Evil Insect God

Chapter 1401: Wanjieshan

In a blink of an eye, half a year has passed, and Huo Hai’s spiritual essence has basically been exhausted. His own spirit worms are still far from reaching the point where they reach the fourth heaven of the spirits, and they are still in the third heaven of the spirits. But the strength has improved a lot.

And Huo Hai himself, after using a lot of spiritual essence, has reached the level of the middle of the fourth heaven. Without the spiritual essence to help quickly accumulate the power to break the star core, it is really very difficult to cultivate quickly. Now a spiritual essence, It can even save Huo Hai's cultivation time for several years. After reaching the heavenly level, the gap between whether there are resources is so huge.

During this period of time, Huo Hai has successively handed over thousands of Ziyun Pills to the Wanyaomen. After the Wanyaomen test, the effects of these Ziyun Pills have been fully confirmed, and the reputation is also It has gradually been beaten out.

The Wanyao Sect does not believe that Huo Hai can refine so many Ziyun Pills in such a short period of time, because they have never thought that the pill that can enhance the strength of the masters of the Spirit Venerable realm will be so easy to refine, they I haven't seen it.

At least, they think it's impossible to find such a pill outside except for the top sect, and they don’t know that Huo Hai has a holy peak alchemy furnace support, otherwise the speed is not so fast, the Wanyao sect People have always thought that even if Huo Hai refines Ziyun Pills quickly, these cannot be refined within a short period of time, and are likely to be accumulated in the past.

Faced with this situation, Huo Hai did not explain. They thought it was better and they were a lot safer for themselves. As for Huo Hai’s identity, these people from the Wanyaomen really didn’t know, they just knew Huo Hai’s surname. Huo only.

There are too many people with the same surname. Even if they have the same name or even the same name, they are not uncommon in the Heavenly Spiritual Realm. Who has so many spiritual masters in the Heavenly Spiritual Realm? Master connects.

It's been a long time since Huo Hai had fought with anyone since the last battle, but Huo Hai knew that his current strength definitely surpassed Yin Lei Zun, "Huh, the next time I see it, it will surprise you." Huo Hai Hai Leng snorted, Yin Lei Zun was looking for Huo Hai, and the same Huo Hai was also looking for Yin Lei Zun, but both of them did not find each other.

On this day, Lao Renxuan, who hadn't seen him for a long time, appeared in front of Huo Hai: "Little friend Huo, we have not seen each other for a few months." Lao Renxuan was very happy to see Huo Hai. Give him a lot of Ziyundan.

The sale of these Ziyun Pills is actually divided into a certain amount by the Wanyaomen. The most important thing is that this time a large amount of Ziyundan was sold through Wanyaomen, and people outside did not know who the refiners were. Who.

Many people at this time even thought that this was a pill made by Wanyaomen. Therefore, during this period of time, all kinds of business of Wanyaomen have followed the tide. With the help of Huohai’s Ziyundan, Wanyaomen ushered in a new era. development of.

Huo Hai smiled slightly: "Long time no see, I don't know what the purpose of my brother is here this time." Huo Hai is a little strange, this Lao Renxuan is not idle and nothing, on the contrary, he has only one level of cultivation. Lingzun, among the large sects, is actually very busy. Almost all the things that need the Lingzun to appear in the sects are done by them.

Those who are not strong enough to take over these matters cannot take over these things, and those who are strong are not necessary. After all, everyone is a person with identities, so these first heavenly spiritual veterans, especially the pseudo-spirited ones Can take over these chores.

Lao Renxuan said with a smile: "My brother has forgotten the time during this period of retreat. The big auction I said is about to start. I am telling my brother to go with me. This time the big auction will be held. There are a lot of good things, don't you want to go see it?" Lao Renxuan said with a smile, seemingly not worried at all.

Huo Hai thought for a while. In fact, in the Heavenly Spirit Realm now, Huo Hai really hasn’t seen the world very much. Apart from the spirits, Huo Hai doesn’t know what else is useful to him. It's also a good thing to see.

Thinking of this, Huo Hai immediately said: "If this is the case, then it is better to be respectful." The two talked very happily and didn't need much preparation. They usually stay on their bodies, as long as they clean up, they will be on the road soon. Now, Huo Hai followed Lao Renxuan all the way through Wanyaomen's own teleportation formation, and soon came to another place, which was already close to the southern center.

"This is Wanjie Mountain, which is the location of this large-scale auction." After two days, the two people who were on the way while riding the teleportation array finally arrived at the destination, which is this very complicated and strange shape. Mountain.

