Evil Insect God

Chapter 1399: Special scroll

It took a month for Huo Hai to process all the materials. The refining of Ziyun Pill was very simple. Huo Hai could refine many different materials at the same time.

As a result, within a month, Huo Hai added a few hundred Ziyun Dan again. As long as he sold it at auction, he would not have to worry about his spirit for at least a while. .

After stopping, Huo Hai announced the retreat again. This time, he had to deal with the fur problem in his hands. In his room, Huo Hai quickly issued a star line and set up a lower layer of spiritual formation to block all the breath. Looking around, Huo Hai nodded in satisfaction: "Even the Peak Spirit Venerable will never want to see what I am doing now."

Afterwards, Huo Hai, who was relieved, took out the huge fur in his hand. This piece of fur, but the fur on the belly of the Void Ray, would be several tens of meters in size if it was fully spread out.

Huo Hai has some regrets. If all this stuff can be used to make scrolls, Huo Hai believes that this piece of fur can be made at least tens of thousands of scrolls. Unfortunately, even the fur on the abdomen can only be used to make scrolls. With a thousand scrolls, Huo Hai carefully cut the materials that can be used to make scrolls, and then carefully began to calculate.

"Two thousand sheets, so many can be made." The result was more than Huo Hai imagined. This huge piece of fur, with all the special locations on it that can be used to make scrolls, can actually make two thousand scrolls in total.

To judge which piece of fur can make a scroll, you need to feel carefully. If there is more, the strength must be even, and the strength to withstand spiritual power must be strong. Most importantly, this power must be able to adapt to external spiritual power. .

The skin of this Void Ray is condensed with a huge earth attribute power, and at the same time there is space power to temper. The toughest part of the whole body is the fur on the body. After so many years of tempering, even if it is dead now and the spiritual power is dissipated, the fur is still Being able to withstand tremendous power is the biggest reason why the fur of the Void Ray can be used to make scrolls.

As for most other inappropriate locations, Huo Hai can only temporarily put them away. These furs need to be processed before they can be used to make scrolls. Huo Hai sighs, the quality of this thing is really high.

"Senior-level twelve-level materials, this is already considered top-level materials." Huo Hai felt the power of this fur, and finally found that as long as it is the power of the spirits, it seems that this fur can withstand it, and the endurance is quite strong. powerful.

It would be too wasteful to use it for a person like the three-fold heavenly spirit, but no matter what, Huo Hai can only waste it like this. Forget it, his own safety is the most important thing, if there is no life. Now, who cares whether the materials are precious or not, Huo Hai is ready to make reel materials when he thinks of this.

Suddenly, Huo Hai focused his attention on a few relatively large pieces of fur. If these relatively large pieces of fur, if cut, each piece can make more than ten scrolls, "I don’t know, if you put ten What happens when the scrolls are stacked together."

The more he thinks about it, the brighter Huo Hai’s eyes become. If it is just an ordinary scroll, his power can only be about the same as his own, and his flexibility is far inferior to his own. Although he can improve his combat explosive power, it does not improve much. , But if combined, the power will continue to stack, and the effect will be much stronger than the original.

Soon, Huo Hai started to cut these large pieces of fur. In the end, Huo Hai got more than twenty pieces of this large piece of fur, and each piece had more than a dozen scrolls.

After that, Huo Hai began to deal with these pieces of fur. Don’t look at these furs being very thick, even thicker than Huo Hai’s two palms combined, but they are used to make scrolls, but they cannot be peeled off layer by layer, otherwise no effect.

To make a scroll, you must use a whole piece of fur. Under the cautious baking of Huohai’s star fire, the fur, which has no power, becomes dry little by little. All the impurities were tempered out, and the fur itself became thinner and thinner, slowly becoming like a piece of paper.

I don't know how long it has passed, the fur finally turned into a sheet of paper, but this kind of paper is actually very hard. Huo Hai recalled the general manufacturing method of scrolls, and then controlled his own flame to continue processing.

This kind of paper needs to become more brittle, so that it can be torn apart when fighting, and the power contained in it can be released. If the fur itself is too tough, it is not suitable for making a scroll for fighting.

Under the influence of Huo Hai’s power, the entire scroll quickly changed. The surface of the scroll was dotted with stars and looked exceptionally gorgeous, as if it were a piece of cloth painted with stars. This is what Huo Hai used when refining The fire of his own stars has tempered the scrolls and added strong spiritual power of the stars, and ordinary people will not be so messy in making scrolls.

