Evil Insect God

Chapter 1402: auction

Before the start of the auction, the real good things will actually not appear outside. Huo Hai searched for them. Most of the outside were used by prefecture-level masters, not even for Lingdi. .

In fact, before the start of the real auction, most of the surrounding venues were still engaged in large-scale trade. For example, a batch of at least tens of thousands of elixir, which can be used to refine the types of imperial quality pill, is very important for the development of some sects. In other words, these are very valuable and very practical, but in fact they have no effect on Huo Hai.

The items that have truly reached the esteem level are actually already eligible for auction. Even if a few did not go up, it is because they are too incomplete or too tasteless, so they will appear here.

Huo Hai wandered around for a few days, but in the end he only bought a lot of elixir that he didn’t know or felt good, as well as some strange kinds of ores and worms. When these things were traded, they only used spirit crystals. Some are.

Lao Renxuan, who was next to him, didn’t say anything when he saw this scene, because he himself bought a lot of things like elixir ores. As an elixir, he often needs to use various things to make alchemy attempts, many strange pill. Medicine slowly appeared because of various attempts. In his opinion, Huo Hai was a true alchemy master.

In the eyes of the alchemist, everything in the world can be used to refine pills, but even now, no one can reach such a level. There are no medicinal things, and few people know how to stimulate their own characteristics.

Not to mention them, even the spirit gods can’t do it, but there are still many alchemists who constantly use some things that are not suitable for alchemy to experiment, so it won’t make people feel surprised if an alchemist buys anything. .

Two days passed in a flash. On this day, the peripheral auction finally began. “The peripheral auction will take place for a whole month. After this month, the official auction will begin. Let’s get a uniform first. It's not good to be recognized if you want to buy something." Lao Renxuan took Huo Hai and walked to a small house next to him.

Huo Hai also understood that although he couldn't do anything in this kind of place, he would not be restricted by the rules here once he left the scope of the Mountain of Ten Thousand Tribulations. It would still be troublesome if he was recognized. This was a normal reason.

Unless there are powerful forces behind them, such as disciples of top sects, these talents will not use these special clothes to cover up, and, in fact, many of the things sold here can be regarded as stolen goods or things with special effects. , If someone knows whose hands this thing falls into, some disputes will easily arise in the future.

The unified special costume of Wanjieshan was also a long robe, but Huo Hai could feel that there was an aura that made him feel terrified on the yellow robe. This breath belonged to the spiritual master.

All the robes here have restrictions set by the Spirit Sage. Even the Spirit Sage masters present don’t even want to see what the people inside the robes look like. It seems that after many years of management, this Mt. Set of.

In the end, only the disciples of the big sects, or the powerful masters who are not afraid of other people, did not use the special robes here. At a glance, it was yellow and it was really spectacular. I really don’t know why the robes here are not made by convention. Black or gray must be made into a color that makes Huo Hai feel uncomfortable.

The peripheral auction will last for a whole month, and then the official auction will be. Huo Hai has already understood why this is because once the official auction is over, then people with all kinds of thoughts will leave the Mountain of Myriad Tribulation.

At that time, there was chaos outside. Who is in the mood to buy things here? If the outside auction ends after the official auction, the impact on the auction will be very large. After so many years of development, these things will be early There is a set of rules and habits that have been formed, and everyone will follow them naturally.

Huo Hai held a list in his hand. Everyone here has a copy. After all, more than 20 venues started auctions at the same time, so the time and type of auctions of various items in each venue must be marked.

In this way, it can prevent some people in need from missing what they want, and it can also prevent these people from gathering together and causing other auction venues to fail smoothly. The managers here are really good.

"Hello everyone, I am the auctioneer who is presiding over the auction at Venue No. 1 today. All the elite masters of the Heavenly Spirit Continent are present, so everyone knows the rules. I won't talk about the extra." Suddenly, Huo Hai heard a crisp With a pleasant voice, he looked up, and I don't know when a woman appeared on the high platform of the venue, her silver-white hair was very eye-catching.

But then Huo Hai realized that this person should not be a human, but a spirit beast. The most important thing is that this person has a woody aura that makes Huo Hai suspect that this person should be a special plant incarnation. to make.