This mountain seems to be a limestone landform. It is very complex, with rugged rocks and all kinds of environments, but Huo Hai knows that this is definitely not limestone, and the hardness of the stones here is not easy even if Huo Hai wants to destroy it.

Along the way, the two also met many people. They all went to Wanjieshan to participate in the auction conference. This auction conference, but a large-scale auction held every 100 years, is a grand event in the entire southeast region. At that time, even in the eastern and southern regions, there will be people who will come here specially. One can imagine how huge this auction is.

But seeing other people on the road, all of them are very restrained, unless they have deep hatred, otherwise they will not fight, Huo Hai also understands that because there are too many masters, once injured, they will easily become other people's targets.

Besides, once you do it, God knows if you will provoke a master for all kinds of strange reasons such as unpleasantness. In the end, it will be yourself. Therefore, the more masters here, the safer it will be to walk along the way.

"This mountain is so strange, I feel there is a strong force here." Huo Hai frowned and looked at the weird mountain range ahead.

Lao Renxuan was not surprised, and said directly: "The reason why I chose to be in this place is precisely because of this power. In fact, you did not realize that this Ten Thousand Tribulations Mountain is a famous and dangerous place in our southeast region because of this special power. , So unless you reach the realm of Spiritual Sage, no one can fly, and their own power will not be able to show 10%."

"In fact, let alone our spirits, even if it’s a spiritual sage, I’m afraid we can’t exert too much power in this kind of place, and we can’t develop our own cultivation base, but our defensive ability will not be affected, so ..."

There is no need for Lao Renxuan to go on. Huo Hai already understands that the attack has been greatly weakened, but the defense has not changed. For many masters, this place is a very safe place. In this kind of place, even the Spirit Venerable It is also very difficult for a pinnacle master to kill a person who is spiritually respected. As long as he does not sin against the spiritual sage, there is basically no danger.

But would anyone offend Lingsheng casually? That's just a joke. Besides, Lingsheng probably wouldn’t do that kind of bullying easily. Lingsheng also needs to take his reputation into consideration. Huo Hai knows this very well. .

Soon, the two of them entered all the way into the Ten Thousand Tribulation Mountain. As soon as they entered the mountain range, Huo Hai felt a very special force suppressed. Huo Hai’s own spiritual power was slowly suppressed, even his own perception and eyesight. Wait, it was gradually weakened, and Huo Hai felt that his strength was not much stronger than before breaking through the spirits.

However, Huo Hai knew that he was suppressed, and the others were the same. On the way, more and more people appeared here. This time it was really a grand event in the southeast region, where you can see masters of spirits everywhere.

On the contrary, those who have not reached the realm of the Spiritual Venerable are much less. Except for the Spiritual Emperor, no Spiritual Emperor can see it. Even the Spiritual Emperor, the overall number is only five of the Spiritual Venerable in Huo Hai’s eyes. It's only about times.

Even walking all the way, Huo Hai could still see several masters who reached the eleventh heaven and even the twelfth heaven.

As he walked, Lao Renxuan whispered: "Brother Huo, we have already promoted your Ziyun Pill, but the effect of this thing is not so bad after all, and because there are too many, so the main venue auction is It won’t appear anymore, don’t worry, although these Ziyun Dan can only be auctioned at the branch venue, the price will not disappoint you."

Hearing the words, Huo Hai nodded and didn’t say anything. In fact, even if the price drops, Huo Hai can still accept it. After all, he has too many purple cloud pills. Huo Hai took out thousands of them at once. Pieces.

Thousands of them are not a big deal for a large number of spiritual masters, but there are a lot of them in an auction. Besides, there are still many medicines that are no worse than Ziyun Pill at this time, and they really have status. People who are still staring at the better medicine pills, but in any case, Huo Hai is also looking forward to the price of this thousand Ziyundan auctions.

"Then, let's go to the branch venue first. I want to see how far the real price of Ziyun Dan can reach." Following Huo Hai's words, Lao Renxuan did not hesitate, and directly took Huo Hai towards one. Walk inside the col.

This Wanjieshan has always been used as a gathering place for large-scale events. The entire mountain range has been remodeled. This time the auction will be placed in this place. It does not make people feel unexpected. There are many mountain cols here. Many small venues for the auction this time were arranged here, but after the two arrived, the auction had not yet started.

"The auction in the small venue will only start in two days. Why don't we take a look at what's here first. As long as the price is right, many items can be bought without going through auction." Lao Renxuan whispered in Huo Hai Said in the ear.

Huo Hai has seen this form many times, and many auctions are actually like this, but this is fine.

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