Evil Insect God

Chapter 1396: snatch

The Void Ray struggled fiercely, but there was no way to move. There were only three methods of the Void Ray. There were two attributes of the earth and space, but the earth attribute could not be used for battle, but only for defense.

The most important reason why the Void Ray's defense is so high is that it has the earth attributes to enhance its defense to the extreme. This extreme route is naturally extremely terrifying in a single aspect.

Looking at the defensive power of this Void Ray, you can see that even the masters of the Ninth and Tenth Heavens can only attack along the texture of the skin and bones. Otherwise, I am afraid that this huge void will not be injured. ray.

As for the attack method, the Void Ray can only use physical impact and simple space control to attack. The Void Ray’s body is so strong that it is terrible. This is also related to its own defense. If the defense is strong, the body will naturally be stronger. If this thing bumps into it, I'm afraid the White Python Venerable dare not say that he feels nothing at all.

It's a pity that now it's locked, this Void Ray cannot launch an attack. As for the space power, let alone the space power, the surrounding spirit array is used to block the space power, and the space ability of the Void Ray cannot break through the spiritual formation seal.

"What are you waiting for? Hurry up and do it." Following the words of the White Python Venerable, the other spirits around immediately reacted. The rest of the battle is the matter of the Spiritual Venerable, and those who are less than the Spiritual Venerable do not. May be able to get started.

The attack of the Lingdi master fell on the body of the Void Ray, and even a ripple could not be splashed. Huo Hai held a long sword. This long sword was not his own, but from the other spirits who died in his hands. The level of the long sword obtained is not bad, but the aura itself is not his own, so he can't use his power to the extreme.

Not to mention that it was fully utilized, it was not easy for Huo Hai's sword qi to be able to exert its power normally. Now in order to conceal people's eyes and ears, he can only use this, and Huo Hai aimed a sword at the position of a void in the skin of the ray to pierce it.

"It's hard skin, the weakest places are so thick." Huo Hai went down with a sword and found that his long sword had only submerged into the tip of the sword. The skin of the Void Ray was stronger than the spiritual shield of many masters. Much more powerful.

The other people are the same, Huo Hai carefully felt that he might have to go all out to cause a certain amount of damage to the Void Ray. This is still the case where the Void Ray can't move, otherwise I don't want to hurt it at all.

The same is true for other people, avoiding the positions that can be used to make scrolls. All attacks fall on other positions. No matter what kind of beast, only part of the skin can be used to make scrolls. It doesn't have to be, maybe it's useless at all, otherwise, how could such a large Void Ray only produce tens of thousands of scrolls.

Some of the huge beasts are that if they can be used, the Void Ray would not have such a great value.

Void Ray is a rare creature whose skin can create scrolls far beyond its own level. It is a very peculiar mutant creature. Faced with so many attacks, Void Ray is naturally annoyed, but can do nothing but struggle.

Void rays are fierce beasts. Although their wisdom is not worse than that of a normal person, they cannot speak because of their special body structure. Only a small part of the heavenly fierce beasts can speak. Others can only use the special means of the beast to communicate. .

Regarding this, Venerable White Manacles and Venerable Swords didn’t care at all, because they let these people come just for harassment. If the Void Ray level is not high, the attacks of these people can still be effective, but this Void Ray has reached Ling Zun Seventh Heaven, it is not so easy to deal with, these people can only harass, and the most important thing is to look at them.

Seizing the opportunity, Venerable White Python kept injecting his spiritual power toxins into Void Ray's body, Void Ray became more and more weak, and Venerable Sparrow was not bad, and continuously pierced the trident in his hand into some weak spots. , Let the flames of myself and the sparrows erupt in the body.

Under the toss of the two of them, without other life-saving measures, this Void Ray actually weakened little by little, and finally was ravaged to death alive. After more than half an hour, the white python wiped his head all over. If it weren’t for the full burst of sweat, it’s really not easy to kill him, the dead Void Ray, the spiritual power of the body began to slowly dissipate.

As the spiritual power dissipated, the skin of his whole body slowly began to soften, and Huo Hai who was attacking could easily feel that he could easily split the fur of this Void Ray if he wanted to.

"The Void Ray is dead, grab it quickly." Finally, someone reacted, and the weapon in his hand was aimed at the gap and hit it. At this time, who can grab more, and after returning, it will be a huge wealth .

It’s not so easy to obtain materials that are at least the tenth-level or higher. It is not only the tenth-level, but also the eleventh-level or even the twelfth-level materials. Such high-level materials are generally of low-level spirits. I haven't got it in my life, but before these people did it, Venerable White Python and Venerable Lieque did it. The two of them got a stunned breath and shook everyone around.

