Evil Insect God

Chapter 1398: end

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After hesitating for a long time, both sides have been in a stalemate here. Seeing that more and more people have noticed the situation here, many people have even sneaked away with this opportunity, and the two finally realized that they could not wait .

What happened here today can’t be concealed at all. Now, no one can conceal any news here, even if two people are strong, what can be done? The white python is in the form of a spirit beast, although there are spirit beasts behind it. Race, but he is not qualified to mobilize, those spirit beasts in the realm of Spiritual Saint, even more will not care about him.

As for the Swordsman, he was just a lucky lone ranger. In fact, he was a casual cultivator. There was nothing behind him. If they insisted on going their own way, even if they could make the harvest bigger, they would have no life to enjoy.

Thinking of this, Venerable White Python flashed his body and stepped aside: "Everyone, please, how dare we violate the rules? Since everyone thinks this is inappropriate, then we will not investigate." Nothing showed up.

Venerable Lieque opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he knew that he couldn't do anything. He closed his mouth helplessly. He could only look at these people with unwilling eyes. The two of them faintly felt that Those who secretly snatched things must be among these people, but unfortunately, they can only watch these people leave at this time.

The big man who had spoken before gave a cold snort, did not retract his weapon, and took the lead to fly away. When the others saw this, they left quickly, and had no intention of staying here.

Venerable White Mang and Venerable Lieque glanced at each other, and their eyes were full of resentment. The two of them complained about each other. If it weren't for the other side's troubles this time, how could their own gains be so small, and the two would not look pleasing to each other.

With a cold snort, Venerable White Python departed first. Venerable Lieque could only leave angrily when he saw this situation. The masters of Lingzun had already disappeared, so here is the world of earth-level masters, especially Those masters in the spirit emperor realm competed fiercely. Those rules are only applicable to the heavenly masters, and they have no binding force on them.

It's not that the effect of the rules is small, but the people who restrict it are different. In the eyes of the spirit gods and spirit saints, these land-level masters are nothing at all, even in the eyes of the spirits, they are actually not much different from the ants.

Soon after leaving, Huo Hai separated from the others and secretly returned to the blue sea. With the help of the two spirit insects Fluttershy and Xiaoshui, he explored the surroundings and found that there was really no Spirit Venerable here, Huo Hai Only then did I find a seaside with no people, and then quietly entered the sea, but did not go deep into it.

"Xiao Shui, come back quickly, we're leaving." Huo Hai didn't want to let the White Python and the Liequezun find themselves, let alone the two of them, even the other Seventh Heavenly Spirits, now Huo Haidu Not an opponent of the other side.

Xiao Shui quickly gathered, and the Void Ray fur wrapped in crystal nuclei was secretly delivered to Huo Hai. Huo Hai did not hesitate to include it in his inner space without any hesitation, and at the same time used a lot of spiritual crystals. Buried on it.

In this way, even if a master can see through his inner space, he won’t find the fur of the Void Ray if he doesn’t pay attention. Huo Hai’s fur is not intended to be sold to the Big Sect, but is intended to be made into his own assassin. After that, Xiao Shui gathered quickly, and was taken away by Huo Hai, and then left here without a sound.

The people in the battle, no one thought that under their eyelids, the biggest treasure had disappeared, but they won't be fighting here for too long, because they are making too much noise.

Soon, the powerful fierce beasts in the blue sea will be attracted. If they are attracted to the fierce beasts in the realm of Spiritual Venerable, it is probably not easy for them to escape. Therefore, when more and more fierce beasts are found, some people realize Bad has escaped.

As he flew all the way, Huo Hai was more careful on the way back, fully using the Qi Locking Technique to hide himself. There was a burst of explosion in the distance. Huo Hai sneaked closer to the past and found that three spirits were besieging a single spirit. Respect.

"Hand over the fur in your hand, don't deny it, we have seen you collect several pieces a long time ago." The leader said to the person in the middle. He didn't expect that if there were too many things collected, people would be spotted. When in the blue sea, because of the rules of snatching, they couldn't do it casually, but after leaving the blue sea, this was completely different.

Those who collect a lot of things are naturally easy to be targeted, but as long as they leave, they are not besieged by many masters, and these masters of spirits are not so easy to die. The four present are all the spirits of the second heaven.

