Evil Insect God

Chapter 1397: Not worth the loss

Seeing that the main body of the Void Ray is about to fall into the hands of the eighth-layered master, the White Mangemon and the Swordsman are also anxious. Once they fall into the opponent's hands, even if they can't take all of them, a large part of them will be taken away.

After that, as long as this person escapes, they will not be able to catch up. Although the Spiritual Venerable of the Eighth Heaven is not the opponent of the two of them, it is not impossible to escape. If this thing is used to get a little involved with a certain large sect. It's even harder for them to start because of the relationship. In this way, it is really a heavy loss.

The two people thought of this in unison, and then attacked at the same time. The first attacker was Venerable Sparrow, a flame burned, and it quickly turned into a small sparrow in the air, flying very smart and natural.

Seeing that something was about to be caught, but at this time, someone was suddenly locked in an attack. The attacker was a Nine Heavenly Spiritual Venerable, and he didn't keep his hands. This person didn't dare to take it hard, or he would definitely be injured.

In desperation, I can only twist around and try to avoid it forcibly, but this bird will fly, like a living creature. After adjusting its direction, it flies over again. Someone sees this situation. After gritting his teeth, he slammed his heart secretly, and the whole body's spiritual power formed a layer of defense like leaves, covering himself up, speeding forward.

Even if you are injured, you must get the things in front of you. If it is a low-level Void Ray skin, this is the skin left by the Void Ray in the Seventh Heaven Realm. This value is even a heartbeat for the eighth heaven master. .

A slight explosion sounded with a "boom", and the Spiritual Power Control of the Sparrow Sovereign had reached a very high level. If the opponent was not against himself, the Sage Sparrow Venerable would be able to ensure 100% of all spiritual power. .

The exploding red sparrow opened a hole on the defensive shield on the spot, and the impact of the explosion also made the person spit out a mouthful of blood, but although the person's face was pale, his face showed a smile. The next moment, He can get the things in his hands. At this time, the person who has come has made a decision. As long as he gets the things, he will immediately run away and never stay.

But at this moment, the smile on the person's face suddenly stiffened, and a huge force exploded on his body. He was already about to grasp the arm of the Void Ray. At this time, he is getting farther and farther. Coming farther and farther.

Seeing the white python with a smirk in front, you will know what happened. Just now the white python also started, but the white python's attack is behind the red firebird, so it is in his direction. Just can't see.

After the defensive barrier was blasted through the gap, this attack fell directly on him. With just one move, without defense, it was enough to cause him serious injury, plus the spiritual power toxin of the White Python, at this time he even There was not much combat power left, and if the injury could not be suppressed, any Spirit Venerable would be able to kill him.

Thinking of this, the visitor knew that he had completely lost the qualification to compete for the Void Ray, and his face suddenly became very ugly, "You two, even if I can't get it, I won't let you two succeed."

I was severely injured by the two people working together. Although there were my own reasons, how could someone consider this? When the person waved his hand, a bright black light that resembled an arrow appeared, and White Python suddenly realized that it was not good.

"No, stop him." It's a pity that this person is too close to the main body of the Void Ray. Even if two people want to intercept, they can't stop it, let alone the other people are farther away. The people present can only watch. With this ray of light penetrated into the body of the Void Ray, with a "boom", the spiritual power exploded in the Void Ray.

When the Void Ray was alive, its defensive power was very terrifying, but after death, it has no defensive capability. Especially now, the whole body's spiritual power is basically exhausted. Under this power, the body of the Void Ray exploded. .

Fortunately, the skin of the Void Ray is very hard after all, and it has not been completely blown up, but at this time, the Void Ray’s skin has become a lot of pieces with its own texture, and it continues to fly with the explosion. This could originally create thousands of scrolls. Materials, with this explosion, the remaining materials used to make the scroll do not know how much is left.

When everyone was stunned, the incoming person had already taken advantage of the power brought by the blow of the White Python Venerable. The whole person entered the water and disappeared in a blink of an eye. After all, it was the Spirit Venerable of the Eighth Heaven. It was not so easy to kill.

"Quick, now we have a chance." In the water, some of the closer spirit emperors finally discovered the changes here, the original intact Void Ray, they rarely have a chance, but after the fragmentation, it is different.

