Evil Insect God

Chapter 1393: Void Ray

Huo Hai quickly turned over some records that recorded special creatures. At first, he only looked at it roughly, so he didn't understand it very well. He just knew that the value of this Void Ray was very high.

When he looked closely, Huo Hai gradually realized the true value of this Void Ray. Void Rays are very few and are a mutant beast, so it is impossible to form a group. Most of the time, only one appears outside.

The Void Ray is very huge, and the food it eats is also ordinary small fish and shrimps. It is not too aggressive and will not take the initiative to attack others. Even its temperament is very lazy. It just floats naturally in the air, except When eating, there are few active actions, and there is a natural ability to grow bigger and smaller.

Void rays that can reach hundreds of meters by spreading their wings, and if their talents are truly enlarged, they can even reach the size of dozens of miles. It is a truly alive floating island. These are some records of Void Rays.

After seeing a lot, Huo Hai gradually understood the value of this Void Ray. In fact, the true value of Void Ray is not on its own crystal core, but on the skin on the surface. Void Ray’s skin is a kind of spiritual value. A leather with a strong bearing capacity.

This kind of skin doesn't even need to be dealt with. It is the best material for making scrolls. Usually scrolls made from the skin of Void Rays can easily withstand the power of spiritual masters above the nine-fold sky and are very valuable.

Moreover, the body of the Void Ray is very huge, far from being comparable to that of ordinary fierce beasts. Therefore, this Void Ray has a lot of skin. If you hunt a Void Ray, you can at least harvest the fur that can make thousands of scrolls.

For this reason, as long as you see the Void Ray, many people usually go to hunt it, and it is not that no one wants to hunt the Void Ray alone, but the Void Ray is a creature that is very difficult to hunt. It is a rare dual attribute of earth and space, so the defense ability is very strong, and it can even launch long-distance teleportation.

If you are not careful, it is easy for the Void Ray to escape. Therefore, every time the Void Ray is hunted, it is not an easy task. This time the news can reach my ears, and it is precisely for this reason.

For a long time, hunting the Void Rays is not a matter of one person, let alone a sect. Except that the discoverer can get very big benefits, the others are all nearby masters gathering together and hunting the Void Rays at the same time. .

Even how much material can be seized in the end can only be determined by the individual's strength. If the top sect finds it, Huo Hai believes that they will never spread the news casually. These top sects are even their own sects. The strength is also enough to capture the Void Ray, the Void Ray discovered by the casual repairs, the top sect will not interfere.

Therefore, this time, the giant wooden gate will definitely not send people. This is also an expression of convention. This time, there may even be some very high-level spirits. Huo Hai hesitates a little, whether he wants to go.

Huo Hai saw in the records, it seems that the Void Ray is not only used to make scrolls, because the Void Ray is very large, and it is very lazy, as long as it is caught, it is easy to tame, so some top sects have also captured some Void rays are a means of transportation, or a status symbol, and now some top sects have Void rays.

Huo Hai didn't know if there were any of the eight sects, but these were nothing to do with Huo Hai. Now that I found the Void Ray, he naturally had to put in a hand: "Reel? It just happens that I lack materials now."

Huo Hai's current situation is not good, and there are many enemies. If he obtains some materials, makes some powerful scrolls, and displays them in cooperation with his own attacks during battle, his chances of winning will be much greater.

Think about it, other spirits have so many methods and so many life-saving tactics, but Huo Hai himself has nothing, and now he can only rely on himself to fight against the spirits. This time, he will get everything he says. After figuring out the fur of some Void Rays, Huo Hai called his servant over. Following Huo Hai's order, the subordinates quickly reached Huo Hai's side.

"I'm going out for a period of time. During this time, the family is dependent on you." After that, Huo Hai threw out a spiritual crystal. A spiritual crystal is nothing to Huo Hai, but it is to these servants. A huge wealth.

Huo Hai did not notify Lao Renxuan either, because Huo Hai knew that if Lao Renxuan had not already set off, he would not go at all. After all, Lao Renxuan has his own mission and his own cultivation level is not high. it is good.

After explaining everything, Huo Hai covered himself in a specially-treated black robe, and then set out to reach the realm of the spirits. The hermit robe made of general materials is useless, not to mention that it is easy to damage during battle, even if he can protect it. Okay, but in the eyes of the master of the spirit, a normal robe has no effect at all.

