Evil Insect God

Chapter 1394: Chaos before seeing

A Void Ray that has reached the realm of Spiritual Venerable, its value is a treasure that cannot be ignored even for those first-class big sects. Until now, no one knows what the Void Ray is here.

When he came, Huo Hai already knew why the news would be delivered so quickly. Because of a rule in many areas of the Sky Spirit Realm, the person who discovered the Void Ray can get a lot of benefits, and this benefit comes from many people. .

Except for the Heaven-level masters, as long as everyone else comes to this place and wants to pass the confinement set by the major forces, they must pay a certain amount of funds according to their own cultivation base, and everyone who reaches the prefecture level Need to hand in a spiritual crystal, whether it is a spiritual emperor or a spiritual king, it is the same, there is no ordinary level of division here.

And below the earth level, everyone needs to hand in a spirit jade. After all, for many profound level people, spirit crystals are not easy to get. Of course, yellow level people are ordinary in the heavenly spirit realm. Human category.

These funds, no matter how much, are ultimately handed over to the person who discovered the Void Ray. In order to prevent someone from deliberately making false reports, from the very beginning when the news spreads, the discoverer will be controlled by the surrounding forces.

Later, someone will go to investigate. If there are really traces of Void Rays infested, this will turn control into protection. If someone dares to publish some false news, they will know that death is sometimes a happy thing.

And for a long time after this, regardless of the strength of the discoverer, this person will be protected by the major forces for a period of time. Speaking of which, if the major forces did not do this, I am afraid that not many people would dare to take the Void Ray casually. The position was exposed. During this period of protection, as long as you are not a fool, you can always think of how to protect yourself.

At this time, Huo Hai was slowly flying on the azure blue water. Since a few days ago, the temporary union formed by the spirits has issued an order to let most spirits and all the masters of the spirits be dispatched to explore the specific location of the void rays. .

Because Huo Hai’s demonstrated cultivation base was Spiritual Sovereign First Heaven, he was also sent out. In this kind of place, the strength is not enough, but it is very dangerous. Even those spirit emperors have to use various exploration instruments, and You have to form a team, otherwise, once you encounter a dangerous creature, it will not be an easy task.

"Damn, these things are really hard to find." Suddenly, a blue swordfish rushed out of the water and rushed towards Huo Hai. Huo Hai's heart moved, and the power of heaven and earth had already strangled the sword fish. .

Swordfish's strength is not very strong, at most only the Spirit King, and most of them only have the Spirit King realm, but this thing is completely integrated with the surrounding environment, even if Huo Hai does not carefully observe it, it is difficult to notice.

As long as this swordfish encounters creatures on the water surface, no matter what it is, it will directly rush out of the water to attack. On the contrary, when underwater, it is relatively quiet and peaceful. After Huo Hai’s observation, this strange fish is actually a bird It is a kind of food. Whenever a bird comes down to fish, it is these strange fish that prey. This kind of creature is really strange.

On the way, Huo Hai has no idea how many strange fishes have been attacked. Finally, the unbearable Huo Hai took out the small water and threw it into the water, regardless of whether the small water was completely transformed or not, anyway, the small water constitutes a special one, and he fights without transformation .

Soon, the small water spread in the sea. With the water control ability of the small water, Huo Hai no longer has to worry about being attacked by these things. As long as there is a strange fish near, it will either be directly driven away by the small water or destroyed on the spot. kill.

Huo Hai breathed a sigh of relief at last, but at this moment, Huo Hai suddenly saw that the front seemed to be chaotic. From a distance, a group of people were chasing another person, but this person was in the hands. , Seems to be holding a strange egg, with Huo Hai's eyesight, one can see the special nature of this egg.

"From the surrounding spiritual power fluctuations, this egg should be hatched soon, and the potential of the creatures in it seems to be able to reach the realm of the spirit emperor." Huo Hai quickly made a judgment.

At this moment, Huo Hai also knew what these guys wanted to do, "Stop, kid, you dare to run, I promise to break your corpse into ten thousand pieces." Behind, a three-dimensional spirit emperor roared loudly, already Erupted at full speed.

"Hmph, wait until you can catch up. Let me talk about it. I discovered this thing first. Why should I take it out to you? You don't have the ability to break my body." The spirit emperor's cultivation is absolutely far superior to this third-level spirit emperor, but the problem is that there are too many people chasing himself behind him, and he dare not stop.