Even the scraps that can’t make scrolls are very precious to those who have not reached the realm of the spirits. Speaking of which, if they are allowed to make scrolls with such high-level materials, it will be a real waste. For a spirit emperor, Suddenly reminded the other spirits, everyone rushed out and flew towards the larger piece of fur.

I don't know which ones can make scrolls, so I just want to collect the big pieces first. At this time, even the White Python and the Stout Sparrow don't know what to do. The scene in front of them can't be suppressed at all.

A group of people was looting, and soon most of the furs were robbed by the people on the scene, and many of them fell into the water, and there were still many people below the realm of the spirits who were fighting, but these have nothing to do with them. Up.

Seeing that the others were about to leave, Venerable White Python and Venerable Lieque immediately side by side and intercepted all of them, "Don't go too busy, and hand over the fur in your hands." Venerable Lieque snorted coldly. Said to the others.

One of the big guys shouted: "What are you talking about, let us hand it over. Who doesn't know that fighting for the Void Ray's fur is based on their own ability. Although you two are strong, you have not yet reached the level of making the rules. Why? The two want to break the rules. With so many people here, as long as one escapes, the two of you don’t think about getting it right."

This kind of rule of competing for a certain item, but long ago, in order to prevent chaos from causing heavy casualties in the Heavenly Spiritual Realm, the rules set by several spiritual masters in combination have been used for many years.

If anyone dares to provoke, it will be unable to get through with the top sects, because it is the top powers that are maintaining these ancient rules. Here, if the two of them dare to mess around, they will offend the giant wooden gate.

Didn’t you see that because of the rules, the giant wooden door itself didn’t send anyone here? At most, the giant wooden door would be bought by people after the competition was over. Many people would send the fur to the giant wooden door. .

Venerable White Python quickly said: "How come, how can we disregard the rules, but someone stole a large piece of fur before, should this person be found first? This is the spoils of all of us." It's not in line with the rules, but thinking of benefits, other people have a little heart, and this alliance has also cracked.

Huo Hai sneered in his heart. He wanted to find that piece of fur. It was a dream. That piece of fur was in the ocean. But speaking of it, the piece of fur that Huo Hai took away was not smaller than two wings.

If it is used to make scrolls, the fur on the belly of the Void Ray has the most suitable locations for making scrolls. Among Huo Hai's inexplicable ways, it has become the biggest profiteer of this battle, and the two white pythons cannot match.

"I don't know how you two want to find this person." An old man not far away asked calmly.

Venerable Lieque glanced at him and snorted coldly: "Let go of your inner space and ring, and let us see it again." The inner space of these spirits is not without protection at all. Everyone uses their own spiritual power to cover them. If it gets up, otherwise, it can't be seen through casually. After being blocked, it is basically difficult for even the pinnacle to see what is in his inner space.

But once you let go of your spiritual protection, your inner space will be completely exposed to others' eyes. Anyone can see what's inside. This is a very dangerous thing. In this way, it is better to use the space ring to be more secure. It.

At least the space of the space ring is very fragile. Forcing your eyes to penetrate the space ring will cause the space ring to collapse as a whole.

Huo Hai doesn’t want them to explore, there are too many things in his inner space that cannot be seen, and his inner space is also a little outrageous, "How can you guarantee that you see the inner space of others? Treasure, I will not do it."

Huo Hai’s words sounded slowly. Before the two of them could find out who was talking, the others changed their faces: "Yes, yeah, how can you guarantee that if you see money, what will we do? We are not the two of you. Opponents."

Anyone who can become a Spiritual Venerable has no secrets. Whether it is the inner space or the space ring, it is the best place to hide personal secrets. If you let go of it, wouldn’t it be exposed to others? All The hole cards are exposed, which is very dangerous for them. It is impossible for all people to agree to such unreasonable demands.

"I think you two should abide by the rules. Whether it is stealing or other means, snatching the fur of the Void Ray is originally based on your own ability. If everyone is the same as you, how will everyone cooperate in the future."

The big man who had just spoken said once again that behind this person is a first-rate sect, and the first-rate sect has a spiritual sage, not two people who dare to offend Liequezun and Baimangzun. Look at other people. Many of them dare not offend casually.

If you offend all these people, it will not only make the giant wooden door disgusting, but will also have many more enemies. The two people looked at each other and felt a little irritable. This action was really a big loss.

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