The women above the venue have a very high level of cultivation, as high as the sixth heaven of spiritual respect. They seem to be accustomed to this kind of eye-catching feeling, so they don’t care about people’s comments at all, but take your things naturally. Up here.

"Look at everyone, this is the first auction item today, Ziyun Dan. There are ten in total in one bottle..." The white-haired woman quickly introduced. Although her speech is fast, she clearly understands this Ziyun. Dan's effect is mainly used to break through the bottleneck.

"I didn't expect the first auction item to be related to us." Lao Renxuan said carefully. At this time in the venue, it is best not to speak when there is nothing to do, otherwise it is easy to offend people, and even if it is a voice, some At that time, he would also reveal his identity. Huo Hai nodded and didn't say a word. He wanted to see what price his pills could be auctioned.

When the auctioneer announced the start, the people below had already started bidding. As for those in the spirit emperor realm, they were not even qualified to bid. "One hundred spirits, I will give one spirit plus one hundred thousand spirit crystals. ."

Spiritual essence and spirit crystal cannot be measured by price ratio at all, spirit crystal is nothing in the eyes of many spiritual masters.

"Hmph, I have one hundred and thirty spirits." The competition erupted fiercely from the beginning, and the price of a bottle of elixir quickly rose from the price of ten spirits to more than one hundred spirits, but Huo Hai Already prepared.

Not far away, a young guy asked carefully: "Grandpa, don’t each of those Ziyun Pills only have the effect of ten quintessence? Why are there a hundred quintessence? The price is still rising. Ah." The little guy's grandfather is the image of a white-haired old man, but his cultivation has reached the height of the twelfth heaven of the spirits, and he is the strongest present.

The old man smiled slightly and touched his grandson’s head and whispered: “It’s very simple. Although the spiritual marrow can speed up the cultivation of the spiritual master, it has no effect when it encounters a bottleneck. But this pill is different. Although the pill has certain The side effect of, but when you encounter a bottleneck, you can use it to break through the past. Therefore, although the effect of this Ziyun Dan is equivalent to ten spiritual essences, it is definitely worth more than fifteen. Look, the price is not yet Reach the limit."

The two of them didn't worry about being heard at all. It seemed that the old man was not simple behind him. He was one of the few people who didn't use the robe here. Even his own robe was not worn on him.

The little guy nodded and seemed to understand something. The little guy is not very old, but he has already reached the height of a first-level spirit emperor. This kind of cultivation speed is even far faster than that of himself.

Huo Hai had a bitter smile in his heart. If he obtained the Heavenly Spirit Realm at his original cultivation speed, he would not seem to be a shocking genius. Of course, in terms of resources, Huo Hai could not be compared with the people here.

Huo Hai was not discouraged, because Huo Hai knew that there were so many little guys who practiced very fast, but he was not without advantages. At the end of the real practice, Huo Hai believed that he was absolutely far superior to these so-called geniuses, and he said to the old man. The price at this time has not risen to the limit at all, and the people below are still bidding.

Moreover, after hearing the old man's valuation, many people have almost fixed the price in their minds. As the price continues to rise, when it reaches one hundred and fifty spirits, the price has basically begun to stabilize.

In the end, this bottle of pill was bought by someone who couldn't see who it was for a price of one hundred and sixty souls. Huo Hai had probably already determined in his heart that his Ziyun Pill was at this price.

In this case, with thousands of Ziyun Pills, he can at least bring himself about 15,000 spiritual essence, so much spiritual essence, enough to raise one or two levels again, Huo Hai not only wants to break through. , Their own spirit worms also need to practice breakthroughs, these spirit worms are really big people who eat spiritual marrow, because they are too many.

Next are a few more items, but they are not of much use to Huo Hai, but even so, Huo Hai is an eye-opener, with a variety of sky-level materials, as well as some weapon embryos, and even some completed ones. , Can be seen here.

What surprised Huo Hai the most was that there was actually an auction of spiritual stone veins, and even an auction of a certain special resource production area. Is this really selling real estate? I don’t know who came up with it, Tian Ling. The mainland is respected by the strong, and if the strength is not enough, even if you buy it, you can't keep it, and if the strength is enough, you can just grab it.

Therefore, these lands were basically not sold at too high prices. At this time, another special item entered Huo Hai's sight. This time, the item was actually an unsurprising scroll.

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