Evil Insect God

Chapter 1389: Break free

As the battle escalated, the aftermath became stronger and stronger. First, people in the spirit king realm could only retreat when faced with the aftermath of the spirit emperor's battle, and then the battle after waves of the spirit emperor realm masters forced the spirit emperors to retreat.

In the end, the spirit emperors can only retreat. Even some weak spirits can only leave the battle center position. The most dynamic center is naturally the place where the silver thunder and Xuanguang Zun acted. .

"Oh my God, who is that person, can actually tie with Xuan Guang Zun." Yin Lei Zun's movements are very fast, so that they can't see clearly, but Xuan Guang Zun himself has always stayed in place, so Xuan Guang Zun's Some movements can still be seen clearly by these people, but the speed of black light is even faster than thunder and lightning, and the overall has the upper hand.

A spirit emperor frowned and hesitated for a while, and then slowly said: "Looking at this silver-white lightning, it seems to be Lord Silver Thunder. You should know that I used to come from the eastern region, and Lord Silver Thunder is here. The eastern region is very famous."

Many people around also nodded in agreement. This time the ruins appeared in the border area, and not only people from the southeast region came here. "Yes, it is Silver Thunder Venerable. Your Excellency is very knowledgeable. Silver Thunder Venerable has now joined. I have been in the Ghost Medicine Sect for many years, but I don’t know why it appeared here. It is said that among the Six Heavens of the Spirit Venerable, the Silver Thunder Venerable’s attack power is among the best."

"That said, wouldn't it be that Yin Lei Zun will win." Suddenly, a spirit emperor next to him interrupted.

"Nonsense, of course the Xuanguang Venerable in our southeast region is stronger. Haven't you seen that the Xuanguang Venerable has not moved." These words made the people in the Southeast region unhappy, but the people in the Southeast region opened their mouths. People are not happy.

Seeing that these people are about to quarrel, I don’t know if they will fight, and a spirit emperor who doesn’t want to be caught in the melee again quickly said: "Look over there, who is that person, how can I get a tie with Mu Mu? ."

These words really diverted the attention of others. Mu Mu is a genius at the giant wooden gate. From a long time ago, he has cultivated all the way to the height of the fifth heaven of spirits. There are rare opponents in the fifth heaven of spirits. Among the giant wooden gates that are good at personal attacks, it is really rare to be able to increase their combat effectiveness to this level.

But Mu Amaranth was not without shortcomings, that was, he never controlled the giant wood to fight for himself, so in the group battle, Mu Amaranth was still much worse than other giant wooden gate masters, but today, Mu Amaranth has encountered an opponent.

"Yeah, who is that, who actually cultivates the spiritual power of the stars, and it seems that there is only the Spiritual Sovereign Third Heaven." Huo Hai unfolded his breath with all his strength, without concealing it, otherwise how could these people have the qualifications to explore Huo Hai's cultivation.

There are many people who cultivate the spiritual power of the stars. After all, the spiritual power of the stars is a very powerful and mysterious spiritual power in the Heavenly Spirit Continent. This is not exclusive to the Heavenly Star Sect, but not everyone can easily control the spiritual power of the stars. Yes, after all, very few active spirit treasures are star power attributes, and generally speaking, the origin and spiritual power cannot match.

But the person in front of him not only felt that his origin and spiritual power were very consistent, but also the combat power could reach this level. They didn't know that Huo Hai didn't use the spirit worm, otherwise they didn't know what they would think.

"I don't know, I haven't seen it. Even a few large sects who cultivate the spiritual power of stars don't seem to have such masters. Maybe, which sect is a hidden master." In this world, many sects like to hide means.

It can be said that if you don’t hide something and let others know all your methods, it’s very dangerous, but Huo Hai’s speed is really too fast, and Mu Amaranth is not a slow one. Two people play fast. , Almost no one below can see clearly the fighting situation between the two people, and can only feel the constant fluctuations.

Fortunately, this is the Celestial Spirit Realm. Because the power of the world is relatively strong, the aftermath of the battle of the spiritual masters will not spread too far. Otherwise, with so many spiritual masters, many of these people will have to flee the secret realm directly. Just work.

"Let me say that the battle between Venerable Liebing and Venerable Zilan is the most interesting." At this moment, an elderly spirit emperor looked into the distance. These two men were both masters of the fourth heaven of spirits. , Well matched.

The most important thing is that neither of these two people are proficient in body techniques, and they don’t seem to like flying around when fighting. They basically don’t move much. Master, all kinds of different spells bombard each other, very gorgeous, watching these two people fighting, often can bring them a lot of inspiration.

When the others heard this, they nodded silently: "Hey, forget it, let's wait for these big shots to finish, before we decide whether to do it or not." In an instant, everyone seemed to have changed. Like friends.

