Evil Insect God

Chapter 1390: inventory

After leaving, Huo Hai didn't think about staying here either. It's not that Huo Hai didn't want to gain more, but to stay here. It was really a death-seeking thing. The movement here was getting bigger and bigger.

Just after Huo Hai flew out, I saw that there were new spirits approaching here in the distance. I am afraid that before the closure here, even the top sects will send people over, and there are some sect organizations that are not as good as the top forces. The power of Huo Hai was not something Huo Hai could resist now, so Huo Hai disappeared here without hesitation.

Huo Hai's decisiveness also indirectly helped him once, because Mu Amaranth appeared here soon. If Huo Hai were still here at that time, he would definitely be marked by Mu Amaranth for tracking.

The giant wooden door's special tracking mark is not so easy to disperse the ghost spirit of the previous scroll. Besides, no one has given himself a ring to hide and hide. Without seeing Huo Hai, Mu Amaranth can only grit his teeth. give up.

Afterwards, Mu Amaranth returned to the secret realm and once again participated in the battle. With his own strength and identity, Mu Amaranth's gains were not small. After this battle, Huo Hai became completely famous. Knowing when, the Silver Thunder Venerable actually exposed Huo Hai's name, allowing Huo Hai's name to resound on the Heavenly Spirit Continent for the first time.

In the Ghost Medicine Sect, Yan Xiran looked at her father with a dissatisfaction: "Father, didn't you say that you have already talked to the Wu Family, and you won't do anything to him? How come the fellow Yin Lei Zun has chased to the southeast area. "

Yan Bahu touched his head: "Haha, the Wu family didn't do anything. They said it was a personal grievance between Yin Lei Zun and that kid." He didn't even believe it when he said that. Any personal grievances hit the first time they met. So intense.

Then Yan Bahu lowered his voice: "I think that kid is not bad too. It seems that he can get a tie with the wooden amaranth of the giant wooden door, and it seems to have taken some advantage. Even the guy Yin Lei Zun wants to deal with that kid. , It's just that I don't know where this kid came from." Yan Bahu felt a little helpless in his heart.

The person that Yan Xiran valued, as a father, Yan Bahu could not investigate. Yan Xiran is one of her most beloved daughters, and one of the most talented offspring, so you can't just let others take advantage.

But no matter how he investigates, this Huo Hai seems to have emerged out of thin air. If Huo Hai hadn't come from other areas, it would have been hidden, and hadn't shown up at all, otherwise it would be impossible for them to not know.

"Huh, I don't care. If something happens to Huo Hai, I will make that **** look good." He said that the **** is naturally dark. Although this guy does not dare to bother Yan Xiran during this period of time, he has little actions behind him. But it still hasn't stopped, but it's a pity that Yan Xiran is now a lot more careful, and Wu Sheyun has no choice.

Even, sometimes when he encounters Wu Sheyun in places like martial arts grounds, Yan Xiran will take the initiative to challenge him and beat him up directly. In the face of this situation, no one in the whole ghost medicine gate said anything.

What Wu Sheyun did the last time was too much. It’s okay to take a lesson, but now that Wu Sheyun sees Yan Xiran, he has an instinctive feeling of wanting to escape. Who makes him not strong enough? This kind of thing deserves it.

Huo Hai didn't know his reputation, and now it has spread to two areas. After leaving Huo Hai, he continued to deepen the southeast area all the way, avoiding many dangerous places, and finally found a safe place.

Now the spirit in his hand is enough for him to continue to improve, but Huo Hai cannot improve for the time being. He has to wait for a while. The time for himself to break through the triple heaven is still too short. Although the halo of the third level law has reached its peak, He did not achieve true consummation. As an absolute perfectionist, how could Huo Hai allow this to happen.

If you want to break through, it seems that you have to wait for a while, but your own spirit worms are different. Everything about your own spirit worms has something to do with you, and they have their own drive, so the spirit worms don't need to care so much.

At this time, even Xiao Shui finally completed his own breakthrough, and his strength became stronger. In order to continue to improve his combat effectiveness, Huo Hai did not hesitate to directly let the spirit worms begin to devour the spiritual marrow, and then continue to improve his own. Accumulate strength and reach the same level as yourself as soon as possible. In this way, your combat effectiveness will be greatly improved.

After that, Huo Hai began to count the gains this time. Not to mention other things, first there was an alchemy furnace. Huo Hai took it out. The dark alchemy furnace was inconspicuous at all, but after careful study, Huo Hai was surprised. Up.