This time I searched for the Void Ray, but the Void Ray was not found. His luck was good, but he found a pet egg with the potential to reach the realm of the Spirit Emperor. I don't know what happened to its parents. Maybe it's dead.

But after the good luck, bad luck came. He just took the egg and was seen by a person next to him. This person was still an idiot, and he yelled loudly on the spot. As a result, everyone in the surrounding team immediately knew it.

Before long, not only the people in this team, but even people from other places also knew about it, and finally ran out of a chaotic area, and there were hundreds of spiritual emperors chasing him behind, around, There are also some spirit kings who want to pick up the bargain and hide around them. As long as there is a little possibility, these people will definitely rush up.

At this moment, in the air ahead, a seventh-level spirit emperor suddenly descended from the sky: "Boy, leave things to me, I can guarantee you will not die." When he was blocked, he knew that this matter had already attracted many people. note.

More and more people felt the chaos here, and gradually they gathered together. The people who came looked at the front and then at the back, and shouted: "If you want, I will give it to you." , Threw the egg toward the rear.

The seventh-level spirit emperor who had just arrived saw this scene, and his eyes suddenly became murderous. He glanced at him and snorted coldly: "Boy, you will remember it for me." After speaking, his figure flashed and turned towards the egg. After chasing it, because the cultivation level was relatively high, he quickly caught up with the egg. None of the people behind could react to it. He was about to get things in his hands.

But at this moment, a bright light suddenly fell in the sky, and the light hit the person, dissolving the person completely, leaving no scum, and then a light curled the egg into the sky.

"Haha, I didn't expect to encounter such a good thing. If this is cultivated, I can definitely become a good helper in the future." The person who came was a Lingdi. Seeing the Lingdi take action, the others suddenly felt desperate.

But no one thought that at this time, many spirit emperors appeared here one after another. Seeing this egg, the eyes of other spirit emperors also showed red light. An egg with the potential of reaching the emperor grade quality, whether it was hatched, It is still very rare materials for other things, and this thing is rare even for the Spirit Emperor.

"I think you should hand it over. This is not yours." An old man with a gloomy face said coldly. The black aura gathered on his hand, forming a claw-like structure, and hit him. come.

Seeing that the two men had already started the war, the others did not show any weakness and joined the ranks of the snatch. Because of an egg, a melee gradually unfolded. I don’t know when, with the first source of spiritual power. When he rushed out, Huo Hai discovered that there was a spirit emperor who had died in it. This was a spirit emperor with a blue robe all over.

"Damn it, those who dare to kill my Liebing Venerable, you are really looking for death." This person is Lie Bing Venerable's subordinate, Lie Bing Venerable saw that his doorman was killed, naturally became annoyed, waved the red clothed man who was about to do it. People killed.

This is a complete stabbing of the hornet's nest, because the people he killed were actually Zilan's people. Zilan also flew here because of the movement here. When he saw this scene, his eyes suddenly became red.

"Damn Liebing, you dare to play yin, you have the ability to fight against the old man." Zilan was not polite, immediately condensed her own flames, and fought against Liebing. The two men are very familiar with each other. There was no such thing as a sneak attack anymore. As soon as Zilan started, Venerable Lie Bing knew how to resist it.

The master Lingzun participated in the battle, but this battle was completely chaotic. There were many people with different minds below. At this time, no matter what the egg or other reasons were for the war, as long as they had an enemy, they would immediately attack.

Even if there is no enmity, as long as the opponent has good things on his body, that can't be let go, regardless of whether he is a major disciple or a casual cultivator, in this kind of melee, even if he is dead, he can't find himself.

With various purposes, the scene became more and more chaotic. Huo Hai shook his head. Sure enough, there are fights where there are people. I am afraid that even if there is no such thing, there will be no less secret fights. However, these Things have nothing to do with them, as long as they don't come to their own troubles, it's enough, other people are similar, they all think the same as Huo Hai.

Some Spirit Venerables saw the battle here, and after asking to understand the reason, they all watched with cold eyes, or simply turned their heads and left. As a result, things here became more and more turbulent, and the movement became bigger and bigger.

At this moment, a horrible breath fell from the sky, and everyone found that they could not move: "If you two want to die, the old man will do you well, but if the old man’s things are broken, the old man will let you two survive. No." Far away, an old man with white beard and hair fell from the sky. The battle here has already attracted the attention of the White Python.

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