Because Huo Hai wants to use it by himself, adding the power of stars can make it easier to make scrolls by himself, and the power will be stronger. Huo Hai handles the scroll paper very quickly, and it has been completed in a short time.

After that, it’s the special potion used to portray the scroll. This thing also needs a heaven-level elixir to configure. Huo Hai has some blood left by the void rays in his hand. This is the most suitable thing for making scrolls. It happens to be compatible with these furs. The supporting materials, Huo Hai had already had, after a little preparation, Huo Hai began to refine, similar to the method of alchemy.

Because it is necessary to make high-level scrolls, Huo Hai naturally cannot only use his own star line to build, which will greatly reduce the effect, and cannot play the real role of this fur. This is a very serious waste.

After that, Huo Hai cautiously began to study the manufacturing method of the new spirit formation. This kind of large combined spirit formation has never been used by anyone before, or in other words, no one has ever thought about it, but after all, the scroll is too big, so research it. It was not very troublesome. After a full ten days, Huo Hai finally constructed the united spirit formation completely.

After that, Huo Hai began to paint on the scroll. A strange star-like star was quickly portrayed by Huo Hai. Huo Hai’s current sword-qi attack has faintly surpassed that of the master of Lingzun Sixth Heaven. attack.

Therefore, after making the scroll, sealing one's own sword aura would definitely not be too bad, but Huo Hai did not inject strength, but once again portrayed the same spirit formation next to him, still using special lines to make contact.

While using special ink to portray, Huo Hai also incorporated his own star line into it, to strengthen the power of the spiritual formation, and also to stabilize the spiritual formation. After all, such a large combined spiritual formation has never been used by Huo Hai before. .

I don’t know how long it has passed, Huo Hai wiped the cold sweat on his head. At this time, a huge scroll is already covered with the special spiritual formations drawn by Huo Hai. Each one can be used as a scroll on it. After using the basic spirit array of, Huo Hai discovered that the entire scroll was densely covered with fifteen single spirit arrays.

This proves that Huo Hai can integrate fifteen attacks with his full strength at once. Since the scroll itself can withstand it, Huo Hai doesn’t have to worry, so Huo Hai starts to condense his sword energy with all his strength, and then touches the sword energy on the scroll. .

Not for attack, under Huo Hai's control, the scroll suddenly issued a terrifying suction, slowly absorbing the sword aura, and then sealed it to the scroll itself. Huo Hai released the sword aura while sealing it.

If it weren’t for Huo Hai’s own spiritual power to recover very quickly, he really couldn’t stop this absorption. From the beginning of absorbing spiritual power, Huo Hai would have been unable to stop it. Weakened, but what Huo Hai made was a combined scroll. Once the spiritual power was not enough, it would destroy the balance of the entire scroll.

At that time, the scroll either directly failed, or the power inside burst out. Huo Hai itself must be the first to bear the brunt. Huo Hai felt very stressed at this time, and even cold sweat slowly emerged.

I don't know how long it has passed, Huo Hai let out a long breath: "Finally completed." Huo Hai never thought that the last step of making the scroll would encounter such a danger, and his spiritual power was almost about to Exhausted.

This is also because of the fast recovery time. Fifteen full-strength attacks are superimposed on each other. As long as they are released, it is definitely a large sword formation. Huo Hai took a rest and felt a little bit. There was joy and depression in his eyes. , "Is the Nineth Heaven's attack only so strong." Unexpectedly, it was such a waste, and the top-level materials were used.

In the end, the large-scale joint scrolls that he had created could only exert the power of the Nine Heavens Spiritual Sovereign's full blow. The difference in each level of the Spiritual Sovereign realm was really too great.

You know, if Huo Hai’s scroll is cut open and placed in the hands of the right person, it is enough to become a dozen powerful scrolls of twelve levels, but there is no way, Huo Hai can only make this kind of thing now. coming.

It seems that materials can’t be wasted casually, Huo Hai thought silently in his mind, “Then just make three.” Huo Hai thought carefully and decided on the number of special reels he made. Other large-scale materials, temporarily Put it up first, wait until your own strength improves, use it if you need it, and put it temporarily if you don't need it.

In the future, it is always better to be able to directly manufacture a complete Tier 12 scroll than to waste like this. Take a break, and wait until he recovers to the peak again, Huo Hai will continue to enter the process of manufacturing the scroll.

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