These people know that with these spirits, they can't get anything. After these spirits leave, there will definitely be some things that the spirits look down on. At this time, they are fighting for it. Up.

Such a row down one by one, anyway, at the end, there will be the spirit kings. Huo Hai in the battle is also full of anger at this time. He did not provoke others, but this guy just attacked himself, Mu Yu Compared with Huo Hai, the speed is not very fast, but the power is very powerful. It is indeed a plant transformation, and the power is really extraordinary.

In fact, after many big trees are transformed, their power will far exceed normal humans and other spirit beasts, and the defense of this wood amaranth is also very strong. Huo Hai hit the wood amaranth with his sword qi several times, but it did not hurt him. other side.

The opponent's defensive battle spirit art is much stronger than his own, and he can directly ignore his own attacks. What method can Huo Hai have to deal with such an enemy, except to consume the opponent to death, there is no other way.

"No, I can't continue like this. If I wait for the Silver Thunder Venerable to get rid of the entanglement, I will be in trouble." Huo Hai has already seen it, although the Silver Thunder Venerable is now being controlled by the Xuanguang Venerable, but because of the fast speed, Sooner or later, he will be out of the control of Xuan Guangzun, this is not the reason for its own combat power, this is completely the advantage brought by speed.

If Xuan Guangzun's Xuanguang had a blocking effect, how could he have the upper hand? Look at the wooden amaranth in front of you, and he is not an easy person to provoke, and this guy is a giant wooden door.

At this time, Mu Amaranth could no longer stop, or it was difficult to ride a tiger. As a giant wooden gate genius, he actually used the cultivation base of the five heavens to fight against a man of the three heavens. He still couldn't take the opponent down. It looked like a tie. If this spreads out, where will he put his wooden face? Today's battle must be won.

Several people had their own thoughts, and their movements still didn't mean to slow down at all. Before they knew it, another few minutes passed, and suddenly, Huo Hai saw a gap left by Mu Amaranth when he shot.

After all, Mu Amaranth slowed down a bit. Huo Hai quickly caught the gap. When Mu Amaranth was accumulating his power, he waved a large ball of starlight. This is another way to use the movement of stars. The power of the movement of stars is too strong. Huo Hai suddenly made a move that made Mu Amaru a little uncomfortable. In a hurry, he quickly gathered his spiritual power, forming a phantom of a big tree all over his body.

After a series of explosions, Mu Mu calmed down his blood, but when he looked around, he was almost exploded with anger, "Asshole, you coward, come back to me." At this moment, Huo Hai had quietly taken advantage of Mu Mu's resistance. Leave.

By the time Mu Amaranth reacted, Huo Hai had disappeared at the entrance of the secret realm. Mu Amaranth measured his speed, gritted his teeth, and followed closely behind him. Others did not dare to offend Mu Amaranth at will. .

"Old guy, get out of me quickly, or don't blame me for being rude." Seeing that Huo Hai was about to leave, Yin Lei Venerable also became anxious. If Huo Hai slipped away, it would not be so easy to find him in the future. Now, there is no ghost in his body, and any tracking method is useless, the Silver Thunder Lord no longer keeps it, and the surrounding silver lightning keeps flying.

"If you give me things, the old man will naturally let you go." Xuan Guangzun didn't rush, still keeping his restraint, even when the silver thunders erupted, Xuan Guangzun suddenly made a few handprints.

The surrounding black rays of light suddenly condensed, forming a black mirror on all sides, the mirrors scattered around, emitting a faint light, completely sealing the surrounding space, so that no one would want to run out.

Feeling the strength of these shadows, the Silver Thunder Venerable finally went crazy, "Old things, dare to ruin my good deeds, you can't keep you today." Now, the Silver Thunder Venerable who knew that he could not catch up with Huo Hai broke out completely, and the whole person was transformed It became a mass of thunder and lightning, and the silver-white thunder and lightning continued to bombard the surroundings, wave after wave of terrifying explosions.

After a few minutes, even the black mirror was cracked a lot by Silver Thunder Zun. During the whole time, Xuan Guang Zun's expression was not as indifferent as before. On the contrary, his expression was solemn and his aura became stronger.

This silver thunder sovereign, who is famous in the eastern region, is really not so easy to deal with. It seems that it is really not easy to keep it today. These people fight more and more fiercely, and the other spirits around are the same. Because Huo Hai left alone, many other people had the intention to leave, especially those who benefited.

But they didn't get more benefits. They didn't want the treasure to be taken away like this.

As a result, the battle became more and more violent. Because of the battle, the ground was constantly splitting cracks. Even the special passages were constantly flashing due to the attacks of these people, and the consumption was very fast.

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