Evil Insect God

Chapter 1395: Finally appeared

Seeing that the person here was Venerable White Python, both Lie Bingzun and Zilan were both in cold sweats. The two people are used to fighting and hate each other deeply. When they see each other, they can't help but move.

And once they fight, they don’t care about what’s around them. For a long time, because the place where the two of them are relatively remote, the two four-fold heavenly spirits are already absolute masters. Such masters, ordinary people really can’t do anything. In the same way, no one would intervene in their battle, causing them to forget what they were doing this time.

Even in the last time in the secret realm, no one intervened in the battle between the two of them. Now that they thought about the Void Ray, the two of them were finally terrified. It would not take much effort for the White Python to kill both of them.

Seeing that the pressure released by the white python is getting greater and greater, a crystal clear white light has appeared in his hands. The two really regret it. There has never been a moment when death is so close to them. If possible, the two of them must hope Think about it a little bit, and I won't be so troubled next time. I haven't seen other people, there is no one to do it.

It’s normal for the people under the Spiritual Venerable to use their hands, and the fluctuations they cause will not attract the Void Ray’s attention, but once their Spirit Venerables do it, it is easy to make the Void Ray alert. This is the White Python Venerable seeing the movement increasing. Annoyed afterwards.

"Is this the power of the Tenth Heavenly Master Lingzun? It is really scary enough." Huo Hai felt the pressure on his body. Just the pressure made him unable to move. The strength of this person is really terrifying.

Just when the White Python was about to kill the two people, the sky suddenly became dark. In the distance, a huge flying fish flew in the air, spreading its wings, reaching a range of hundreds of miles, and the whole body was white. But it still blocked the sun. The huge flying fish didn't care about the people below, but opened its mouth. A large amount of seawater unexpectedly poured into the mouth of the big fish.

A few minutes later, the flying fish spit out all the water in its mouth, as if there was a waterfall above the sea. This is the way of eating for the Void Ray, and the small fish and shrimp have been left in the belly.

"Squeak..." Void Ray screamed contentedly, then turned around and prepared to leave. At this time, the people around finally reacted, even if it is the White Python, at this time they can't care about killing these two disobedient guys. .

"Void Ray, it's really Void Ray, Spirit Venerable Seventh Heaven, how come you are not ready yet." When Void Ray turned around, White Python Venerable didn't dare to do anything casually, regardless of whether he was Spirit Venerable Tenth Heaven, but absolutely It is impossible to kill it with one move, but if it cannot be killed, then the void rays that activate the power of space will not know where to go in the next moment.

Because of its strong defense and spatial ability, the Void Ray never cared about who was next to him.

Two people, Lie Bingzun and Zilan who were left after the catastrophe, looked at each other and saw the fear in each other's eyes respectively. The Heavenly Spirit Continent was respected. They had no background, even if they were killed, they would die in vain.

However, the two of them had no resentment in their hearts, or they didn't dare to have resentment at all, because their opponents were beyond their reach. If they really wanted to confront the White Python, they would not be enough to kill the White Python.

Feeling that the pressure around him disappeared, even Huo Hai was relieved. Although he can still move under this pressure as long as he goes all out, he can't use his full strength to face high-level spirits. , Even one's own strength can't be fully displayed, after the realm of Spiritual Venerable, the difference between each level is really too big.

Taking a deep breath, Huo Hai also looked towards the Void Ray in the air. The Void Ray was huge, reaching hundreds of miles. This was definitely made by using his own special ability to grow larger. His body is not so huge.

At this moment, a red light flashed in the sky, and the Void Ray appeared, and the Void Ray did not respond to the appearance of the Void Ray. "It seems that the Void Ray is true and legendary. Just as good-tempered."

When Huo Hai saw this scene, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes. Any creature that has reached the realm of Spiritual Sovereign, whether it is a fierce beast or something else, has its own self-esteem. This kind of casual human standing on him has no response. This is the first time Huo Hai has seen the creature of, perhaps, the Void Ray wouldn't care about it, it's really strange.

Venerable Lieque seemed to be prepared for this. With a wave of his hand, other people around also followed. At this moment, these people around were holding some strange instruments in their hands. Huo Hai could see at a glance that this thing is a kind of Array device.

Everyone has something like a Mitsubishi cone in their hands, with runes flashing on it, and the Void Ray is very slow when it does not activate its spatial abilities, especially after its size becomes huge.