Only a long robe made of special materials can hide his face. Huo Hai had only learned about it some time ago, and it was for this reason that it was so easy to be recognized by Silver Thunder in the secret realm.

The place where the Void Ray appears is not far to the south of Wanyaomen. A large area of ​​the sea called Biyunhai is not very far away. At the speed of Huohai, even without the teleportation array, a few days can pass, of course. , Huo Hai would not use the teleportation array. Taking the teleportation array and adding his own speed, Huo Hai arrived at Biyunhai in less than half a day.

"This is the sea of ​​blue clouds. It's really huge." Huo Hai saw that the blue water and the white clouds above it was really a good place. In the water, fish jumped out from time to time, and it was full of life.

Huo Hai could still feel that there seemed to be a lot of powerful beasts hidden in this sea. In the deepest part, there seemed to be the aura of the realm of Spiritual Venerable, but that's right, after all, this Void Ray is of Venerable Level, otherwise it won't. Caused so many people's prying eyes.

"A lot of people, this time the competition seems to be very fierce." Huo Hai said to himself, letting go of perception, and many people have come here. Around the area where he is, there must be The scale of no less than 20,000 people, this time is not the last time in the secret realm, the time of discovery is short, so few people are notified.

Hunting the Void Ray always requires telling a lot of people to work together. It is also a very normal thing to be able to find so many people. The weakest one is even the Spiritual Realm to join in the fun. Does he think he is lucky.

Huo Hai ignored these. After all, people have a fluke mentality. I'm afraid they will come and see if they change to their own. Anyway, they don't waste time. As for death, basically most people don't think that they will die suddenly.

Soon, Huo Hai felt the area where the other spirits were located. This time in order to keep up with them and be able to find the Void Ray, Huo Hai directly revealed the breath of the heavenly spirits. After feeling this breath, other talents did not Let Huo Hai join in coldly, "How is our spirit formation prepared? By then, we must trap the Void Ray."

An old man at the head said with a serious face, Huo Hai felt the breath of this old man, and his heart was full of shock. This old man had actually reached the cultivation base of the tenth heaven of spiritual respect, which was simply not something he could deal with.

Even if he had broken through the Fourth Heaven of Spiritual Venerable, at most he could only fight against the masters of the Seventh Heaven. He was not the opponent's opponent. This time a Void Ray really attracted these old monsters.

"Look, it's Venerable White Python, my God, how come even this old monster is here." Huo Hai suddenly heard two spirits talking in his ear. This Venerable White Python seems to be very famous, too. , After all, is the loftiness of the tenth heaven.

The world of Spirit Saints is not accessible to them, so these Spirit Venerables are the most famous. As for why this guy is called Venerable White Python, Huo Hai doesn’t know, maybe there is a pet white Python or something like that. .

At this moment, a middle-aged man in a red suit and a weird red bird suit next to him said: "It's almost done. This time, as long as the Void Ray appears, he will definitely be taken down." The aura on the young man's body is not weak, at least it has reached the breath of the Ninth Heaven of the Spiritual Venerable, full of scorching aura.

"Oh my God, isn't this Venerable Sparrow? Why is he here?" The voice coming from the side again, looking at their appearance, this Venerable Sparrow was even more surprised than Venerable White Python. Much more.

"Forget it, no matter what you do, we only need to be able to drink a little soup by then. These old monsters are not something we can deal with." This guy also said that others are old monsters, but he does not know that he is in the eyes of others. An old monster, Huo Hai smiled bitterly, maybe he was an old monster in the eyes of others.

Looking around, Huo Hai really saw some acquaintances, such as Venerable Lie Bing and Zilan, who stayed together all the time but looked at each other uncomfortably. The two of them were originally near here, so things naturally have to happen this time. Got it.

In the other direction, in a shadow, Xuan Guangzun is standing in it. Xuan Guangzun is a master of the sixth heaven of spirits, but compared with the white python and the fierce bird, he is far behind. No one can kill any one of the Swordsman Venerable, not to mention the number of cultivation bases higher than him.

"Damn it, if Silver Thunder Venerable is here, it will be in trouble." Huo Hai frowned. Now what he is most worried about is that Yin Lei Venerable and Mu Mu will make trouble by the time. Whatever I say this time, he will have to get some materials. Just work.

Reel materials are important strategic resources, and it is basically difficult to see a large number of people selling them on the market.

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