Evil Insect God

Chapter 1392: ready

When a new kind of pill came out, it was naturally impossible to rely on Huo Haikong to say a few words, and Lao Renxuan couldn't just believe it, frowning, Lao Renxuan seemed to want to say something.

Huo Hai knew this very well, and he said directly: "This kind of pill has just come out, so you can take one back and study it. This is good for you." Huo Hai knows that this is not an advantage. , Because they can't really find a spiritual master to try it directly, if something goes wrong, who can be responsible.

However, as a major pill medicine, he naturally has his own method verification and research. Huo Hai is not worried about what they will study. The refining of each pill is very complicated, and it is not possible to refine it after knowing the ingredients. Made out.

Otherwise, what the major sects need to do with the pill, and the spiritual power composition in it, is the most important foundation of the pill, especially the pill above the sky level, which involves the power of the law, once it appears a little Problems will cause major consequences. After hearing what Huo Hai said, Lao Renxuan was relieved to breathe a sigh of relief. Huo Hai is still very sensible.

Huo Hai is so relieved, Lao Renxuan is most sure of the effect of the pill, "Then what do you plan to do with this pill, brother, whether it is sold to us directly or auctioned." He didn't know that Huo Hai had it in his hands. How many.

Huo Hai did not hesitate: "I plan to auction one hundred, and this will depend on your propaganda and channels." As a large pill, this Wanyaomen is still very prestigious in the southeast region, and has a very right to speak. high.

Lao Renxuan agreed without thinking: "No problem, we can still talk, just right, half a year later, we have a large auction here, let’s do the auction here, just this half a year, we will also You can promote it.” In fact, Lao Renxuan also needs enough time to verify the effect of this pill.

Huo Hai felt a little helpless. It took half a year to open his mouth. Half a year is different from what he thought. This time is too long, but Huo Hai also knows that for the spiritual master, half a year is nothing at all.

Besides, for some people who are far away, although they have teleportation arrays, they have to come here relatively safely. It won't work for two or three months. If they fly over directly, I don't know how long it will take.

"No problem, half a year is not too long, maybe I can refine some more Ziyun Dan by then." This one hundred, that is, Huo Hai refined in the past six months, most of the medicinal materials are available. It was a failure, and in another half a year, Huo Hai could definitely refine more, but it would be bad if too much medicine was released.

As if he knew Huo Hai’s concern, Lao Renxuan immediately said, “Don’t worry, my brother, it’s absolutely impossible that noble items won’t be sold. No matter how much it is, it won’t matter. Some things that are helpful to improve the cultivation level are some people need ."

Not to mention the ordinary small sects and others, even many of the top sects, in fact, there is a great demand for this kind of pill to improve the cultivation base and break the bottleneck. Huo Hai suddenly discovered that he seemed to be caught in A misunderstanding.

The real good things are never to worry about not having a buyer. Those who worry about too many things and cause the price of goods to fall can only appear below the sky level, and even so, the price of the things used by the spiritualist is actually It is difficult to have too much fluctuation, so Huo Hai is relieved a lot.

"That, brother, do you see if you can sell it to us." As a sect, Wanyao Sect also needs to improve its own cultivation level. Regardless of whether it is verified or not, let's talk about the conditions first.

Huo Hai thought for a while, and finally said: "Let's do it, half a year later, I will sell one hundred to Wanyaomen. The specific price is based on the average price after the auction." Huo Hai also intends to sell favor. .

"Then thank you brother, my brother can rest assured that we will definitely find more purple cloud grass for you in the past six months." This is because most people don't need it, so there is not much inventory here. As long as Wanyaomen starts to purchase , Naturally can receive a lot, no matter which sect it is, it will not dislike too much of the elixir to improve cultivation.

After the discussion, Huo Hai left a Ziyun Pill for Wanyaomen to study, and then signed a contract with Wanyaomen, leaving a hundred pills waiting to be auctioned, Huo Hai left this place, and then Once back to his home.

When he came back this time, Huo Hai was not in a hurry to refine the pill. It will take some time for the purple cloud grass to be in place. If this is the case, then he should also improve his cultivation level. Look at his inner space. After the spirit marrow was swallowed by the spirit worms, there were still about 600 pieces left, and this amount was enough for one to break through again.

Huo Hai calculated in his heart that this time a breakthrough of at most three hundred to four hundred is enough. Since there is nothing wrong now, Huo Hai is also welcome. He took out a piece of spiritual marrow and began to slowly absorb and accumulate broken crystal nuclei. power.

