the next moment, Huo Hai had come to the side of the black alchemy furnace and stopped it with force. A huge force suddenly erupted in Huo Hai’s hand. At this moment, Huo Hai felt that this force made his palms numb. , Forcibly suppressing this force, Huo Hai immediately sent out several lines of stars, temporarily sealing this alchemy furnace completely.

Then, Huo Hai waved his hand and retracted it into his inner space. With a flash of footsteps, Huo Hai once again rushed toward a streamer around him. At the same time, many people caught up with these things, but because of this The force was shocked.

At the scene, only Xuanguangzun, a high-level Spiritual Sovereign, took a scroll into his own hands. It was just an instant that Huo Hai appeared next to the other scroll. Just like just now, with preparation, Huo Hai is not so much. The moment he cared about this power, Huo Hai completely sealed the scroll, and then took it away.

Then Huo Hai's figure flashed, and he came to the next streamer. In this streamer, there was a spar. In front of him, there was a Spiritual Sovereign who also rushed over. He was about to **** him, and Huo Hai's eyes flashed. Disdain.

If this person confronts himself, Huo Hai is confident that he will inflict heavy losses on the opponent, but at this moment, Huo Hai suddenly felt a fierce aura attacking him, the aura is very vague and difficult to detect. If it weren't for Huo Hai's strong perception, there was really no way to detect it, and he would definitely be hurt if he went straight up like this.

Huo Hai doesn’t know what will happen afterwards, but now that he feels it, Huo Hai is not polite, "Huh, it really appeared, let me die." Huo Hai gave up immediately and continued to grab the crystal. Shi, but reflexively drew out the sword.

The sword spirit on Huo Hai’s long sword was fierce. Almost for an instant, Huo Hai appeared in front of the person who attacked him. Although he changed his clothes, Huo Hai still recognized him. This guy is the strange man in white who ran away before. .

"Huh, I want to see where you can go this time." Huo Hai did not leave this person a chance to resist. Who knows how much life-saving ability this person has, the long sword in his hand quickly pierced out Under the horrified gaze of the strange man in white, Huo Hai easily pierced the chest of the strange man in white with a sword. This time, it was completely different from the last time.

The wounded inner world was far less intense than the moment when it was intact. Faced with this sword, the inner world made an overwhelming bang, and then it was completely shattered. The violent power of heaven and earth eroded it for the first time Swallowed.

The next moment Huo Hai had already circulated a spiritual formation, intending to take away the soul of the strange man in white, but at this time, Huo Hai encountered another attack. Huo Hai could feel that if he continued to persevere, he would definitely be hit hard by this attack. , In desperation, Huo Hai could only quickly dodge, and the next moment, a silver-white lightning bolt had already landed beside him.

"Yin Lei Zun, this guy is really hard to deal with." This white lightning, this terrifying explosive ability, Huo Hai could not be more familiar with it. He hadn't noticed before, this guy was indeed hidden in the crowd.

In fact, when Huo Hai got the alchemy furnace, the Silver Thunder Venerable had already started his hands. The Silver Thunder Venerable was very fast, but in the end, the reaction was slow. When the silver-white wheel was chased, there were already people. It's done.

The Silver Thunder Venerable erupted his own power and wounded the opponent before snatching the wheel, so it was a bit of time delay. At this time, everything had been caught, and a melee had begun.

Zilan and Lie Bingzun had already fought for the first time. At this moment, the grievances between the two had completely exploded. The things that were just obtained were not usable, so everyone could only use their original means to fight. Fighting, and at this moment, the pseudo-spirit venerated from the heavens was destroyed, and the inner space was torn open.

The Lingzun’s collection fell from the air and fell into the crowd below, so these people who were not strong enough also launched a battle. No matter what the aftermath of the battle here, everyone was jealous at this time. .

The Silver Thunder Venerable had just sent out a thunder and lightning. Before he could continue the pursuit, the Xuanguang Venerable had no idea when he ran to the Silver Thunder Venerable. The dark light burst out from his body, and it instantly condensed into a ball, facing him. Yin Lei Zun slapped it, and obviously, he also took a fancy to the silver white roulette in Yin Lei Zun's hands.

"Things looking for death." A murderous aura flashed in the eyes of Lord Yin Lei, and he did not care about dealing with Huo Hai. Instead, he focused on this old fellow whose cultivation base was equal to himself, and his body turned into a ball of lightning. There was a fight in an instant.

Huo Hai breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that it was already very difficult to get other things. In that case, I should leave, but at this moment, Huo Hai suddenly felt a heavy breath coming.

In desperation, Huo Hai pulled out the long sword in his hand to block, "ding." With a soft sound, Huo Hai realized that what he was blocking was the strange cane in the previous ball of light. A huge force was emitted from the cane. It's not that Huo Hai's own strength is good, I am afraid it has been shaken out, "How is this possible, you can simply use it as soon as you get it."

Huo Hai's eyes widened, and the person who had just attacked him was actually a guy with green hair and eyes, and a strong wood-like aura all over his body. This person, if he didn't guess wrong, was probably the person of the giant wooden door.

Moreover, this person is not a human being, but a kind of spiritual beast transformed from a plant. There are many spirit beasts like giant wooden gates, or that there are many transformed spirit beasts among the eight gates, and they are targeted by such people. , It won't feel good.

"Huh, there really are two things. No wonder you can get two items and hand over what you get. I can guarantee you to join the giant wooden door." If it is an ordinary person, maybe you agree, but who is Huo Hai? Will be restrained by others, and when it comes to the level of heaven, all the road forward depends on itself, and the sect has no help.

"I'm sorry, I'm not interested." Huo Hai's words made the face of the giant wooden door master suddenly change.

"Very well, no one has dared to talk to me like this for a long time." Mu Chen looked annoyed, waved his cane in his hand, compressed air with huge force, and struck Huo Hai without hesitation.

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