"If you want something, stop dreaming. Even if I die, even if I throw things into the turbulent flow of time and space, I won't give it to you." The person in the middle is hard-hearted. Maybe he knows that he will be attacked by three people if he surrenders it. Right.

"Hmph, if that's the case, then you go to die." The three people glanced at each other, and at the same time launched an attack on the person in the middle. This person in the middle is one of the few people who have inner space. If you are not careful, one is not good. It is easy to destroy the inner space of the other party. Among the three of them, only the headed one has inner space.

At the time of the melee, a huge breath suddenly came down, and the movements of several people suddenly stopped. Then, four crystal clear white lights fell from the sky and fell on the four people, and the life breath of the four people suddenly It began to quickly dissipate, and immediately after that, two white lights fell, accurately hitting the position of the abdomen of the two of them.

The inner space of the pubic area of ​​the abdomen was completely torn in the next moment. After the contents all fell out, the two people had lost their vitality, and a figure suddenly appeared in the air.

"It's Venerable White Python, how could he be here." Huo Hai was startled, and quickly looked away. Venerable White Python was much stronger than himself. If he kept staring at Venerable White Python, he would definitely be discovered. Huo At this time, Hai could only run his own Qi Locking Technique with all his strength, locking his own breath firmly, if he was discovered, he still wondered what would happen.

Venerable White Python flew down, and quickly tidied things up, "Damn it, it wasn't what they did, who was it." The Venerable White Python didn't seem to be very strange, but it was actually right to think about it.

People who can easily take away such a large piece of fur under their eyelids are definitely not easy, at least they are spirits above the seventh heaven, or even the eighth heaven or even the ninth heaven.

The few present here are just clowns from the second heaven. They are nothing to do with the original. The White Python also knows that the other party has no background, and then he started to kill him and packed his things. In a flash, looking for the next target.

After a long time, when it was determined that the White Python Venerable had left and would not return suddenly, Huo Hai breathed a sigh of relief. The pressure on facing the high-level Spirit Venerable was too great, and his cultivation base was too bad Now, a trace of firmness flashed in Huo Hai's eyes, as long as the foundation was not damaged, he must improve his cultivation as soon as possible.

With a wave of his hand, the four groups of light of the soul flew over, "Fortunately, I was ready from the beginning, otherwise I would really let them escape." The white python did not know why, but just took these people The inner world is just destroyed.

Their souls did not obliterate them, and Huo Hai had secretly laid down his spiritual circle from the very beginning, just to prevent a certain person from dying, and he could collect the light of his soul.

This thing, whether it is used to enhance one's mental power or to create a new star soul guide in the future, is an indispensable treasure. It will soon be sealed and put into one's own inner space, Huo Only then did Hai continue to walk back secretly. On the way, Huo Hai discovered that the one who was hunting these spirits was not the white python.

Venerable Sparrow and even several other spiritual lords of different levels are doing this kind of thing. This thing seems to have become a customary rule, but those real masters can still easily leave here.

Spiritual masters are not so easy to kill. Many people even carry some special items for space teleportation on their bodies. The space of the heavenly spirit domain is indeed stable, but the space items are more developed, and teleportation scrolls are everywhere. .

After spending a whole week, Huo Hai finally left amidst the heavy blockade. Before and after this battle, the Ling Zun who came here was dead at least 20%. If it were placed in a sect, it would definitely be a big loss.

However, so many losses occurred in a large number of sects and casual cultivators, so it is nothing. Besides, all deaths seem to be below the fourth heaven. Even the spirits of the third heaven are only dead. It was just one, this guy was just out of bad luck, and met the Blessed Sparrow Venerable, otherwise he would die so easily.

Most of the people left here with their own gains. At the end of the day, the few people were not sure, who owns the biggest gain. After the blockade, Huo Hai finally returned to Wanyaomen safely. Site.

Returning to where he was, Huo Hai didn't alarm anyone. Even people from Wanyaomen didn't know that Huo Hai had gone out. Some things, as long as they didn't say it outright, no one would care.

After calming down for a while, Huo Hai began to refine a large number of medicines sent from Wanyaomen into Ziyundan. These were related to his spiritual harvest, and he could not be careless.

My own demand for spiritual marrow is growing, and it is really impossible to have enough spiritual marrow.

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