Even if it is a master of the Seventh Heavenly Spirit, there is no resistance to the sudden explosion of the two people. Only a few masters of the Eighth Heaven can continue to do it at this time, but they dare not provoke these two people casually.

A figure flashed over, and the White Python grabbed a huge wing of the Void Ray and wanted to pull it over, but suddenly felt another force. The other wing of the Void Ray had been captured by the Void Ray. Lived, "You dare to **** things with me, don't think that I am not your opponent if you have a pet." The White Python snorted coldly.

Venerable Stout Sparrow did not show any weakness: "You can try it." As they said, the two of them started almost at the same time, and the Venerable White Python issued a crystal clear white light, and suddenly cut along the position of the wings, but the cut was in the hands of the other party wing.

The same is true for the Sparrows. The Sparrows next to him cut along the opponent's position for the first time. The two of them were taken aback. Because of the movements of the two, only one wing was left in each hand, and the main area was actually facing It fell from below.

The two of them retracted their wings into their inner space almost at the same time, and then rushed towards the main body in the middle. At this time, the other lucky spirits had already tore off a few thick pieces from the void rays. After getting the benefits, a group of people rushed towards the bottom.

Now this Void Ray is not in the hands of these two people. The two of them did it instantly in mid-air. The White Python relied on his cultivation base to be higher, pressing against the Blessed Sparrow, and the Blessed Sparrow because of the Strong Sparrow. Help, but also show no weakness.

Waves of horrible aftermath spread towards the surroundings. Those spirits who were not cultivated enough did not get any benefits. They walked towards the bottom respectively. During a battle, the body of the Void Ray actually fell into the water, and this At that time, with the death of the huge Void Ray, its size began to gradually shrink, and it quickly shrank back to its original size.

With a sound of entering the water, the Void Ray, which had been reduced a lot, fell into the sea. At this time, Huo Hai narrowed his eyes and issued a command in his heart: "Shui Shui, collect skin, be careful not to be found."

Today's Xiaoshui is not very smart. Huo Hai can only give orders while conducting meticulous commands. At the same time, Huo Hai, like the other spirits, walks around from the side and prepares to enter the water, if only he is alone. If there is no movement, it is easy to attract the attention of others. Huo Hai does not want to be a special person at this time.

"Quickly, the Void Ray has fallen into the water, everyone quickly grab it, maybe we still have our share." When the main body of the Void Ray fell down, a large group of the Spirit Emperors who had been waiting around finally Can't help it.

There was a large sound of falling into the water, and these spirit emperors and spirit emperors didn't care so much anymore, they dived into the water one after another, followed by the spirit kings, who reacted slightly slower, also entered the water with various thoughts.

"Looking for death." Seeing so many people rushing over, the white python and the fierce bird looked around in annoyance. The huge white python's tail, which had already shown its original shape, flicked, and the terrifying water wave hit the surroundings. After a scream of screams around, I don't know how many people were completely wiped out by this wave of water. The wealth left by these people immediately caused a looting.

At this time, the two people also knew that they couldn't continue fighting, otherwise the main body of the Void Ray didn't know who would fall into the hands of someone. The Lord Swordsman pressed his hands downwards, and the surface of the water exploded suddenly.

The body of the Void Ray that originally fell into the water was completely shot up. But at this time, the two suddenly discovered that a large area of ​​the Void Ray’s abdomen had disappeared without a trace, and they didn’t know what was neatly cut off. .

At the moment when Venerable Severe Sparrow started his hand, Huo Hai had already controlled Xiao Shui to stop his movements, and firmly concealed the skin he had already obtained. Sovereign Severe Sparrow was very powerful, but it was far from capable of destroying the little crystal. The degree of nucleus, so Xiaoshui uses its own strength to combine with the outside sea water, and perfectly hides the skin of his hand.

"Damn it, who did it?" There was no one in the water, but it was definitely not an ordinary person who could do it so quickly. Seeing that part of their trophies had disappeared, Venerable Sparrow and Venerable White Python became angry.

Others didn’t care about this, and rushed toward the Void Ray desperately. At this time, it’s good to get a little bit more. Even if you don’t use it, you can exchange a lot of good things with large forces. Who would give up casually. It.

The two also knew that they couldn't fight casually at this time, so the two looked at each other, and at the same time rushed towards the Void Ray. At the same time, there was another Eighth Heaven Spiritual Venerable who was closer, and his eyes were full of anxiety.

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