This alchemy furnace is actually a holy peak item: "It seems that this alchemy furnace is the most valuable among all treasures." Huo Hai found a group of special black flames burning quietly in the alchemy furnace itself. What you have, adding any flame, can get a huge increase, and it can also be better controlled. This is the function of the pill furnace.

Relying on this pill furnace, Huo Hai was even able to refine a high-level pill without a high-level pill. Of course, the level was enough, but the effect was still uncertain.

However, even if this pill furnace does not need to deliberately refine the pill, just throw in the materials, it can actually refine the pill of imperial quality by itself. This is the effect of his own pregnancy pill, and Huo Hai has heard of it for the first time. .

After checking it, Huo Hai was finally surprised, because on the inner wall of this pill furnace, Huo Hai actually saw some small words, "The pill of honor, Ziyun pill, can enhance the spiritual power of the master of the spirit. It’s really a good thing, but it’s a pity that everyone can only use it once, and it's easy to affect the foundation a little bit, but fortunately, it doesn't have a big impact."

Huo Hai looked at this pill, and a smile flashed in his eyes. This thing is of no use to him, and Huo Hai will never use it, but it is different for other spirits. It means that it can improve a little world power. It’s easier to break through.

Especially in the period when the bottleneck is stuck in itself, at that time, even if you want to break the crystal core, you can't do it. If you can rely on the pill to directly enhance your spiritual power, you can rely on your own strength to force it to break.

It’s a pity that this kind of elixir that enhances your own spiritual power is rarely available even among the top sects, and the side effects are usually relatively large. Use external forces to enhance your own world power. If you say to the inner world It is impossible to have no influence, and once an influence is caused, it is very difficult to resolve it on your own.

It is already very difficult to be able to have such a small side effect. If someone else gets it, he will definitely be ecstatic. It is used to improve the strength of his own power, but Huo Hai has never thought of using it himself.

It seems that I need to get some elixir, and then refine it and sell it to other spirits. If you can gather a lot of spirits in this way, this is also a good thing, "I don’t know, how do you price this thing? Let's go to the auction first."

Regardless, since I have not yet obtained the elixir for refining Ziyundan, other elixir for refining Ziyundan are easy to find. Only one kind of superior elixir Ziyuncao is the least easy to find, but the quantity It seems not very few.

As long as you buy it yourself, I believe you can still find it. When the time comes, it is good to find a suitable force to cooperate.

Huo Hai put away the alchemy furnace, and then took out the scroll he had obtained this time and opened it. After the scroll was opened, Huo Hai was very excited, "This time, the harvest is really good. It's useless."

In the scroll, the record is Concentration, although the name is very inconspicuous, but in fact this secret method is very clever, and it is just suitable for Huo Hai’s current use. Concentration is a secret method used to quickly increase mental power. You must know , Huo Hai has been looking for this secret method that can enhance his spirit for a long time.

Concentration technique is not high, only the sage level, and can condense to the peak of the sage level at most. It has no effect on the spiritual masters. The main function is also very simple. It is to hunt down other spiritual sages, and then use secret methods to purify their souls.

After purifying the purest light of the soul, then using a special method to absorb it, to strengthen one's mental power, so that it is much faster than one's own cultivation and promotion. The most important thing is that there are no side effects in doing so.

Of course, the consequences of casually hunting masters have nothing to do with the concentration technique itself. The light of the mind that Huo Hai now collects is used for the next step to improve the movement of stars and fights. Now seeing this secret method, Huo Hai knows He was already drifting away on the road of killing, basically it was impossible to look back, but Huo Hai didn't care.

"This kind of secret method is really clever. Using this secret method to temper the light of the mind is faster and more thorough than my own method." Huo Hai is very satisfied, so the tempered light of the mind is more pure, even if it is upgraded. The effect of fighting is much better.

It’s just that if you want to hunt down masters in the realm of spirits, it seems that you can only target fierce beasts. If you are hunting spirit beasts or human masters, God knows what will happen. There may not be anyone behind these people. support.

In any case, the harvest this time makes Huo Hai extremely satisfied. It seems that his next actions need to be changed. Originally, Huo Hai planned to continue to search for the spiritual marrow veins. Now it seems that he should learn to refine Ziyun Dan first. , With Ziyun Pill, are you afraid that there is no spiritual essence? Although the spiritual essence in the hands of the spiritual master is small, it is impossible to have it.

As for the refining materials of Ziyun Pill, it seems that there are many in the southeast region. The southeast region is the world of giant wooden doors. The natural power here is rich, and the elixir is naturally much more than other regions, so it is right here.

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