With the improvement of the cultivation level, this kind of cultivation method needs to consume more and more spirits. It seems that there are many large-scale power masters for no reason. With so many resources to support, the speed of improvement is of course very fast.

One after another spiritual marrow is transformed into nothingness under Huo Hai’s absorption. The power contained in the spiritual marrow is too pure, so after using it, there will be no scum left behind, even if it is consumed by spiritual crystals. After being cleaned, there will be some fragments left behind. It is conceivable that Huo Hai does not care about the purity of the spiritual marrow, but just keeps absorbing it.

With the absorption, Huo Hai’s own crystal nucleus began to fragment again. With each fragmentation, Huo Hai’s world power would increase a bit, and the stars in the sky in the inner world would increase by one, and the power would continue to increase.

The star rock wall stands on top of the sky in his own inner world. With the twinkling of the stars in the sky, it constantly shines. With the help of the star rock wall, Huo Hai’s own law of condensing light and shadow does not need to be slowly understood by himself. The role of the star rock wall is Below, these lights are very perfect and complete, Huo Hai definitely not many people can compare with himself in this respect.

For two months, Huo Hai stayed at home and spent all his time on breaking up his crystal nuclei. In two months, all the star nuclei in the eighteenth spirit vein were completely shattered. Basically enough.

The spiritual power was extremely surging, and Huo Hai’s cultivation level had slowly increased to the peak of the Triple Heaven. Now, he was able to break through with only one step, and with the improvement of his cultivation level, he had reached a perfect halo. There is room for improvement.

The law contained in the light has reached perfection, but the power contained in the light has not reached its limit. The power limit of this layer of light has something to do with one's own cultivation, but whether the light is perfect or not has something to do with your own comprehension. Huo Hai did not rush to break through immediately, but continued to wait. After waiting for a while, he should be able to continue to break through.

Looking at the spirit in his hand, Huo Hai’s eyes were full of wry smiles. He didn’t expect to consume so quickly. Forget it, others who want to rely on the method of consumption to improve quickly can’t do it. There is no bottleneck to improve quickly. What can I complain Of it.

After sorting out himself, Huo Hai finally walked out of the door that he had not walked out for two months. At this time, a lot of purple cloud grass and other resources had been delivered to Huo Hai, but Huo Hai never came out to receive it. .

"It looks like I'm going to be busy again." Huo Hai would take at least a day or two to refine these elixir. This is because Huo Hai's cultivation is strong and his alchemy furnace is also good. If there is no such alchemy furnace , Even if these Ziyun Dan Huohai have been refined for one or two years, I am afraid they may not be able to complete them.

This is because Ziyun Pill is just a simple pill, and it has a very good relationship with this alchemy furnace. Huo Hai now somewhat understands why this Ziyun Pill can be portrayed on the inner wall of the alchemy furnace.

Not because the pill furnace is matched with Ziyun Pill, nor is it because of how strong the pill is, but because this pill is used to train masters of the sect, an important means that can quickly improve the strength of the sect on a large scale. It is still reserved for the inheritors.

After some activities, Huo Hai collected these medicines, and only then planned to refine the pill. At this moment, a servant suddenly walked in: "My lord, you finally woke up. This is Lao Renxuanzun. Letter to you.” Huo Hai has been in retreat all the time. People naturally don't dare to bother casually. Anyway, this is a master at the realm of Spiritual Venerable.

Huo Hai was taken aback for a moment, then took the letter over, waved his hand to make the subordinates step back, looking at the letter, Huo Hai's eyes gradually narrowed, "Fortunately, it came out in a timely manner. Good thing."

A trace of interest flashed in Huo Hai’s eyes. The letter mentioned that in the Blue Cloud Sea not far from here, someone found the Void Ray. Void Ray is a huge treasure. It will always be the same for everyone. Large sects will be attracted. This letter was given to him by Lao Renxuan a week ago, and now many people have gone to Biyunhai.

"Void Ray, it's really a good thing. If I can get a little bit, I will be safer in the future." Huo Hai thought about it, and soon learned what Void Ray is. This Void Ray is a very famous one. Kind of fierce beast.

Of course, although the Void Ray is a fierce beast, it is not aggressive. It is very large. The whole body looks like a ray, with two fins like wings spread out, at least as large as a hundred meters.

When flying in the air, it looks like a floating island, but the food for this Void Ray is actually some small fish of ordinary strength that is not very strong. With its mouth open, it can swallow a large piece of sea water, and its predation method is similar to that of a whale.

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