Therefore, these people have enough time to prepare, and soon everyone proofreads the surrounding environment, and inserts the Mitsubishi cone into the void at the right place. This Mitsubishi cone is actually integrated into the space under the action of the rune. Among them, they soon disappeared. At this time, the three spirit masters of the realm of spirits started their hands, and runes flew out one after another.

But until this time, the Void Ray still didn't react at all, and Huo Hai shook his head: "This thing is really dull enough. If it were replaced with other fierce beasts, I'm afraid it would have been found wrong."

The powerful defense and space capabilities of this Void Ray make Void Ray basically have no natural enemies, so naturally it will not be able to fight very much. Not to mention fighting, even the basic crisis perception is not very strong. When the rune is completed, the surrounding 'S arrays have been completely integrated into the space, and Huo Hai has understood at this time that these arrays are all disposable.

Suddenly, the place where the array weapon blended into, the light was shining, and the space power was completely blocked under this light. Then, the chain formed by countless space power appeared, and the Void Ray was firmly bound.

It seems that the strap is not strong at all. In fact, as long as this force does not dissipate, the Void Ray will not be able to escape no matter how much it struggles. At this time, Void Ray finally realized that it was wrong, widened his eyes and angered. His roar, the whole body began to struggle constantly, and the surrounding space sent out waves of shock.

"Everyone, hurry up, this spirit formation can only control the Void Ray for an hour." An array spirit master said loudly, originally planning to trap the Void Ray for a day, but who knows that this Void Ray actually reached The height of the seventh heaven.

This kind of cultivation level is not something they can control at will. It is not easy for this spirit formation to be able to control for an hour. "Hmph, one hour is enough." The White Python yelled, and the breath of the whole body was completely released.

"So, I didn't expect that this white python was actually a white python." The spirit beast-shaped breath is a little different from that of human beings. When the white python releases all the breath of the body, Huo Hai finally felt it, watching the breath of the White Python Venerable, a white Python faintly formed, which should be his body.

If it is a human being, even if the aura is imitating the spirit beast, it is impossible to be so vivid. Of course, only Huo Hai's perception is so powerful. He had already swallowed and absorbed all the light of the soul.

Looking into the air, Huo Hai’s eyes were full of surprise, because he found that the Venerable Severe Sparrow was not in the form of a spirit beast, on the contrary, he was a normal person. Then Huo Hai knew the name Sovereign Severe Sparrow. The origin.

Venerable Sparrow waved his hand, and there was a huge red sparrow beside him, burning with flames, with extraordinary aura.

"Oh my God, this is the Screaming Sparrow of the Swordsman. I heard that it is stronger than the Screaming Sparrow himself. This is a fierce beast with a strong phoenix bloodline." Humans control fierce beasts. Not everyone can do it Yes, this Lord Sparrow is not a beast spiritist, but he can control a powerful beast, and his cultivation base is stronger than himself. No wonder it makes people envious.

"Hmph, what do you know? This sparrow was obtained by Venerable Sparrow unintentionally when he was very young. It was hatched from the egg and stayed with him. If it weren't for this, how could the Venerable Sparrow cultivate Today’s height."

This sparrow is a great help to the sparrow. The creature with the Phoenix blood is much stronger than the normal beast. Just such a bird is no worse than the white python, and its overall strength is definitely not stronger. weak.

It's no wonder that people were even more shocked when they saw the Venerable Sparrow. Originally, Huo Hai thought there was a big background behind the Venerable Sparrow, or that he had done something big, but he didn't expect that he was actually powerful.

These two people are the strongest among everyone present. Now they are hunting the Void Ray. These two are also the absolute main force. With a wave of the White Python Venerable, a crystal clear white snake-shaped beam of light instantly submerged into the Void Ray's eyes. , The Void Ray screamed, and the color of his eyes changed rapidly. It looked like it was poisoned.

"This is a toxin of spiritual power. It's such a strong power. The toxin that incorporates the law is really extraordinary. It seems that Xiaojin has to study hard." Huo Hai narrowed his eyes and thought in his heart that this ability is extraordinary.

And at this time, Lord Sparrow also shot. Lord Sparrow is a melee type war spiritist. I don’t know when, two trident spines have appeared in his hands. They fell from the air and stabbed the weapon in his hand. In the gap in the back of the Void Ray, the flame power burst out, and even the Sparrow next to him did the same.

These two men did their work and avoided the place that might damage the fur. After all, the real purpose this time was the skin of the Void Ray. If the skin were all broken, their purpose would not be realized.

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